package com.boydti.fawe.util; import com.boydti.fawe.Fawe; import com.boydti.fawe.FaweCache; import com.boydti.fawe.beta.IQueueChunk; import com.boydti.fawe.beta.IQueueExtent; import; import; import; import; import com.boydti.fawe.beta.implementation.processors.LimitExtent; import com.boydti.fawe.beta.implementation.queue.ParallelQueueExtent; import com.boydti.fawe.config.Settings; import com.boydti.fawe.logging.rollback.RollbackOptimizedHistory; import com.boydti.fawe.object.FaweLimit; import com.boydti.fawe.object.HistoryExtent; import com.boydti.fawe.object.NullChangeSet; import com.boydti.fawe.object.RegionWrapper; import com.boydti.fawe.object.RelightMode; import com.boydti.fawe.object.brush.visualization.VirtualWorld; import com.boydti.fawe.object.changeset.AbstractChangeSet; import com.boydti.fawe.object.changeset.BlockBagChangeSet; import com.boydti.fawe.object.changeset.DiskStorageHistory; import com.boydti.fawe.object.changeset.MemoryOptimizedHistory; import com.boydti.fawe.object.extent.FaweRegionExtent; import com.boydti.fawe.object.extent.MultiRegionExtent; import com.boydti.fawe.object.extent.NullExtent; import com.boydti.fawe.object.extent.SingleRegionExtent; import com.boydti.fawe.object.extent.SlowExtent; import com.boydti.fawe.object.extent.StripNBTExtent; import com.boydti.fawe.wrappers.WorldWrapper; import com.sk89q.worldedit.EditSession; import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit; import com.sk89q.worldedit.entity.Player; import com.sk89q.worldedit.event.extent.EditSessionEvent; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.AbstractDelegateExtent; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.Extent; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.inventory.BlockBag; import com.sk89q.worldedit.internal.util.LogManagerCompat; import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Region; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.Identifiable; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.eventbus.EventBus; import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.formatting.text.TranslatableComponent; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import static; public class EditSessionBuilder { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManagerCompat.getLogger(); @NotNull private World world; private Player player; private FaweLimit limit; private AbstractChangeSet changeSet; private Region[] allowedRegions; private Boolean autoQueue; private Boolean fastmode; private Boolean checkMemory; private Boolean combineStages; @NotNull private EventBus eventBus = WorldEdit.getInstance().getEventBus(); private BlockBag blockBag; private EditSessionEvent event; private String command; private RelightMode relightMode; private Relighter relighter; private Boolean wnaMode; /** * An EditSession builder
* - Unset values will revert to their default
* player: The player doing the edit (defaults to to null)
* limit: Block/Entity/Action limit (defaults to unlimited)
* changeSet: Stores changes (defaults to config.yml value)
* allowedRegions: Allowed editable regions (defaults to player's allowed regions, or everywhere)
* autoQueue: Changes can occur before flushQueue() (defaults true)
* fastmode: bypasses history (defaults to player fastmode or config.yml console history)
* checkMemory: If low memory checks are enabled (defaults to player's fastmode or true)
* combineStages: If history is combined with dispatching * * @param world A world must be provided for all EditSession(s) */ public EditSessionBuilder(@NotNull World world) { checkNotNull(world); = world; } public EditSessionBuilder player(@Nullable Player player) { this.player = player; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder limit(@Nullable FaweLimit limit) { this.limit = limit; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder limitUnlimited() { return limit(FaweLimit.MAX.copy()); } public EditSessionBuilder limitUnprocessed(@NotNull Player player) { checkNotNull(player); limitUnlimited(); FaweLimit tmp = player.getLimit(); limit.INVENTORY_MODE = tmp.INVENTORY_MODE; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder changeSet(@Nullable AbstractChangeSet changeSet) { this.changeSet = changeSet; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder changeSetNull() { return changeSet(new NullChangeSet(world)); } public EditSessionBuilder world(@NotNull World world) { checkNotNull(world); = world; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder command(String command) { this.command = command; return this; } public EditSessionBuilder changeSet(boolean disk, @Nullable UUID uuid, int compression) { if (disk) { if (Settings.IMP.HISTORY.USE_DATABASE) { this.changeSet = new RollbackOptimizedHistory(world, uuid); } else { this.changeSet = new DiskStorageHistory(world, uuid); } } else { this.changeSet = new MemoryOptimizedHistory(world); } return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder allowedRegions(@Nullable Region[] allowedRegions) { this.allowedRegions = allowedRegions; return setDirty(); } @Deprecated public EditSessionBuilder allowedRegions(@Nullable RegionWrapper[] allowedRegions) { this.allowedRegions = allowedRegions; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder allowedRegions(@Nullable RegionWrapper allowedRegion) { this.allowedRegions = allowedRegion == null ? null : allowedRegion.toArray(); return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder allowedRegionsEverywhere() { return allowedRegions(new Region[]{RegionWrapper.GLOBAL()}); } public EditSessionBuilder autoQueue(@Nullable Boolean autoQueue) { this.autoQueue = autoQueue; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder fastmode(@Nullable Boolean fastmode) { this.fastmode = fastmode; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder relightMode(@Nullable RelightMode relightMode) { this.relightMode = relightMode; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder checkMemory(@Nullable Boolean checkMemory) { this.checkMemory = checkMemory; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder combineStages(@Nullable Boolean combineStages) { this.combineStages = combineStages; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder blockBag(@Nullable BlockBag blockBag) { this.blockBag = blockBag; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder eventBus(@NotNull EventBus eventBus) { this.eventBus = eventBus; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder event(@Nullable EditSessionEvent event) { this.event = event; return setDirty(); } public EditSessionBuilder forceWNA() { this.wnaMode = true; return setDirty(); } private EditSessionBuilder setDirty() { compiled = false; return this; } private Extent wrapExtent(final Extent extent, final EventBus eventBus, EditSessionEvent event, final EditSession.Stage stage) { event = event.clone(stage); event.setExtent(extent);; if (event.isCancelled()) { return new NullExtent(extent, FaweCache.MANUAL); } final Extent toReturn = event.getExtent(); if (toReturn instanceof com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.NullExtent) { return new NullExtent(toReturn, FaweCache.MANUAL); } if (toReturn != extent) { String className = toReturn.getClass().getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); for (String allowed : Settings.IMP.EXTENT.ALLOWED_PLUGINS) { if (className.contains(allowed.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT))) { this.wrapped = true; return toReturn; } } if (Settings.IMP.EXTENT.DEBUG) { if (event.getActor() != null) { event.getActor().printDebug("Potentially unsafe extent blocked: " + toReturn.getClass().getName()); event.getActor().printDebug(" - For area restrictions, it is recommended to use the FaweAPI"); event.getActor().printDebug(" - For block logging, it is recommended to use BlocksHub"); event.getActor().printDebug(" - To allow this plugin add it to the FAWE `allowed-plugins` list"); event.getActor().printDebug(" - To hide this message set `debug` to false in the FAWE config.yml"); } else { LOGGER.debug("Potentially unsafe extent blocked: " + toReturn.getClass().getName()); LOGGER.debug(" - For area restrictions, it is recommended to use the FaweAPI"); LOGGER.debug(" - For block logging, it is recommended to use BlocksHub"); LOGGER.debug(" - To allow this plugin add it to the FAWE `allowed-plugins` list"); LOGGER.debug(" - To hide this message set `debug` to false in the FAWE config.yml"); } } } return extent; } private AbstractChangeSet changeTask; private Extent bypassHistory; private Extent bypassAll; private Extent extent; private boolean compiled; private boolean wrapped; public EditSessionBuilder compile() { if (compiled) { return this; } compiled = true; wrapped = false; if (event == null) { event = new EditSessionEvent(world, player, -1, null); } if (player == null && event.getActor() != null) { player = (Player) event.getActor(); } if (limit == null) { if (player == null) { limit = FaweLimit.MAX; } else { limit = player.getLimit(); } } if (autoQueue == null) { autoQueue = true; } if (fastmode == null) { if (player == null) { fastmode = !Settings.IMP.HISTORY.ENABLE_FOR_CONSOLE; } else { fastmode = player.getSession().hasFastMode(); } } if (checkMemory == null) { checkMemory = player != null && !this.fastmode; } if (checkMemory) { if (MemUtil.isMemoryLimitedSlow()) { if (Permission.hasPermission(player, "")) { player.print(TranslatableComponent.of("")); } throw FaweCache.LOW_MEMORY; } } // this.originalLimit = limit; this.blockBag = limit.INVENTORY_MODE != 0 ? blockBag : null; this.limit = limit.copy(); if (extent == null) { IQueueExtent queue = null; World unwrapped = WorldWrapper.unwrap(world); boolean placeChunks = this.fastmode || this.limit.FAST_PLACEMENT; if (placeChunks && (wnaMode == null || !wnaMode)) { wnaMode = false; if (unwrapped instanceof IQueueExtent) { extent = queue = (IQueueExtent) unwrapped; } else if (Settings.IMP.QUEUE.PARALLEL_THREADS > 1 && !Fawe.isMainThread()) { ParallelQueueExtent parallel = new ParallelQueueExtent(Fawe.get().getQueueHandler(), world, fastmode); queue = parallel.getExtent(); extent = parallel; } else { extent = queue = Fawe.get().getQueueHandler().getQueue(world); } } else { wnaMode = true; extent = world; } Extent root = extent; if (combineStages == null) { combineStages = // If it's enabled in the settings Settings.IMP.HISTORY.COMBINE_STAGES // If fast placement is disabled, it's slower to perform a copy on each chunk && this.limit.FAST_PLACEMENT // If the edit uses items from the inventory we can't use a delayed task && this.blockBag == null; } extent = this.bypassAll = wrapExtent(extent, eventBus, event, EditSession.Stage.BEFORE_CHANGE); this.bypassHistory = this.extent = wrapExtent(bypassAll, eventBus, event, EditSession.Stage.BEFORE_REORDER); if (!this.fastmode || changeSet != null) { if (changeSet == null) { if (Settings.IMP.HISTORY.USE_DISK) { UUID uuid = player == null ? Identifiable.CONSOLE : player.getUniqueId(); if (Settings.IMP.HISTORY.USE_DATABASE) { changeSet = new RollbackOptimizedHistory(world, uuid); } else { changeSet = new DiskStorageHistory(world, uuid); } // } else if (combineStages && Settings.IMP.HISTORY.COMPRESSION_LEVEL == 0) { // changeSet = new CPUOptimizedChangeSet(world); } else { if (combineStages && Settings.IMP.HISTORY.COMPRESSION_LEVEL == 0) { //TODO add CPUOptimizedChangeSet } changeSet = new MemoryOptimizedHistory(world); } } if (this.limit.SPEED_REDUCTION > 0) { this.extent = this.bypassHistory = new SlowExtent(this.bypassHistory, this.limit.SPEED_REDUCTION); } if (command != null && changeSet instanceof RollbackOptimizedHistory) { ((RollbackOptimizedHistory) changeSet).setCommand(this.command); } if (!(changeSet instanceof NullChangeSet)) { if (this.blockBag != null) { //TODO implement block bag as IBatchProcessor changeSet = new BlockBagChangeSet(changeSet, blockBag, limit.INVENTORY_MODE == 1); } if (combineStages) { changeTask = changeSet; this.extent = extent.enableHistory(changeSet); } else { this.extent = new HistoryExtent(extent, changeSet); // if (this.blockBag != null) { // this.extent = new BlockBagExtent(this.extent, blockBag, limit.INVENTORY_MODE == 1); // } } } } if (allowedRegions == null) { if (player != null && !player.hasPermission("fawe.bypass") && !player.hasPermission("fawe.bypass.regions") && !(root instanceof VirtualWorld)) { allowedRegions = player.getCurrentRegions(); } } FaweRegionExtent regionExtent = null; if (allowedRegions != null) { if (allowedRegions.length == 0) { regionExtent = new NullExtent(this.extent, FaweCache.NO_REGION); } else { if (allowedRegions.length == 1) { regionExtent = new SingleRegionExtent(this.extent, this.limit, allowedRegions[0]); } else { regionExtent = new MultiRegionExtent(this.extent, this.limit, allowedRegions); } } } else { allowedRegions = new Region[]{RegionWrapper.GLOBAL()}; // this.extent = new HeightBoundExtent(this.extent, this.limit, 0, world.getMaxY()); } // There's no need to do lighting (and it'll also just be a pain to implement) if we're not placing chunks if (placeChunks && ((relightMode != null && relightMode != RelightMode.NONE) || (relightMode == null && Settings.IMP.LIGHTING.MODE > 0))) { relighter = new NMSRelighter(queue, Settings.IMP.LIGHTING.DO_HEIGHTMAPS, relightMode != null ? relightMode : RelightMode.valueOf(Settings.IMP.LIGHTING.MODE)); extent.addProcessor(new RelightProcessor(relighter)); } else { relighter = NullRelighter.INSTANCE; } if (limit != null && !limit.isUnlimited() && regionExtent != null) { this.extent = new LimitExtent(regionExtent, limit); } else if (limit != null && !limit.isUnlimited()) { this.extent = new LimitExtent(this.extent, limit); } else if (regionExtent != null) { this.extent = regionExtent; } if (this.limit != null && this.limit.STRIP_NBT != null && !this.limit.STRIP_NBT.isEmpty()) { //TODO add batch processor for strip nbt this.extent = new StripNBTExtent(this.extent, this.limit.STRIP_NBT); } this.extent = wrapExtent(this.extent, eventBus, event, EditSession.Stage.BEFORE_HISTORY); } return this; } public EditSession build() { return new EditSession(this); } @NotNull public World getWorld() { return world; } public Extent getExtent() { return extent != null ? extent : world; } public boolean isWrapped() { return wrapped; } public Extent getBypassHistory() { return bypassHistory; } public Extent getBypassAll() { return bypassAll; } @NotNull public FaweLimit getLimit() { return limit; } public Player getPlayer() { return player; } public AbstractChangeSet getChangeTask() { return changeTask; } public BlockBag getBlockBag() { return blockBag; } public Relighter getRelighter() { return relighter; } public boolean isWNAMode() { return wnaMode; } @Nullable public Region[] getAllowedRegions() { return allowedRegions; } }