Jesse Boyd a629d15c74
Copy paste/merge FAWE classes to this WorldEdit fork
- so certain people can look at the diff and complain about my sloppy code :(

Signed-off-by: Jesse Boyd <>
2018-08-13 00:03:07 +10:00

125 lines
2.7 KiB

package com.sk89q.worldedit;
import com.boydti.fawe.util.MathMan;
public class MutableBlockVector extends BlockVector implements Serializable {
private transient int x, y, z;
private static ThreadLocal<MutableBlockVector> MUTABLE_CACHE = new ThreadLocal<MutableBlockVector>() {
protected MutableBlockVector initialValue() {
return new MutableBlockVector();
public static MutableBlockVector get(int x, int y, int z) {
return MUTABLE_CACHE.get().setComponents(x, y, z);
public MutableBlockVector(Vector v) {
this(v.getBlockX(), v.getBlockY(), v.getBlockZ());
public MutableBlockVector(int x, int y, int z) {
super(0, 0, 0);
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
public MutableBlockVector() {
super(0, 0, 0);
public MutableBlockVector setComponents(Vector other) {
return setComponents(other.getBlockX(), other.getBlockY(), other.getBlockZ());
public MutableBlockVector setComponents(double x, double y, double z) {
return this.setComponents((int) x, (int) y, (int) z);
public MutableBlockVector setComponents(int x, int y, int z) {
return this;
public final void mutX(double x) {
this.x = MathMan.roundInt(x);
public final void mutY(double y) {
this.y = MathMan.roundInt(y);
public final void mutZ(double z) {
this.z = MathMan.roundInt(z);
public final void mutX(int x) {
this.x = x;
public final void mutY(int y) {
this.y = y;
public final void mutZ(int z) {
this.z = z;
public final double getX() {
return x;
public final double getY() {
return y;
public final double getZ() {
return z;
public int getBlockX() {
return this.x;
public int getBlockY() {
return this.y;
public int getBlockZ() {
return this.z;
private void writeObject( stream) throws IOException {
stream.writeByte((byte) y);
private void readObject( stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
this.x = stream.readInt();
this.y = stream.readByte() & 0xFF;
this.z = stream.readInt();