/* * WorldEdit, a Minecraft world manipulation toolkit * Copyright (C) sk89q * Copyright (C) WorldEdit team and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package com.sk89q.worldedit.world.item; import com.boydti.fawe.object.string.JoinedCharSequence; import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.block.ItemTypesCache; import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.registry.LegacyMapper; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Locale; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public final class ItemTypes { @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_BOAT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_BUTTON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_DOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_FENCE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_FENCE_GATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_LEAVES = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_LOG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_PLANKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_PRESSURE_PLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_SAPLING = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_SIGN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_TRAPDOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACACIA_WOOD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ACTIVATOR_RAIL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType AIR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ALLIUM = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ANDESITE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ANDESITE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ANDESITE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ANDESITE_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ANVIL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType APPLE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ARMOR_STAND = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ARROW = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType AZURE_BLUET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BAKED_POTATO = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BAMBOO = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BARREL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BARRIER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BAT_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BEACON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BEDROCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BEE_NEST = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BEE_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BEEF = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BEEHIVE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BEETROOT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BEETROOT_SEEDS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BEETROOT_SOUP = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BELL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_BOAT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_BUTTON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_DOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_FENCE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_FENCE_GATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_LEAVES = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_LOG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_PLANKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_PRESSURE_PLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_SAPLING = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_SIGN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_TRAPDOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BIRCH_WOOD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLACK_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLACK_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLACK_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLACK_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLACK_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLACK_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLACK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLACK_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLACK_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLACK_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLACK_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLAST_FURNACE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLAZE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLAZE_ROD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLAZE_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_ICE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_ORCHID = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BLUE_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BONE_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BONE_MEAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BOOK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BOOKSHELF = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BOW = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BOWL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BRAIN_CORAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BRAIN_CORAL_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BRAIN_CORAL_FAN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BREAD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BREWING_STAND = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BRICK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BRICK_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BRICK_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BRICK_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BRICKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_MUSHROOM = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_MUSHROOM_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BROWN_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BUBBLE_CORAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BUBBLE_CORAL_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BUBBLE_CORAL_FAN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType BUCKET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CACTUS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CAKE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CAMPFIRE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CARROT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CARROT_ON_A_STICK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CARVED_PUMPKIN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CAT_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CAULDRON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CAVE_SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHAIN_COMMAND_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHAINMAIL_BOOTS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHAINMAIL_HELMET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHARCOAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHEST = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHEST_MINECART = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHICKEN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHICKEN_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHIPPED_ANVIL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHISELED_QUARTZ_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHISELED_RED_SANDSTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHISELED_SANDSTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHISELED_STONE_BRICKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHORUS_FLOWER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHORUS_FRUIT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CHORUS_PLANT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CLAY = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CLAY_BALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COAL_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COAL_ORE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COARSE_DIRT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COBBLESTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COBBLESTONE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COBBLESTONE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COBBLESTONE_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COBWEB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COCOA_BEANS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COD_BUCKET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COD_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COMMAND_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COMPARATOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COMPASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COMPOSTER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CONDUIT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COOKED_BEEF = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COOKED_CHICKEN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COOKED_COD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COOKED_MUTTON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COOKED_PORKCHOP = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COOKED_RABBIT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COOKED_SALMON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COOKIE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CORNFLOWER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType COW_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CRACKED_STONE_BRICKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CRAFTING_TABLE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CREEPER_BANNER_PATTERN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CREEPER_HEAD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CREEPER_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CROSSBOW = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CUT_RED_SANDSTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CUT_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CUT_SANDSTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CUT_SANDSTONE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CYAN_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CYAN_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CYAN_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CYAN_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CYAN_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CYAN_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CYAN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CYAN_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CYAN_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CYAN_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType CYAN_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DAMAGED_ANVIL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DANDELION = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_BOAT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_BUTTON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_DOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_FENCE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_FENCE_GATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_LEAVES = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_LOG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_PLANKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_SAPLING = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_SIGN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_TRAPDOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_OAK_WOOD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_PRISMARINE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_PRISMARINE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DARK_PRISMARINE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL_FAN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL_FAN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_BUSH = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_FIRE_CORAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_FIRE_CORAL_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_FIRE_CORAL_FAN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_HORN_CORAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_HORN_CORAL_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_HORN_CORAL_FAN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_TUBE_CORAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_TUBE_CORAL_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEAD_TUBE_CORAL_FAN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DEBUG_STICK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DETECTOR_RAIL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIAMOND = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIAMOND_AXE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIAMOND_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIAMOND_BOOTS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIAMOND_HELMET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIAMOND_HOE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIAMOND_LEGGINGS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIAMOND_ORE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIAMOND_PICKAXE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIAMOND_SHOVEL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIAMOND_SWORD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIORITE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIORITE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIORITE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIORITE_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DIRT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DISPENSER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DOLPHIN_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DONKEY_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DRAGON_BREATH = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DRAGON_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DRAGON_HEAD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DRIED_KELP = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DRIED_KELP_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DROPPER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType DROWNED_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ELDER_GUARDIAN_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ELYTRA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType EMERALD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType EMERALD_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType EMERALD_ORE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ENCHANTED_BOOK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ENCHANTED_GOLDEN_APPLE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ENCHANTING_TABLE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType END_CRYSTAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType END_PORTAL_FRAME = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType END_ROD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType END_STONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType END_STONE_BRICK_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType END_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType END_STONE_BRICK_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType END_STONE_BRICKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ENDER_CHEST = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ENDER_EYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ENDER_PEARL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ENDERMAN_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ENDERMITE_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType EVOKER_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FARMLAND = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FEATHER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FERN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FILLED_MAP = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FIRE_CHARGE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FIRE_CORAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FIRE_CORAL_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FIRE_CORAL_FAN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FIREWORK_ROCKET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FIREWORK_STAR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FISHING_ROD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FLETCHING_TABLE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FLINT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FLINT_AND_STEEL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FLOWER_BANNER_PATTERN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FLOWER_POT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FOX_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FURNACE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType FURNACE_MINECART = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GHAST_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GHAST_TEAR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GLASS_BOTTLE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GLOBE_BANNER_PATTERN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GLOWSTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GLOWSTONE_DUST = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLD_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLD_INGOT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLD_NUGGET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLD_ORE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLDEN_APPLE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLDEN_AXE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLDEN_BOOTS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLDEN_CARROT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLDEN_HELMET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLDEN_HOE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLDEN_HORSE_ARMOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLDEN_LEGGINGS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLDEN_PICKAXE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLDEN_SHOVEL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GOLDEN_SWORD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRANITE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRANITE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRANITE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRANITE_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRASS_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRASS_PATH = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRAVEL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRAY_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRAY_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRAY_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRAY_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRAY_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRAY_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRAY_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRAY_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRAY_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRAY_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRAY_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GREEN_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GREEN_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GREEN_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GREEN_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GREEN_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GREEN_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GREEN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GREEN_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GREEN_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GREEN_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GREEN_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GRINDSTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GUARDIAN_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType GUNPOWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HAY_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HEART_OF_THE_SEA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HONEY_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HONEY_BOTTLE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HONEYCOMB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HONEYCOMB_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HOPPER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HOPPER_MINECART = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HORN_CORAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HORN_CORAL_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HORN_CORAL_FAN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HORSE_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType HUSK_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ICE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType INFESTED_CHISELED_STONE_BRICKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType INFESTED_COBBLESTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType INFESTED_CRACKED_STONE_BRICKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType INFESTED_MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType INFESTED_STONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType INFESTED_STONE_BRICKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType INK_SAC = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_AXE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_BARS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_BOOTS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_CHESTPLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_DOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_HELMET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_HOE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_HORSE_ARMOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_INGOT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_LEGGINGS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_NUGGET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_ORE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_PICKAXE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_SHOVEL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_SWORD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType IRON_TRAPDOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ITEM_FRAME = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JACK_O_LANTERN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JIGSAW = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUKEBOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_BOAT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_BUTTON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_DOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_FENCE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_LEAVES = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_LOG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_PLANKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_PRESSURE_PLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_SAPLING = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_SIGN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_TRAPDOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType JUNGLE_WOOD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType KELP = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType KNOWLEDGE_BOOK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LADDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LANTERN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LAPIS_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LAPIS_LAZULI = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LAPIS_ORE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LARGE_FERN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LAVA_BUCKET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LEAD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LEATHER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LEATHER_BOOTS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LEATHER_CHESTPLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LEATHER_HELMET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LEATHER_HORSE_ARMOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LEATHER_LEGGINGS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LECTERN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LEVER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_BLUE_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_BLUE_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_BLUE_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_BLUE_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_BLUE_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_BLUE_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_BLUE_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_BLUE_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_GRAY_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_GRAY_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_GRAY_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_GRAY_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_GRAY_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_GRAY_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_GRAY_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_GRAY_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_GRAY_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_GRAY_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LILAC = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LILY_OF_THE_VALLEY = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LILY_PAD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIME_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIME_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIME_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIME_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIME_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIME_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIME_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIME_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIME_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIME_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LIME_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LINGERING_POTION = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LLAMA_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType LOOM = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGENTA_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGENTA_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGENTA_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGENTA_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGENTA_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGENTA_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGENTA_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGENTA_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGENTA_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGENTA_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGMA_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGMA_CREAM = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAGMA_CUBE_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MAP = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MELON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MELON_SEEDS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MELON_SLICE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MILK_BUCKET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MINECART = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MOJANG_BANNER_PATTERN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MOOSHROOM_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MOSSY_COBBLESTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MULE_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSHROOM_STEM = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSHROOM_STEW = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSIC_DISC_11 = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSIC_DISC_13 = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSIC_DISC_CAT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSIC_DISC_FAR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSIC_DISC_MALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSIC_DISC_MELLOHI = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSIC_DISC_STAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSIC_DISC_STRAD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSIC_DISC_WAIT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUSIC_DISC_WARD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MUTTON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType MYCELIUM = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NAME_TAG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NAUTILUS_SHELL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NETHER_BRICK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NETHER_BRICK_FENCE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NETHER_BRICK_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NETHER_BRICK_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NETHER_BRICKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NETHER_QUARTZ_ORE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NETHER_STAR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NETHER_WART = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NETHER_WART_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NETHERITE_PICKAXE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NETHERRACK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType NOTE_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_BOAT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_BUTTON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_DOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_FENCE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_FENCE_GATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_LEAVES = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_LOG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_PLANKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_SAPLING = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_SIGN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_TRAPDOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OAK_WOOD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OBSERVER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OBSIDIAN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OCELOT_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ORANGE_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ORANGE_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ORANGE_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ORANGE_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ORANGE_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ORANGE_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ORANGE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ORANGE_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ORANGE_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ORANGE_TULIP = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ORANGE_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType OXEYE_DAISY = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PACKED_ICE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PAINTING = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PANDA_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PAPER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PARROT_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PEONY = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PETRIFIED_OAK_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PHANTOM_MEMBRANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PHANTOM_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PIG_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PIGLIN_BRUTE_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PIGLIN_BANNER_PATTERN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PILLAGER_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PINK_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PINK_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PINK_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PINK_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PINK_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PINK_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PINK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PINK_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PINK_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PINK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PINK_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PINK_TULIP = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PINK_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PISTON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PLAYER_HEAD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PODZOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POISONOUS_POTATO = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POLAR_BEAR_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POLISHED_ANDESITE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POLISHED_ANDESITE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POLISHED_ANDESITE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POLISHED_DIORITE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POLISHED_DIORITE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POLISHED_DIORITE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POLISHED_GRANITE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POLISHED_GRANITE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POLISHED_GRANITE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POPPED_CHORUS_FRUIT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POPPY = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PORKCHOP = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POTATO = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POTION = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType POWERED_RAIL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PRISMARINE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PRISMARINE_BRICK_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PRISMARINE_BRICK_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PRISMARINE_BRICKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PRISMARINE_SHARD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PRISMARINE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PRISMARINE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PRISMARINE_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PUFFERFISH = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PUFFERFISH_BUCKET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PUFFERFISH_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PUMPKIN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PUMPKIN_PIE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PUMPKIN_SEEDS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPLE_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPLE_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPLE_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPLE_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPLE_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPLE_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPLE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPLE_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPLE_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPLE_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPUR_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPUR_PILLAR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPUR_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType PURPUR_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType QUARTZ = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType QUARTZ_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType QUARTZ_PILLAR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType QUARTZ_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType QUARTZ_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RABBIT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RABBIT_FOOT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RABBIT_HIDE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RABBIT_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RABBIT_STEW = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RAIL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RAVAGER_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_MUSHROOM = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_NETHER_BRICK_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_NETHER_BRICK_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_NETHER_BRICKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_SAND = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_SANDSTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_SANDSTONE_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_TULIP = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType RED_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType REDSTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType REDSTONE_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType REDSTONE_LAMP = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType REDSTONE_ORE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType REDSTONE_TORCH = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType REPEATER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType REPEATING_COMMAND_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ROSE_BUSH = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ROTTEN_FLESH = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SADDLE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SALMON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SALMON_BUCKET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SALMON_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SAND = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SANDSTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SANDSTONE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SANDSTONE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SANDSTONE_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SCAFFOLDING = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SCUTE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SEA_LANTERN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SEA_PICKLE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SEAGRASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SHEARS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SHIELD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SHULKER_SHELL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SHULKER_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SILVERFISH_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SKELETON_HORSE_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SKELETON_SKULL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SKELETON_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SKULL_BANNER_PATTERN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SLIME_BALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SLIME_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SLIME_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SMITHING_TABLE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SMOKER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SMOOTH_QUARTZ = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SMOOTH_QUARTZ_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SMOOTH_QUARTZ_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SMOOTH_SANDSTONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SMOOTH_SANDSTONE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SMOOTH_SANDSTONE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SMOOTH_STONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SMOOTH_STONE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SNOW = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SNOW_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SNOWBALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SOUL_SAND = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPAWNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPECTRAL_ARROW = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPIDER_EYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPLASH_POTION = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPONGE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_BOAT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_BUTTON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_DOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_FENCE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_FENCE_GATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_LEAVES = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_LOG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_PLANKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_PRESSURE_PLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_SAPLING = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_SIGN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_TRAPDOOR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SPRUCE_WOOD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SQUID_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STICK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STICKY_PISTON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE_AXE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE_BRICK_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE_BRICK_WALL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE_BRICKS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE_BUTTON = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE_HOE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE_PICKAXE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE_SHOVEL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE_SLAB = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE_STAIRS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONE_SWORD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STONECUTTER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRAY_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRING = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRIPPED_ACACIA_LOG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRIPPED_ACACIA_WOOD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRIPPED_BIRCH_LOG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRIPPED_BIRCH_WOOD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRIPPED_DARK_OAK_LOG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRIPPED_DARK_OAK_WOOD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRIPPED_JUNGLE_LOG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRIPPED_JUNGLE_WOOD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRIPPED_OAK_LOG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRIPPED_OAK_WOOD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRIPPED_SPRUCE_LOG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRIPPED_SPRUCE_WOOD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRUCTURE_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType STRUCTURE_VOID = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SUGAR = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SUGAR_CANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SUNFLOWER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SUSPICIOUS_STEW = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType SWEET_BERRIES = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TALL_GRASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TIPPED_ARROW = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TNT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TNT_MINECART = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TORCH = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TOTEM_OF_UNDYING = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TRADER_LLAMA_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TRAPPED_CHEST = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TRIDENT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TRIPWIRE_HOOK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TROPICAL_FISH = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TROPICAL_FISH_BUCKET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TROPICAL_FISH_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TUBE_CORAL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TUBE_CORAL_BLOCK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TUBE_CORAL_FAN = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TURTLE_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TURTLE_HELMET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType TURTLE_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType VEX_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType VILLAGER_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType VINDICATOR_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType VINE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WANDERING_TRADER_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WATER_BUCKET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WET_SPONGE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHEAT = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHEAT_SEEDS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHITE_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHITE_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHITE_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHITE_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHITE_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHITE_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHITE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHITE_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHITE_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHITE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHITE_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHITE_TULIP = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WHITE_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WITCH_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WITHER_ROSE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WITHER_SKELETON_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WOLF_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WOODEN_AXE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WOODEN_HOE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WOODEN_PICKAXE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WOODEN_SHOVEL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WOODEN_SWORD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WRITABLE_BOOK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType WRITTEN_BOOK = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType YELLOW_BANNER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType YELLOW_BED = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType YELLOW_CARPET = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType YELLOW_CONCRETE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType YELLOW_CONCRETE_POWDER = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType YELLOW_DYE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType YELLOW_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType YELLOW_SHULKER_BOX = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType YELLOW_TERRACOTTA = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType YELLOW_WOOL = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ZOMBIE_HEAD = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ZOMBIE_HORSE_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG = init(); @Nullable public static final ItemType ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_SPAWN_EGG = init(); // legacy @Deprecated @Nullable public static final ItemType CACTUS_GREEN = GREEN_DYE; @Deprecated @Nullable public static final ItemType DANDELION_YELLOW = YELLOW_DYE; @Deprecated @Nullable public static final ItemType ROSE_RED = RED_DYE; @Deprecated @Nullable public static final ItemType SIGN = OAK_SIGN; private ItemTypes() { } private static Field[] fieldsTmp; private static JoinedCharSequence joined; private static int initIndex = 0; private static ItemType init() { try { if (fieldsTmp == null) { fieldsTmp = ItemTypes.class.getDeclaredFields(); ItemTypesCache.init(); // force class to load joined = new JoinedCharSequence(); } String name = fieldsTmp[initIndex++].getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); CharSequence fullName = joined.init(ItemType.REGISTRY.getDefaultNamespace(), ':', name); return ItemType.REGISTRY.getMap().get(fullName); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } static { fieldsTmp = null; joined = null; } @Nullable public static ItemType parse(String input) { input = input.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); if (!Character.isAlphabetic(input.charAt(0))) { try { ItemType legacy = LegacyMapper.getInstance().getItemFromLegacy(input); if (legacy != null) return legacy; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!input.split("\\[", 2)[0].contains(":")) input = "minecraft:" + input; return get(input); } public static @Nullable ItemType get(final String id) { return ItemType.REGISTRY.get(id); } @Deprecated public static ItemType get(int ordinal) { return ItemType.REGISTRY.getByInternalId(ordinal); } public static int size() { return ItemType.REGISTRY.size(); } public static Collection values() { return ItemType.REGISTRY.values(); } }