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synced 2025-03-14 03:03:50 +00:00
- Fixed cyclic dependencies - Added a TFShoppe class for effective plugin initialization - Registered discord commands, did not before - Added SLF4J loggers for module logging.
185 lines
6.6 KiB
185 lines
6.6 KiB
package me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.admin.Admin;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.config.ConfigEntry;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.player.FPlayer;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.rank.Displayable;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.util.FLog;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.util.FSync;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.util.FUtil;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.SoundCategory;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent;
import static me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.util.FUtil.playerMsg;
public class ChatManager extends FreedomService
public void onStart()
public void onStop()
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPlayerChatFormat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event)
catch (Exception ex)
private void handleChatEvent(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event)
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
String message = event.getMessage().trim();
// Format colors and strip &k
message = FUtil.colorize(message);
message = message.replaceAll(ChatColor.MAGIC.toString(), "&k");
if (!ConfigEntry.TOGGLE_CHAT.getBoolean() && !plugin.al.isAdmin(player))
playerMsg(player, "Chat is currently disabled.", org.bukkit.ChatColor.RED);
// Truncate messages that are too long - 256 characters is vanilla client max
if (message.length() > 256)
message = message.substring(0, 256);
FSync.playerMsg(player, "Message was shortened because it was too long to send.");
final FPlayer fPlayer = plugin.pl.getPlayerSync(player);
if (fPlayer.isLockedUp())
FSync.playerMsg(player, "You're locked up and cannot talk.");
// Check for adminchat
if (fPlayer.inAdminChat())
FSync.adminChatMessage(player, message);
// Check for 4chan trigger
if (ConfigEntry.FOURCHAN_ENABLED.getBoolean())
boolean green = ChatColor.stripColor(message).toLowerCase().startsWith(">");
boolean orange = ChatColor.stripColor(message).toLowerCase().endsWith("<");
if (green)
message = ChatColor.GREEN + message;
else if (orange)
message = ChatColor.GOLD + message;
// Finally, set message
// Make format
String format = "%1$s §8\u00BB §f%2$s";
String tag = fPlayer.getTag();
if (tag != null && !tag.isEmpty())
format = tag.replace("%", "%%") + " " + format;
// Check for mentions
String stripped = ChatColor.stripColor(message).toLowerCase();
/* There is an issue would have allowed muted players to ping players. The issue is caused by the order in which
* these event handlers are registered when the plugin starts up. Muter is registered after the ChatManager,
* which results in latter being called first (before the former can cancel it). EventPriority does not seem to
* make a difference. As a short-term solution I've added this mute check alongside the usual isCancelled check
* so that the issue is mitigated, but a long-term solution should be to change the order in which things like
* ChatManager and Muter are registered. */
if (!event.isCancelled() && !plugin.pl.getPlayer(player).isMuted())
server.getOnlinePlayers().forEach(pl ->
if (stripped.contains("@" + pl.getName()) || (plugin.al.isAdmin(player) && stripped.contains("@everyone")))
pl.playSound(pl.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING, SoundCategory.MASTER, 1337F, 0.9F);
// Set format
public ChatColor getColor(Displayable display)
return display.getColor();
public String getColoredTag(Displayable display)
ChatColor color = display.getColor();
return color + display.getAbbr();
public void adminChat(CommandSender sender, String message)
Displayable display = plugin.rm.getDisplay(sender);
FLog.info("[ADMIN] " + sender.getName() + " " + display.getTag() + ": " + message, true);
if (plugin.dc != null) {
plugin.dc.messageAdminChatChannel(sender.getName() + " \u00BB " + message);
server.getOnlinePlayers().stream().filter(player -> plugin.al.isAdmin(player)).forEach(player ->
Admin admin = plugin.al.getAdmin(player);
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(admin.getAcFormat()))
String format = admin.getAcFormat();
ChatColor color = getColor(display);
String msg = format.replace("%name%", sender.getName()).replace("%rank%", display.getAbbr()).replace("%rankcolor%", color.toString()).replace("%msg%", message);
player.sendMessage("[" + ChatColor.AQUA + "ADMIN" + ChatColor.WHITE + "] " + ChatColor.DARK_RED + sender.getName() + ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " [" + getColoredTag(display) + ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + "]" + ChatColor.WHITE + ": " + ChatColor.GOLD + FUtil.colorize(message));
public void reportAction(Player reporter, String reportedName, String report)
for (Player player : server.getOnlinePlayers())
if (plugin.al.isAdmin(player))
playerMsg(player, ChatColor.RED + "[REPORTS] " + ChatColor.GOLD + reporter.getName() + " has reported " + reportedName + " for " + report);
FLog.info("[REPORTS] " + reporter.getName() + " has reported " + reportedName + " for " + report);
} |