name: WorldEdit main: com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditPlugin version: "WEVERSIONMACRO" commands: /limit: description: See documentation usage: / toggleplace: description: Toggle placing at pos #1 usage: / /undo: description: Undo usage: / /redo: description: Redo usage: / clearhistory: description: Clear history usage: / /pos1: description: Set editing position #1 usage: / /pos2: description: Set editing position #2 usage: / /hpos1: description: Trace editing position #1 usage: / /hpos2: description: Trace editing position #2 usage: / /chunk: description: Select the chunk that you are in usage: / /wand: description: Gives you the edit wand usage: / toggleeditwand: description: Toggles edit wand selection usage: / /expand: description: Expands the selection usage: / [direction] /contract: description: Contracts the selection usage: / [direction] /shift: description: Shift the selection usage: / [direction] /size: description: Get size of selected region usage: / /count: description: Count the number of blocks in the region usage: / /distr: description: Get the top block distribution usage: / /set: description: Set all blocks inside region usage: / /replace: description: Replace all existing blocks inside region usage: / [from-id] [to-id] /overlay: description: Overlay the area one layer usage: / /walls: description: Build walls usage: / /outline: description: Outline the region with blocks usage: / /move: description: Move the selection usage: / [count] [dir] [leave-id] /stack: description: Stacks the selection usage: / [count] [dir] /smooth: description: Smooth an area's heightmap usage: / [iterations] /copy: description: Copies the currently selected region usage: / /cut: description: Cuts the currently selected region usage: / /paste: description: Pastes the clipboard usage: / /rotate: description: Rotate the clipboard usage: / /flip: description: Flip the clipboard usage: / [dir] /load: description: Load .schematic into clipboard usage: / /save: description: Save clipboard to .schematic usage: / clearclipboard: description: Clear clipboard usage: / /hcyl: description: Create a vertical hollow cylinder usage: / [height] /cyl: description: Create a vertical cylinder usage: / [height] /sphere: description: Create a sphere usage: / [raised?] /hsphere: description: Create a hollow sphere usage: / [raised?] forestgen: description: Make Notch tree forest usage: / [size] [density] pinegen: description: Make an ugly pine tree forest usage: / [size] [density] pumpkins: description: Make a pumpkin forest usage: / [size] /fill: description: Fill a hole usage: / [depth] /fillr: description: Fill a hole fully recursively usage: / fixwater: description: Level nearby pools of water usage: / fixlava: description: Level nearby pools of lava usage: / /drain: description: Drain nearby water/lava pools usage: / removeabove: description: Remove blocks above head usage: / [size] [height] removebelow: description: Remove blocks below position usage: / [size] [height] removenear: description: Remove blocks near you usage: / [id] [size] replacenear: description: Replace all existing blocks nearby usage: / snow: description: Simulate snow cover usage: / thaw: description: Unthaw/remove snow usage: / butcher: description: Kill nearby mobs usage: / [radius] ex: description: Extinguish fires usage: / [size] chunkinfo: description: Get the filename of the chunk that you are in usage: / listchunks: description: Print a list of used chunks usage: / delchunks: description: Generate a shell script to delete chunks usage: / unstuck: description: Go up to the first free spot usage: / ascend: description: Go up one level usage: / descend: description: Go down one level usage: / jumpto: description: Jump to the block that you are looking at usage: / thru: description: Go through the wall that you are looking at usage: / ceil: description: Get to the ceiling usage: / [clearence] up: description: Go up some distance usage: / listsnapshots: description: List the 5 newest snapshots usage: / [num] /use: description: Use a particular snapshot usage: / /restore: description: Restore a particular snapshot usage: / [snapshot-id] /: description: Toggles super pick axe. usage: / single: description: Switch to single block super pickaxe mode usage: / area: description: Switch to area super pickaxe mode usage: / recur: description: Switch to recursive super pickaxe mode usage: / none: description: Switch to no tool usage: / info: description: Switch to the info tool usage: / tree: description: Switch to the tree tool usage: / pinetree: description: Switch to the pine tree tool usage: / bigtree: description: Switch to the big tree tool usage: / repl: description: Switch to the block replacer tool usage: / brush: description: Switch to the sphere brush tool usage: / [radius] [no-replace?] reloadwe: description: Switch to the replacing sphere brush tool usage: / [radius] reloadwe: description: Reload WorldEdit's configuration usage: /