
666 lines
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Raw Normal View History

package com.boydti.fawe.command;
import static;
import com.boydti.fawe.FaweAPI;
import com.boydti.fawe.config.BBC;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.MCAClipboard;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.MCAFile;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.MCAFilter;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.MCAFilterCounter;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.MCAQueue;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.filters.DebugFixP2Roads;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.filters.DeleteBiomeFilterSimple;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.filters.DeleteOldFilter;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.filters.DeleteUnclaimedFilter;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.filters.DeleteUninhabitedFilter;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.filters.PlotTrimFilter;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.filters.RemapFilter;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.filters.RemoveLayerFilter;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.filters.SetPatternFilter;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.filters.TrimAirFilter;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.history.IAnvilHistory;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.history.NullAnvilHistory;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.FawePlayer;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.FaweQueue;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.RegionWrapper;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.RunnableVal4;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.changeset.AnvilHistory;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.clipboard.remap.ClipboardRemapper;
import com.boydti.fawe.util.MainUtil;
import com.boydti.fawe.util.SetQueue;
import org.enginehub.piston.annotation.Command;
import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandPermissions;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.EditSession;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.LocalSession;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEditException;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.entity.Player;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.pattern.Pattern;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.internal.annotation.Selection;
2018-12-23 16:19:33 +00:00
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector3;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.CuboidRegion;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Region;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.command.binding.Switch;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.command.parametric.Optional;
2019-04-03 05:53:58 +00:00
import java.util.function.Consumer;
@Command(aliases = {"/anvil"}, desc = "Manipulate billions of blocks: [More Info](")
public class AnvilCommands {
private final WorldEdit worldEdit;
* Create a new instance.
* @param worldEdit reference to WorldEdit
public AnvilCommands(WorldEdit worldEdit) {
this.worldEdit = worldEdit;
* Run safely on an unloaded world (no selection)
* @param player
* @param folder
* @param filter
* @param <G>
* @param <T>
* @return
public static <G, T extends MCAFilter<G>> T runWithWorld(Player player, String folder, T filter, boolean force) {
return runWithWorld(player, folder, filter, force, false);
public static <G, T extends MCAFilter<G>> T runWithWorld(Player player, String folder, T filter, boolean force, boolean unsafe) {
boolean copy = false;
if (FaweAPI.getWorld(folder) != null) {
if (!force) {
return null;
copy = true;
FaweQueue defaultQueue = SetQueue.IMP.getNewQueue(folder, true, false);
MCAQueue queue = new MCAQueue(defaultQueue);
if (copy && !unsafe) {
return queue.filterCopy(filter, RegionWrapper.GLOBAL());
} else {
return queue.filterWorld(filter);
* Run safely on an existing world within a selection
* @param player
* @param editSession
* @param selection
* @param filter
* @param <G>
* @param <T>
* @return
