package com.fastasyncworldedit.bukkit.regions.plotsquared; import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.Fawe; import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.FaweAPI; import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.FaweCache; import; import; import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.jnbt.CompressedCompoundTag; import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.jnbt.CompressedSchematicTag; import com.fastasyncworldedit.core.util.IOUtil; import com.plotsquared.core.PlotSquared; import com.plotsquared.core.generator.ClassicPlotWorld; import com.plotsquared.core.plot.Plot; import com.plotsquared.core.plot.PlotArea; import com.plotsquared.core.plot.schematic.Schematic; import com.plotsquared.core.util.FileUtils; import com.plotsquared.core.util.SchematicHandler; import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.RunnableVal; import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager; import com.sk89q.jnbt.CompoundTag; import com.sk89q.jnbt.NBTInputStream; import com.sk89q.jnbt.NBTOutputStream; import com.sk89q.jnbt.Tag; import com.sk89q.worldedit.EditSession; import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.clipboard.Clipboard; import; import; import; import com.sk89q.worldedit.internal.util.LogManagerCompat; import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector3; import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.CuboidRegion; import net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4BlockInputStream; import org.anarres.parallelgzip.ParallelGZIPOutputStream; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import; public class FaweDelegateSchematicHandler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManagerCompat.getLogger(); private static final AtomicBoolean exportingAll = new AtomicBoolean(); public void paste( final Schematic schematic, final Plot plot, final int xOffset, final int yOffset, final int zOffset, final boolean autoHeight, final RunnableVal whenDone ) { Runnable r = () -> { if (whenDone != null) { whenDone.value = false; } if (schematic == null) { if (whenDone != null) { TaskManager.runTask(whenDone); } return; } BlockVector3 dimension = schematic.getClipboard().getDimensions(); final int WIDTH = dimension.getX(); final int LENGTH = dimension.getZ(); final int HEIGHT = dimension.getY(); // Validate dimensions CuboidRegion region = plot.getLargestRegion(); if (((region.getMaximumPoint().getX() - region.getMinimumPoint().getX() + xOffset + 1) < WIDTH) || ( (region.getMaximumPoint().getZ() - region.getMinimumPoint().getZ() + zOffset + 1) < LENGTH) || (HEIGHT > 256)) { if (whenDone != null) { TaskManager.runTask(whenDone); } return; } // Calculate the optimal height to paste the schematic at final int y_offset_actual; if (autoHeight) { if (HEIGHT >= 256) { y_offset_actual = yOffset; } else { PlotArea pw = plot.getArea(); if (pw instanceof ClassicPlotWorld) { y_offset_actual = yOffset + ((ClassicPlotWorld) pw).PLOT_HEIGHT; } else { y_offset_actual = yOffset + 1 + PlotSquared.platform().worldUtil() .getHighestBlockSynchronous(plot.getWorldName(), region.getMinimumPoint().getX() + 1, region.getMinimumPoint().getZ() + 1 ); } } } else { y_offset_actual = yOffset; } final BlockVector3 to = BlockVector3 .at(region.getMinimumPoint().getX() + xOffset, y_offset_actual, region.getMinimumPoint().getZ() + zOffset); try (EditSession editSession = WorldEdit .getInstance() .newEditSessionBuilder() .world(FaweAPI.getWorld(plot.getWorldName())) .checkMemory(false) .fastMode(true) .limitUnlimited() .changeSetNull() .build()) { final Clipboard clipboard = schematic.getClipboard(); clipboard.paste(editSession, to, true, false, true); if (whenDone != null) { whenDone.value = true; if (whenDone != null) { TaskManager.runTask(whenDone); } } } }; if (Fawe.isMainThread()) { com.fastasyncworldedit.core.util.TaskManager.taskManager().async(r); } else {; } } public boolean save(CompoundTag tag, String path) { if (tag == null) { LOGGER.warn("Cannot save empty tag"); return false; } try { File tmp = FileUtils.getFile(PlotSquared.platform().getDirectory(), path); tmp.getParentFile().mkdirs(); if (tag instanceof CompressedCompoundTag) { CompressedCompoundTag cTag = (CompressedCompoundTag) tag; if (cTag instanceof CompressedSchematicTag) { Clipboard clipboard = (Clipboard) cTag.getSource(); try (OutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(tmp); NBTOutputStream output = new NBTOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new ParallelGZIPOutputStream(stream)))) { new FastSchematicWriter(output).write(clipboard); } } else { try (OutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(tmp); BufferedOutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(new ParallelGZIPOutputStream(stream))) { LZ4BlockInputStream is = cTag.adapt(cTag.getSource()); IOUtil.copy(is, output); } } } else { try (OutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(tmp); NBTOutputStream output = new NBTOutputStream(new ParallelGZIPOutputStream(stream))) { Map map = tag.getValue(); output.writeNamedTag("Schematic", map.getOrDefault("Schematic", tag)); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } public void upload(final CompoundTag tag, final UUID uuid, final String file, final RunnableVal whenDone) { if (tag == null) { LOGGER.warn("Cannot save empty tag"); if (whenDone != null) { TaskManager.runTask(whenDone); } return; } final CompoundTag weTag = (CompoundTag) FaweCache.INSTANCE.asTag(tag); SchematicHandler.upload(uuid, file, "schem", new RunnableVal<>() { @Override public void run(OutputStream output) { if (weTag instanceof CompressedSchematicTag) { Clipboard clipboard = ((CompressedSchematicTag) weTag).getSource(); BuiltInClipboardFormat.FAST.write(output, clipboard); } try { try (ParallelGZIPOutputStream gzip = new ParallelGZIPOutputStream(output)) { try (NBTOutputStream nos = new NBTOutputStream(gzip)) { Map map = weTag.getValue(); nos.writeNamedTag("Schematic", map.getOrDefault("Schematic", weTag)); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }, whenDone); } public Schematic getSchematic(@Nonnull InputStream is) { try { FastSchematicReader schematicReader = new FastSchematicReader( new NBTInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(is))))); Clipboard clip =; return new Schematic(clip); } catch (IOException e) { if (e instanceof EOFException) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } try { SpongeSchematicReader schematicReader = new SpongeSchematicReader(new NBTInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(is))); Clipboard clip =; return new Schematic(clip); } catch (IOException e2) { if (e2 instanceof EOFException) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } try { MCEditSchematicReader schematicReader = new MCEditSchematicReader(new NBTInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(is))); Clipboard clip =; return new Schematic(clip); } catch (IOException e3) { LOGGER.warn("{} | {} : {}", is, is.getClass().getCanonicalName(), e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } return null; } }