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package com.thevoxelbox.voxelsniper.brush;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitAdapter;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.block.BlockTypes;
import com.thevoxelbox.voxelsniper.Message;
import com.thevoxelbox.voxelsniper.SnipeData;
import com.thevoxelbox.voxelsniper.Undo;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
// Proposal: Use /v and /vr for leave and wood material // or two more parameters -- Monofraps
* http://www.voxelwiki.com/minecraft/Voxelsniper#VoxelTrees_Brush
* @author Ghost8700 @ Voxel
public class GenerateTreeBrush extends Brush
// Tree Variables.
private Random randGenerator = new Random();
private ArrayList<Block> branchBlocks = new ArrayList<Block>();
private Undo undo;
// If these default values are edited. Remember to change default values in the default preset.
private Material leafType = Material.OAK_LEAVES;
private Material woodType = Material.OAK_WOOD;
private boolean rootFloat = false;
private int startHeight = 0;
private int rootLength = 9;
private int maxRoots = 2;
private int minRoots = 1;
private int thickness = 1;
private int slopeChance = 40;
private int twistChance = 5; // This is a hidden value not available through Parameters. Otherwise messy.
private int heightMininmum = 14;
private int heightMaximum = 18;
private int branchLength = 8;
private int nodeMax = 4;
private int nodeMin = 3;
private int blockPositionX;
private int blockPositionY;
private int blockPositionZ;
public GenerateTreeBrush()
this.setName("Generate Tree");
public boolean isLog(Material m) {
switch (m) {
case OAK_LOG:
return true;
return false;
public boolean isLeave(Material m) {
switch (m) {
return true;
return false;
// Branch Creation based on direction chosen from the parameters passed.
private void branchCreate(final int xDirection, final int zDirection)
// Sets branch origin.
final int originX = blockPositionX;
final int originY = blockPositionY;
final int originZ = blockPositionZ;
// Sets direction preference.
final int xPreference = this.randGenerator.nextInt(60) + 20;
final int zPreference = this.randGenerator.nextInt(60) + 20;
// Iterates according to branch length.
for (int r = 0; r < this.branchLength; r++)
// Alters direction according to preferences.
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < xPreference)
blockPositionX = blockPositionX + 1 * xDirection;
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < zPreference)
blockPositionZ = blockPositionZ + 1 * zDirection;
// 50% chance to increase elevation every second block.
if (Math.abs(r % 2) == 1)
blockPositionY = blockPositionY + this.randGenerator.nextInt(2);
// Add block to undo function.
if (!isLog(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ));
// Creates a branch block.
this.clampY(blockPositionX, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ).setType(this.woodType);
this.branchBlocks.add(this.clampY(blockPositionX, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ));
// Resets the origin
blockPositionX = originX;
blockPositionY = originY;
blockPositionZ = originZ;
private void leafNodeCreate()
// Generates the node size.
final int nodeRadius = this.randGenerator.nextInt(this.nodeMax - this.nodeMin + 1) + this.nodeMin;
final double bSquared = Math.pow(nodeRadius + 0.5, 2);
// Lowers the current block in order to start at the bottom of the node.
blockPositionY = blockPositionY - 2;
for (int z = nodeRadius; z >= 0; z--)
final double zSquared = Math.pow(z, 2);
for (int x = nodeRadius; x >= 0; x--)
final double xSquared = Math.pow(x, 2);
for (int y = nodeRadius; y >= 0; y--)
if ((xSquared + Math.pow(y, 2) + zSquared) <= bSquared)
// Chance to skip creation of a block.
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) >= 30)
// If block is Air, create a leaf block.
if (this.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ + z).isEmpty())
// Adds block to undo function.
if (!isLeave(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ + z)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ + z));
// Creates block.
this.clampY(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ + z).setType(this.leafType);
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) >= 30)
if (this.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ - z).isEmpty())
if (!isLeave(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ - z)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ - z));
this.clampY(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ - z).setType(this.leafType);
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) >= 30)
if (this.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ + z).isEmpty())
if (!isLeave(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ + z)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ + z));
this.clampY(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ + z).setType(this.leafType);
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) >= 30)
if (this.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ - z).isEmpty())
if (!isLeave(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ - z)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ - z));
this.clampY(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY + y, blockPositionZ - z).setType(this.leafType);
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) >= 30)
if (this.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ + z).isEmpty())
if (!isLeave(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ + z)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ + z));
this.clampY(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ + z).setType(this.leafType);
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) >= 30)
if (this.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ - z).isEmpty())
if (!isLeave(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ - z)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ - z));
this.clampY(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ - z).setType(this.leafType);
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) >= 30)
if (this.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ + z).isEmpty())
if (!isLeave(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ + z)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ + z));
this.clampY(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ + z).setType(this.leafType);
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) >= 30)
if (this.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ - z).isEmpty())
if (!isLeave(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ - z)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ - z));
this.clampY(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY - y, blockPositionZ - z).setType(this.leafType);
* Code Concerning Root Generation.