public static <G, T extends MCAFilter<G>> T runWithSelection(Player player, EditSession editSession, Region selection, T filter) {
if (!(selection instanceof CuboidRegion)) {
return null;
CuboidRegion cuboid = (CuboidRegion) selection;
RegionWrapper wrappedRegion = new RegionWrapper(cuboid.getMinimumPoint(), cuboid.getMaximumPoint());
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String worldName = editSession.getWorld().getName();
FaweQueue tmp = SetQueue.IMP.getNewQueue(worldName, true, false);
MCAQueue queue = new MCAQueue(tmp);
FawePlayer<Object> fp = FawePlayer.wrap(player);
recordHistory(fp, editSession.getWorld(), iAnvilHistory -> {
queue.filterCopy(filter, wrappedRegion, iAnvilHistory);
return filter;
public static void recordHistory(FawePlayer fp, World world, Consumer<IAnvilHistory> run) {
LocalSession session = fp.getSession();
if (session == null || session.hasFastMode()) {
run.accept(new NullAnvilHistory());
} else {
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AnvilHistory history = new AnvilHistory(world.getName(), fp.getUUID());
session.remember(fp.getPlayer(), world, history, fp.getLimit());
aliases = {"replaceall", "rea", "repall"},
usage = "<folder> [from-block] <to-block>",
desc = "Replace all blocks in the selection with another",
help = "Replace all blocks in the selection with another\n" +
"The -d flag disabled wildcard data matching\n",
flags = "df"
public void replaceAll(Player player, String folder, @Optional String from, String to, @Switch('d') boolean useData) throws WorldEditException {
// final FaweBlockMatcher matchFrom;
// if (from == null) {
// matchFrom = FaweBlockMatcher.NOT_AIR;
// } else {
// if (from.contains(":")) {
// useData = true; //override d flag, if they specified data they want it
// }
// matchFrom = FaweBlockMatcher.fromBlocks(worldEdit.getBlocks(player, from, true), useData);
// }
// final FaweBlockMatcher matchTo = FaweBlockMatcher.setBlocks(worldEdit.getBlocks(player, to, true));
// ReplaceSimpleFilter filter = new ReplaceSimpleFilter(matchFrom, matchTo);
// ReplaceSimpleFilter result = runWithWorld(player, folder, filter, true);
// if (result != null) player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
aliases = {"remapall"},
usage = "<folder>",
help = "Remap the world between MCPE/PC values",
desc = "Remap the world between MCPE/PC values"
public void remapall(Player player, String folder) throws WorldEditException {
ClipboardRemapper mapper;
ClipboardRemapper.RemapPlatform from;
ClipboardRemapper.RemapPlatform to;
2019-06-19 03:43:06 +00:00
from = ClipboardRemapper.RemapPlatform.PE;
to = ClipboardRemapper.RemapPlatform.PC;
RemapFilter filter = new RemapFilter(from, to);
RemapFilter result = runWithWorld(player, folder, filter, true);
if (result != null) player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
aliases = {"deleteallunvisited", "delunvisited" },
usage = "<folder> <age-ticks> [file-age=60000]",
desc = "Delete all chunks which haven't been occupied",
help = "Delete all chunks which haven't been occupied for `age-ticks` (20t = 1s) and \n" +
"Have not been accessed since `file-duration` (ms) after creation and\n" +
"Have not been used in the past `chunk-inactivity` (ms)" +
"The auto-save interval is the recommended value for `file-duration` and `chunk-inactivity`"
public void deleteAllUnvisited(Player player, String folder, int inhabitedTicks, @Optional("60000") int fileDurationMillis) throws WorldEditException {
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DeleteUninhabitedFilter filter = new DeleteUninhabitedFilter(fileDurationMillis, inhabitedTicks, fileDurationMillis);
DeleteUninhabitedFilter result = runWithWorld(player, folder, filter, true);
if (result != null) player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
aliases = {"deleteallunclaimed", "delallunclaimed" },
usage = "<age-ticks> [file-age=60000]",
desc = "(Supports: WG, P2, GP) Delete all chunks which haven't been occupied AND claimed",
help = "(Supports: WG, P2, GP) Delete all chunks which aren't claimed AND haven't been occupied for `age-ticks` (20t = 1s) and \n" +
"Have not been accessed since `file-duration` (ms) after creation and\n" +
"Have not been used in the past `chunk-inactivity` (ms)" +
