package com.boydti.fawe; import com.boydti.fawe.config.BBC; import com.boydti.fawe.config.Settings; import com.boydti.fawe.example.NMSMappedFaweQueue; import com.boydti.fawe.example.NMSRelighter; import com.boydti.fawe.object.FaweLocation; import com.boydti.fawe.object.FawePlayer; import com.boydti.fawe.object.FaweQueue; import com.boydti.fawe.object.PseudoRandom; import com.boydti.fawe.object.RegionWrapper; import com.boydti.fawe.object.changeset.DiskStorageHistory; import com.boydti.fawe.object.schematic.Schematic; import com.boydti.fawe.regions.FaweMaskManager; import com.boydti.fawe.util.EditSessionBuilder; import com.boydti.fawe.util.MainUtil; import com.boydti.fawe.util.MemUtil; import com.boydti.fawe.util.SetQueue; import com.boydti.fawe.util.TaskManager; import com.boydti.fawe.util.WEManager; import com.boydti.fawe.wrappers.WorldWrapper; import com.sk89q.jnbt.ByteArrayTag; import com.sk89q.jnbt.IntTag; import com.sk89q.jnbt.NBTInputStream; import com.sk89q.jnbt.ShortTag; import com.sk89q.jnbt.Tag; import com.sk89q.worldedit.EditSession; import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector; import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit; import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEditException; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.factory.DefaultMaskParser; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.factory.DefaultTransformParser; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.factory.HashTagPatternParser; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.Capability; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.CommandManager; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.Platform; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.Extent; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.clipboard.Clipboard; import; import com.sk89q.worldedit.internal.registry.AbstractFactory; import com.sk89q.worldedit.internal.registry.InputParser; import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Region; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * The FaweAPI class offers a few useful functions.
* - This class is not intended to replace the WorldEdit API
* - With FAWE installed, you can use the EditSession and other WorldEdit classes from an async thread.
* FaweAPI.[some method] */ public class FaweAPI { /** * Offers a lot of options for building an EditSession * * @param world * @return A new EditSessionBuilder * @see com.boydti.fawe.util.EditSessionBuilder */ public static EditSessionBuilder getEditSessionBuilder(World world) { return new EditSessionBuilder(world); } /** * The TaskManager has some useful methods for doing things asynchronously * * @return TaskManager */ public static TaskManager getTaskManager() { return TaskManager.IMP; } /** * Add a custom mask for use in e.g {@literal //mask #id:} * * @param methods The class with a bunch of mask methods * @return true if the mask was registered * @see com.sk89q.worldedit.command.MaskCommands */ public static boolean registerMasks(Object methods) { DefaultMaskParser parser = getParser(DefaultMaskParser.class); if (parser != null) parser.register(methods); return parser != null; } /** * Add a custom material for use in e.g {@literal //material #id:} * * @param methods The class with a bunch of pattern methods * @return true if the mask was registered * @see com.sk89q.worldedit.command.PatternCommands */ public static boolean registerPatterns(Object methods) { HashTagPatternParser parser = getParser(HashTagPatternParser.class); if (parser != null) parser.register(methods); return parser != null; } /** * Add a custom transform for use in * * @param methods The class with a bunch of transform methods * @return true if the transform was registered * @see com.sk89q.worldedit.command.TransformCommands */ public static boolean registerTransforms(Object methods) { DefaultTransformParser parser = Fawe.get().getTransformParser(); if (parser != null) parser.register(methods); return parser != null; } public static T getParser(Class parserClass) { try { Field field = AbstractFactory.class.getDeclaredField("parsers"); field.setAccessible(true); ArrayList parsers = new ArrayList<>(); parsers.addAll((List) field.get(WorldEdit.getInstance().getMaskFactory())); parsers.addAll((List) field.get(WorldEdit.getInstance().getBlockFactory())); parsers.addAll((List) field.get(WorldEdit.getInstance().getItemFactory())); parsers.addAll((List) field.get(WorldEdit.getInstance().getPatternFactory())); for (InputParser parser : parsers) { if (parserClass.isAssignableFrom(parser.getClass())) { return (T) parser; } } return null; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Create a command with the provided aliases and register all methods of the class as sub commands.
* - You should try to register commands during startup * - If no aliases are specified, all methods become root commands * * @param clazz The class containing all the sub command methods * @param aliases The aliases to give the command (or none) */ public static void registerCommands(Object clazz, String... aliases) { CommandManager.getInstance().registerCommands(clazz, aliases); } /** * Wrap some object into a FawePlayer
* - org.bukkit.entity.Player * - * - com.sk89q.worldedit.entity.Player * - String (name) * - UUID (player UUID) * * @param obj * @return */ public static FawePlayer wrapPlayer(Object obj) { return FawePlayer.wrap(obj); } public static FaweQueue createQueue(String worldName, boolean autoqueue) { return SetQueue.IMP.getNewQueue(worldName, true, autoqueue); } /** * You can either use a FaweQueue or an EditSession to change blocks
* - The FaweQueue skips a bit of overhead so it's faster
* - The WorldEdit EditSession can do a lot more
* Remember to enqueue it when you're done!
