TotalFreedomMod is a CraftBukkit server plugin designed primarily to support the [Official TotalFreedom Minecraft Server]( However, it can be used in a variety of other configurations with minimal fuss.
For those who wish to contribute, we encourage you to fork the repository and submit pull requests. Below you will find guidelines that will explain this process in further detail.
* Search the issue tracker for your bug report or feature request.
* If the issue does not exist already, create it.
* Clearly describe the issue.
* If your issue is a bug, describe the steps needed to reproduce it.
* If your issue is a feature request, ensure it fits TotalFreedomMod's goals and describe your feature in detail.
* Fork the repository on GitHub.
## Does the change fit TotalFreedomMod's goals? ##
As a rough guideline, ask yourself the following questions to determine if your proposed change fits the TotalFreedomMod project's goals. Please remember that this is only a rough guideline and may or may not reflect the definitive answer to this question.
* Is the change in line with the principles of "Total Freedom"?
TotalFreedom is a freedom-based server. We don't normally make changes that restrict players unless absolutely necessary.
* Is the change directed towards the TotalFreedom server?
Changes must be directed towards the TotalFreedom server. Changes such as adding ranks, adding the name of other TotalFreedom-like servers will not likely be accepted.
* Does the change add a feature that involves micromanagement?
Pull requests that involve adding a micromanagement feature will likely not be accepted. This includes shorthands for multiple commands.
* Is a similar feature already present?
Features that have very similar alternatives fill not be added. For example: A command that temporarily bans a player from the server is very similar to the _/tban_ command and thus will likely not be accepted.
* Name your branch something relevant to the change you are going to make.
* To quickly create a topic branch based on master, use `git checkout master` followed by `git checkout -b <name>`. Avoid working directly on the `master` branch.
* Make sure your change meets our code requirements.
### Code requirements ###
* Code must be written in [Allman style](, and that it follows [Java Code Conventions](
* No tabs; use 4 spaces for indentation.
* No trailing whitespaces for code lines, comments or configuration files.
* No CRLF line endings, only LF is allowed.
* For Windows-based machines, you can configure Git to do this for your by running `git config --global core.autocrlf true`.
* If you're running a Linux or Mac OSX, you should run `git config --global core.autocrlf input` instead.
* For more information about line feeds. See this [this article](
* No 80 character line limit or 'weird' midstatement newlines.
* Additions should be compiled, complete and tested before committing.
* Avoid using `org.bukkit.Server.dispatchCommand()`. Commits that make use of it will likely be rejected.
> Admins can now use /saconfig clear [ip] to remove the designated IP (only their own IPs can be removed. > They can also simply use /saconfig clear to remove all IPs but the current one. /saconfig clear is safe, > meaning you can't remove your current IP or an IP that doesn't belong to you.
## Tips - How To Get Your Pull Request Accepted ##
* Please make sure your changes are written such as other features would be. For example: Commands have their own class and extend TFM_Command.
* Do not increment the version number.
* If you want to add multiple changes, please make one pull request per change. This way, it's easier to accept your changes faster and won't block the other changes if there is an issue with a specific line of code.
* Please avoid having to add files in the main namespace where possible.
* Please refrain from using an excessive amount of commits. As few as possible is generally the best.
* Please do not spread your contribution over several pull-requests.