"The auto-save interval is the recommended value for `file-duration` and `chunk-inactivity`",
min = 1,
max = 3
public void deleteAllUnclaimed(Player player, int inhabitedTicks, @Optional("60000") int fileDurationMillis, @Switch('d') boolean debug) throws WorldEditException {
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String folder = player.getWorld().getName();
DeleteUnclaimedFilter filter = new DeleteUnclaimedFilter(player.getWorld(), fileDurationMillis, inhabitedTicks, fileDurationMillis);
if (debug) filter.enableDebug();
DeleteUnclaimedFilter result = runWithWorld(player, folder, filter, true);
if (result != null) player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
name = "deleteunclaimed",
usage = "<age-ticks> [file-age=60000]",
desc = "(Supports: WG, P2, GP) Delete all chunks which haven't been occupied AND claimed",
help = "(Supports: WG, P2, GP) Delete all chunks which aren't claimed AND haven't been occupied for `age-ticks` (20t = 1s) and \n" +
"Have not been accessed since `file-duration` (ms) after creation and\n" +
"Have not been used in the past `chunk-inactivity` (ms)" +
"The auto-save interval is the recommended value for `file-duration` and `chunk-inactivity`",
min = 1,
max = 3
public void deleteUnclaimed(Player player, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region selection, int inhabitedTicks, @Optional("60000") int fileDurationMillis, @Switch('d') boolean debug) throws WorldEditException {
2019-06-19 03:43:06 +00:00
DeleteUnclaimedFilter filter = new DeleteUnclaimedFilter(player.getWorld(), fileDurationMillis, inhabitedTicks, fileDurationMillis);
if (debug) filter.enableDebug();
DeleteUnclaimedFilter result = runWithSelection(player, editSession, selection, filter);
if (result != null) player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
aliases = {"deletealloldregions", "deloldreg" },
usage = "<folder> <time>",
desc = "Delete regions which haven't been accessed in a certain amount of time",
help = "Delete regions which haven't been accessed in a certain amount of time\n" +
"You can use seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), days (d), weeks (w), years (y)\n" +
"(months are not a unit of time)\n" +
"E.g. 8h5m12s\n"
public void deleteAllOldRegions(Player player, String folder, String time) throws WorldEditException {
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long duration = MainUtil.timeToSec(time) * 1000L;
DeleteOldFilter filter = new DeleteOldFilter(duration);
DeleteOldFilter result = runWithWorld(player, folder, filter, true);
if (result != null) player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
name = "trimallplots",
desc = "Trim chunks in a Plot World",
help = "Trim chunks in a Plot World\n" +
"Unclaimed chunks will be deleted\n" +
"Unmodified chunks will be deleted\n" +
"Use -v to also delete unvisited chunks\n"
public void trimAllPlots(Player player, @Switch('v') boolean deleteUnvisited) throws WorldEditException {
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String folder = player.getWorld().getName();
int visitTime = deleteUnvisited ? 1 : -1;
PlotTrimFilter filter = new PlotTrimFilter(player.getWorld(), 0, visitTime, 600000);
// PlotTrimFilter result = runWithWorld(player, folder, filter, true);
FaweQueue defaultQueue = SetQueue.IMP.getNewQueue(folder, true, false);
MCAQueue queue = new MCAQueue(defaultQueue);
PlotTrimFilter result = queue.filterWorld(filter);
if (result != null) player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
name = "deletebiomechunks",
desc = "Delete chunks matching a specific biome"
2019-04-03 05:53:58 +00:00
public void deleteBiome(Player player, String folder, BiomeType biome, @Switch('u') boolean unsafe) {
DeleteBiomeFilterSimple filter = new DeleteBiomeFilterSimple(biome);
DeleteBiomeFilterSimple result = runWithWorld(player, folder, filter, true, unsafe);
if (result != null) player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
name = "trimallair",
desc = "Trim all air in the world"
public void trimAllAir(Player player, String folder, @Switch('u') boolean unsafe) throws WorldEditException {
TrimAirFilter filter = new TrimAirFilter();
TrimAirFilter result = runWithWorld(player, folder, filter, true, unsafe);