* * @param world The name of the world * @param autoqueue If it should start dispatching before you enqueue it. * @return * @see com.boydti.fawe.object.FaweQueue#enqueue() */ public static FaweQueue createQueue(World world, boolean autoqueue) { return SetQueue.IMP.getNewQueue(world, true, autoqueue); } public static World getWorld(String worldName) { Platform platform = WorldEdit.getInstance().getPlatformManager().queryCapability(Capability.WORLD_EDITING); List worlds = platform.getWorlds(); for (World current : worlds) { if (Fawe.imp().getWorldName(current).equals(worldName)) { return WorldWrapper.wrap((AbstractWorld) current); } } for (World current : worlds) { if (current.getName().equals(worldName)) { return WorldWrapper.wrap((AbstractWorld) current); } } return null; } /** * Upload the clipboard to the configured web interface * * @param clipboard The clipboard (may not be null) * @param format The format to use (some formats may not be supported) * @return The download URL or null */ public static URL upload(final Clipboard clipboard, final ClipboardFormat format) { return format.uploadAnonymous(clipboard); } /** * Just forwards to ClipboardFormat.SCHEMATIC.load(file) * * @param file * @return * @see * @see com.boydti.fawe.object.schematic.Schematic */ public static Schematic load(File file) throws IOException { return ClipboardFormat.SCHEMATIC.load(file); } /** * Get a list of supported protection plugin masks. * * @return Set of FaweMaskManager */ public static Set getMaskManagers() { return new HashSet<>(WEManager.IMP.managers); } /** * Check if the server has more than the configured low memory threshold * * @return True if the server has limited memory */ public static boolean isMemoryLimited() { return MemUtil.isMemoryLimited(); } /** * Use ThreadLocalRandom instead * * @return */ @Deprecated public static PseudoRandom getFastRandom() { return new PseudoRandom(); } /** * Get a player's allowed WorldEdit region * * @param player * @return */ public static Region[] getRegions(FawePlayer player) { return WEManager.IMP.getMask(player); } /** * Cancel the edit with the following extent
* - The extent must be the one being used by an EditSession, otherwise an error may be thrown
* - Insert an extent into the EditSession using the EditSessionEvent:
* * @param extent * @param reason * @see com.sk89q.worldedit.EditSession#getRegionExtent() To get the FaweExtent for an EditSession */ public static void cancelEdit(Extent extent, BBC reason) { try { WEManager.IMP.cancelEdit(extent, reason); } catch (WorldEditException ignore) { } } public static void addMaskManager(FaweMaskManager maskMan) { WEManager.IMP.managers.add(maskMan); } /** * Get the DiskStorageHistory object representing a File * * @param file * @return */ public static DiskStorageHistory getChangeSetFromFile(File file) { if (!file.exists() || file.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a file!"); } if (!file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".bd")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a BD file!"); } if (Settings.IMP.HISTORY.USE_DISK) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("History on disk not enabled!"); } String[] path = file.getPath().split(File.separator); if (path.length < 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not in history directory!"); } String worldName = path[path.length - 3]; String uuidString = path[path.length - 2]; World world = getWorld(worldName); if (world == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Corresponding world does not exist: " + worldName); } UUID uuid; try { uuid = UUID.fromString(uuidString); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid UUID from file path: " + uuidString); } DiskStorageHistory history = new DiskStorageHistory(world, uuid, Integer.parseInt(file.getName().split("\\.")[0])); return history; } /** * Used in the RollBack to generate a list of DiskStorageHistory objects
* - Note: An edit outside the radius may be included if it overlaps with an edit inside that depends on it. * * @param origin - The origin location * @param user - The uuid (may be null) * @param radius - The radius from the origin of the edit * @param timediff - The max age of the file in milliseconds * @param shallow - If shallow is true, FAWE will only read the first Settings.IMP.BUFFER_SIZE bytes to obtain history info
* Reading only part of the file will result in unreliable bounds info for large edits * @return */ public static List getBDFiles(FaweLocation origin, UUID user, int radius, long timediff, boolean shallow) { File history = MainUtil.getFile(Fawe.imp().getDirectory(), Settings.IMP.PATHS.HISTORY + File.separator +; if (!history.exists()) { return new ArrayList<>(); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); ArrayList files = new ArrayList<>(); for (File userFile : history.listFiles()) { if (!userFile.isDirectory()) { continue; } UUID userUUID; try { userUUID = UUID.fromString(userFile.getName()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { continue; } if (user != null && !userUUID.equals(user)) { continue; } ArrayList ids = new ArrayList<>(); for (File file : userFile.listFiles()) { if (file.getName().endsWith(".bd")) { if (timediff >= Integer.MAX_VALUE || now - file.lastModified() <= timediff) { files.add(file); if (files.size() > 2048) { return null; } } } } } World world = origin.getWorld(); Collections.sort(files, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(File a, File b) { String aName = a.getName(); String bName = b.getName(); int aI = Integer.parseInt(aName.substring(0, aName.length() - 3)); int bI = Integer.parseInt(bName.substring(0, bName.length() - 3)); long value = aI - bI; return value == 0 ? 