Jesse Boyd 6ddeb2ebf5
Various minor
refactor some region dependencies
swithc masking extent to a filter (so it can be parallelized)
Some unfinished refactoring of the filters
remove piston messages from strings.json
2019-12-16 09:07:51 +00:00

417 lines
12 KiB

* WorldEdit, a Minecraft world manipulation toolkit
* Copyright (C) sk89q <>
* Copyright (C) WorldEdit team and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package com.sk89q.worldedit.regions;
import com.boydti.fawe.beta.implementation.filter.block.ChunkFilterBlock;
import com.boydti.fawe.beta.Filter;
import com.boydti.fawe.beta.IChunk;
import com.boydti.fawe.beta.IChunkGet;
import com.boydti.fawe.beta.IChunkSet;
import com.boydti.fawe.util.MathMan;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector2;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector3;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.Vector3;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* Represents an ellipsoid region.
public class EllipsoidRegion extends AbstractRegion {
* Stores the center.
private BlockVector3 center;
* Stores the radii plus 0.5 on each axis.
private Vector3 radius;
private Vector3 radiusSqr;
private Vector3 inverseRadius;
private int radiusLengthSqr;
private boolean sphere;
* Construct a new instance of this ellipsoid region.
* @param pos1 the first position
* @param pos2 the second position
public EllipsoidRegion(BlockVector3 pos1, Vector3 pos2) {
this(null, pos1, pos2);
* Construct a new instance of this ellipsoid region.
* @param world the world
* @param center the center
* @param radius the radius
public EllipsoidRegion(World world, BlockVector3 center, Vector3 radius) {
super(world); = center;
public EllipsoidRegion(EllipsoidRegion ellipsoidRegion) {
this(,, ellipsoidRegion.getRadius());
public BlockVector3 getMinimumPoint() {
return center.toVector3().subtract(getRadius()).toBlockPoint();
public BlockVector3 getMaximumPoint() {
return center.toVector3().add(getRadius()).toBlockPoint();
public int getArea() {
return (int) Math.floor((4.0 / 3.0) * Math.PI * radius.getX() * radius.getY() * radius.getZ());
public int getWidth() {
return (int) (2 * radius.getX());
public int getHeight() {
return (int) (2 * radius.getY());
public int getLength() {
return (int) (2 * radius.getZ());
private BlockVector3 calculateDiff(BlockVector3... changes) throws RegionOperationException {
BlockVector3 diff = BlockVector3.ZERO.add(changes);
if ((diff.getBlockX() & 1) + (diff.getBlockY() & 1) + (diff.getBlockZ() & 1) != 0) {
throw new RegionOperationException(
"Ellipsoid changes must be even for each dimensions.");
return diff.divide(2).floor();
private Vector3 calculateChanges(BlockVector3... changes) {
Vector3 total = Vector3.ZERO;
for (BlockVector3 change : changes) {
total = total.add(change.abs().toVector3());
return total.divide(2).floor();
public void expand(BlockVector3... changes) throws RegionOperationException {
center = center.add(calculateDiff(changes));
public void contract(BlockVector3... changes) throws RegionOperationException {
center = center.subtract(calculateDiff(changes));
Vector3 newRadius = radius.subtract(calculateChanges(changes));
setRadius(, 1.5, 1.5).getMaximum(newRadius));
public void shift(BlockVector3 change) throws RegionOperationException {
center = center.add(change);
* Get the center.
* @return center
public Vector3 getCenter() {
return center.toVector3();
* Set the center.
* @param center the center
public void setCenter(BlockVector3 center) { = center;
* Get the radii.
* @return radii
public Vector3 getRadius() {
return radius.subtract(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
* Set the radii.
* @param radius the radius
public void setRadius(Vector3 radius) {
this.radius = radius;
radiusSqr = radius.multiply(radius);
radiusLengthSqr = (int) radiusSqr.getX();
this.sphere = radius.getY() == radius.getX() && radius.getX() == radius.getZ();
if (radius.getY() == radius.getX() && radius.getX() == radius.getZ()) {
this.sphere = true;
} else {
this.sphere = false;
inverseRadius = Vector3.ONE.divide(radius);
public Set<BlockVector2> getChunks() {
final Set<BlockVector2> chunks = new HashSet<>();
final BlockVector3 min = getMinimumPoint();
final BlockVector3 max = getMaximumPoint();
final int centerY = center.getBlockY();
for (int x = min.getBlockX(); x <= max.getBlockX(); ++x) {
for (int z = min.getBlockZ(); z <= max.getBlockZ(); ++z) {
if (!contains(, centerY, z))) {
x >> ChunkStore.CHUNK_SHIFTS,
z >> ChunkStore.CHUNK_SHIFTS
return chunks;
public boolean contains(int x, int y, int z) {
int cx = x - center.getBlockX();
int cx2 = cx * cx;
if (cx2 > radiusSqr.getBlockX()) {
return false;
int cz = z - center.getBlockZ();
int cz2 = cz * cz;
if (cz2 > radiusSqr.getBlockZ()) {
return false;
int cy = y - center.getBlockY();
int cy2 = cy * cy;
if (radiusSqr.getBlockY() < 255 && cy2 > radiusSqr.getBlockY()) {
return false;
if (sphere) {
return cx2 + cy2 + cz2 <= radiusLengthSqr;
double cxd = cx2 * inverseRadius.getX();
double cyd = cy2 * inverseRadius.getY();
double czd = cz2 * inverseRadius.getZ();
return cxd + cyd + czd <= 1;
/* Slow and unnecessary
public boolean contains(BlockVector3 position) {
return position.subtract(center).toVector3().divide(radius).lengthSq() <= 1;
public boolean contains(BlockVector3 position) {
return contains(position.getX(), position.getY(), position.getZ());
public boolean contains(int x, int z) {
int cx = x - center.getBlockX();
int cx2 = cx * cx;
if (cx2 > radiusSqr.getBlockX()) {
return false;
int cz = z - center.getBlockZ();
int cz2 = cz * cz;
if (cz2 > radiusSqr.getBlockZ()) {
return false;
if (sphere) {
return cx2 + cz2 <= radiusLengthSqr;
double cxd = cx2 * inverseRadius.getX();
double czd = cz2 * inverseRadius.getZ();
return cxd + czd <= 1;
* Returns string representation in the format
* "(centerX, centerY, centerZ) - (radiusX, radiusY, radiusZ)".
