import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar plugins { `java-library` alias(libs.plugins.pluginyml) } project.description = "CLI" applyPlatformAndCoreConfiguration() applyShadowConfiguration() addJarManifest( WorldEditKind.Standalone("com.sk89q.worldedit.cli.CLIWorldEdit"), extraAttributes = mapOf( // We don't have any multi-release stuff, but Log4J does. "Multi-Release" to "true", ), ) dependencies { // Modules api(projects.worldeditCore) compileOnly(projects.worldeditLibs.core.ap) annotationProcessor(projects.worldeditLibs.core.ap) // Minecraft expectations annotationProcessor(libs.guava) implementation(libs.guava) implementation(libs.gson) // Logging implementation(libs.log4jBom) { because("We control Log4J on this platform") } implementation(libs.log4j) implementation(libs.log4jCore ) implementation("commons-cli:commons-cli:1.4") api(libs.parallelgzip) { isTransitive = false } } tasks.named("shadowJar") { dependencies { include { true } relocate("org.anarres", "") } archiveFileName.set(moduleIdentifier) minimize { exclude(dependency("org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core")) } } tasks.named("assemble").configure { dependsOn("shadowJar") } val moduleIdentifier = "${}-${project.description}-${project.version}.jar" val decoration = "\n****************************************" val websiteURL = "" bukkit { name = "FastAsyncWorldEdit-COMMAND_LINE_INTERFACE_NOT_A_PLUGIN" main = "com.sk89q.worldedit.cli.AccessPoint" apiVersion = decoration + "\n* 404 - Plugin Not Found.\n" + "* You installed the command line interface (CLI) which is not a plugin.\n" + "* Stop your server, delete `$moduleIdentifier`" + " and download the proper one from:\n" + "* $websiteURL\n" + "* (contains `-Bukkit-` instead of `-CLI-` in the name ;)" + decoration version = rootProject.version.toString() website = websiteURL }