Compiling --------- Compiling WorldEdit requires a number of dependencies due to its dual support for hMod and Bukkit. However, if you only need to compile WorldEdit for one or the other, then you only need to compile the relevant files. (Note that the build script doesn't support compiling for only one or the other yet.) Requirements: - JDK 1.6 or newer - Apache Ant Main dependencies: - truezip.jar (TrueZip) Downloads at hMod dependencies: - Minecraft_Mod.jar (hMod) - minecraft_server.jar (Server as distributed by Notch) Bukkit dependencies: - minecraft_server_cb.jar (Server as distributed by the Bukkit team; this version has classes renamed to be friendly and thus is not compatible with Notch's server distribution) - CraftBukkit.jar - Bukkit.jar All of the files for hMod support reside in the default namespace (root src/ folder). You can choose to not compile those files (or delete them altogether) if you do not need hMod support. For Bukkit support, the files can be found in com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit, and you can ignore or delete those files if you do not need Bukkit support. Note that WorldEdit ties itself to CraftBukkit specifically because one, the Bukkit API currently lacks some features that allow generated trees to be undone, and second, there is no other implementation of Bukkit (yet). To compile, place library .jar files into a lib/ folder and run the Ant build script with the following line: ant jar