dordsor21 56972ee40b
Trim performance (#451)
* Increase performance slightly when trimming.
If the chunk section is all one blocks (common in plotworlds) it'll be a nice little boost.

* Cache whether blocks are ticking or not. Greatly reduces the time required to create a palette

* collapse 5 lines to 2.

* Also apply to 14 and 15 for the numpties

* Cleanup
Actually ignore the exception - remove my debug print.
Remove double semi-colon

* Apparently 1.14/15 matter too still.
2020-05-07 23:00:13 +01:00

252 lines
11 KiB

import com.boydti.fawe.util.MathMan;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.Capability;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.Platform;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.registry.state.AbstractProperty;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.registry.state.Property;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.registry.state.PropertyKey;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public class BlockTypesCache {
protected final static class Settings {
protected final int internalId;
protected final BlockState defaultState;
protected final AbstractProperty<?>[] propertiesMapArr;
protected final AbstractProperty<?>[] propertiesArr;
protected final List<AbstractProperty<?>> propertiesList;
protected final Map<String, AbstractProperty<?>> propertiesMap;
protected final Set<AbstractProperty<?>> propertiesSet;
protected final BlockMaterial blockMaterial;
protected final int permutations;
protected int[] stateOrdinals;
Settings(BlockType type, String id, int internalId, List<BlockState> states) {
this.internalId = internalId;
String propertyString = null;
int propI = id.indexOf('[');
if (propI != -1) {
propertyString = id.substring(propI + 1, id.length() - 1);
int maxInternalStateId = 0;
Map<String, ? extends Property<?>> properties = WorldEdit.getInstance().getPlatformManager().queryCapability(Capability.GAME_HOOKS).getRegistries().getBlockRegistry().getProperties(type);
if (!properties.isEmpty()) {
// Ensure the properties are registered
int maxOrdinal = 0;
for (String key : properties.keySet()) {
maxOrdinal = Math.max(PropertyKey.getOrCreate(key).ordinal(), maxOrdinal);
this.propertiesMapArr = new AbstractProperty[maxOrdinal + 1];
int prop_arr_i = 0;
this.propertiesArr = new AbstractProperty[properties.size()];
HashMap<String, AbstractProperty<?>> propMap = new HashMap<>();
int bitOffset = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, ? extends Property<?>> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
PropertyKey key = PropertyKey.getOrCreate(entry.getKey());
AbstractProperty<?> property = ((AbstractProperty) entry.getValue()).withOffset(bitOffset);
this.propertiesMapArr[key.ordinal()] = property;
this.propertiesArr[prop_arr_i++] = property;
propMap.put(entry.getKey(), property);
maxInternalStateId += (property.getValues().size() << bitOffset);
bitOffset += property.getNumBits();
this.propertiesList = Arrays.asList(this.propertiesArr);
this.propertiesMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(propMap);
this.propertiesSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(this.propertiesMap.values());
} else {
this.propertiesMapArr = new AbstractProperty[0];
this.propertiesArr = this.propertiesMapArr;
this.propertiesList = Collections.emptyList();
this.propertiesMap = Collections.emptyMap();
this.propertiesSet = Collections.emptySet();
this.permutations = maxInternalStateId;
this.blockMaterial = WorldEdit.getInstance().getPlatformManager().queryCapability(Capability.GAME_HOOKS).getRegistries().getBlockRegistry().getMaterial(type);
if (!propertiesList.isEmpty()) {
this.stateOrdinals = generateStateOrdinals(internalId, states.size(), maxInternalStateId, propertiesList);
for (int propId = 0; propId < this.stateOrdinals.length; propId++) {
int ordinal = this.stateOrdinals[propId];
if (ordinal != -1) {
int stateId = internalId + (propId << BIT_OFFSET);
BlockState state = new BlockState(type, stateId, ordinal);
int defaultPropId = parseProperties(propertyString, propertiesMap) >> BIT_OFFSET;
this.defaultState = states.get(this.stateOrdinals[defaultPropId]);
} else {
this.defaultState = new BlockState(type, internalId, states.size());
private int parseProperties(String properties, Map<String, AbstractProperty<?>> propertyMap) {
int id = internalId;
for (String keyPair : properties.split(",")) {