* @param xDirection
* @param zDirection
private void rootCreate(final int xDirection, final int zDirection)
// Sets Origin.
final int originX = blockPositionX;
final int originY = blockPositionY;
final int originZ = blockPositionZ;
// Generates the number of roots to create.
final int roots = this.randGenerator.nextInt(this.maxRoots - this.minRoots + 1) + this.minRoots;
// A roots preference to move along the X and Y axis.
// Loops for each root to be created.
for (int i = 0; i < roots; i++)
// Pushes the root'world starting point out from the center of the tree.
for (int t = 0; t < this.thickness - 1; t++)
blockPositionX = blockPositionX + xDirection;
blockPositionZ = blockPositionZ + zDirection;
// Generate directional preference between 30% and 70%
final int xPreference = this.randGenerator.nextInt(30) + 40;
final int zPreference = this.randGenerator.nextInt(30) + 40;
for (int j = 0; j < this.rootLength; j++)
// For the purposes of this algorithm, logs aren't considered solid.
// If not solid then...
// Save for undo function
if (!isLog(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ));
// Place log block.
this.clampY(blockPositionX, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ).setType(this.woodType);
// If solid then...
// End loop
// Checks is block below is solid
if (this.clampY(blockPositionX, blockPositionY - 1, blockPositionZ).isEmpty() || this.clampY(blockPositionX, blockPositionY - 1, blockPositionZ).getType() == Material.WATER || this.clampY(blockPositionX, blockPositionY - 1, blockPositionZ).getType() == Material.SNOW || isLog(this.clampY(blockPositionX, blockPositionY - 1, blockPositionZ).getType()))
// Mos down if solid.
blockPositionY = blockPositionY - 1;
if (this.rootFloat)
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < xPreference)
blockPositionX = blockPositionX + xDirection;
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < zPreference)
blockPositionZ = blockPositionZ + zDirection;
// If solid then move.
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < xPreference)
blockPositionX = blockPositionX + xDirection;
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < zPreference)
blockPositionZ = blockPositionZ + zDirection;
// Checks if new location is solid, if not then move down.
if (this.clampY(blockPositionX, blockPositionY - 1, blockPositionZ).isEmpty() || this.clampY(blockPositionX, blockPositionY - 1, blockPositionZ).getType() == Material.WATER || this.clampY(blockPositionX, blockPositionY - 1, blockPositionZ).getType() == Material.SNOW || isLog(this.clampY(blockPositionX, blockPositionY - 1, blockPositionZ).getType()))
blockPositionY = blockPositionY - 1;
// Reset origin.
blockPositionX = originX;
blockPositionY = originY;
blockPositionZ = originZ;
private void rootGen()
// Quadrant 1
this.rootCreate(1, 1);
// Quadrant 2
this.rootCreate(-1, 1);
// Quadrant 3
this.rootCreate(1, -1);
// Quadrant 4
this.rootCreate(-1, -1);
private void trunkCreate()
// Creates true circle discs of the set size using the wood type selected.
final double bSquared = Math.pow(this.thickness + 0.5, 2);
for (int x = this.thickness; x >= 0; x--)
final double xSquared = Math.pow(x, 2);
for (int z = this.thickness; z >= 0; z--)
if ((xSquared + Math.pow(z, 2)) <= bSquared)
// If block is air, then create a block.
if (this.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ + z).isEmpty())
// Adds block to undo function.
if (!isLog(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ + z)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ + z));
// Creates block.
this.clampY(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ + z).setType(this.woodType);
if (this.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ - z).isEmpty())
if (!isLog(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ - z)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ - z));
this.clampY(blockPositionX + x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ - z).setType(this.woodType);
if (this.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ + z).isEmpty())
if (!isLog(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ + z)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ + z));
this.clampY(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ + z).setType(this.woodType);
if (this.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ - z).isEmpty())
if (!isLog(this.getBlockType(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ - z)))
this.undo.put(this.clampY(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ - z));
this.clampY(blockPositionX - x, blockPositionY, blockPositionZ - z).setType(this.woodType);
* Code Concerning Trunk Generation
private void trunkGen()
// Sets Origin
final int originX = blockPositionX;
final int originY = blockPositionY;
final int originZ = blockPositionZ;
// ----------
// Main Trunk
// ----------
// Sets diretional preferences.
