Want to add new features to WorldEdit or fix bugs yourself? You can get the game running, with WorldEdit, from the code here, without any additional outside steps, by doing the following *four* things:
1. Download WorldEdit's source code and put it somewhere. We recommend you use something called Git if you already know how to use it, but [you can also just download a .zip file](https://github.com/EngineHub/WorldEdit/archive/master.zip). (If you plan on contributing the changes, you will need to figure out Git.)
2. Install any version of Java greater than or equal to 8.
* Note that if you do _not_ install JDK 8 exactly, Gradle will download it for you on first run. However, it is still required to have some form of Java installed for Gradle to start at all.
3. Open terminal / command prompt / bash and navigate to the directory where you put the source code.
4. Run **one** of these following commands:
* Mac OS X / Linux: `./gradlew :worldedit-fabric:runClient`
* Windows - Command Prompt: `gradlew :worldedit-fabric:runClient`
* Windows - PowerShell: `.\gradlew :worldedit-fabric:runClient`
🎉 That's it. 🎉 It takes a long time to actually transform WorldEdit into a mod. If it succeeds, **the Minecraft game will open and you can create a single player world with WorldEdit**.
For additional information about compiling WorldEdit, see [COMPILING.md](COMPILING.md).
FAWE is a fork of WorldEdit that has huge speed and memory improvements and considerably more features
Thank you to YourKit for supporting our product by providing us with their innovative and intelligent tools
for monitoring and profiling Java and .NET applications.
YourKit is the creator of <ahref="https://www.yourkit.com/java/profiler/">YourKit Java Profiler</a>, <ahref="https://www.yourkit.com/.net/profiler/">YourKit .NET Profiler</a>, and <ahref="https://www.yourkit.com/youmonitor/">YourKit YouMonitor</a>