package com.boydti.fawe.command; import com.boydti.fawe.Fawe; import com.boydti.fawe.FaweCache; import com.boydti.fawe.config.BBC; import com.boydti.fawe.config.Commands; import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.HeightMapMCAGenerator; import com.boydti.fawe.object.FawePlayer; import com.boydti.fawe.object.RunnableVal; import com.boydti.fawe.object.clipboard.MultiClipboardHolder; import com.boydti.fawe.object.pattern.PatternExtent; import com.boydti.fawe.util.*; import; import com.boydti.fawe.util.image.ImageUtil; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.PS; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.commands.Auto; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.C; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.Settings; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.database.DBFunc; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.Plot; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotArea; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotId; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotPlayer; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.worlds.PlotAreaManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.worlds.SinglePlotArea; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.worlds.SinglePlotAreaManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.MathMan; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.Command; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandContext; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandPermissions; import com.sk89q.worldedit.*; import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BaseBlock; import; import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.MethodCommands; import com.sk89q.worldedit.entity.Player; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.input.InputParseException; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.input.ParserContext; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.clipboard.Clipboard; import; import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.mask.Mask; import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.pattern.BlockPattern; import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.pattern.Pattern; import com.sk89q.worldedit.registry.state.PropertyKey; import com.sk89q.worldedit.session.ClipboardHolder; import com.sk89q.worldedit.session.request.Request; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.command.Dispatcher; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.command.binding.Switch; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.command.parametric.Optional; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.command.parametric.ParameterException; import; import; import; import; import; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; @Command(aliases = {"/cfi"}, desc = "Create a world from images: [More Info](") public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands { private final Dispatcher dispathcer; /** * Create a new instance. * * @param worldEdit reference to WorldEdit */ public CFICommands(WorldEdit worldEdit, Dispatcher dispatcher) { super(worldEdit); this.dispathcer= dispatcher; } private File getFolder(String worldName) { return new File(PS.imp().getWorldContainer(), worldName + File.separator + "region"); } @Command( aliases = {"heightmap"}, usage = "", desc = "Start CFI with a height map as a base" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void heightmap(FawePlayer fp, BufferedImage image, @Optional("1") double yscale) { if (yscale != 0) { int[] raw = ((DataBufferInt) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(); int[] table = new int[256]; for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { table[i] = Math.min(255, (int) (i * yscale)); } for (int i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) { int color = raw[i]; int red = table[(color >> 16) & 0xFF]; int green = table[(color >> 8) & 0xFF]; int blue = table[(color >> 0) & 0xFF]; raw[i] = (red << 16) + (green << 8) + (blue << 0); } } HeightMapMCAGenerator generator = new HeightMapMCAGenerator(image, getFolder(generateName())); setup(generator, fp); } @Command( aliases = {"empty"}, usage = " ", desc = "Start CFI with an empty map as a base" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void heightmap(FawePlayer fp, int width, int length) { HeightMapMCAGenerator generator = new HeightMapMCAGenerator(width, length, getFolder(generateName())); setup(generator, fp); } private String generateName() { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy"); String data = df.format(new Date()); return data; } private void setup(HeightMapMCAGenerator generator, FawePlayer fp) { CFISettings settings = getSettings(fp).remove(); generator.setPacketViewer(fp); settings.setGenerator(generator).bind(); generator.setImageViewer(Fawe.imp().getImageViewer(fp)); generator.update(); mainMenu(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"brush"}, usage = "", desc = "Info about using brushes with CFI" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void brush(FawePlayer fp) throws ParameterException{ CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); settings.popMessages(fp); Message msg; if (settings.getGenerator().getImageViewer() != null) { msg = msg("CFI supports using brushes during creation").newline() .text(" - Place the map on a wall of item frames").newline() .text(" - Use any WorldEdit brush on the item frames").newline() .text(" - Example: ").text("Video").linkTip("").newline(); } else { msg = msg("This is not supported with your platform/version").newline(); } msg.text("&8< &7[&aBack&7]").cmdTip(alias()).send(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"cancel", "exit"}, usage = "", desc = "Cancel creation" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void cancel(FawePlayer fp) throws ParameterException, IOException { getSettings(fp).remove(); fp.sendMessage(BBC.getPrefix() + "Cancelled!"); } @Deprecated public static void autoClaimFromDatabase(PlotPlayer player, PlotArea area, PlotId start, com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.RunnableVal whenDone) { final Plot plot = area.getNextFreePlot(player, start); if (plot == null) {; return; } whenDone.value = plot; plot.owner = player.getUUID(); DBFunc.createPlotSafe(plot, whenDone, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { autoClaimFromDatabase(player, area, plot.getId(), whenDone); } }); } @Command( aliases = {"done", "create"}, usage = "", desc = "Create the world" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void done(FawePlayer fp) throws ParameterException, IOException { CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); PlotAreaManager manager = PS.get().getPlotAreaManager(); if (manager instanceof SinglePlotAreaManager) { SinglePlotAreaManager sManager = (SinglePlotAreaManager) manager; SinglePlotArea area = sManager.getArea(); PlotPlayer player = PlotPlayer.wrap(fp.parent); fp.sendMessage(BBC.getPrefix() + "Claiming world"); Plot plot = TaskManager.IMP.sync(new RunnableVal() { @Override public void run(Plot o) { int currentPlots = Settings.Limit.GLOBAL ? player.getPlotCount() : player.getPlotCount(area.worldname); int diff = player.getAllowedPlots() - currentPlots; if (diff < 1) { C.CANT_CLAIM_MORE_PLOTS_NUM.send(player, -diff); return; } if (area.getMeta("lastPlot") == null) { area.setMeta("lastPlot", new PlotId(0, 0)); } PlotId lastId = (PlotId) area.getMeta("lastPlot"); while (true) { lastId = Auto.getNextPlotId(lastId, 1); if (area.canClaim(player, lastId, lastId)) { break; } } area.setMeta("lastPlot", lastId); this.value = area.getPlot(lastId); this.value.setOwner(player.getUUID()); } }); if (plot == null) return; File folder = getFolder(plot.getWorldName()); HeightMapMCAGenerator generator = settings.getGenerator(); generator.setFolder(folder); fp.sendMessage(BBC.getPrefix() + "Generating"); generator.generate(); generator.setPacketViewer(null); generator.setImageViewer(null); settings.remove(); fp.sendMessage(BBC.getPrefix() + "Done!"); TaskManager.IMP.sync(new RunnableVal() { @Override public void run(Object value) { plot.teleportPlayer(player); } }); } else { fp.sendMessage(BBC.getPrefix() + "Must have the `worlds` component enabled in the PlotSquared config.yml"); } } @Command( aliases = {"column", "setcolumn"}, usage = " [url|mask]", desc = "Set the floor and main block" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void column(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{ HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator(); if (image != null) gen.setColumn(image, pattern, !disableWhiteOnly); else if (mask != null) gen.setColumn(mask, pattern); else gen.setColumn(pattern); fp.sendMessage("Set column!"); assertSettings(fp).resetComponent(); component(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"floor", "setfloor"}, usage = " [url|mask]", desc = "Set the floor (default: grass)" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void floorCmd(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{ floor(fp, pattern, image, mask, disableWhiteOnly); fp.sendMessage("Set floor!"); assertSettings(fp).resetComponent(); component(fp); } private void floor(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException { HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator(); if (image != null) gen.setFloor(image, pattern, !disableWhiteOnly); else if (mask != null) gen.setFloor(mask, pattern); else gen.setFloor(pattern); } @Command( aliases = {"main", "setmain"}, usage = " [url|mask]", desc = "Set the main block (default: stone)" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void mainCmd(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{ main(fp, pattern, image, mask, disableWhiteOnly); fp.sendMessage("Set main!"); assertSettings(fp).resetComponent(); component(fp); } public void main(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{ HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator(); if (image != null) gen.setMain(image, pattern, !disableWhiteOnly); else if (mask != null) gen.setMain(mask, pattern); else gen.setMain(pattern); } @Command( aliases = {"overlay", "setoverlay"}, usage = " [url|mask]", desc = "Set the overlay block", help = "Change the block directly above the floor (default: