name: TotalFreedomMod main: me.StevenLawson.TotalFreedomMod.TotalFreedomMod version: 2.2 description: Plugin for the Total Freedom server. author: StevenLawson / Madgeek1450 commands: cage: description: Superadmin command - Place a cage around someone. usage: / [off | outermaterial] [water | lava] cake: description: Superadmin command - For the people that are still alive. usage: / creative: description: Quickly change your own gamemode to creative, or define someone's username to change theirs. usage: / [partialname] csay: description: Telnet command - Send a chat message with chat formatting over telnet. usage: / [partialname] deopall: description: Superadmin command - Deop everyone on the server. Use 'purge' to clear ops.txt as well. usage: / [purge] expel: description: Superadmin command - Push people away from you. usage: / [radius] [strength] explosives: description: Superadmin command - Enable/disable explosives and set effect radius. usage: / [radius] fireplace: description: Superadmin command - Enable/disable fire placement. usage: / firespread: description: Superadmin command - Enable/disable fire spread. usage: / flatlands: description: Goto the flatlands. usage: / fr: description: Superadmin command - Freeze all players (toggles on and off). usage: / gadmin: description: Superadmin command - Use admin commands on someone by hash. Use mode 'list' to get a player's hash. Other modes are kick, nameban, ipban, ban, op, deop, ci usage: / [list | [ ] ] gcmd: description: Superadmin command - Send a command as someone else. usage: / gtfo: description: Superadmin command - Makes someone GTFO (deop and ip ban by username). usage: / landmine: description: Set a landmine trap. usage: / lavadmg: description: Superadmin command - Enable/disable lava damage. usage: / lavaplace: description: Superadmin command - Enable/disable lava placement. usage: / list: description: Lists the real names of all online players. usage: / aliases: [listreal] mp: description: Purge all mobs in all worlds. usage: / mp44: description: Superadmin Command - Modern weaponry, FTW. Use 'draw' to start firing, 'sling' to stop firing. usage: / nether: description: Goto the nether. usage: / nonuke: description: Superadmin command - Attempt to detect "invisible griefers" and "nukers". usage: / [range] [blockrate] opall: description: Superadmin command - Op everyone on the server, optionally change everyone's gamemode at the same time. usage: / [-c | -s] opme: description: Superadmin command - Automatically ops user. usage: / orbit: description: Superadmin command - POW!!! Right in the kisser! One of these days Alice, straight to the Moon! usage: / [power] prelog: description: Superadmin command - Enable/disable the command prelogger. When this is on, logs will be filled with many duplicate messages. usage: / qdeop: description: Quick De-Op - deop someone based on a partial name. usage: / qjail: description: Quick Jail - Quickly jail someone (mgjail must be set as a jail!) usage: / qop: description: Quick Op - op someone based on a partial name. usage: / radar: description: Shows nearby people sorted by distance. usage: / [range] rd: description: Remove drops, arrows, primed TNT, and expierence orbs in all worlds. usage: / saconfig: description: Owner command - Manage superadmins. usage: / say: description: Broadcasts the given message as the console, includes sender name. usage: / skylands: description: Goto the skylands. usage: / # stacker: # description: Superadmin command - Stack people onto your head. For the lulz. # usage: / [end] status: description: Show misc. server info. usage: / stop: description: Superadmin command - Kicks everyone and stops the server. usage: / survival: description: Quickly change your own gamemode to survival, or define someone's username to change theirs. usage: / [partialname] terminal: description: Execute a system command. usage: / tfbanlist: description: Shows all banned player names. Superadmins may optionally use 'purge' to clear the list. usage: / [purge] tfipbanlist: description: Shows all banned IPs. Superadmins may optionally use 'purge' to clear the list. usage: / [purge] tfsmite: description: De-op, inventory clear, de-godmode, lightning, and kill your target. For naughty people only (or the entire server). usage: / tossmob: description: Throw a mob in the direction you are facing when you left click with a stick. usage: / [mobtype | off] [speed] umd: description: Superadmin command - Undisguse all players. usage: / waterplace: description: Superadmin command - Enable/disable water placement. usage: / wildcard: description: Superadmin command - Run any command on all users, username placeholder = ?. usage: / [fluff] ? [fluff] ?