All Classes and Interfaces

Represents an arrow.
Represents the pickup status of this arrow.
An abstract implementation of a chat event, handling shared logic.
Represents a Horse-like creature.
An interface to the inventory of an AbstractHorse.
This interface defines or represents the abstract concept of skeleton-like entities on the server.
Represents a villager NPC
Represents an advancement that may be awarded to a player.
Describes the display of an advancement.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Defines how the AdvancementDisplay.icon() appears in the advancements screen and the color used with the advancement name.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
The individual status of an advancement for a player.
'age' represents the different growth stages that a crop-like block can go through.
Represents an entity that can age.
An Allay.
Represents an ambient mob
'power' represents the redstone power level currently being emitted or transmitted via this block.
Represents an Animal.
Called when an anvil is damaged from being used
Represents the amount of damage on an anvil block
Interface to the inventory of an Anvil.
Represents an area effect cloud which will imbue a potion effect onto entities which enter it.
Called when a lingering potion applies it's effects.
Represents types of locking mechanisms for ArmorStand equipment.
Called when an arrow enters or exists an entity's body.
Represents the art on a painting
An event fired when a Player sends a chat message to the server.
use AsyncChatEvent instead
draft API
Stores details for players attempting to log in.
Basic kick reasons for communicating to plugins
Allows plugins to compute tab completion results asynchronously.
A rich tab completion, consisting of a string suggestion, and a nullable Component tooltip.
'attached' denotes whether a tripwire hook or string forms a complete tripwire circuit and is ready to trigger.
Indicates that a block can be attached to another block
Represents an object which may contain attributes.
Types of attributes which may be present on an Attributable.
Represents a mutable instance of an attribute and its associated modifiers and values.
Concrete implementation of an attribute modifier.
Enumerable operation to be applied.
Represents a mutually perpendicular axis in 3D Cartesian coordinates.
An Axolotl.
Represents the variant of a axolotl - ie its color.
Represents a bucket of axolotl.
'leaves' represents the size of the leaves on this bamboo block.
Bamboo leaf size.
A single entry from a ban list.
A ban list, containing bans of some BanList.Type.
Represents a ban-type that a BanList may track.
Represents a captured state of a banner.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents a captured state of a Barrel.
BaseTag<T extends Keyed,C extends BaseTag<T,C>>
Represents a Bat
Called when a bat attempts to sleep or wake up from its slumber.
Represents a captured state of a beacon.
Called when a beacon is activated.
Called when a beacon is deactivated, either because its base block(s) or itself were destroyed.
Called when a beacon effect is being applied to a player.
Interface to the inventory of a Beacon.
does not provide useful information beyond the material itself
Similar to Bisected, 'part' denotes which half of the bed this block corresponds to.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Horizontal half of a bed.
Represents a Bee.
Represents a captured state of a bee hive.
'honey_level' represents the amount of honey stored in the hive.
Represents a captured state of Bell.
'attachment' denotes how the bell is attached to its block.
What the bell is attached to.
Called when a Raider is revealed by a bell.
Called when a bell is rung.
'tilt' indicates how far the leaf is tilted.
The tilt of a leaf.
Holds all accepted Biomes in the default server
Class for providing biomes.
'half' denotes which half of a two block tall material this block is.
The half of a vertically bisected block.
Represents a captured state of a blast furnace.
Represents a campfire recipe.
Represents a Blaze monster
Represents a block.
Called when a block forces another block to break and drop items.
Called when a block is broken by a player.
Called when a block is destroyed as a result of being burnt by fire.
Called when we try to place a block, to see if we can build it here or not.
A delegate for handling block changes.
Called when an ItemStack is successfully cooked in a block.
Called when a player stops damaging a Block.
Called when a block is damaged by a player.
Fired anytime the server intends to 'destroy' a block through some triggering reason.
Called when an equippable item is dispensed from a block and equipped on a nearby entity.
Called when an item is dispensed from a block.
Called if a block broken by a player drops an item.
Represents a block related event.
An event that's called when a block yields experience.
Called when a block explodes
Represents the face of a block
Called when a block fades, melts or disappears based on world conditions
Called when a block tries to dispense an item, but its inventory is empty.
Called with the block changes resulting from a player fertilizing a given block with bonemeal.
Called when a block is formed or spreads based on world conditions.
Represents events with a source block and a destination block, currently only applies to liquid (lava and water) and teleporting dragon eggs.
Called when a block grows naturally in the world.
Called when a block is ignited.
An enum to specify the cause of the ignite
Represents a block inventory holder - either a BlockState, or a regular Block.
This class performs ray tracing and iterates along blocks on a line
Fired when a single block placement action of a player triggers the creation of multiple blocks(e.g.
Thrown when a block physics check is called.
Called when a piston block is triggered
Called when a piston extends
Called when a piston retracts
Called when a block is placed by a player.
A block populator is responsible for generating a small area of blocks.
Called when a Sculk sensor receives a game event and hence might activate.
Called when a redstone current changes
Event fired when a dispenser shears a nearby sheep.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Called when a block spreads based on world conditions.
Represents a captured state of a block, which will not change automatically.
Represents a level of support a block can give on one of its faces.
A vector with a hash function that floors the X, Y, Z components, a la BlockVector in WorldEdit.
Represents a boat entity.
Represents the status of the boat.
Represents the type of boats.
Represents a book (Material.WRITABLE_BOOK or Material.WRITTEN_BOOK) that can have a title, an author, and pages.
Represents the generation (or level of copying) of a written book
BooleanPrompt is the base class for any prompt that requires a boolean response from the user.
Represents the Boss Entity.
A mutable axis aligned bounding box (AABB).
Represents an entity that can age and breed.
Interface to the inventory of a Brewing Stand.
Called when the brewing of the contents inside the Brewing Stand is complete.
Represents a captured state of a brewing stand.
Interface to the 'has_bottle_0', 'has_bottle_1', 'has_bottle_2' flags on a brewing stand which indicate which bottles are rendered on the outside.
Called when an ItemStack is about to increase the fuel level of a brewing stand.
Event triggered for server broadcast messages such as from Server.broadcast(String, String).
'drag' indicates whether a force will be applied on entities moving through this block.
Represents an entity that can be bucketed.
Represents the Bukkit core, for version and Server singleton handling
This class is designed to be used in conjunction with the ConfigurationSerializable API.
