IronApollo 6807ccd960 Reimplement Masks + Fixes
Masks Reimplemented:
    - Adjacent (~): Adjacent to a specific number of other blocks.
        - Example: ~[oak_log][1][4]
    - Extrema (#extrema): Restrict to near specific terrain extrema. The "-o" flag will only overlay existing terrain.
        - Example: #extrema[0d][45d][-o]
    - ROC Angle (#roc): Restrict to near specific terrain slope rate of change. The "-o" flag will only overlay existing terrain.
        - Example: #roc[0d][45d][-o]
    - Surface (#surface): Restrict to surfaces (any solid block touching air).
        - Example: #surface
    - Wall (#wall): Restrict to walls (any block n,e,s,w of air).
        - Example: #wall

Other Changes:
    - Minor logic change to angle mask's overlay.
    - Fixed negating air mask.
    - Added overlay flag to angle (/) mask.
2020-09-06 18:42:43 -04:00
2020-09-06 18:42:43 -04:00
2020-08-24 22:53:29 -04:00