For those who are wanting to contribute, we fully encourage doing so. There are a few rules we require following when contributing however. ## Steps 1. Make an isuse and get feedback. It's important to know if your idea will be accepted before writing any code. - If it is a feature request, describe the feature and be extremely specific. - If it is a bug report, ensure you include how to reproduce the bug and the expected outcome - If it is an enhancement, describe your proposed changes. Ensure you are extremely specific. 2. Fork Plex 3. Create a new branch that describes the new feature, enhancement, or bug fix. For example, this is good: `feature/add-xyz`. This is bad: `fix-this-lol`. 4. Write the code that addresses your change. - Keep in mind that it **must** be formatted correctly. If you are using IntelliJ, there is a `codeStyle.xml` file that tells IntelliJ how to format your code. Check this link for information on how to use the file: 5. Push your changes to your new branch and make a PR based off of that branch. ## Requirements for a PR - The issue must be marked as approved - It must only address each specific issue. Don't make one PR for multiple issues. - Your PR must compile and work. If it does not compile or work, your PR will most likely be rejected. ## Code requirements - Most importantly, your code must be efficient. Your pull request may be rejected if your code is deemed inefficient or sloppy. - Do not repeat yourself. Create functions as needed if you're using large blocks of code over and over again. - Do not use an excessive amount of commits when making your PR. It makes the master branch look messy. - Your code must be consistent with Plex's codebase. If a function already exists, use it.