int xPreference = this.randGenerator.nextInt(this.slopeChance);
int zPreference = this.randGenerator.nextInt(this.slopeChance);
// Sets direction.
int xDirection = 1;
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < 50)
xDirection = -1;
int zDirection = 1;
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < 50)
zDirection = -1;
// Generates a height for trunk.
int height = this.randGenerator.nextInt(this.heightMaximum - this.heightMininmum + 1) + this.heightMininmum;
for (int p = 0; p < height; p++)
if (p > 3)
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) <= this.twistChance)
xDirection *= -1;
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) <= this.twistChance)
zDirection *= -1;
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < xPreference)
blockPositionX += xDirection;
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < zPreference)
blockPositionZ += zDirection;
// Creates trunk section
// Mos up for next section
blockPositionY = blockPositionY + 1;
// Generates branchs at top of trunk for each quadrant.
this.branchCreate(1, 1);
this.branchCreate(-1, 1);
this.branchCreate(1, -1);
this.branchCreate(-1, -1);
// Reset Origin for next trunk.
blockPositionX = originX;
blockPositionY = originY + 4;
blockPositionZ = originZ;
// ---------------
// Secondary Trunk
// ---------------
// Sets diretional preferences.
xPreference = this.randGenerator.nextInt(this.slopeChance);
zPreference = this.randGenerator.nextInt(this.slopeChance);
// Sets direction.
xDirection = 1;
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < 50)
xDirection = -1;
zDirection = 1;
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < 50)
zDirection = -1;
// Generates a height for trunk.
height = this.randGenerator.nextInt(this.heightMaximum - this.heightMininmum + 1) + this.heightMininmum;
if (height > 4)
for (int p = 0; p < height; p++)
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) <= this.twistChance)
xDirection *= -1;
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) <= this.twistChance)
zDirection *= -1;
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < xPreference)
blockPositionX = blockPositionX + 1 * xDirection;
if (this.randGenerator.nextInt(100) < zPreference)
blockPositionZ = blockPositionZ + 1 * zDirection;
// Creates a trunk section
// Mos up for next section
blockPositionY = blockPositionY + 1;
// Generates branchs at top of trunk for each quadrant.
this.branchCreate(1, 1);
this.branchCreate(-1, 1);
this.branchCreate(1, -1);
this.branchCreate(-1, -1);
protected final void arrow(final SnipeData v)
this.undo = new Undo();
// Sets the location variables.
blockPositionX = this.getTargetBlock().getX();
blockPositionY = this.getTargetBlock().getY() + this.startHeight;
blockPositionZ = this.getTargetBlock().getZ();
// Generates the roots.
// Generates the trunk, which also generates branches.
// Each branch block was saved in an array. This is now fed through an array.
// This array takes each branch block and constructs a leaf node around it.
for (final Block block : this.branchBlocks)
blockPositionX = block.getX();
blockPositionY = block.getY();
blockPositionZ = block.getZ();
// Ends the undo function and mos on.
// The Powder currently does nothing extra.