if (result != null) player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
name = "debugfixroads",
desc = "debug - do not use"
public void debugfixroads(Player player, String folder) throws WorldEditException {
DebugFixP2Roads filter = new DebugFixP2Roads();
DebugFixP2Roads result = runWithWorld(player, folder, filter, true, true);
if (result != null) player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
aliases = {"replaceallpattern", "reap", "repallpat"},
usage = "<folder> [from-block] <to-pattern>",
desc = "Replace all blocks in the selection with another",
flags = "dm"
public void replaceAllPattern(Player player, String folder, @Optional String from, final Pattern to, @Switch('d') boolean useData, @Switch('m') boolean useMap) throws WorldEditException {
// MCAFilterCounter filter;
// if (useMap) {
// if (to instanceof RandomPattern) {
// List<String> split = StringMan.split(from, ',');
// filter = new MappedReplacePatternFilter(from, (RandomPattern) to, useData);
// } else {
// player.print("Must be a pattern list!");
// return;
// }
// } else {
// final FaweBlockMatcher matchFrom;
// if (from == null) {
// matchFrom = FaweBlockMatcher.NOT_AIR;
// } else {
// matchFrom = FaweBlockMatcher.fromBlocks(worldEdit.getBlocks(player, from, true), useData || from.contains(":"));
// }
// filter = new ReplacePatternFilter(matchFrom, to);
// }
// MCAFilterCounter result = runWithWorld(player, folder, filter, true);
// if (result != null) player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
aliases = {"countall"},
usage = "<folder> [hasSky] <id>",
desc = "Count all blocks in a world",
flags = "d"
public void countAll(Player player, EditSession editSession, String folder, String arg, @Switch('d') boolean useData) throws WorldEditException {
// Set<BaseBlock> searchBlocks = worldEdit.getBlocks(player, arg, true);
// MCAFilterCounter filter;
// if (useData || arg.contains(":")) { // Optimize for both cases
// CountFilter counter = new CountFilter();
// searchBlocks.forEach(counter::addBlock);
// filter = counter;
// } else {
// CountIdFilter counter = new CountIdFilter();
// searchBlocks.forEach(counter::addBlock);
// filter = counter;
// }
// MCAFilterCounter result = runWithWorld(player, folder, filter, true);
// if (result != null) player.print(BBC.SELECTION_COUNT.format(result.getTotal()));
aliases = {"clear", "unset"},
desc = "Clear the chunks in a selection (delete without defrag)"
public void unset(Player player, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region selection) throws WorldEditException {
2018-12-23 16:19:33 +00:00
BlockVector3 bot = selection.getMinimumPoint();
BlockVector3 top = selection.getMaximumPoint();
RegionWrapper region = new RegionWrapper(bot, top);
MCAFilterCounter filter = new MCAFilterCounter() {
public MCAFile applyFile(MCAFile file) {
int X = file.getX();
int Z = file.getZ();
int bcx = X << 5;
int bcz = Z << 5;
int bx = X << 9;
int bz = Z << 9;
if (region.isIn(bx, bz) && region.isIn(bx + 511, bz + 511)) {
get().add(512 * 512 * 256);
} else if (region.isInMCA(X, Z)) {
final byte[] empty = new byte[4];
RandomAccessFile raf = file.getRandomAccessFile();
file.forEachChunk(new RunnableVal4<Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
public void run(Integer cx, Integer cz, Integer offset, Integer size) {
if (region.isInChunk(bcx + cx, bcz + cz)) {
int index = ((cx & 31) << 2) + ((cz & 31) << 7);
try {;
get().add(16 * 16 * 256);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
MCAFilterCounter result = runWithSelection(player, editSession, selection, filter);
if (result != null) player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
aliases = {"count"},
usage = "<ids>",
desc = "Count blocks in a selection",
flags = "d",
min = 1,
max = 2
public void count(Player player, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region selection, String arg, @Switch('d') boolean useData) throws WorldEditException {
// Set<BaseBlock> searchBlocks = worldEdit.getBlocks(player, arg, true);
// MCAFilterCounter filter;
// if (useData || arg.contains(":")) { // Optimize for both cases
// CountFilter counter = new CountFilter();
// searchBlocks.forEach(counter::addBlock);
// filter = counter;
// } else {