This class is designed to be used in conjunction with the ConfigurationSerializable API.
This class is provided as an easy way to handle scheduling tasks.
Represents a task being executed by the scheduler
Represents a worker thread for the scheduler.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
This is a cached version of a server-icon.
'bites' represents the amount of bites which have been taken from this slice of cake.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents a captured state of a campfire.
'signal_fire' denotes whether the fire is extra smokey due to having a hay bale placed beneath it.
Represents a campfire recipe.
'candles' represents the number of candles which are present.
Interface to the inventory of a Cartography table.
Represents the various different cat types there are.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents a Spider.
'berries' indicates whether the block has berries.
Thrown if a Plugin Channel is too long.
Thrown if a Plugin attempts to send a message on an unregistered channel.
All supported color values for chat
Listening to this event forces chat to wait for the main thread, delaying chat messages.
The ChatPaginator takes a raw string of arbitrary length and breaks it down into an array of strings appropriate for displaying on the Minecraft player console.
A chat renderer is responsible for rendering chat messages sent by Players to the server.
Similar to ChatRenderer, but without knowledge of the message viewer.
Represents a captured state of a chest.
'type' represents which part of a double chest this block is, or if it is a single chest.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Type of this chest block.
A Boat with a chest.
Represents Horse-like creatures which can carry an inventory.
Represents a Chicken.
Represents a chunk of blocks
Represents a Chunk related event
A chunk generator is responsible for the initial shaping of an entire chunk.
Biomes are now set with BiomeProvider
Data for a Chunk.
Called when a chunk is loaded
Thrown when a newly generated chunk has finished being populated.
Represents a static, thread-safe snapshot of chunk of blocks.
Called when a chunk is unloaded
What the client did to trigger this action (not the result).
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents the two types of coal
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents a cod fish.
Entities that can have their collars colored.
A container for a color palette.
An object that can be colored.
Represents a Command, which executes various tasks upon user input
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents a captured state of a command block.
'conditional' denotes whether this command block is conditional or not, i.e.
Thrown when an unhandled exception occurs during the execution of a Command
Represents a class which contains a single method for executing commands
Represents a captured state of an on / off comparator.
'mode' indicates what mode this comparator will operate in.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
The mode in which a comparator will operate in.
Represents a compass that can track a specific location.
Represents a single part of a ComplexLivingEntity
Represents a complex living entity - one that is made up of various smaller parts
Represents a complex recipe which has imperative server-defined behavior, eg armor dyeing.
Represents a captured state of a conduit.
Represents a source of configurable options and settings
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a Configuration
Represents a section of a Configuration
Represents an object that may be serialized.
Utility class for storing and retrieving classes for Configuration.
Represents a configured structure each with a StructureType.
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
Represents a captured state of a container block.
The Conversable interface is used to indicate objects that can have conversations.
The Conversation class is responsible for tracking the current state of a conversation, displaying prompts to the user, and dispatching the user's response to the appropriate place.
ConversationAbandonedEvent contains information about an abandoned conversation.
A ConversationCanceller is a class that cancels an active Conversation.
A ConversationContext provides continuity between nodes in the prompt graph by giving the developer access to the subject of the conversation and a generic map for storing values that are shared between all Prompt invocations.
A ConversationFactory is responsible for creating a Conversation from a predefined template.
A ConversationPrefix implementation prepends all output from the conversation to the player.
Represents a cooking recipe.
Represents a Cow.
Interface to the crafting inventories
Called when the recipe of an Item is completed inside a crafting matrix.
Represents a category in the creative inventory.
Represents a Creature.
Represents a captured state of a creature spawner.
Called when a creature is spawned into a world.
An enum to specify the type of spawning
Represents a Creeper
Called when a Creeper is ignite flag is changed (armed/disarmed to explode).
Called when a Creeper is struck by lightning.
An enum to specify the cause of the change in power
Criteria names which trigger an objective to be modified by actions in-game
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents the different growth states of crops
this API part has been replaced by the PersistentDataHolder API.
Represents an Entity that has health and can take damage.
Represents an item that has durability and can take damage.
'inverted' denotes whether this daylight detector is in the inverted mode, i.e.
Represents a captured state of a (possibly inverted) daylight detector.
Applies to a ConfigurationSerializable that will delegate all deserialization to another ConfigurationSerializable.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents the various difficulty levels that are available.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
'facing' represents the face towards which the block is pointing.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Similar to Powerable, 'triggered' indicates whether or not the dispenser is currently activated.
Represents a captured state of a dispenser.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Locations for displaying objectives to the player
Represents a Donkey - variant of ChestedHorse.
Annotation used to mark methods or constructors which should not be called.
'hinge' indicates which hinge this door is attached to and will rotate around when opened.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
The hinge of a door.
Represents a double chest.
Interface to the inventory of a Double Chest.
Represents a dragon battle state for a world with an end environment.
Represents a phase in the dragon respawn process.
Called when the EnderDragon is defeated (killed) in a DragonBattle, causing a Material.DRAGON_EGG (more formally: BlockGrowEvent.getNewState()) to possibly appear depending on DragonEggFormEvent.isCancelled().
Represents the effect of a drag that will be applied to an Inventory in an InventoryDragEvent.
Represents a captured state of a dropper.
Drowned zombie.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
All supported color values for dyes and cloth
A list of effects that the server is able to send to players.
Represents the type of an effect.
Represents a thrown egg.
Represents an ElderGuardian - variant of Guardian.
Is called when an ElderGuardian appears in front of a Player.
Interface to the inventory of an Enchantment Table.
Represents a captured state of an enchanting table.
Called when an ItemStack is successfully enchanted (currently at enchantment table)
The various type of enchantments that may be added to armour or weapons
A class for the available enchantment offers in the enchantment table.
EnchantmentMeta is specific to items that can store enchantments, as opposed to being enchanted.
Represents the applicable target for a Enchantment
A simple wrapper for ease of selecting Enchantments
Represents a captured state of an ender chest.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
A crystal that heals nearby EnderDragons
Represents an Ender Dragon
Represents a phase or action that an Ender Dragon can perform.
Called when an EnderDragon switches controller phase.
Fired when a DragonFireball collides with a block/entity and spawns an AreaEffectCloud
Fired when an EnderDragon spawns an AreaEffectCloud by shooting flames
Represents an ender dragon part
Fired when an EnderDragon shoots a fireball
Represents an Enderman.