protected final void powder(final SnipeData v)
public final void info(final Message vm)
public final void parameters(final String[] par, final SnipeData v)
for (int i = 1; i < par.length; i++)
final String parameter = par[i];
if (parameter.equalsIgnoreCase("info"))
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "This brush takes the following parameters:");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "lt# - leaf type (data value)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "wt# - wood type (data value)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "tt# - tree thickness (whote number)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "rfX - root float (true or false)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "sh# - starting height (whole number)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "rl# - root length (whole number)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "ts# - trunk slope chance (0-100)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "bl# - branch length (whole number)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "info2 - more parameters");
if (parameter.equalsIgnoreCase("info2"))
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "This brush takes the following parameters:");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "minr# - minimum roots (whole number)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "maxr# - maximum roots (whole number)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "minh# - minimum height (whole number)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "maxh# - maximum height (whole number)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "minl# - minimum leaf node size (whole number)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "maxl# - maximum leaf node size (whole number)");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "default - restore default params");
if (parameter.startsWith("lt"))
{ // Leaf Type
this.leafType = BukkitAdapter.adapt(BlockTypes.parse(parameter.replace("lt", "")));
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Leaf Type set to " + this.leafType);
else if (parameter.startsWith("wt"))
{ // Wood Type
this.woodType = BukkitAdapter.adapt(BlockTypes.parse(parameter.replace("wt", "")));
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Wood Type set to " + this.woodType);
else if (parameter.startsWith("tt"))
{ // Tree Thickness
this.thickness = Integer.parseInt(parameter.replace("tt", ""));
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Thickness set to " + this.thickness);
else if (parameter.startsWith("rf"))
{ // Root Float
this.rootFloat = Boolean.parseBoolean(parameter.replace("rf", ""));
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Floating Roots set to " + this.rootFloat);
else if (parameter.startsWith("sh"))
{ // Starting Height
this.startHeight = Integer.parseInt(parameter.replace("sh", ""));
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Starting Height set to " + this.startHeight);
else if (parameter.startsWith("rl"))
{ // Root Length
this.rootLength = Integer.parseInt(parameter.replace("rl", ""));
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Root Length set to " + this.rootLength);
else if (parameter.startsWith("minr"))
{ // Minimum Roots
this.minRoots = Integer.parseInt(parameter.replace("minr", ""));
if (this.minRoots > this.maxRoots)
this.minRoots = this.maxRoots;
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Minimum Roots can't exceed Maximum Roots, has been set to " + this.minRoots + " Instead!");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Minimum Roots set to " + this.minRoots);
else if (parameter.startsWith("maxr"))
{ // Maximum Roots
this.maxRoots = Integer.parseInt(parameter.replace("maxr", ""));
if (this.minRoots > this.maxRoots)
this.maxRoots = this.minRoots;
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Maximum Roots can't be lower than Minimum Roots, has been set to " + this.minRoots + " Instead!");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Maximum Roots set to " + this.maxRoots);
else if (parameter.startsWith("ts"))
{ // Trunk Slope Chance
this.slopeChance = Integer.parseInt(parameter.replace("ts", ""));
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Trunk Slope set to " + this.slopeChance);
else if (parameter.startsWith("minh"))
{ // Height Minimum
this.heightMininmum = Integer.parseInt(parameter.replace("minh", ""));
if (this.heightMininmum > this.heightMaximum)
this.heightMininmum = this.heightMaximum;
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Minimum Height exceed than Maximum Height, has been set to " + this.heightMininmum + " Instead!");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Minimum Height set to " + this.heightMininmum);
else if (parameter.startsWith("maxh"))
{ // Height Maximum
this.heightMaximum = Integer.parseInt(parameter.replace("maxh", ""));
if (this.heightMininmum > this.heightMaximum)
this.heightMaximum = this.heightMininmum;
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Maximum Height can't be lower than Minimum Height, has been set to " + this.heightMaximum + " Instead!");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Maximum Roots set to " + this.heightMaximum);
else if (parameter.startsWith("bl"))
{ // Branch Length
this.branchLength = Integer.parseInt(parameter.replace("bl", ""));
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Branch Length set to " + this.branchLength);
else if (parameter.startsWith("maxl"))
{ // Leaf Node Max Size
this.nodeMax = Integer.parseInt(parameter.replace("maxl", ""));
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Leaf Max Thickness set to " + this.nodeMax + " (Default 4)");
else if (parameter.startsWith("minl"))
{ // Leaf Node Min Size
this.nodeMin = Integer.parseInt(parameter.replace("minl", ""));
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Leaf Min Thickness set to " + this.nodeMin + " (Default 3)");
// -------
// Presets
// -------
else if (parameter.startsWith("default"))
{ // Default settings.
this.leafType = Material.OAK_LEAVES;
this.woodType = Material.OAK_WOOD;
this.rootFloat = false;
this.startHeight = 0;
this.rootLength = 9;
this.maxRoots = 2;
this.minRoots = 1;
this.thickness = 1;
this.slopeChance = 40;
this.heightMininmum = 14;
this.heightMaximum = 18;
this.branchLength = 8;
this.nodeMax = 4;
this.nodeMin = 3;
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Brush reset to default parameters.");
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Invalid brush parameters! use the info parameter to display parameter info.");
catch (final Exception exception)
v.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Invalid brush parameters! \"" + par[i] + "\" is not a valid statement. Please use the 'info' parameter to display parameter info.");
public String getPermissionNode()
return "voxelsniper.brush.generatetree";