pipeline { agent any tools { jdk 'JDK 21.0.3' } stages { stage("build") { steps { withGradle { sh "./gradlew build javadoc --no-daemon" } } } } post { always { archiveArtifacts artifacts: "build/libs/*.jar", fingerprint: true javadoc javadocDir: "server/build/docs/javadoc", keepAll: false discordSend description: "**Build:** ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\n**Status:** ${currentBuild.currentResult}", enableArtifactsList: true, footer: "Built with Jenkins", link: env.BUILD_URL, result: currentBuild.currentResult, scmWebUrl: "https://github.com/plexusorg/Plex", showChangeset: true, title: env.JOB_NAME, webhookURL: env.WEBHOOK_URL discordSend description: "**Build:** ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\n**Status:** ${currentBuild.currentResult}", enableArtifactsList: true, footer: "Built with Jenkins", link: env.BUILD_URL, result: currentBuild.currentResult, scmWebUrl: "https://github.com/plexusorg/Plex", showChangeset: true, title: env.JOB_NAME, webhookURL: env.TF_WEBHOOK_URL cleanWs() } } }