Fired when an Enderman determines if it should attack a player or not.
Represents a thrown Ender Pearl entity
Represents an EnderSignal, which is created upon throwing an ender eye.
Represents a captured state of an end gateway.
'eye' denotes whether this end portal frame has been activated by having an eye of ender placed in it.
Called when entities are loaded.
Called when entities are unloaded.
Represents a base entity in the world
Fired any time an entity is being added to the world for any reason.
Called when the amount of air an entity has remaining changes.
Called when a block is formed by entities.
Represents a captured state of a block which stores entities.
Called when an Entity breaks a door
Called when one Entity breeds with another Entity.
A classification of entities which may behave differently than others or be affected uniquely by enchantments and potion effects among other things.
Called when any Entity changes a block and a more specific event is not available.
Called when a block causes an entity to combust.
Called when an entity causes another entity to combust.
Called when an entity combusts.
Called when an entity is damaged by a block
Called when an entity is damaged by an entity
Stores data for damage events
An enum to specify the cause of the damage
This API is responsible for a large number of implementation problems and is in general unsustainable to maintain.
Called when an item on or used by an entity takes durability damage as a result of being hit/used.
Thrown whenever a LivingEntity dies
Called when an entity stops riding another entity.
Thrown when an entity creates an item drop.
Called when an entity is dyed.
A list of all Effects that can happen to entities.
Called when an Entity enters a block and is stored in that block.
Called when an entity enters love mode.
An interface to a creatures inventory
Represents an Entity-related event
Called when a human entity experiences exhaustion.
The reason for why a PlayerExhaustionEvent takes place
Called when an entity explodes
Called when an entity enters the hitbox of a block.
Called when an entity interacts with an object
Called when an entity jumps
Fired when an Entity is knocked back by the hit of another Entity.
Called when a LivingEntity loads a crossbow with a projectile.
Called when an entity attempts to ride another entity.
Holds information for living entity movement events
Fired when an Entity decides to start moving towards a location.
Thrown when a entity picks an item up from the ground
Triggered when a entity is created in the world by a player "placing" an item on a block.
Called when an entity comes into contact with a portal
Called when a non-player entity is about to teleport because it is in contact with a portal.
Called before an entity exits a portal.
Called when an entity is ready to be teleported by a plugin.
Called when an entity changes its pose.
Called when a potion effect is modified on an entity.
An enum to specify the action to be performed.
An enum to specify the cause why an effect was changed.
Stores data for health-regain events
An enum to specify the type of health regaining that is occurring
Fired any time an entity is being removed from a world for any reason
Called when an entity dies and may have the opportunity to be resurrected.
Called when a LivingEntity shoots a bow firing an arrow
Called when an entity is spawned into a world.
Called when a Spellcaster casts a spell.
All tags in this class are unmodifiable, attempting to modify them will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
Thrown when a LivingEntity is tamed
Called when a creature targets or untargets another entity
An enum to specify the reason for the targeting
Called when an Entity targets a LivingEntity and can only target LivingEntity's.
Fired any time an entity attempts to teleport in an end gateway
Thrown when a non-player entity is teleported from one location to another.
Sent when an entity's gliding status is toggled with an Elytra.
Sent when an entity's swimming status is toggled.
Bukkit has added EntityTransformEvent, you should start using that
Called when an entity is about to be replaced by another entity.
Called immediately prior to an entity being unleashed.
Fired when lightning strikes an entity
EulerAngle is used to represent 3 angles, one for each axis (x, y, z).
Represents an event.
Interface which defines the class for event call backs to plugins
An annotation to mark methods as being event handler methods
Represents an event's priority in execution.
Represents an Evoker "Illager".
future versions of Minecraft have additional spell casting entities.
Represents Evoker Fangs.
An ExactMatchConversationCanceller cancels a conversation if the user enters an exact input string
Called when a ThrownExpBottle hits and releases experience.
Represents an Experience Orb.
Reasons for why this Experience Orb was spawned
Fired anytime the server is about to merge 2 experience orbs into one
Called when an entity has made a decision to explode.
A representation of an explosive entity
Represents a Minecart with TNT inside it that can explode when triggered.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
'face' represents the face to which a lever or button is stuck.
The face to which a switch type block is stuck.
Represents a falling block
The 'moisture' level of farmland indicates how close it is to a water source (if any).
This is a base class for all File based implementations of Configuration
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a FileConfiguration
Class containing file utilities
Fired once a profiles additional properties (such as textures) has been filled
md_5's mixtape.
Represents a Fireball.
Represents a single firework effect.
This is a builder for FireworkEffects.
The type or shape of the effect.
Represents a meta that can store a single FireworkEffect.
Called when a firework explodes.
Represents a Material.FIREWORK_ROCKET and its effects.
Represents a fish entity.
Represents a fishing hook.
Represents a state in which a fishing hook may be.
A FixedMetadataValue is a special case metadata item that contains the same value forever after initialization.
FixedSetPrompt is the base class for any prompt that requires a fixed set response from the user.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Determines the collision behavior when fluids get hit during ray tracing.
Called when the fluid level of a block changes due to changes in adjacent blocks.
Represents a Flying Entity.
Called when a human entity's food level changes
What does the fox say?
Represents the various different fox types there are.
A Frog.
Represents the variant of a frog - ie its color.
Represents a captured state of a furnace.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Called when an ItemStack is successfully burned as fuel in a furnace.
This event is called when a player takes items out of the furnace
Interface to the inventory of a Furnace.
Represents a furnace recipe.
Called when an ItemStack is successfully smelted in a furnace.
Represents a generic Mojang game event.
Represents the various type of game modes that HumanEntitys may have
GameRules dictate certain behavior within Minecraft itself
For more information please visit the Minecraft Wiki
'in_wall" indicates if the fence gate is attached to a wall, and if true the texture is lowered by a small amount to blend in better.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Lacking an alternative, the help system will create instances of GenericCommandHelpTopic for each command in the server's CommandMap.
Represents a generic Mojang game event.
Represents a Ghast.
Represents a Giant.
A Glow Item Frame.
A Glow Squid.
Goal<T extends Mob>
Represents an AI goal of an entity
GoalKey<T extends Mob>
Used to identify a Goal.
Represents the subtype of a goal.