String[] split = keyPair.split("=");
String name = split[0];
String value = split[1];
AbstractProperty btp = propertyMap.get(name);
id = btp.modify(id, btp.getValueFor(value));
return id;
private static int[] generateStateOrdinals(int internalId, int ordinal, int maxStateId, List<AbstractProperty<?>> props) {
if (props.isEmpty()) return null;
int[] result = new int[maxStateId];
Arrays.fill(result, -1);
int[] state = new int[props.size()];
int[] sizes = new int[props.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < props.size(); i++) {
sizes[i] = props.get(i).getValues().size();
int index = 0;
while (true) {
// Create the state
int stateId = internalId;
for (int i = 0; i < state.length; i++) {
stateId = props.get(i).modifyIndex(stateId, state[i]);
// Map it to the ordinal
result[stateId >> BIT_OFFSET] = ordinal++;
// Increment the state
while (++state[index] == sizes[index]) {
state[index] = 0;
if (index == state.length) break outer;
index = 0;
return result;
Static Initializer
public static final int BIT_OFFSET; // Used internally
protected static final int BIT_MASK; // Used internally
// private static final Map<String, BlockType> $REGISTRY = new HashMap<>();
// public static final NamespacedRegistry<BlockType> REGISTRY = new NamespacedRegistry<>("block type", $REGISTRY);
public static final BlockType[] values;
public static final BlockState[] states;
public static final boolean[] ticking;
protected static final Set<String> $NAMESPACES = new LinkedHashSet<>();
static {
try {
ArrayList<BlockState> stateList = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Boolean> tickList = new ArrayList<>();
Platform platform = WorldEdit.getInstance().getPlatformManager().queryCapability(Capability.GAME_HOOKS);
Registries registries = platform.getRegistries();
BlockRegistry blockReg = registries.getBlockRegistry();
Collection<String> blocks = blockReg.values();
Map<String, String> blockMap = -> item.charAt(item.length() - 1) == ']' ? item.substring(0, item.indexOf('[')) : item, item -> item));
int size = blockMap.size() + 1;
Field[] idFields = BlockID.class.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : idFields) size = Math.max(field.getInt(null) + 1, size);
BIT_OFFSET = MathMan.log2nlz(size);
BIT_MASK = ((1 << BIT_OFFSET) - 1);
values = new BlockType[size];
// Register the statically declared ones first
for (Field field : idFields) {
if (field.getType() == int.class) {
int internalId = field.getInt(null);
String id = "minecraft:" + field.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
String defaultState = blockMap.remove(id);
if (defaultState == null) {
if (internalId != 0) {
System.out.println("Ignoring invalid block " + id);
defaultState = id;
if (values[internalId] != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid duplicate id for " + field.getName());
BlockType type = register(defaultState, internalId, stateList, tickList);
// Note: Throws IndexOutOfBoundsError if nothing is registered and blocksMap is empty
values[internalId] = type;
{ // Register new blocks
int internalId = 1;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : blockMap.entrySet()) {
String defaultState = entry.getValue();
// Skip already registered ids
for (; values[internalId] != null; internalId++);
BlockType type = register(defaultState, internalId, stateList, tickList);
values[internalId] = type;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (values[i] == null) values[i] = values[0];
states = stateList.toArray(new BlockState[stateList.size()]);
ticking = Booleans.toArray(tickList);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static BlockType register(final String id, int internalId, List<BlockState> states, List<Boolean> tickList) {
// Get the enum name (remove namespace if minecraft:)
int propStart = id.indexOf('[');
String typeName = id.substring(0, propStart == -1 ? id.length() : propStart);
String enumName = (typeName.startsWith("minecraft:") ? typeName.substring(10) : typeName).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
int oldsize = states.size();
BlockType existing = new BlockType(id, internalId, states);
tickList.addAll(Collections.nCopies(states.size() - oldsize, existing.getMaterial().isTicksRandomly()));
// register states
BlockType.REGISTRY.register(typeName, existing);
String nameSpace = typeName.substring(0, typeName.indexOf(':'));
return existing;