air)\n" + "e.g. Tallgrass" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void overlay(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{ HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator(); if (image != null) gen.setOverlay(image, pattern, !disableWhiteOnly); else if (mask != null) gen.setOverlay(mask, pattern); else gen.setOverlay(pattern); fp.sendMessage("Set overlay!"); component(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"smooth"}, usage = " [image|mask]", desc = "Smooth the terrain", help = "Smooth terrain within an image-mask, or worldedit mask\n" + " - You can use !0 as the mask to smooth everything\n" + " - This supports smoothing snow layers (set the floor to 78:7)\n" + " - A good value for radius and iterations would be 1 8." ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void smoothCmd(FawePlayer fp, int radius, int iterations, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{ smooth(fp, radius, iterations, image, mask, disableWhiteOnly); assertSettings(fp).resetComponent(); component(fp); } private void smooth(FawePlayer fp, int radius, int iterations, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{ HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator(); if (image != null) gen.smooth(image, !disableWhiteOnly, radius, iterations); else gen.smooth(mask, radius, iterations); } @Command( aliases = {"snow"}, usage = "[image|mask]", desc = "Create some snow" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void snow(FawePlayer fp, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{ HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator(); floor(fp, BlockTypes.SNOW.getDefaultState().with(PropertyKey.LAYERS, 7), image, mask, disableWhiteOnly); main(fp, BlockTypes.SNOW_BLOCK, image, mask, disableWhiteOnly); smooth(fp, 1, 8, image, mask, disableWhiteOnly); msg("Added snow!").send(fp); assertSettings(fp).resetComponent(); component(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"biomepriority", "palettebiomepriority", "setpalettebiomepriority"}, usage = "[percent=50]", desc = "Set the biome priority", help = "Increase or decrease biome priority when using blockBiomeColor.\n" + "A value of 50 is the default\n" + "Above 50 will prefer to color with biomes\n" + "Below 50 will prefer to color with blocks" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void biomepriority(FawePlayer fp, int value) throws ParameterException{ assertSettings(fp).getGenerator().setBiomePriority(value); coloring(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"paletteblocks", "colorpaletterblocks", "setcolorpaletteblocks"}, usage = "", desc = "Set the blocks used for coloring", help = "Allow only specific blocks to be used for coloring\n" + "`blocks` is a list of blocks e.g. stone,bedrock,wool\n" + "`#clipboard` will only use the blocks present in your clipboard." ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void paletteblocks(FawePlayer fp, Player player, LocalSession session, @Optional String arg) throws ParameterException, EmptyClipboardException, InputParseException, FileNotFoundException { if (arg == null) { msg("What blocks do you want to color with?").newline() .text("&7[&aAll&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " PaletteBlocks *").text(" - All available blocks") .newline() .text("&7[&aClipboard&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " PaletteBlocks #clipboard").text(" - The blocks in your clipboard") .newline() .text("&7[&aList&7]").suggestTip(alias() + " PaletteBlocks stone,gravel").text(" - A comma separated list of blocks") .newline() .text("&7[&aComplexity&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " Complexity").text(" - Block textures within a complexity range") .newline() .text("&8< &7[&aBack&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " " + Commands.getAlias(CFICommands.class, "coloring")) .send(fp); return; } HeightMapMCAGenerator generator = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator(); ParserContext context = new ParserContext(); context.setActor(fp.getPlayer()); context.setWorld(fp.getWorld()); context.setSession(fp.getSession()); context.setExtent(generator); Request.request().setExtent(generator); Set blocks; switch (arg.toLowerCase()) { case "true": case "*": { generator.setTextureUtil(Fawe.get().getTextureUtil()); return; } case "#clipboard": { ClipboardHolder holder = fp.getSession().getClipboard(); Clipboard clipboard = holder.getClipboard(); boolean[] ids = new boolean[BlockTypes.size()]; for (Vector pt : clipboard.getRegion()) { ids[clipboard.getBlock(pt).getInternalBlockTypeId()] = true; } blocks = new HashSet<>(); for (int combined = 0; combined < ids.length; combined++) { if (ids[combined]) blocks.add(BlockTypes.get(combined)); } break; } default: { blocks = new HashSet<>(); BlockPattern pattern = new BlockPattern(BlockTypes.AIR.getDefaultState()); PatternExtent extent = new PatternExtent(pattern); ParserContext parserContext = new ParserContext(); parserContext.setActor(player); parserContext.setWorld(player.getWorld()); parserContext.setSession(session); parserContext.setExtent(extent); Request.request().setExtent(extent); Mask mask = worldEdit.getMaskFactory().parseFromInput(arg, parserContext); TextureUtil tu = Fawe.get().getTextureUtil(); for (int typeId : tu.getValidBlockIds()) { BlockType type = BlockTypes.get(typeId); BlockStateHolder block = type.getDefaultState(); pattern.setBlock(block); if (mask.test(Vector.ZERO)) blocks.add(type); } break; } } generator.setTextureUtil(new FilteredTextureUtil(Fawe.get().getTextureUtil(), blocks)); coloring(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"randomization", "paletterandomization"}, usage = "", desc = "Set whether randomization is enabled", help = "This is enabled by default, randomization will add some random variation in the blocks used to closer match the provided image.