A Goat.
A mechanical creature that may harm enemies.
Interface to the inventory of a Grindstone.
This event is fired if server is getting queried over GS4 Query protocol Adapted from Velocity's ProxyQueryEvent
A builder for GS4QueryEvent.QueryResponse objects.
Plugin information
The type of query
A list of event handlers, stored per-event.
'hanging' denotes whether the lantern is hanging from a block.
Represents a Hanging entity
Triggered when a hanging entity is removed by an entity
Triggered when a hanging entity is removed
An enum to specify the cause of the removal
Represents a hanging entity-related event.
Triggered when a hanging entity is created in the world
Further information regarding heightmaps.
Upstream has added their own API for using the game heightmaps.
The HelpMap tracks all help topics registered in a Bukkit server.
HelpTopic implementations are displayed to the user when the user uses the /help command.
Used to impose a custom total ordering on help topics.
A HelpTopicFactory is used to create custom HelpTopic objects from commands that inherit from a common base class or have executors that inherit from a common base class.
Represents a Hoglin.
Similar to Powerable, 'enabled' indicates whether or not the hopper is currently activated.
Represents a captured state of a hopper.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents a Minecart with a Hopper inside it
Represents a Horse.
Represents the base color that the horse has.
Represents the style, or markings, that the horse has.
different variants are differing classes
An interface to the inventory of a Horse.
Called when a horse jumps.
Represents a human entity, such as an NPC or a player
Represents a Husk - variant of Zombie.
Represents a type of "Illager".
Not used
Thrown when a plugin attempts to interact with the server when it is not enabled
Represents an Illusioner "Illager".
An InactivityConversationCanceller will cancel a Conversation after a period of inactivity by the user.
This help topic generates a list of other help topics.
Exception thrown when attempting to load an invalid Configuration
Thrown when attempting to load an invalid PluginDescriptionFile
Thrown when attempting to load an invalid Plugin file
Interface to the various inventories.
An estimation of what the result will be.
This event is called when a player clicks in an inventory.
Represents a player related inventory event
This event is called when a player in creative mode puts down or picks up an item in their inventory / hotbar and when they drop items from their Inventory while in creative mode.
This event is called when the player drags an item in their cursor across the inventory.
Represents a player related inventory event
An abstract base class for events that describe an interaction between a HumanEntity and the contents of an Inventory.
Called when some entity or block (e.g.
Represents a player related inventory event
Called when a hopper or hopper minecart picks up a dropped item.
Represents the different kinds of inventories available in Bukkit.
Represents a view linking two inventories and a single player (whose inventory may or may not be one of the two).
Represents various extra properties of certain inventory windows.
An iron Golem that protects Villages.
Represents a dropped item.
This event is called when a Item is removed from the world because it has existed for 5 minutes.
An instance of the ItemFactory can be obtained with Server.getItemFactory().
A ItemFlag can hide some Attributes from ItemStacks
Represents an Item Frame
This type represents the storage mechanism for auxiliary item data.
Called when an item is spawned into a world
Represents a stack of items.
Draft API
this API part has been replaced by PersistentDataHolder.
please use PersistentDataType as this part of the api is being replaced
A default implementation that simply exists to pass on the retrieved or inserted value to the next layer.
Represents a Java plugin
Represents a Java plugin loader, allowing plugins in the form of .jar
'orientation' is the direction the block is facing.
Represents a captured state of a jigsaw.
The directions the Jigsaw can be oriented.
Provides Utility methods that assist with generating JSON Objects
Simply stores a key and a value, used internally by many methods below.
'has_record' is a quick flag to check whether this jukebox has a record inside it.
Represents a captured state of a jukebox.
Represents an object which has a NamespacedKey attached to it.
Represents a custom BossBar that has a NamespacedKey
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents a large Fireball
The LazyMetadataValue class implements a type of metadata that is not computed until another plugin asks for it.
Describes possible caching strategies for metadata.
Represents a Leash Hitch on a fence
'persistent' indicates whether or not leaves will be checked by the server to see if they are subject to decay or not.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Called when leaves are decaying naturally.
'has_book' is a quick flag to check whether this lectern has a book inside it.
Represents a captured state of a lectern.
Interface to the inventory of a Lectern.
'level' represents the amount of fluid contained within this block, either by itself or inside a cauldron.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
'lit' denotes whether this block (either a redstone torch or furnace) is currently lit - that is not burned out.
Represents an instance of a lightning strike.
Stores data for lightning striking
A limited region is used in world generation for features which are going over a chunk.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
should not be used for anything, use ThrownPotion and set the potion via the methods there.
Called when a splash potion hits an area
Simple interface for tagging all EventListeners
Represents a living entity, such as a monster or player
Represents a Llama.
Represents the base color that the llama has.
An interface to the inventory of a Llama.
Represents Llama spit.
Allows you to pass a Loader function that when a key is accessed that doesn't exist, automatically loads the entry into the map by calling the loader Function.
Due to java stuff, you will need to cast it to (Function) for some cases
Allows you to pass a Loader function that when a key is accessed that doesn't exists, automatically loads the entry into the map by calling the loader Function.
Due to java stuff, you will need to cast it to (Function) for some cases
Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.
Represents a block (usually a container) that may be locked.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents what part of the entity should be used when determining where to face a location/entity.
Allows a plugin to be notified anytime AFTER a Profile has been looked up from the Mojang API This is an opportunity to view the response and potentially cache things.
Interface to the inventory of a Loom.
Represents a Container or a Mob that can have a loot table.
Represents an Inventory that can generate loot, such as Chests inside of Fortresses and Mineshafts
Represents an Inventory that can generate loot, such as Minecarts inside of Mineshafts
Represents an Inventory that contains a Loot Table associated to it that will automatically fill on first open.
Represents additional information a LootTable can use to modify it's generated loot.
Utility class to make building LootContext easier.
Called when a LootTable is generated in the world for an InventoryHolder.
LootTables are technical files that represent what items should be in naturally generated containers, what items should be dropped when killing a mob, or what items can be fished.
This enum holds a list of all known LootTables offered by Mojang.
Represents a MagmaCube.
Represents the chosen main hand of a player
The ManuallyAbandonedConversationCanceller is only used as part of a ConversationAbandonedEvent to indicate that the conversation was manually abandoned by programmatically calling the abandon() method on it.
