- Removes commands /aec, /attributelist, /reactionbar, /playtime, /settotalvotes, /status
- Removes unused activity log functionality
- Migrates many more commands to use MiniMessage
- Merges /disguisetoggle with /toggle
- Reimplements explosive arrows in a much better way
- Reimplements the clownfish toggle in a much better way
- Completely rewrites the plugin's chat formatting system
- Tags now use MiniMessage instead of color codes. New tags are automatically converted.
- /adminchat now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /autoclear and /autotp now use MiniMessage for their messages
- /banip now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /bird now uses MiniMessage for its messages (and also now shows a rainbow message)
- /blockcmd now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /clownfish now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /notes now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /op now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /plc now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- Fixes bug in /stop where the stop message was not showing properly
- Condenses /tagrainbow into /tag and integrates /tag gradient into /tag set using MiniMessage
- /toggle now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /tossmob now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /unban, /unbanip, and /unbanname now use MiniMessage for its messages
- /unblockcmd now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /uncage now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /undisguiseall now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /unlinkdiscord now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /unmute now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /vanish now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /vote now partially uses MiniMessage for its messages
- /warn now uses MiniMessage for its messages
- Deprecates FreedomCommand.msg(String) for now
- Admin chat formats now use MiniMessage
- Tab header and footers now use MiniMessage
- Certain titles from the plugin now use MiniMessage
- More commands now use MiniMessage
- Fixes bug that caused non-shop items (like the mob tosser) to not work if the Shop plugin is not already installed
- Finally makes the fucking clownfish something that can be turned down in the sound settings by having it play the sound at the Player sound category
- Fixes multiple issues that were preventing the project from building
- Fixes an issue that was causing project build class files to be included in git commits
- Fixed cyclic dependencies
- Added a TFShoppe class for effective plugin initialization
- Registered discord commands, did not before
- Added SLF4J loggers for module logging.