// TODO await https://github.com/PaperMC/paperweight/issues/116 //applyPaperweightAdapterConfiguration() // //dependencies { // paperDevBundle("1.17.1-R0.1-20211120.192557-194") //} // Until the above issue is resolved, we are bundling old versions using their last assembled JAR. // Technically this means we cannot really update them, but that is is the price we pay for supporting older versions. plugins { base java } repositories { maven { name = "PaperMC" url = uri("https://papermc.io/repo/repository/maven-public/") content { includeModule("io.papermc", "paperlib") } } } artifacts { add("default", file("./src/main/resources/worldedit-adapter-1.17.1.jar")) } dependencies { compileOnly(libs.paperlib) }