# Scissors [![Build Status](https://ci.scissors.gg/job/Scissors/job/1.20/badge/icon)](https://ci.scissors.gg/job/Scissors/job/1.20/) Scissors is a fork of Paper that aims to fix exploits possible in Creative Mode. Many of these exploits are ones that Paper's own team has either refused to fix or would have. ## Links ### [Scissors Download](https://ci.plex.us.org/job/Scissors) ### [Scissors Javadoc](https://javadoc.scissors.gg/1.20) ### [Scissors Announcements](https://totalfreedom.me/forum/board/139) ### [Scissors General Discussion](https://totalfreedom.me/forum/board/140) ## Tasks ``` Paperweight tasks ----------------- applyApiPatches applyPatches applyServerPatches cleanCache - Delete the project setup cache and task outputs. createMojmapBundlerJar - Build a runnable bundler jar createMojmapPaperclipJar - Build a runnable paperclip jar createReobfBundlerJar - Build a runnable bundler jar createReobfPaperclipJar - Build a runnable paperclip jar generateDevelopmentBundle rebuildApiPatches rebuildPatches rebuildServerPatches reobfJar - Re-obfuscate the built jar to obf mappings runDev - Spin up a non-relocated Mojang-mapped test server runReobf - Spin up a test server from the reobfJar output jar runShadow - Spin up a test server from the shadowJar archiveFile ```