package com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.fawe.v1_19_R3; import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.configuration.Settings; import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.extent.processor.ProcessorScope; import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.queue.IBatchProcessor; import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.queue.IChunk; import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.queue.IChunkGet; import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.queue.IChunkSet; import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.registry.state.PropertyKey; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.Extent; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public class PaperweightPostProcessor implements IBatchProcessor { @Override public IChunkSet processSet(final IChunk chunk, final IChunkGet get, final IChunkSet set) { return set; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void postProcess(final IChunk chunk, final IChunkGet iChunkGet, final IChunkSet iChunkSet) { boolean tickFluid = Settings.settings().EXPERIMENTAL.ALLOW_TICK_FLUIDS; // The PostProcessor shouldn't be added, but just in case if (!tickFluid) { return; } PaperweightGetBlocks_Copy getBlocks = (PaperweightGetBlocks_Copy) iChunkGet; layer: for (int layer = iChunkSet.getMinSectionPosition(); layer <= iChunkSet.getMaxSectionPosition(); layer++) { char[] set = iChunkSet.loadIfPresent(layer); if (set == null) { // No edit means no need to process continue; } char[] get = null; for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) { char ordinal = set[i]; char replacedOrdinal = BlockTypesCache.ReservedIDs.__RESERVED__; boolean fromGet = false; // Used for liquids if (ordinal == BlockTypesCache.ReservedIDs.__RESERVED__) { if (get == null) { get = getBlocks.load(layer); } // If this is null, then it's because we're loading a layer in the range of 0->15, but blocks aren't // actually being set if (get == null) { continue layer; } fromGet = true; ordinal = replacedOrdinal = get[i]; } if (ordinal == BlockTypesCache.ReservedIDs.__RESERVED__) { continue; } else if (!fromGet) { // if fromGet, don't do the same again if (get == null) { get = getBlocks.load(layer); } replacedOrdinal = get[i]; } boolean ticking = BlockTypesCache.ticking[ordinal]; boolean replacedWasTicking = BlockTypesCache.ticking[replacedOrdinal]; boolean replacedWasLiquid = false; BlockState replacedState = null; if (!ticking) { // If the block being replaced was not ticking, it cannot be a liquid if (!replacedWasTicking) { continue; } // If the block being replaced is not fluid, we do not need to worry if (!(replacedWasLiquid = (replacedState = BlockState.getFromOrdinal(replacedOrdinal)).getMaterial().isLiquid())) { continue; } } BlockState state = BlockState.getFromOrdinal(ordinal); boolean liquid = state.getMaterial().isLiquid(); int x = i & 15; int y = (i >> 8) & 15; int z = (i >> 4) & 15; BlockPos position = new BlockPos((chunk.getX() << 4) + x, (layer << 4) + y, (chunk.getZ() << 4) + z); if (liquid || replacedWasLiquid) { if (liquid) { addFluid(getBlocks.serverLevel, state, position); continue; } // If the replaced fluid (is?) adjacent to water. Do not bother to check adjacent chunks(sections) as this // may be time consuming. Chances are any fluid blocks in adjacent chunks are being replaced or will end up // being ticked anyway. We only need it to be "hit" once. if (!wasAdjacentToWater(get, set, i, x, y, z)) { continue; } addFluid(getBlocks.serverLevel, replacedState, position); } } } } @Nullable @Override public Extent construct(final Extent child) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Processing only"); } @Override public ProcessorScope getScope() { return ProcessorScope.READING_SET_BLOCKS; } private boolean wasAdjacentToWater(char[] get, char[] set, int i, int x, int y, int z) { if (set == null || get == null) { return false; } char ordinal; char reserved = BlockTypesCache.ReservedIDs.__RESERVED__; if (x > 0 && set[i - 1] != reserved) { if (BlockTypesCache.ticking[(ordinal = get[i - 1])] && isFluid(ordinal)) { return true; } } if (x < 15 && set[i + 1] != reserved) { if (BlockTypesCache.ticking[(ordinal = get[i + 1])] && isFluid(ordinal)) { return true; } } if (z > 0 && set[i - 16] != reserved) { if (BlockTypesCache.ticking[(ordinal = get[i - 16])] && isFluid(ordinal)) { return true; } } if (z < 15 && set[i + 16] != reserved) { if (BlockTypesCache.ticking[(ordinal = get[i + 16])] && isFluid(ordinal)) { return true; } } if (y > 0 && set[i - 256] != reserved) { if (BlockTypesCache.ticking[(ordinal = get[i - 256])] && isFluid(ordinal)) { return true; } } if (y < 15 && set[i + 256] != reserved) { return BlockTypesCache.ticking[(ordinal = get[i + 256])] && isFluid(ordinal); } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private boolean isFluid(char ordinal) { return BlockState.getFromOrdinal(ordinal).getMaterial().isLiquid(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void addFluid(final ServerLevel serverLevel, final BlockState replacedState, final BlockPos position) { Fluid type; if (replacedState.getBlockType() == BlockTypes.LAVA) { type = (int) replacedState.getState(PropertyKey.LEVEL) == 0 ? Fluids.LAVA : Fluids.FLOWING_LAVA; } else { type = (int) replacedState.getState(PropertyKey.LEVEL) == 0 ? Fluids.WATER : Fluids.FLOWING_WATER; } serverLevel.scheduleTick( position, type, type.getTickDelay(serverLevel) ); } }