\n" + "If disabled, the closest block to the color will always be used.\n" + "Randomization will allow mixing biomes when coloring with biomes" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void randomization(FawePlayer fp, boolean enabled) throws ParameterException { assertSettings(fp).getGenerator().setTextureRandomVariation(enabled); coloring(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"complexity", "palettecomplexity"}, usage = " ", desc = "Set the complexity for coloring", help = "Set the complexity for coloring\n" + "Filter out blocks to use based on their complexity, which is a measurement of how much color variation there is in the texture for that block.\n" + "Glazed terracotta is complex, and not very pleasant for terrain, whereas stone and wool are simpler textures.\n" + "Using 0 73 for the min/max would use the simplest 73% of blocks for coloring, and is a reasonable value." ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void complexity(FawePlayer fp, int min, int max) throws ParameterException, FileNotFoundException { HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator(); if (min == 0 && max == 100) gen.setTextureUtil(Fawe.get().getTextureUtil()); else gen.setTextureUtil(new CleanTextureUtil(Fawe.get().getTextureUtil(), min, max)); coloring(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"schem", "schematic", "schems", "schematics", "addschems"}, usage = "[url] ", desc = "Populate schematics", help = "Populate a schematic on the terrain\n" + " - Change the mask (e.g. angle mask) to only place the schematic in specific locations.\n" + " - The rarity is a value between 0 and 100.\n" + " - The distance is the spacing between each schematic" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void schem(FawePlayer fp, @Optional BufferedImage imageMask, Mask mask, String schematic, int rarity, int distance, boolean rotate) throws ParameterException, IOException, WorldEditException { HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator(); World world = fp.getWorld(); MultiClipboardHolder multi = ClipboardFormat.SCHEMATIC.loadAllFromInput(fp.getPlayer(), schematic, true); if (multi == null) { return; } if (imageMask == null) { gen.addSchems(mask, multi.getHolders(), rarity, distance, rotate); } else { gen.addSchems(imageMask, mask, multi.getHolders(), rarity, distance, rotate); } msg("Added schematics!").send(fp); populate(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"biome", "setbiome"}, usage = " [image|mask]", desc = "Set the biome", help = "Set the biome in specific parts of the map.\n" + " - If an image is used, the biome will have a chance to be set based on how white the pixel is (white #FFF = 100% chance)" + " - The whiteOnly parameter determines if only white values on the image are set" + " - If a mask is used, the biome will be set anywhere the mask applies" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void biome(FawePlayer fp, BaseBiome biome, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{ HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator(); if (image != null) gen.setBiome(image, (byte) biome.getId(), !disableWhiteOnly); else if (mask != null) gen.setBiome(mask, (byte) biome.getId()); else gen.setBiome((byte) biome.getId()); msg("Set biome!").send(fp); assertSettings(fp).resetComponent(); component(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"caves", "addcaves"}, desc = "Generate vanilla caves" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void caves(FawePlayer fp) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { assertSettings(fp).getGenerator().addCaves(); msg("Added caves!").send(fp); populate(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"ore", "addore"}, usage = " ", desc = "Add an ore", help = "Use a specific pattern and settings to generate ore" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void ore(FawePlayer fp, Mask mask, Pattern pattern, int size, int frequency, int rariry, int minY, int maxY) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { assertSettings(fp).getGenerator().addOre(mask, pattern, size, frequency, rariry, minY, maxY); msg("Added ore!").send(fp); populate(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"ores", "addores"}, usage = "", desc = "Generate the vanilla ores" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void ores(FawePlayer fp, Mask mask) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { assertSettings(fp).getGenerator().addDefaultOres(mask); msg("Added ores!").send(fp); populate(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"height", "setheight"}, usage = "", desc = "Set the height", help = "Set the terrain height either based on an image heightmap, or a numeric value." ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void height(FawePlayer fp, String arg) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator(); if (!MathMan.isInteger(arg)) { gen.setHeight(ImageUtil.getImage(arg)); } else { gen.setHeights(Integer.parseInt(arg)); } msg("Set height!").send(fp); component(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"water", "waterid"}, usage = "", desc = "Change the block used for water\n" + "e.g. Lava" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void waterId(FawePlayer fp, BlockStateHolder block) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); settings.getGenerator().setWaterId(block.getBlockType().getInternalId()); msg("Set water id!").send(fp); settings.resetComponent(); component(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"baseid", "bedrockid"}, usage = "", desc = "Change the block used for the base\n" + "e.g. Bedrock" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void baseId(FawePlayer fp, BlockStateHolder block) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); settings.getGenerator().setBedrockId(block.getBlockType().getInternalId()); msg("Set base id!").send(fp); settings.resetComponent(); component(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"worldthickness", "width", "thickness"}, usage = "", desc = "Set the thickness of the generated world\n" + " - A value of 0 is the default and will not modify the height" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void worldthickness(FawePlayer fp, int height) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { assertSettings(fp).getGenerator().setWorldThickness(height); msg("Set world thickness!").send(fp); component(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"floorthickness", "floorheight", "floorwidth"}, usage = "", desc = "Set the thickness of the top layer\n" + " - A value of 0 is the default and will only set the top block" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void floorthickness(FawePlayer fp, int height) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { assertSettings(fp).getGenerator().setFloorThickness(height); msg("Set floor thickness!").send(fp); component(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"update", "refresh", "resend"}, desc = "Resend the CFI chunks" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void update(FawePlayer fp) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { assertSettings(fp).getGenerator().update(); msg("Chunks refreshed!").send(fp); mainMenu(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"tp", "visit", "home"}, desc = "Teleport to the CFI virtual world" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void tp(FawePlayer fp) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator(); msg("Teleporting...").send(fp); Vector origin = gen.getOrigin(); Player player = fp.getPlayer(); player.setPosition(origin.subtract(16, 0, 16)); player.findFreePosition(); mainMenu(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"waterheight", "sealevel", "setwaterheight"}, usage = "", desc = "Set the level water is generated at\n" + "Set the level water is generated at\n" + " - By default water is disabled (with a value of 0)" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void waterheight(FawePlayer fp, int height) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { assertSettings(fp).getGenerator().setWaterHeight(height); msg("Set water height!").send(fp); component(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"glass", "glasscolor", "setglasscolor"}, usage = "", desc = "Color terrain using glass" ) // ![79,174,212,5:3,5:4,18,161,20] @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void glass(FawePlayer fp, BufferedImage image, @Optional BufferedImage imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); settings.getGenerator().setColorWithGlass(image); msg("Set color with glass!").send(fp); settings.resetColoring(); mainMenu(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"color", "setcolor", "blockcolor", "blocks"}, usage = " [imageMask|mask]", desc = "Set the color with blocks and biomes", help = "Color the terrain using only blocks\n" + "Provide an image, or worldedit mask for the 2nd argument to restrict what areas are colored\n" + "The -w (disableWhiteOnly) will randomly apply depending on the pixel luminance" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void color(FawePlayer fp, BufferedImage image, @Optional BufferedImage imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = settings.getGenerator(); if (imageMask != null) gen.setColor(image, imageMask, !disableWhiteOnly); else if (mask != null) gen.setColor(image, mask); else gen.setColor(image); settings.resetColoring(); msg("Set color with blocks!").send(fp); mainMenu(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"blockbiomecolor", "setblockandbiomecolor", "blockandbiome"}, usage = " [imageMask|mask]", desc = "Set the color with blocks and biomes", help = "Color the terrain using blocks and biomes.