# ForkTest - A Paper fork, using paperweight This is an example project, showcasing how to setup a fork of paper (or well, any project), using paperweight. The interesting part of this is in the build gradle ``` paperweight { serverProject.set(project(":ForkTest-Server")) usePaperUpstream(providers.gradleProperty("paperRef")) { // specified in gradle.properties withPaperPatcher { apiPatchDir.set(layout.projectDirectory.dir("patches/api")) apiOutputDir.set(layout.projectDirectory.dir("ForkTest-API")) serverPatchDir.set(layout.projectDirectory.dir("patches/server")) serverOutputDir.set(layout.projectDirectory.dir("ForkTest-Server")) } } } ``` ## Tasks ``` Paperweight tasks ----------------- applyPatches cleanCache - Delete the project setup cache and task outputs. patchPaperApi patchPaperServer rebuildPaperApi rebuildPaperServer rebuildPatches runDev - Spin up a non-shaded non-remapped test server runShadow - Spin up a test server from the shadowJar archiveFile ```