name: TotalFreedomMod main: me.StevenLawson.TotalFreedomMod.TotalFreedomMod version: 1.2.0 description: Plugin for the Total Freedom server author: StevenLawson / Madgeek1450 commands: creative: description: Quickly change your own gamemode to creative, or define someone's username to change theirs. usage: / [partialname] deopall: description: Superadmin command - Deop everyone on the server. usage: / explosives: description: Superadmin command - Enable/disable explosives. usage: / [on|off] fire: description: Superadmin command - Enable/disable fire. usage: / [on|off] gtfo: description: Superadmin command - Makes someone GTFO (deop and ip ban by username). usage: / [partialname] lavadmg: description: Superadmin command - Enable/disable lava damage. usage: / [on|off] list: description: Lists the real names of all online players. usage: / listreal: description: Lists the real names of all online players. usage: / opall: description: Superadmin command - Op everyone on the server. usage: / opme: description: Superadmin command - Automatically ops user. usage: / qdeop: description: Quick De-Op - deop someone based on a partial name. usage: / qop: description: Quick Op - op someone based on a partial name. usage: / say: description: Broadcasts the given message as the console, includes sender. usage: / stop: description: Kicks everyone and stops the server. usage: / survival: description: Quickly change your own gamemode to survival, or define someone's username to change theirs. usage: / [partialname] wildcard: description: Superadmin command - Run any command on all users, username placeholder = ?. usage: / [fluff] ? [fluff] ?