package me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.command; import; import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.rank.Rank; import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.util.FUtil; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; @CommandPermissions(level = Rank.SUPER_ADMIN, source = SourceType.BOTH) @CommandParameters(description = "Manage jumppads", usage = "/ | strength >", aliases = "launchpads,jp") public class Command_jumppads extends FreedomCommand { @Override public boolean run(CommandSender sender, Player playerSender, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args, boolean senderIsConsole) { if (args.length == 0 || args.length > 2) { return false; } if (args.length == 1) { if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("info")) { msg("Jumppads: " + ( ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"), ChatColor.BLUE); msg("Sideways: " + ( == Jumppads.JumpPadMode.NORMAL_AND_SIDEWAYS ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"), ChatColor.BLUE); msg("Strength: " + ( * 10 - 1), ChatColor.BLUE); return true; } if ("off".equals(args[0])) { FUtil.adminAction(sender.getName(), "Disabling Jumppads", false);; } else { FUtil.adminAction(sender.getName(), "Enabling Jumppads", false);; } } else { if ( == Jumppads.JumpPadMode.OFF) { msg("Jumppads are currently disabled, please enable them before changing jumppads settings."); return true; } if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("sideways")) { if ("off".equals(args[1])) { FUtil.adminAction(sender.getName(), "Setting Jumppads mode to: Madgeek", false);; } else { FUtil.adminAction(sender.getName(), "Setting Jumppads mode to: Normal and Sideways", false);; } } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("strength")) { final float strength; try { strength = Float.parseFloat(args[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { msg("Invalid Strength"); return true; } if (strength > 10 || strength < 1) { msg("Invalid Strength: The strength may be 1 through 10."); return true; } FUtil.adminAction(sender.getName(), "Setting Jumppads strength to: " + String.valueOf(strength), false); / 10) + 0.1F); } else { return false; } } return true; } }