\n" + "Provide an image, or worldedit mask to restrict what areas are colored\n" + "The -w (disableWhiteOnly) will randomly apply depending on the pixel luminance" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void blockbiome(FawePlayer fp, BufferedImage image, @Optional BufferedImage imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); settings.getGenerator().setBlockAndBiomeColor(image, mask, imageMask, !disableWhiteOnly); msg("Set color with blocks and biomes!").send(fp); settings.resetColoring(); mainMenu(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"biomecolor", "setbiomecolor", "biomes"}, usage = " [imageMask|mask]", desc = "Color the terrain using biomes.\n" + "Note: Biome coloring does not change blocks:\n" + " - If you changed the block to something other than grass you will not see anything." ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void biomecolor(FawePlayer fp, BufferedImage image, @Optional BufferedImage imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException { CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); settings.getGenerator().setBiomeColor(image); msg("Set color with biomes!").send(fp); settings.resetColoring(); mainMenu(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"coloring", "palette"}, usage = "", desc = "Color the world using an image" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void coloring(FawePlayer fp) throws ParameterException{ CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); settings.popMessages(fp); settings.setCategory("coloring"); HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = settings.getGenerator(); boolean rand = gen.getTextureRandomVariation(); String mask; if (settings.imageMask != null) { mask = settings.imageMaskArg; } else if (settings.mask != null) { mask = settings.maskArg; } else { mask = "NONE"; } TextureUtil tu = gen.getRawTextureUtil(); String blocks; if (tu.getClass() == TextureUtil.class) { blocks = "All"; } else if (tu.getClass() == CleanTextureUtil.class) { CleanTextureUtil clean = (CleanTextureUtil) tu; blocks = "Complexity(" + clean.getMin() + "," + clean.getMax() + ")"; } else if (tu.getClass() == FilteredTextureUtil.class) { blocks = "Selected"; } else { blocks = "Undefined"; } Set materials = new HashSet<>(); int[] blockArray = tu.getValidBlockIds(); for (int typeId : blockArray) { BlockType type = BlockTypes.get(typeId); String name = type.getName(); if (name.contains(":")) name = name.split(":")[1]; materials.add(name); } String blockList = materials.size() > 100 ? materials.size() + " blocks" : StringMan.join(materials, ','); int biomePriority = gen.getBiomePriority(); Message msg = msg("&8>>&7 Current Settings &8<<&7").newline() .text("&7Randomization ").text("&7[&a" + (Boolean.toString(rand).toUpperCase()) + "&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " randomization " + (!rand)) .newline() .text("&7Mask ").text("&7[&a" + mask + "&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " mask") .newline() .text("&7Blocks ").text("&7[&a" + blocks + "&7]").tooltip(blockList).command(alias() + " paletteBlocks") .newline() .text("&7BiomePriority ").text("&7[&a" + biomePriority + "&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " biomepriority") .newline(); if (settings.image != null) { StringBuilder colorArgs = new StringBuilder(); colorArgs.append(" " + settings.imageArg); if (settings.imageMask != null) colorArgs.append(" " + settings.imageMaskArg); if (settings.mask != null) colorArgs.append(" " + settings.maskArg); if (!settings.whiteOnly) colorArgs.append(" -w"); msg.text("&7Image: ") .text("&7[&a" + settings.imageArg + "&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " " + Commands.getAlias(CFICommands.class, "image")) .newline().newline() .text("&cLet's Color&7: ") .cmdOptions(alias() + " ", colorArgs.toString(), "Biomes", "Blocks", "BlockAndBiome", "Glass") .newline(); } else { msg.newline().text("You can color a world using an image like ") .text("&7[&aThis&7]").linkTip("").newline() .text("&cYou MUST provide an image: ") .text("&7[&aNone&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " " + Commands.getAlias(Command.class, "image")).newline(); } msg.text("&8< &7[&aBack&7]").cmdTip(alias()).send(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"mask"}, usage = "", desc = "Select a mask" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void mask(FawePlayer fp, @Optional BufferedImage imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly, CommandContext context) throws ParameterException{ CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); String[] split = getArguments(context).split(" "); int index = 2; settings.imageMask = imageMask; settings.imageMaskArg = imageMask != null ? split[index++] : null; settings.mask = mask; settings.maskArg = mask != null ? split[index++] : null; settings.whiteOnly = !disableWhiteOnly; StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder(alias() + " mask "); msg("&8>>&7 Current Settings &8<<&7").newline() .text("&7Image Mask ").text("&7[&a" + settings.imageMaskArg + "&7]").suggestTip(cmd + "http://") .newline() .text("&7WorldEdit Mask ").text("&7[&a" + settings.maskArg + "&7]").suggestTip(cmd + "") .newline() .text("&8< &7[&aBack&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " " + settings.getCategory()).send(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"pattern"}, usage = "", desc = "Select a pattern" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void pattern(FawePlayer fp, @Optional Pattern pattern, CommandContext context) throws ParameterException, CommandException { CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); String[] split = getArguments(context).split(" "); int index = 2; settings.pattern = pattern; settings.patternArg = pattern == null ? null : split[index++]; StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder(alias() + " pattern "); if (pattern != null) {, context.getLocals(), new String[0]); } else { msg("&8>>&7 Current Settings &8<<&7").newline() .text("&7Pattern ").text("&7[&aClick Here&7]").suggestTip(cmd + " stone") .newline() .text("&8< &7[&aBack&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " " + settings.getCategory()).send(fp); } } @Command( aliases = {"download"}, desc = "Download the current image" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void download(FawePlayer fp) throws ParameterException, IOException { CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); BufferedImage image = settings.getGenerator().draw(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", baos ); byte[] data = baos.toByteArray(); fp.sendMessage(BBC.getPrefix() + "Please wait..."); URL url = ImgurUtility.uploadImage(data); BBC.DOWNLOAD_LINK.send(fp, url); } @Command( aliases = {"image"}, usage = "", desc = "Select an image" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void image(FawePlayer fp, @Optional BufferedImage image, CommandContext context) throws ParameterException, CommandException { CFISettings settings = getSettings(fp); String[] split = getArguments(context).split(" "); int index = 2; settings.image = image; settings.imageArg = image != null ? split[index++] : null; String maskArg = settings.maskArg == null ? "Click Here" : settings.maskArg; StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder(alias() + " image "); if (image == null) { msg("Please provide an image:").newline() .text("From a URL: ").text("&7[&aClick Here&7]").suggestTip(cmd + "http://") .newline() .text("From a file: ").text("&7[&aClick Here&7]").suggestTip(cmd + "file://") .send(fp); } else { if (settings.hasGenerator()) { coloring(fp); return; } else { String next = Commands.getAlias(CFICommands.class, "heightmap " + settings.imageArg);, context.getLocals(), new String[0]); return; } } } @Command( aliases = {"populate"}, usage = "", desc = "" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void populate(FawePlayer fp) throws ParameterException{ CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); settings.popMessages(fp); settings.setCategory("populate"); msg("What would you like to populate?").newline() .text("(You will need to type these commands)").newline() .cmdOptions(alias() + " ", "", "Ores", "Ore", "Caves", "Schematics", "Smooth") .newline().text("&8< &7[&aBack&7]").cmdTip(alias()) .send(fp); } @Command( aliases = {"component", "components"}, usage = "", desc = "Components menu" ) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.anvil.cfi") public void component(FawePlayer fp) throws ParameterException{ CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp); settings.popMessages(fp); settings.setCategory("component"); String mask; if (settings.imageMask != null) { mask = settings.imageMaskArg; } else if (settings.mask != null) { mask = settings.maskArg; } else { mask = "NONE"; } String pattern = settings.pattern == null ? "NONE" : settings.patternArg; StringBuilder maskArgs = new StringBuilder(); if (settings.imageMask != null) maskArgs.append(" " + settings.imageMaskArg); if (settings.mask != null) maskArgs.append(" " + settings.maskArg); if (!settings.whiteOnly) maskArgs.append(" -w"); String height = Commands.getAlias(CFICommands.class, "height"); String waterHeight = Commands.getAlias(CFICommands.class, "waterheight"); String snow = Commands.getAlias(CFICommands.class, "snow"); Message msg = msg("&8>>&7 Current Settings &8<<&7").newline() .text("&7Mask ").text("&7[&a" + mask + "&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " mask") .newline() .text("&7Pattern ").text("&7[&a" + pattern + "&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " pattern") .newline() .newline() .text("&8>>&7 Components &8<<&7") .newline() .text("&7[&aHeight&7]").suggestTip(alias() + " " + alias("height") + " 120").text(" - Terrain height for whole map") .newline() .text("&7[&aWaterHeight&7]").suggestTip(alias() + " " + alias("waterheight") + " 60").text(" - Sea level for whole map") .newline() .text("&7[&aFloorThickness&7]").suggestTip(alias() + " " + alias("floorthickness") + " 60").text(" - Floor thickness of entire map") .newline() .text("&7[&aWorldThickness&7]").suggestTip(alias() + " " + alias("worldthickness") + " 