Represents a canvas for drawing to a map.
Represents a cursor on a map.
Represents the standard types of map cursors.
Represents all the map cursors on a MapCanvas.
Represents a bitmap font drawable to a map.
Represents the graphics for a single character in a MapFont.
Called when a map is initialized.
Represents a map that can be scalable.
Represents the palette that map items use.
Holds cached information for matching map colors of a given RBG color.
Represents a renderer for a map.
Represents a map item.
An enum representing all possible scales a map can be set to.
A Marker entity, exists only on the server.
Called when a GameMasterBlock is fired (i.e.
An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and client
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents a collection tags to identify materials that share common properties.
This is a Configuration implementation that does not save or load from any source, and stores all values in memory only.
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a MemoryConfiguration
Represents a key used for accessing memory values of a LivingEntity.
A type of ConfigurationSection that is stored in memory.
Represents a merchant.
Represents a trading inventory between a player and a merchant.
Represents a merchant's trade.
For when all you care about is just messaging
MessagePrompt is the base class for any prompt that only displays a message to the user and requires no input.
Thrown if a Plugin Message is sent that is too large to be sent.
A class responsible for managing the registrations of plugin channels and their listeners.
This interface is implemented by all objects that can provide metadata about themselves.
A MetadataConversionException is thrown any time a LazyMetadataValue attempts to convert a metadata value to an inappropriate data type.
A MetadataEvaluationException is thrown any time a LazyMetadataValue fails to evaluate its value due to an exception.
Optional base class for facilitating MetadataValue implementations.
Represents a minecart entity.
Represents the built-in Minecraft font.
Represents how a Structure can be mirrored upon being loaded.
Represents a Mob.
Represents a part of the "brain" of a mob.
Called when the moisture level of a soil block changes.
Represents a Monster.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Implements a Most Recently Used cache in front of a backing map, to quickly access the last accessed result.
Represents a Mule - variant of ChestedHorse.
Represents a command that delegates to one or more other commands
This class encompasses the 'north', 'east', 'south', 'west', 'up', 'down' boolean flags which are used to set which faces of the block textures are displayed on.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
use BlockData
Represents a mushroom Cow
Represents the variant of a cow - ie its color.
Represents a namespaced resource, see NamespacedKey for single elements or NamespacedTag for a collection of elements Namespaces may only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, and hyphens.
Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.
Represents a String based key pertaining to a tagged entry.
replaced by Team.OptionStatus
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents a client connected to the server.
Base class for all noise generators
A note class to store a specific note.
An enum holding tones.
'instrument' is the type of sound made when this note block is activated.
Called when a note block is being played through player interaction or a redstone current.
Represents a non-player character
NullConversationPrefix is a ConversationPrefix implementation that displays nothing in front of conversation output.
Utils for casting number types to other number types
NumericPrompt is the base class for any prompt that requires a Number response from the user.
An objective on a scoreboard that can show scores specific to entries.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
A wild tameable cat
Cats are now a separate entity.
Creates noise using unbiased octaves
'open' denotes whether this block is currently opened.
'axis' represents the axis along whilst this block is oriented.
Represents a Painting.
Represent a variation of a structure.
Panda entity.
Paper API-specific methods for working with Components and related.
Prevents plugins (e.g.
Extended version of ServerListPingEvent that allows full control of the response sent to the client.
Represents a Parrot.
Represents the variant of a parrot - ie its color.
Options which can be applied to redstone dust particles - a particle color and size.
Options which can be applied to a color transitioning dust particles.
Helps prepare a particle to be sent to players.
Handles pathfinding operations for an Entity
Represents the result of a pathfinding calculation
Generates noise using the "classic" perlin generator
Creates perlin noise through unbiased octaves
Represents an object that may be assigned permissions
Base Permissible for use in any Permissible object via proxy or extension
Represents a unique permission that may be attached to a Permissible
Holds information about a permission attachment on a Permissible object
Holds information on a permission and which PermissionAttachment provides it
Represents the possible default values for permissions
Represents a class which is to be notified when a PermissionAttachment is removed from a Permissible
This interface represents the context in which the PersistentDataType can serialize and deserialize the passed values.
This interface represents a map like object, capable of storing custom tags in it.
The PersistentDataHolder interface defines an object that can store custom persistent meta data on it.
This class represents an enum with a generic content type.
A default implementation that simply exists to pass on the retrieved or inserted value to the next layer.
Represents a phantom.
Called when a phantom is spawned for an exhausted player
Represents a Pig.
Represents a Piglin.
Piglin / Piglin Brute.
Stores all data related to the bartering interaction with a piglin.
Represents a Piglin Brute.
Stores data for pigs being zapped
Represents a Pig Zombie.
Called when a Pig Zombie is angered by another entity.
Illager entity.
'extended' denotes whether the piston head is currently extended or not.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
'short' denotes this piston head is shorter than the usual amount because it is currently retracting.
Represents how a block or entity will react when interacting with a piston when it is extending or retracting.
Represents a player, connected or not
Called when a player is granted a criteria in an advancement.
Called when a player has completed all criteria in an advancement.
Represents a player animation event
Use PlayerArmSwingEvent for determining which arm was swung.
Different types of player animations
Called when the player themselves change their armor items
Called when a player interacts with an armor stand and will either swap, retrieve or place an item.
Called when processing a player's attack on an entity when the player's attack strength cooldown is reset
Thrown when a player attempts to pick an item up from the ground
This event is fired when the player is almost about to enter the bed.
Represents the default possible outcomes of this event.
This event is fired when the player is leaving a bed.
Called when a player empties a bucket
This event is called whenever a player captures an entity in a bucket.
Called when a player interacts with a Bucket
Called when a player fills a bucket
Use the more generic PlayerBucketEntityEvent
Called when a player sets the effect for a beacon
Called when a player changes their main hand in the client settings.
Called when a player switches to another world.
This event is called after a player registers or unregisters a new plugin channel.
This event will fire from the main thread and allows the use of all of the Bukkit API, unlike the AsyncPlayerChatEvent.
This event is no longer fired due to client changes
Is called when a Player receives a Chunk
Is called when a Player receives a chunk unload packet.
Called when the player changes his client settings
This event is called whenever a player runs a command (by placing a slash at the start of their message).
This event is called when the list of available server commands is sent to the player.
This event is invoked when a player has disconnected.
