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# Plex Messages File
# Messages in here will be placed in for certain commands, actions, etc.
# Warning: not all commands have customizable messages
# Base color - the main color prefix; will be used following each of the messages below
# Broadcast color - the color used when broadcasting a message
# Error color - the color of an error; will be used when an error is thrown from a command
baseColor: "7"
broadcastColor: "b"
errorColor: "c"
# Variables <v> - these are code-defined replacements for things that should be inserted into messages. (e.g. names, statuses, numbers)
# if any of these variables are supposed to be used within a message, some documentation is provided to give more context to what the variables indicate.
# you are unable to change the order the variables are used due to it being a code-side functionality.
# if you are wishing to change these messages it's recommended you use the same amount of variables as stated in the documentation, however it's not required.
# Reset color <r> - this will reset the color of the message to the base color defined above.
# Broadcast color <b> - this will make the color of the message the broadcast color defined above.
# Error color <e> - this will make the color of the message the error color defined above.
test: "this is a test message!"
# 1: the command sender's username
variableTest: "variable test with <v>!"
playerNotFound: "Player not found!"
worldNotFound: "World not found!"
noAdminWorldBlockPlace: "<e>You are not allowed to place blocks in the admin world!"
noAdminWorldBlockBreak: "<e>You are not allowed to break blocks in the admin world!"
# 1: the world you have been teleported to
playerWorldTeleport: "You have been teleported to <v>."
# 1: the command sender who opped everyone
oppedAllPlayers: "<b><v> - Opped all players on the server"
# 1: the person who is opping
# 2: the person who has been opped
oppedPlayer: "<b><v> - Opped <v>"
# 1: the person who is freezing
# 2: the person who has been frozen
frozePlayer: "<b><v> - Froze <v>"
# 1: the person who is unfreezing
# 2: the person who has been unfrozen
unfrozePlayer: "<b><v> - Unfroze <v>"
noPermission: "<e>You cannot use this command!"
# 1: the login message (uncolored) of the rank required to use the command
noPermissionRank: "<e>You must be at least <v> rank to use this command!"
noPermissionInGame: "<e>You must be in console to use this command!"
noPermissionConsole: "<e>You must be in-game to use this command!"
# 1: the username of the name history
nameHistoryTitle: "Name History of <v>"
# 1: a username of the found user
# 2: when the user changed to that username
nameHistoryBody: " - <v> (<v>)"
# 1: the username that failed
nameHistoryFail: "<e>Something went wrong while trying to retrieve name history of <v>! Try again later!"
gameModeSetTo: "Your gamemode has been set to <v>."
setOtherPlayerGameModeTo: "You set <v>'s gamemode to <v>."
playerSetOtherGameMode: "<v> set your gamemode to <v>."
consoleMustDefinePlayer: "You must define a player since you are running this command from console."
newAdminAdded: "<b><v> - Adding <v> to the admin list"
adminRemoved: "<c><v> - Removing <v> from the admin list"
adminSetRank: "<b><v> - Setting <v>'s rank to <v>"
teleportedToWorld: "<b>You have been teleported to the <v>."
higherRankThanYou: "<b>This player is an admin and a higher rank than you."
playerNotAdmin: "<b>That player is not an admin."
playerIsAdmin: "<b>That player is already an admin."
rankNotFound: "<b>The rank you entered was not found."
rankMustBeHigherThanAdmin: "<b>The rank you entered must be higher than Admin."
consoleOnly: "<b>This command can only be executed by the console."
yourRank: "<b>Your rank is: <v>" |