Compiling ========= You can (most easily) compile WorldEdit using one of the build scripts. * **Maven** is for compiling **API**, **Bukkit**, and **Spout** versions * **Gradle** is for the **Forge** version The Java Development Kit is required. * [Get JDK 7 and 8]( * [Get JDK 6]( WorldEdit is written and targetted for Java 6, though you can use newer versions (with warnings). If you plan on compiling for Forge, you **need** at least Java 7 to be your "default" Java. (You can install several versions of the JDK.) Dependencies ------------ Both build scripts will download dependencies automatically. If, for some reason, compilation fails due to a missing dependency, please notify us. Folder Structure ---------------- Two source directories are required for compilation: * The main source files are *src/main/java* * Files marked for deprecation and future removal are in *src/legacy/java* Otheriwse, files for each platform are available in different folders: * The Bukkit implementation is located in *src/bukkit/java* * The Spout implementation is located in *src/spout/java* * The Forge implementation is located in *src/forge/java* Maven ----- **Don't have Maven?** [Download Maven]( from the Maven website. From WorldEdit's directory, execute the following command to compile a Bukkit version: mvn clean package Once done, the *target/* folder will contain a .jar file and release .zip files. ### Other Variations * `mvn clean package -P !bukkit` for just the API * `mvn clean package -P !bukkit -Pspout` for the Spout version Gradle ------ **Note:** As mentioned previously, you need Java 7 (a recent version) to execute the following steps successfully. Your `JAVA_HOME` environment variable needs to be set to the path of JDK 7+. **Don't have Gradle?** Replace `gradle` with `gradlew` below, which will automatically download a copy of Gradle for you. From WorldEdit's directory, clean the cache first with the following command: gradle cleancache --refresh-dependencies Build WorldEdit for Forge with: gradle build Once complete, you will find the release .jar in the folder *build/libs*. ### Other Tasks * `gradle setupDecompWorkspace idea` will generate an [IntelliJ IDEA]( workspace * `gradle setupDecompWorkspace eclipse` will generate an [](Eclipse) workspace