Interface Waterlogged

All Superinterfaces:
BlockData, Cloneable
All Known Subinterfaces:
AmethystCluster, BigDripleaf, Campfire, Candle, Chain, Chest, CoralWallFan, Dripleaf, EnderChest, Fence, GlassPane, GlowLichen, Ladder, Lantern, Leaves, Light, LightningRod, MangrovePropagule, PointedDripstone, Rail, RedstoneRail, Scaffolding, SculkSensor, SculkShrieker, SeaPickle, Sign, Slab, SmallDripleaf, Stairs, TrapDoor, Wall, WallSign

public interface Waterlogged extends BlockData
'waterlogged' denotes whether this block has fluid in it.
  • Method Details

    • isWaterlogged

      boolean isWaterlogged()
      Gets the value of the 'waterlogged' property.
      the 'waterlogged' value
    • setWaterlogged

      void setWaterlogged(boolean waterlogged)
      Sets the value of the 'waterlogged' property.
      waterlogged - the new 'waterlogged' value