// CountIdFilter counter = new CountIdFilter();
// searchBlocks.forEach(counter::addBlock);
// filter = counter;
// }
// MCAFilterCounter result = runWithSelection(player, editSession, selection, filter);
// if (result != null) player.print(BBC.SELECTION_COUNT.format(result.getTotal()));
aliases = {"distr"},
desc = "Replace all blocks in the selection with another"
public void distr(Player player, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region selection, @Switch('d') boolean useData) throws WorldEditException {
// long total = 0;
// long[] count;
// MCAFilter<long[]> counts;
// if (useData) {
// counts = runWithSelection(player, editSession, selection, new MCAFilter<long[]>() {
// @Override
// public void applyBlock(int x, int y, int z, BaseBlock block, long[] counts) {
// counts[block.getCombined()]++;
// }
// @Override
// public long[] init() {
// return new long[Character.MAX_VALUE + 1];
// }
// });
// count = new long[Character.MAX_VALUE + 1];
// } else {
// counts = runWithSelection(player, editSession, selection, new MCAFilter<long[]>() {
// @Override
// public void applyBlock(int x, int y, int z, BaseBlock block, long[] counts) {
// counts[block.getId()]++;
// }
// @Override
// public long[] init() {
// return new long[4096];
// }
// });
// count = new long[4096];
// }
// for (long[] value : counts) {
// for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
// count[i] += value[i];
// total += value[i];
// }
// }
// ArrayList<long[]> map = new ArrayList<>();
// for (int i = 0; i < count.length; i++) {
// if (count[i] != 0) map.add(new long[]{i, count[i]});
// }
// Collections.sort(map, new Comparator<long[]>() {
// @Override
// public int compare(long[] a, long[] b) {
// long vA = a[1];
// long vB = b[1];
// return (vA < vB) ? -1 : ((vA == vB) ? 0 : 1);
// }
// });
// if (useData) {
// for (long[] c : map) {
// BaseBlock block = FaweCache.CACHE_BLOCK[(int) c[0]];
// String name = BlockType.fromID(block.getId()).getName();
// String str = String.format("%-7s (%.3f%%) %s #%d:%d",
// String.valueOf(c[1]),
// ((c[1] * 10000) / total) / 100d,
// name == null ? "Unknown" : name,
// block.getType(), block.getData());
// player.print(str);
// }
// } else {
// for (long[] c : map) {
// BlockType block = BlockType.fromID((int) c[0]);
// String str = String.format("%-7s (%.3f%%) %s #%d",
// String.valueOf(c[1]),
// ((c[1] * 10000) / total) / 100d,
// block == null ? "Unknown" : block.getName(), c[0]);
// player.print(str);
// }
// }
aliases = {"replace", "r"},
usage = "[from-block] <to-block>",
desc = "Replace all blocks in the selection with another"
public void replace(Player player, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region selection, @Optional String from, String to, @Switch('d') boolean useData) throws WorldEditException {
// final FaweBlockMatcher matchFrom;
// if (from == null) {
// matchFrom = FaweBlockMatcher.NOT_AIR;
// } else {
// matchFrom = FaweBlockMatcher.fromBlocks(worldEdit.getBlocks(player, from, true), useData || from.contains(":"));
// }
// final FaweBlockMatcher matchTo = FaweBlockMatcher.setBlocks(worldEdit.getBlocks(player, to, true));
// ReplaceSimpleFilter filter = new ReplaceSimpleFilter(matchFrom, matchTo);
// MCAFilterCounter result = runWithSelection(player, editSession, selection, filter);
// if (result != null) {
// player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
// }
aliases = {"replacepattern", "preplace", "rp"},
usage = "[from-mask] <to-pattern>",
desc = "Replace all blocks in the selection with a pattern"
// Player player, String folder, @Optional String from, final Pattern to, @Switch('d') boolean useData, @Switch('m') boolean useMap
public void replacePattern(Player player, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region selection, @Optional String from, final Pattern to, @Switch('d') boolean useData, @Switch('m') boolean useMap) throws WorldEditException {
// MCAFilterCounter filter;
// if (useMap) {
// if (to instanceof RandomPattern) {
// List<String> split = StringMan.split(from, ',');
// filter = new MappedReplacePatternFilter(from, (RandomPattern) to, useData);
// } else {
// player.print("Must be a pattern list!");
// return;
// }
// } else {