Thrown whenever a Player dies
Called when a player has slept long enough to count as passing the night/storm.
Thrown when a player drops an item from their inventory
Called when a player edits or signs a book and quill item.
Called when a player throws an egg and it might hatch
Fired when a player boosts elytra flight with a firework
Represents a player related event
Called when a players experience changes naturally
Thrown when a player is fishing
An enum to specify the state of the fishing
Called when a player places an item in or takes an item out of a flowerpot.
Called when the GameMode of the player is changed.
This event is fired during a player handshake.
This event is called whenever a player harvests a block.
Called when a visible entity is hidden from a player.
Use PlayerSpawnLocationEvent, Duplicate API
Represents an event that is called when a player right clicks an entity that also contains the location where the entity was clicked.
Represents an event that is called when a player right clicks an entity.
Represents an event that is called when a player interacts with an object or air, potentially fired once for each hand.
Interface to the inventory of a Player, including the four armor slots and any extra slots.
Fired when a player's item breaks (such as a shovel or flint and steel).
This event will fire when a player is finishing consuming an item (food, potion, milk bucket).
Fired when a player receives an item cooldown.
Called when an item used by the player takes durability damage as a result of being used.
Called when an ItemFrame is having an item rotated, added, or removed from it.
Fired when a player changes their currently held item
Represents when a player has an item repaired via the Mending enchantment.
Called when a player joins a server
Called when the server detects the player is jumping.
Called when a player gets kicked from the server
Called when a player shoots a projectile
Called immediately prior to a creature being leashed by a player.
Called when a players level changes
Replaced by PlayerLocaleChangeEvent upstream
Called when a player changes their locale in the client settings.
Stores details for players attempting to log in.
Basic kick reasons for communicating to plugins
Called when a player selects a banner patten in a loom inventory.
Holds information for player movement events
Called when the player is attempting to rename a mob
PlayerNamePrompt is the base class for any prompt that requires the player to enter another player's name.
Fired when the server is calculating what chunks to try to spawn monsters in every Monster Spawn Tick event
Thrown when a player picks up an arrow from the ground.
Fired when a player is attempting to pick up an experience orb
Called when a player is about to teleport because it is in contact with a portal which will generate an exit portal.
Fired after a player has respawned
This event causes synchronization from the login thread; AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent is preferred to keep the secondary threads asynchronous.
Basic kick reasons for communicating to plugins
Represents a players profile for the game, such as UUID, Name, and textures.
Called when a player trades with a standalone merchant GUI.
Called when a player leaves a server
Called when a player is firing a bow and the server is choosing an arrow to use.
Called when a player clicks a recipe in the recipe book
Called when a player discovers a new recipe in the recipe book.
This is called immediately after a player registers for a plugin channel.
Called when a player takes action on a resource pack request sent via Player.setResourcePack(java.lang.String).
Status of the resource pack.
Called when a player respawns.
This event is fired when the player activates the riptide enchantment, using their trident to propel them through the air.
Called when a player's spawn is set, either by themselves or otherwise.
Cancelling this event will prevent the spawn from being set.
Called when a player uses sheers on a block.
Called when a player shears an entity
Called when a hidden entity is shown to a player.
Called when a Player clicks a sign that causes a command to run.
Called when player is about to spawn in a world after joining the server.
Triggered when a player starts spectating an entity in spectator mode.
Called when a player statistic is incremented.
Triggered when a player stops spectating an entity in spectator mode.
Called when the server detects a player stopping using an item.
Called when a player swap items between main hand and off hand using the hotkey.
This event is called when a player clicks the button to take a book of a Lectern.
Fired when a teleport is triggered for an End Gateway
Holds information for player teleport events
Provides access to the textures stored inside a PlayerProfile.
The different Minecraft skin models.
Called when a player toggles their flying state
Called when a player toggles their sneaking state
Called when a player toggles their sprinting state
Called when a player trades with a villager or wandering trader
Called prior to an entity being unleashed due to a player's action.
This is called immediately after a player unregisters for a plugin channel.
Called when the velocity of a player changes.
Represents a Plugin
Represents a concept that a plugin is aware of.
Each entry here represents a particular plugin's awareness.
Represents a base Plugin
Represents the different directions a plugin channel may go.
A ClassLoader for plugins, to allow shared classes across multiple plugins
Represents a Command belonging to a plugin
This type is the runtime-container for the information in the plugin.yml.
Called when a plugin is disabled.
Called when a plugin is enabled.
Used for plugin enable and disable events
This interface is used by the help system to group commands into sub-indexes based on the Plugin they are a part of.
Represents a plugin loader, which handles direct access to specific types of plugins
Represents the order in which a plugin should be initialized and enabled
The PluginLogger class is a modified Logger that prepends all logging calls with the name of the plugin doing the logging.
Handles all plugin management from the Server
A listener for a specific Plugin Channel, which will receive notifications of messages sent from a client.
Contains information about a Plugins registration to a plugin channel.
Represents a possible recipient for a Plugin Message.
PluginNameConversationPrefix is a ConversationPrefix implementation that displays the plugin name in front of conversation output.
'thickness' represents the dripstone thickness.
Represents the thickness of the dripstone, corresponding to its position within a multi-block dripstone formation.
Represents a polar bear.
Called when a portal is created
An enum to specify the various reasons for a portal's creation
Represents various types of portals that can be made in a world.
Represents an entity body pose.
Represents a brewer that can create PotionEffects.
Represents a potion effect, that can be added to a LivingEntity.
Represents a type of potion and its effect on an entity.
Category of PotionEffectTypes
Represents a potion or item that can have custom effects.
Represents a potion mix made in a Brewing Stand.
Called when a splash potion hits an area
This enum reflects and matches each potion state that can be obtained from the Creative mode inventory
'powered' indicates whether this block is in the powered state or not, i.e.
Represents a powered minecart.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
WARNING: This event only fires for a limited number of cases, and not for every case that CreatureSpawnEvent does.
Fired when the server is requesting to fill in properties of an incomplete profile, such as textures.
Allows a plugin to intercept a Profile Lookup for a Profile by name At the point of event fire, the UUID and properties are unset.
Called when an item is put in a slot for repair by an anvil.
Called when an ItemStack is inserted in an enchantment table - can be called multiple times
Called when an item is put in an inventory containing a result slot
Called when an item is put in a slot for upgrade by a Smithing Table.