* @return string
public String toString() {
return center + " - " + getRadius();
public void extendRadius(Vector3 minRadius) {
public EllipsoidRegion clone() {
return (EllipsoidRegion) super.clone();
private void filterSpherePartial(int y1, int y2, int bx, int bz, Filter filter, ChunkFilterBlock block, IChunkGet get, IChunkSet set) {
int sectionStart = y1 >> 4;
int sectionEnd = y2 >> 4;
for (int layer = sectionStart; layer < sectionEnd; layer++) {
int yStart = Math.max(layer << 4, y1);
int yEnd = Math.min((layer << 4) + 15, y2);
filterSpherePartial(layer, yStart, yEnd, bx, bz, filter, block, get, set);
private void filterSpherePartial(int layer, int y1, int y2, int bx, int bz, Filter filter, ChunkFilterBlock block, IChunkGet get, IChunkSet set) {
int cx = center.getBlockX();
int cy = center.getBlockY();
int cz = center.getBlockZ();
block.initLayer(get, set, layer);
int by = layer << 4;
int diffY;
for (int y = y1, yy = by + y1; y <= y2; y++, yy++) {
diffY = cy - yy;
int remainderY = radiusLengthSqr - (diffY * diffY);
if (remainderY >= 0) {
for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
int zz = z + bz;
int diffZ = cz - zz;
int remainderZ = remainderY - (diffZ * diffZ);
if (remainderZ >= 0) {
int diffX = MathMan.usqrt(remainderZ);
int minX = Math.max(0, cx - diffX - bx);
int maxX = Math.min(15, cx + diffX - bx);
if (minX != maxX) {
block.filter(filter, minX, y, z, maxX, y, z);
public void filter(IChunk chunk, Filter filter, ChunkFilterBlock block, IChunkGet get, IChunkSet set, boolean full) {
// Check bounds
// This needs to be able to perform 50M blocks/sec otherwise it becomes a bottleneck
int cx = center.getBlockX();
int cz = center.getBlockZ();
int bx = chunk.getX() << 4;
int bz = chunk.getZ() << 4;
int tx = bx + 15;
int tz = bz + 15;
int cx1 = bx - cx;
int cx2 = tx - cx;
int cxMax, cxMin;
if (cx1 < cx2) {
cxMin = cx1;
cxMax = cx2;
} else {
cxMin = cx2;
cxMax = cx1;
int cxMin2 = cxMin * cxMin;
int cxMax2 = cxMax * cxMax;
int cz1 = bz - cz;
int cz2 = tz - cz;
int czMax, czMin;
if (cz1 < cz2) {
czMin = cz1;
czMax = cz2;
} else {
czMin = cz2;
czMax = cz1;
int czMin2 = czMin * czMin;
int czMax2 = czMax * czMax;
if (sphere) {
// Does not contain chunk
if (cxMin2 + czMin2 >= radiusLengthSqr) {
int diffY2 = radiusLengthSqr - cxMax2 - czMax2;
// (shortcut) Contains all of certain layers
if (diffY2 >= 0) {
// Get the solid layers
int cy = center.getBlockY();
int diffYFull = MathMan.usqrt(diffY2);
int yBotFull = Math.max(0, cy - diffYFull);
int yTopFull = Math.min(255, cy + diffYFull);
// Set those layers
filter(chunk, filter, block, get, set, yBotFull, yTopFull, full);
// Fill the remaining layers
if (yBotFull != 0 || yTopFull != 255) {
int diffYPartial = MathMan.usqrt(radiusLengthSqr - cxMin * cxMin - czMin * czMin);
if (yBotFull != 0) {
int yBotPartial = Math.max(0, cy - diffYPartial);
filterSpherePartial(yBotPartial, yBotFull - 1, bx, bz, filter, block, get, set);
if (yTopFull != 255) {
int yTopPartial = Math.min(255, cy + diffYPartial);
filterSpherePartial(yTopFull + 1, yTopPartial - 1, bx, bz, filter, block, get, set);
} else {
super.filter(chunk, filter, block, get, set, full); // TODO optimize non spheres