package dev.plex.toml; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; class MapValueWriter implements ValueWriter { static final ValueWriter MAP_VALUE_WRITER = new MapValueWriter(); private static final Pattern REQUIRED_QUOTING_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^.*[^A-Za-z\\d_-].*$"); @Override public boolean canWrite(Object value) { return value instanceof Map; } @Override public void write(Object value, WriterContext context) { File file = null; if (context.file != null) { file = context.file; } Map from = (Map) value; dev.plex.toml.Toml toml = null; if (file != null) { toml = new Toml().read(file); } if (hasPrimitiveValues(from, context)) { if (context.hasRun) { if (toml != null) { if (!toml.getValues().containsKey(context.key)) { context.writeKey(); } } else { context.writeKey(); } } } // Render primitive types and arrays of primitive first so they are // grouped under the same table (if there is one) for (Map.Entry entry : from.entrySet()) { Object key = entry.getKey(); Object fromValue = entry.getValue(); if (fromValue == null) { continue; } if (context.hasRun && toml != null) { if (context.key != null) { if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(context.key)) continue; if (toml.contains(context.key + "." + key)) continue; } } ValueWriter valueWriter = ValueWriters.WRITERS.findWriterFor(fromValue); if (valueWriter.isPrimitiveType()) { context.indent(); context.write(quoteKey(key)).write(" = "); valueWriter.write(fromValue, context); context.write('\n'); } else if (valueWriter == PrimitiveArrayValueWriter.PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_VALUE_WRITER) { context.setArrayKey(key.toString()); context.write(quoteKey(key)).write(" = "); valueWriter.write(fromValue, context); context.write('\n'); } } // Now render (sub)tables and arrays of tables for (Object key : from.keySet()) { Object fromValue = from.get(key); if (fromValue == null) { continue; } if (context.hasRun && toml != null) { if (context.key != null) { if (key.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(context.key)) continue; if (toml.contains(context.key + "." + key)) continue; } } ValueWriter valueWriter = ValueWriters.WRITERS.findWriterFor(fromValue); if (valueWriter == this || valueWriter == ObjectValueWriter.OBJECT_VALUE_WRITER || valueWriter == TableArrayValueWriter.TABLE_ARRAY_VALUE_WRITER) { WriterContext context1 = context.pushTable(quoteKey(key)); context1.parentName = key.toString(); context1.hasRun = true; context1.file = context.file; valueWriter.write(fromValue, context1); } } } @Override public boolean isPrimitiveType() { return false; } private static String quoteKey(Object key) { String stringKey = key.toString(); Matcher matcher = REQUIRED_QUOTING_PATTERN.matcher(stringKey); if (matcher.matches()) { stringKey = "\"" + stringKey + "\""; } return stringKey; } private static boolean hasPrimitiveValues(Map values, WriterContext context) { for (Object key : values.keySet()) { Object fromValue = values.get(key); if (fromValue == null) { continue; } ValueWriter valueWriter = ValueWriters.WRITERS.findWriterFor(fromValue); if (valueWriter.isPrimitiveType() || valueWriter == PrimitiveArrayValueWriter.PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_VALUE_WRITER) { return true; } } return false; } private MapValueWriter() { } }