Called before an entity is spawned into a world by a spawner.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents a property on a PlayerProfile
Fires when the server needs to verify if a player is whitelisted.
Represents a shootable entity.
Called when an projectile collides with an entity
Called when a projectile hits an object
Called when a projectile is launched.
Represents a valid source of a projectile.
A Prompt is the main constituent of a Conversation.
Represents a puffer fish.
Called just before a PufferFish inflates or deflates.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents the various types a Rabbit might be.
Represents a raid event.
Represents the status of a Raid.
Represents events related to raids.
This event is called when a Raid was complete with a clear result.
Called when a raid wave spawns.
Called when a Raid is stopped.
Called when a Raid is triggered (e.g: a player with Bad Omen effect enters a village).
'shape' represents the current layout of a minecart rail.
The different types of shapes a rail block can occupy.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Illager beast.
The hit result of a ray trace.
Represents some type of crafting recipe.
Represents a potential item match within a recipe.
Represents a choice that will be valid only one of the stacks is exactly matched (aside from stack size).
Represents a choice of multiple matching Materials.
Indicated a Material that may carry or create a Redstone current
A type of minecart rail which interacts with redstone in one way or another.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
'north', 'east', 'south', 'west' represent the types of connections this redstone wire has to adjacent blocks.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
The way in which a redstone wire can connect to an adjacent block face.
Reference<T extends Keyed>
Represents a reference to a server-backed registry value that may change.
RegexPrompt is the base class for any prompt that requires an input validated by a regular expression.
A RegionAccessor gives access to getting, modifying and spawning Biome, BlockState and Entity, as well as generating some basic structures.
Stores relevant information for plugin listeners
A registered service provider.
Registry<T extends Keyed>
Represents a registry of Bukkit objects that may be retrieved by NamespacedKey.
Represents coordinates in a teleportation that should be handled relatively.
This event is called when a command is received over RCON.
Controls the way in which an Objective is rendered client side.
Represents an item that can be repaired at an anvil.
'delay' is the propagation delay of a repeater, i.e.
A reputation score for a player on a villager.
A type of reputation gained with a Villager.
Thrown if a plugin attempts to register for a reserved channel (such as "REGISTER")
'charges' represents the amount of times the anchor may still be used.
Represents a minecart that can have certain entities as passengers.
'rotation' represents the current rotation of this block.
An enum to specify a rotation based orientation, like that on a clock.
Represents a salmon fish.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
'stage' represents the growth stage of a sapling.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
'bottom' indicates whether the scaffolding is floating or not.
A score entry for an entry on an objective.
A scoreboard
Manager of Scoreboards
'bloom' indicates whether the sculk catalyst is actively spreading the sculk or not.
Represents a captured state of a sculk catalyst.
'sculk_sensor_phase' indicates the current operational phase of the sensor.
Represents a captured state of a sculk sensor
The Phase of the sensor.
'can_summon' indicates whether the sculk shrieker can summon the warden.
Represents a captured state of a sculk shrieker.
'pickles' indicates the number of pickles in this block.
Represents an "alias" that a ConfigurationSerializable may be stored as.
Represents a server implementation.
This event is called when a command is run by a non-player.
Thrown when a command throws an exception
Miscellaneous server events
Exception thrown when a server event listener throws an exception
Wrapper exception for all exceptions that are thrown by the server.
Called whenever an exception is thrown in a recoverable section of the server.
Thrown when the internal server throws a recoverable exception.
Called when a server list ping is coming in.
This event is called when either the server startup or reload has completed.
Represents the context in which the enclosing event has been completed.
Represents an object that may become a server operator, such as a Player
Thrown whenever there is an exception with any enabling or disabling of plugins.
Wrapper exception for all cases to which a plugin can be immediately blamed for
Thrown when an incoming plugin message channel throws an exception
Called when resources such as datapacks are reloaded (e.g.
Thrown when a plugin's scheduler fails with an exception
Called when a tab-complete request throws an exception
Called when the server has finished ticking the main loop
An event relating to a registered service.
Represents various priorities of a provider.
This event is called when a service is registered.
Manages services and service providers.
This event is called when a service is unregistered.
Represents a shaped (ie normal) crafting recipe.
Represents a shapeless recipe, where the arrangement of the ingredients on the crafting grid does not matter.
Represents a Sheep.
Called when a sheep's wool is dyed
Called when a sheep regrows its wool
Represents a captured state of a ShulkerBox.
Represents a captured state of either a SignPost or a WallSign.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Called when a sign is changed by a player.
Represents a Silverfish.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Handles all plugin management from the Server
A simple services manager.
Generates simplex-based noise.
Creates simplex noise through unbiased octaves
An animal that can sit still.
Represents a sized fireball.
Represents a Skeleton.
classes are different types.
Represents a SkeletonHorse - variant of AbstractHorse.
Event called when a player gets close to a skeleton horse and triggers the lightning trap
Represents a captured state of a skull block.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents a skull that can have an owner.
check Material instead
'type' represents what state the slab is in - either top, bottom, or a double slab occupying the full block.
The type of the slab.
Represents a Slime.
Fired when a Slime decides to change it's facing direction.
Fired when a Slime decides to start pathfinding.
Called when a Slime splits into smaller Slimes upon death
Fired when a Slime decides to start jumping while swimming in water/lava.
Fired when a Slime decides to change direction to target a LivingEntity.
Fired when a Slime decides to start wandering.
Represents a small Fireball
Interface to the inventory of a Smithing table.
Represents a smithing recipe.
Called when the recipe of an Item is completed inside a smithing table.
Represents a captured state of a smoker.
Represents a campfire recipe.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
'layers' represents the amount of layers of snow which are present in this block.
'snowy' denotes whether this block has a snow covered side and top texture (normally because the block above is snow).
Represents a snowball.
Represents a snowman entity
An Enum of Sounds the server is able to send to players.
An Enum of categories for sounds.
Represents a group of sounds for blocks that are played when various actions happen (ie stepping, breaking, hitting, etc).
Represents groups of entities with shared spawn behaviors and mob caps.
An event that is called when a world's spawn changes.
Represents a spawn egg and it's spawned type.
Represents a Minecart with an entity spawner inside it.
Called when an entity is spawned into a world by a spawner.
Called whenever a spectator attempts to teleport to an entity
Represents a spectral arrow.