60").text(" - World thickness of entire map") .newline() .text("&7[&aSnow&7]").suggestTip(alias() + " " + alias("snow") + maskArgs).text(" - Set snow in the masked areas") .newline(); if (pattern != null) { String disabled = "You must specify a pattern"; msg .text("&7[&cWaterId&7]").tooltip(disabled).newline() .text("&7[&cBedrockId&7]").tooltip(disabled).newline() .text("&7[&cFloor&7]").tooltip(disabled).newline() .text("&7[&cMain&7]").tooltip(disabled).newline() .text("&7[&cColumn&7]").tooltip(disabled).newline() .text("&7[&cOverlay&7]").tooltip(disabled).newline(); } else { StringBuilder compArgs = new StringBuilder(); compArgs.append(" " + settings.patternArg + maskArgs); msg .text("&7[&aWaterId&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " waterId " + pattern).text(" - Water id for whole map").newline() .text("&7[&aBedrockId&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " baseId " + pattern).text(" - Bedrock id for whole map").newline() .text("&7[&aFloor&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " floor" + compArgs).text(" - Set the floor in the masked areas").newline() .text("&7[&aMain&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " main" + compArgs).text(" - Set the main block in the masked areas").newline() .text("&7[&aColumn&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " column" + compArgs).text(" - Set the columns in the masked areas").newline() .text("&7[&aOverlay&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " overlay" + compArgs).text(" - Set the overlay in the masked areas").newline(); } msg.newline() .text("&8< &7[&aBack&7]").cmdTip(alias()) .send(fp); } private CFISettings assertSettings(FawePlayer fp) throws ParameterException { CFISettings settings = getSettings(fp); if (!settings.hasGenerator()) throw new ParameterException("Please use /" + alias()); return settings; } protected CFISettings getSettings(FawePlayer fp) { CFISettings settings = fp.getMeta("CFISettings"); return settings == null ? new CFISettings(fp) : settings; } public static class CFISettings { private final FawePlayer fp; private HeightMapMCAGenerator generator; protected BufferedImage image; protected String imageArg; protected Mask mask; protected BufferedImage imageMask; protected boolean whiteOnly = true; protected String maskArg; protected String imageMaskArg; protected Pattern pattern; protected String patternArg; protected String category; private boolean bound; public CFISettings(FawePlayer player) { this.fp = player; } public boolean hasGenerator() { return generator != null; } public HeightMapMCAGenerator getGenerator() { return generator; } public void setMask(Mask mask, String arg) { this.mask = mask; this.maskArg = arg; } public void setImage(BufferedImage image, String arg) { this.image = image; } public void setImageMask(BufferedImage imageMask, String arg) { this.imageMask = imageMask; this.imageMaskArg = arg; } public void resetColoring() { image = null; imageArg = null; mask = null; imageMask = null; whiteOnly = true; maskArg = null; imageMaskArg = null; generator.setTextureUtil(Fawe.get().getTextureUtil()); } public void resetComponent() { mask = null; imageMask = null; whiteOnly = true; maskArg = null; imageMaskArg = null; patternArg = null; pattern = null; } public String getCategory() { return category; } public void setCategory(String category) { this.category = category; } public CFISettings setGenerator(HeightMapMCAGenerator generator) { this.generator = generator; if (bound) fp.getSession().setVirtualWorld(generator); return this; } public CFISettings bind() { if (generator != null) fp.getSession().setVirtualWorld(generator); bound = true; fp.setMeta("CFISettings", this); return this; } public void popMessages(FawePlayer fp) { ArrayDeque messages = fp.deleteMeta("CFIBufferedMessages"); if (messages != null) { for (String message : messages) { fp.sendMessage(message); } } } public CFISettings remove() { fp.deleteMeta("CFISettings"); HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = this.generator; if (gen != null) { fp.getSession().setVirtualWorld(null); } popMessages(fp); bound = false; generator = null; image = null; imageArg = null; mask = null; imageMask = null; whiteOnly = true; maskArg = null; imageMaskArg = null; return this; } } protected String alias() { return Commands.getAlias(CFICommand.class, "/cfi"); } protected String alias(String command) { return Commands.getAlias(CFICommands.class, command); } protected Message msg(String text) { return new Message().newline() .text(BBC.getPrefix()) .text(text); } protected void mainMenu(FawePlayer fp) { msg("What do you want to do now?").newline() .cmdOptions(alias() + " ", "", "Coloring", "Component", "Populate", "Brush") .newline().text("&3<> &7[&aView&7]").command(alias() + " " + Commands.getAlias(CFICommands.class, "download")).tooltip("View full resolution image") .newline().text("&4>< &7[&aCancel&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " " + Commands.getAlias(CFICommands.class, "cancel")) .newline().text("&2>> &7[&aDone&7]").cmdTip(alias() + " " + Commands.getAlias(CFICommands.class, "done")) .send(fp); } }