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package me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.TotalFreedomMod;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.caging.CageData;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.config.ConfigEntry;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.freeze.FreezeData;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.util.FUtil;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.Arrow;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask;
public class FPlayer
public static final long AUTO_PURGE_TICKS = 5L * 60L * 20L;
private final TotalFreedomMod plugin;
private final String name;
private final String ip;
private Player player;
private BukkitTask unmuteTask;
private final FreezeData freezeData = new FreezeData(this);
private double fuckoffRadius = 0;
private int messageCount = 0;
private int totalBlockDestroy = 0;
private int totalBlockPlace = 0;
private int freecamDestroyCount = 0;
private int freecamPlaceCount = 0;
private final CageData cageData = new CageData(this);
private boolean isOrbiting = false;
private double orbitStrength = 10.0;
private boolean mobThrowerEnabled = false;
private EntityType mobThrowerEntity = EntityType.PIG;
private double mobThrowerSpeed = 4.0;
private final List<LivingEntity> mobThrowerQueue = new ArrayList<>();
private BukkitTask mp44ScheduleTask = null;
private boolean mp44Armed = false;
private boolean mp44Firing = false;
private BukkitTask lockupScheduleTask = null;
private boolean lockedUp = false;
private String lastMessage = "";
private boolean inStaffchat = false;
private boolean allCommandsBlocked = false;
private boolean superadminIdVerified = false;
private String lastCommand = "";
private boolean cmdspyEnabled = false;
private String tag = null;
private int warningCount = 0;
private boolean editBlocked = false;
private boolean pvpBlocked = false;
private boolean invSee = false;
public FPlayer(TotalFreedomMod plugin, Player player)
this(plugin, player.getName(), FUtil.getIp(player));
private FPlayer(TotalFreedomMod plugin, String name, String ip)
this.plugin = plugin;
this.name = name;
this.ip = ip;
public Player getPlayer()
if (player != null && !player.isOnline())
player = null;
if (player == null)
for (Player onlinePlayer : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers())
if (FUtil.getIp(onlinePlayer).equals(ip))
player = onlinePlayer;
return player;
public boolean isOrbiting()
return isOrbiting;
public void startOrbiting(double strength)
this.isOrbiting = true;
this.orbitStrength = strength;
public void stopOrbiting()
this.isOrbiting = false;
public double orbitStrength()
return orbitStrength;
public boolean isFuckOff()
return fuckoffRadius > 0;
public void setFuckoff(double radius)
this.fuckoffRadius = radius;
public void disableFuckoff()
this.fuckoffRadius = 0;
public void resetMsgCount()
this.messageCount = 0;
public int incrementAndGetMsgCount()
return this.messageCount++;
public int incrementAndGetBlockDestroyCount()
return this.totalBlockDestroy++;
public void resetBlockDestroyCount()
this.totalBlockDestroy = 0;
public int incrementAndGetBlockPlaceCount()
return this.totalBlockPlace++;
public void resetBlockPlaceCount()
this.totalBlockPlace = 0;
public int incrementAndGetFreecamDestroyCount()
return this.freecamDestroyCount++;
public void resetFreecamDestroyCount()
this.freecamDestroyCount = 0;
public int incrementAndGetFreecamPlaceCount()
return this.freecamPlaceCount++;
public void resetFreecamPlaceCount()
this.freecamPlaceCount = 0;
public void enableMobThrower(EntityType mobThrowerCreature, double mobThrowerSpeed)
this.mobThrowerEnabled = true;
this.mobThrowerEntity = mobThrowerCreature;
this.mobThrowerSpeed = mobThrowerSpeed;
public void disableMobThrower()
this.mobThrowerEnabled = false;
public EntityType mobThrowerCreature()
return this.mobThrowerEntity;
public double mobThrowerSpeed()
return this.mobThrowerSpeed;
public boolean mobThrowerEnabled()
return this.mobThrowerEnabled;
public void enqueueMob(LivingEntity mob)
if (mobThrowerQueue.size() > 4)
LivingEntity oldmob = mobThrowerQueue.remove(0);
if (oldmob != null)
public void startArrowShooter(TotalFreedomMod plugin)
this.mp44ScheduleTask = new ArrowShooter(this.player).runTaskTimer(plugin, 1L, 1L);
this.mp44Firing = true;
public void stopArrowShooter()
if (this.mp44ScheduleTask != null)
this.mp44ScheduleTask = null;
this.mp44Firing = false;
public void armMP44()
this.mp44Armed = true;
public void disarmMP44()
this.mp44Armed = false;
public boolean isMP44Armed()
return this.mp44Armed;
public boolean toggleMP44Firing()
this.mp44Firing = !this.mp44Firing;
return mp44Firing;
public boolean isMuted()
return unmuteTask != null;
public void setMuted(boolean muted)
unmuteTask = null;
if (!muted)
if (getPlayer() == null)
unmuteTask = new BukkitRunnable()
public void run()
if (getPlayer() != null)
FUtil.staffAction(ConfigEntry.SERVER_NAME.getString(), "Unmuting " + getPlayer().getName(), false);
FUtil.staffAction(ConfigEntry.SERVER_NAME.getString(), "Unmuting " + getName(), false);
}.runTaskLater(plugin, AUTO_PURGE_TICKS);
public BukkitTask getLockupScheduleID()
return this.lockupScheduleTask;
public void setLockupScheduleId(BukkitTask id)
this.lockupScheduleTask = id;
public boolean isLockedUp()
return this.lockedUp;
public void setLockedUp(boolean lockedUp)
this.lockedUp = lockedUp;
public void setLastMessage(String message)
this.lastMessage = message;
public String getLastMessage()
return lastMessage;
public void setStaffChat(boolean inStaffchat)
this.inStaffchat = inStaffchat;
public boolean inStaffChat()
return this.inStaffchat;
public boolean allCommandsBlocked()
return this.allCommandsBlocked;
public void setCommandsBlocked(boolean commandsBlocked)
this.allCommandsBlocked = commandsBlocked;
public String getLastCommand()
return lastCommand;
public void setLastCommand(String lastCommand)
this.lastCommand = lastCommand;
public void setCommandSpy(boolean enabled)
this.cmdspyEnabled = enabled;
public boolean cmdspyEnabled()
return cmdspyEnabled;
public void setTag(String tag)
if (tag == null)
this.tag = null;
this.tag = FUtil.colorize(tag) + ChatColor.WHITE;
public String getTag()
return this.tag;
public int getWarningCount()
return this.warningCount;
public void incrementWarnings()
if (this.warningCount % 2 == 0)
Player p = getPlayer();
FUtil.playerMsg(p, ChatColor.RED + "You have been warned at least twice now, make sure to read the rules at " + ConfigEntry.SERVER_BAN_URL.getString());
private class ArrowShooter extends BukkitRunnable
private final Player player;
private ArrowShooter(Player player)
this.player = player;
public void run()
Arrow shot = player.launchProjectile(Arrow.class);