0 : value < 0 ? -1 : 1; } }); RegionWrapper bounds = new RegionWrapper(origin.x - radius, origin.x + radius, origin.z - radius, origin.z + radius); RegionWrapper boundsPlus = new RegionWrapper(bounds.minX - 64, bounds.maxX + 512, bounds.minZ - 64, bounds.maxZ + 512); HashSet regionSet = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(bounds)); ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); for (File file : files) { UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(file.getParentFile().getName()); DiskStorageHistory dsh = new DiskStorageHistory(world, uuid, Integer.parseInt(file.getName().split("\\.")[0])); DiskStorageHistory.DiskStorageSummary summary = dsh.summarize(boundsPlus, shallow); RegionWrapper region = new RegionWrapper(summary.minX, summary.maxX, summary.minZ, summary.maxZ); boolean encompassed = false; boolean isIn = false; for (RegionWrapper allowed : regionSet) { isIn = isIn || allowed.intersects(region); if (encompassed = allowed.isIn(region.minX, region.maxX) && allowed.isIn(region.minZ, region.maxZ)) { break; } } if (isIn) { result.add(0, dsh); if (!encompassed) { regionSet.add(region); } if (shallow && result.size() > 64) { return result; } } } return result; } /** * The DiskStorageHistory class is what FAWE uses to represent the undo on disk. * * @param world * @param uuid * @param index * @return * @see com.boydti.fawe.object.changeset.DiskStorageHistory#toEditSession(com.boydti.fawe.object.FawePlayer) */ public static DiskStorageHistory getChangeSetFromDisk(World world, UUID uuid, int index) { return new DiskStorageHistory(world, uuid, index); } /** * Compare two versions * * @param version * @param major * @param minor * @param minor2 * @return true if version is >= major, minor, minor2 */ public static boolean checkVersion(final int[] version, final int major, final int minor, final int minor2) { return (version[0] > major) || ((version[0] == major) && (version[1] > minor)) || ((version[0] == major) && (version[1] == minor) && (version[2] >= minor2)); } @Deprecated public static int fixLighting(String world, Region selection) { return fixLighting(world, selection, FaweQueue.RelightMode.ALL); } @Deprecated public static int fixLighting(String world, Region selection, final FaweQueue.RelightMode mode) { return fixLighting(world, selection, null, mode); } @Deprecated public static int fixLighting(String world, Region selection, @Nullable FaweQueue queue, final FaweQueue.RelightMode mode) { return fixLighting(getWorld(world), selection, queue, mode); } /** * Fix the lighting in a selection
* - First removes all lighting, then relights * - Relights in parallel (if enabled) for best performance
* - Also resends chunks
* * @param world * @param selection (assumes cuboid) * @return */ public static int fixLighting(World world, Region selection, @Nullable FaweQueue queue, final FaweQueue.RelightMode mode) { final Vector bot = selection.getMinimumPoint(); final Vector top = selection.getMaximumPoint(); final int minX = bot.getBlockX() >> 4; final int minZ = bot.getBlockZ() >> 4; final int maxX = top.getBlockX() >> 4; final int maxZ = top.getBlockZ() >> 4; int count = 0; if (queue == null) { queue = SetQueue.IMP.getNewQueue(world, true, false); } // Remove existing lighting first if (queue instanceof NMSMappedFaweQueue) { final NMSMappedFaweQueue nmsQueue = (NMSMappedFaweQueue) queue; NMSRelighter relighter = new NMSRelighter(nmsQueue); for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { for (int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) { relighter.addChunk(x, z, null, 65535); count++; } } if (mode != FaweQueue.RelightMode.NONE) { boolean sky = nmsQueue.hasSky(); if (sky) { relighter.fixSkyLighting(); } relighter.fixBlockLighting(); } else { relighter.removeLighting(); } relighter.sendChunks(); } return count; } /** * Set a task to run when the global queue (SetQueue class) is empty * * @param whenDone */ public static void addTask(final Runnable whenDone) { SetQueue.IMP.addEmptyTask(whenDone); } /** * Have a task run when the server is low on memory (configured threshold) * * @param run */ public static void addMemoryLimitedTask(Runnable run) { MemUtil.addMemoryLimitedTask(run); } /** * Have a task run when the server is no longer low on memory (configured threshold) * * @param run */ public static void addMemoryPlentifulTask(Runnable run) { MemUtil.addMemoryPlentifulTask(run); } /** * @return * @see BBC */ public static BBC[] getTranslations() { return BBC.values(); } /** * @see #getEditSessionBuilder( * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static EditSession getNewEditSession(@Nonnull FawePlayer player) { if (player == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Player may not be null"); } return player.getNewEditSession(); } /** * @see #getEditSessionBuilder( * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static EditSession getNewEditSession(World world) { return WorldEdit.getInstance().getEditSessionFactory().getEditSession(world, -1); } }