// final FaweBlockMatcher matchFrom;
// if (from == null) {
// matchFrom = FaweBlockMatcher.NOT_AIR;
// } else {
// matchFrom = FaweBlockMatcher.fromBlocks(worldEdit.getBlocks(player, from, true), useData || from.contains(":"));
// }
// filter = new ReplacePatternFilter(matchFrom, to);
// }
// MCAFilterCounter result = runWithSelection(player, editSession, selection, filter);
// if (result != null) {
// player.print(BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.format(result.getTotal()));
// }
aliases = {"set"},
usage = "<to-pattern>",
desc = "Set all blocks in the selection with a pattern"
// Player player, String folder, @Optional String from, final Pattern to, @Switch('d') boolean useData, @Switch('m') boolean useMap
public void set(Player player, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region selection, final Pattern to) throws WorldEditException {
MCAFilterCounter filter = new SetPatternFilter(to);
MCAFilterCounter result = runWithSelection(player, editSession, selection, filter);
if (result != null) {
aliases = {"removelayers"},
usage = "<id>",
desc = "Removes matching chunk layers",
help = "Remove if all the selected layers in a chunk match the provided id"
public void removeLayers(Player player, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region selection, int id) throws WorldEditException {
2018-12-23 16:19:33 +00:00
BlockVector3 min = selection.getMinimumPoint();
BlockVector3 max = selection.getMaximumPoint();
int minY = min.getBlockY();
int maxY = max.getBlockY();
RemoveLayerFilter filter = new RemoveLayerFilter(minY, maxY, id);
MCAFilterCounter result = runWithSelection(player, editSession, selection, filter);
if (result != null) {
aliases = {"copy"},
desc = "Lazily copy chunks to your anvil clipboard"
public void copy(Player player, LocalSession session, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region selection) throws WorldEditException {
if (!(selection instanceof CuboidRegion)) {
CuboidRegion cuboid = (CuboidRegion) selection;
2019-06-19 03:43:06 +00:00
String worldName = editSession.getWorld().getName();
FaweQueue tmp = SetQueue.IMP.getNewQueue(worldName, true, false);
MCAQueue queue = new MCAQueue(tmp);
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BlockVector3 origin = session.getPlacementPosition(player);
MCAClipboard clipboard = new MCAClipboard(queue, cuboid, origin);
FawePlayer fp = FawePlayer.wrap(player);
fp.setMeta(FawePlayer.METADATA_KEYS.ANVIL_CLIPBOARD, clipboard);
BBC.COMMAND_COPY.send(player, selection.getArea());
aliases = {"paste"},
desc = "Paste chunks from your anvil clipboard",
help =
"Paste the chunks from your anvil clipboard.\n" +
"The -c flag will align the paste to the chunks.",
flags = "c"
public void paste(Player player, LocalSession session, EditSession editSession, @Switch('c') boolean alignChunk) throws WorldEditException, IOException {
// FawePlayer fp = FawePlayer.wrap(player);
// MCAClipboard clipboard = fp.getMeta(FawePlayer.METADATA_KEYS.ANVIL_CLIPBOARD);
// if (clipboard == null) {
// fp.sendMessage("You must first use `//anvil copy`");
// return;
// }
// CuboidRegion cuboid = clipboard.getRegion();
// RegionWrapper copyRegion = new RegionWrapper(cuboid.getMinimumPoint(), cuboid.getMaximumPoint());
// final Vector offset = player.getPosition().subtract(clipboard.getOrigin());
// if (alignChunk) {
// offset.setComponents((offset.getBlockX() >> 4) << 4, offset.getBlockY(), (offset.getBlockZ() >> 4) << 4);
// }
// int oX = offset.getBlockX();
// int oZ = offset.getBlockZ();
// RegionWrapper pasteRegion = new RegionWrapper(copyRegion.minX + oX, copyRegion.maxX + oX, copyRegion.minZ + oZ, copyRegion.maxZ + oZ);
// String pasteWorldName = Fawe.imp().getWorldName(editSession.getWorld());
// FaweQueue tmpTo = SetQueue.IMP.getNewQueue(pasteWorldName, true, false);
// MCAQueue copyQueue = clipboard.getQueue();
// MCAQueue pasteQueue = new MCAQueue(tmpTo);
// fp.checkAllowedRegion(pasteRegion);
// recordHistory(fp, editSession.getWorld(), iAnvilHistory -> {
// try {
// pasteQueue.pasteRegion(copyQueue, copyRegion, offset, iAnvilHistory);
// } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
// });
// BBC.COMMAND_PASTE.send(player, player.getPosition().toBlockVector());