Represents a spell casting "Illager".
Represents the current spell the entity is using.
Represents a Spider.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
should not be used for anything, use ThrownPotion and set the potion via the methods there.
Called when a sponge absorbs water from the world.
Represents a Squid.
'shape' represents the texture and bounding box shape of these stairs.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
The shape of a stair block - used for constructing corners.
Standard implementation to Messenger
Represents a countable statistic, which is tracked by the server.
The type of statistic.
Represents a client requesting the current status from the server (e.g.
Represents an entity which may be saddled, ridden and steered using an item.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Interface to the inventory of a Stonecutter.
Represents a Stonecutting recipe.
Represents a minecart with a chest.
Represents a Stray - variant of AbstractSkeleton.
Represents a Strider.
Called when a Strider's temperature has changed as a result of entering or exiting blocks it considers warm.
StringPrompt is the base class for any prompt that accepts an arbitrary string from the user.
Represents a structure block that can save and load blocks from a file.
Represent a Structure from the world.
Represents a structure.
'mode' represents the different modes in which this structure block may operate.
Operating mode of a structure block.
Event that is called when an organic structure attempts to grow (Sapling -> Tree), (Mushroom -> Huge Mushroom), naturally or using bonemeal.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
no longer used, see StructuresLocateEvent
Represents how a Structure can be rotated.
Holds the result of searching for a structure.
Called before a set of configured structures is located.
Represent a StructureType of a Structure.
This class does not represent the structures of a world well.
Represents a suspicious stew that can have custom effects.
Called when a CommandSender of any description (ie: player or console) attempts to tab complete.
Represents a class which can suggest tab completions for commands.
This class is provided as a convenience to implement both TabCompleter and CommandExecutor.
A baby Frog.
Tag<T extends Keyed>
Represents a tag that may be defined by the server or a resource pack to group like things together.
Called when a Tameable dies and sends a death message.
Represents information about a targeted block
Represents information about a targeted entity
Called when a Target Block is hit by a projectile.
A team on a scoreboard that has a common display theme and other properties.
Represents an option which may be applied to this team.
How an option may be applied to members of this team.
'type' represents the type of piston which this (technical) block corresponds to.
Different piston variants.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Called when a thrown egg might hatch.
Represents a thrown Experience bottle.
Represents a thrown potion bottle
Stores data for thunder state changing in a world
Represents a block state that also hosts a tile entity at the given location.
Extends RegisteredListener to include timing information
Called when the time skips in a world.
An enum specifying the reason the time skipped.
Provides an ability to time sections of code within the Minecraft Server
tipped status depends only on base potion type not being UNCRAFTABLE and effects being empty.
use Title
A builder for creating titles
'unstable' indicates whether this TNT will explode on punching.
Represents a Primed TNT.
Called when TNT block is about to turn into TNTPrimed
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents a trader Llama.
This event is called whenever a player clicks a new trade on the trades sidebar.
Modified version of the Guava class with the same name to support add operations.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Deprecated, see usage methods for replacement(s)
Tree and organic structure types.
Represents a thrown trident.
'disarmed' denotes that the tripwire was broken with shears and will not subsequently produce a current when destroyed.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Tropical fish.
Enumeration of all different fish patterns.
Represents a bucket of tropical fish.
Represents a turtle.
'hatch' is the number of turtles which may hatch from these eggs.
Fired when a Turtle decides to go home
Fired when a Turtle lays eggs
Fired when a Turtle starts digging to lay eggs
This should generally not be used in any new API code as it suggests a bad API design.
Thrown when a player executes a command that is not defined
Thrown when attempting to load an invalid Plugin file
Represents how a Structure can be used.
This annotation indicates a method (and sometimes constructor) will chain its internal operations.
ValidatingPrompt is the base class for any prompt that requires validation.
VanillaGoal<T extends Mob>
Represents a vanilla goal.
Represents a mutable vector.
Represents a vehicle entity.
Raised when a vehicle collides with a block.
Raised when a vehicle collides.
Raised when a vehicle is created.
Raised when a vehicle receives damage.
Raised when a vehicle is destroyed, which could be caused by either a player or the environment.
Raised when an entity enters a vehicle.
Raised when a vehicle collides with an entity.
Represents a vehicle-related event.
Raised when a living entity exits a vehicle.
Raised when a vehicle moves.
Called when a vehicle updates
Represents a Vex.
Represents a vibration from a Skulk sensor.
Represents a villager NPC
Represents the various different Villager professions there may be.
Represents Villager type, usually corresponding to what biome they spawn in.
Called whenever a villager acquires a new trade.
Reasons for the villager's profession changing.
Called when a Villager is about to restock one of its trades.
Represents a Vindicator.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
A shape made out of voxels.
This class encompasses the 'north', 'east', 'south', 'west', height flags which are used to set the height of a wall.
The different heights a face of a wall may have.
Represents a wandering trader NPC
A Warden.
Called when a Warden's anger level has changed due to another entity.
This designates the warning state for a specific item.
This represents the states that server verbose for warnings may be.
'waterlogged' denotes whether this block has fluid in it.
Represents a Water Mob
Stores data for weather changing in a world
Represents a Weather-related event
An enum of all current weather types
This event is fired when whitelist is toggled
Represents a Witch
Fired when a witch consumes the potion in their hand to buff themselves.
Fired when a witch throws a potion at a player
Represents a Wither boss
Represents one of the Wither's heads.
Represents a WitherSkeleton - variant of AbstractSkeleton.
Represents a wither skull Fireball.
Represents a Wolf
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
all usage of MaterialData is deprecated and subject to removal.
Represents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocks
Use either the Future or the Consumer based methods
Represents various map environment types that a world may be
Called when a world border changes its bounds, either over time, or instantly.
Called when a moving world border has finished it's move.
Called when a world border's center is changed.
Represents various types of options that may be used to create a world.
Represents events within a world
Called when a world's gamerule is changed, either by command or by api.
Holds various information of a World
Called when a World is initializing.
Called when a World is loaded
Called when a World is saved.
Represents various types of worlds that may exist
Called when a World is unloaded
An implementation of Configuration which saves all files in Yaml.
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a YamlConfiguration
Represents a Zoglin.
Represents a Zombie.
Represents a ZombieHorse - variant of AbstractHorse.
Represents a Zombie which was once a Villager.