
507 lines
15 KiB

package dev.plex.command;
import dev.plex.Plex;
import dev.plex.cache.DataUtils;
import dev.plex.command.annotation.CommandParameters;
import dev.plex.command.annotation.CommandPermissions;
import dev.plex.command.exception.*;
import dev.plex.command.source.RequiredCommandSource;
import dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer;
import dev.plex.util.PlexLog;
import dev.plex.util.PlexUtils;
import net.kyori.adventure.audience.Audience;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.NamedTextColor;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.serializer.legacy.LegacyComponentSerializer;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.command.*;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.UUID;
* Superclass for all commands
public abstract class PlexCommand extends Command implements PluginIdentifiableCommand
* Returns the instance of the plugin
protected static Plex plugin = Plex.get();
* The parameters for the command
private final CommandParameters params;
* The permissions for the command
private final CommandPermissions perms;
* Required command source fetched from the permissions
private final RequiredCommandSource commandSource;
* Creates an instance of the command
public PlexCommand(boolean register)
this.params = getClass().getAnnotation(CommandParameters.class);
this.perms = getClass().getAnnotation(CommandPermissions.class);
if (params.aliases().split(",").length > 0)
this.commandSource = perms.source();
if (register)
if (getMap().getKnownCommands().containsKey(this.getName().toLowerCase()))
this.getAliases().forEach(s -> {
if (getMap().getKnownCommands().containsKey(s.toLowerCase()))
getMap().register("plex", this);
public PlexCommand()
* Executes the command
* @param sender The sender of the command
* @param playerSender The player who executed the command (null if CommandSource is console or if CommandSource is any but console executed)
* @param args A Kyori Component to send to the sender (can be null)
protected abstract Component execute(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @Nullable Player playerSender, @NotNull String[] args);
* @hidden
public boolean execute(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull String label, String[] args)
if (!matches(label))
return false;
if (commandSource == RequiredCommandSource.CONSOLE && sender instanceof Player)
return true;
if (commandSource == RequiredCommandSource.IN_GAME)
if (sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender)
send(sender, messageComponent("noPermissionConsole"));
return true;
if (sender instanceof Player player)
PlexPlayer plexPlayer = plugin.getPlayerCache().getPlexPlayerMap().get(player.getUniqueId());
if (plexPlayer == null)
return false;
if (!perms.permission().isEmpty() && !player.hasPermission(perms.permission()))
send(sender, messageComponent("noPermissionNode", perms.permission()));
return true;
if (sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender && !sender.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("console")) //telnet
PlexPlayer plexPlayer = DataUtils.getPlayer(sender.getName());
if (!perms.permission().isEmpty() && !plugin.getPermissions().playerHas(null, Bukkit.getPlayer(plexPlayer.getName()), perms.permission()))
send(sender, messageComponent("noPermissionNode", perms.permission()));
return true;
Component component = this.execute(sender, isConsole(sender) ? null : (Player) sender, args);
if (component != null)
send(sender, component);
catch (PlayerNotFoundException | CommandFailException | ConsoleOnlyException |
ConsoleMustDefinePlayerException | PlayerNotBannedException | NumberFormatException ex)
send(sender, PlexUtils.mmDeserialize(ex.getMessage()));
return true;
* Checks if the String given is a matching command
* @param label The String to check
* @return true if the string is a command name or alias
private boolean matches(String label)
if (params.aliases().split(",").length > 0)
for (String alias : params.aliases().split(","))
if (alias.equalsIgnoreCase(label) || getName().equalsIgnoreCase(label))
return true;
else if (params.aliases().split(",").length < 1)
return getName().equalsIgnoreCase(label);
return false;
* Gets a PlexPlayer from Player object
* @param player The player object
* @return PlexPlayer Object
* @see PlexPlayer
protected PlexPlayer getPlexPlayer(@NotNull Player player)
return DataUtils.getPlayer(player.getUniqueId());
* Sends a message to an Audience
* @param audience The Audience to send the message to
* @param s The message to send
protected void send(Audience audience, String s)
* Sends a message to an Audience
* @param audience The Audience to send the message to
* @param component The Component to send
protected void send(Audience audience, Component component)
* Checks whether a sender has enough permissions or is high enough a rank
* @param sender A CommandSender
* @param permission The permission to check
* @return true if the sender has enough permissions
protected boolean checkPermission(CommandSender sender, String permission)
if (!isConsole(sender))
return checkPermission((Player) sender, permission);
return true;
* Checks whether a sender has enough permissions or is high enough a rank
* @param sender A CommandSender
* @param permission The permission to check
* @return true if the sender has enough permissions
protected boolean silentCheckPermission(CommandSender sender, String permission)
PlexLog.debug("Checking {0} with {1}", sender.getName(), permission);
if (!isConsole(sender))
return silentCheckPermission((Player) sender, permission);
return true;
* Checks whether a player has enough permissions or is high enough a rank
* @param player The player object
* @param permission The permission to check
* @return true if the sender has enough permissions
protected boolean checkPermission(Player player, String permission)
if (player instanceof ConsoleCommandSender)
return true;
if (!permission.isEmpty() && !player.hasPermission(permission))
throw new CommandFailException(PlexUtils.messageString("noPermissionNode", permission));
return true;
protected boolean silentCheckPermission(Player player, String permission)
return !permission.isEmpty() && player.hasPermission(permission);
/* *//**
* Checks whether a sender has enough permissions or is high enough a rank
* @param sender The player object
* @param rank The rank to check (if the server is using ranks)
* @param permission The permission to check (if the server is using permissions)
* @return true if the sender has enough permissions
* @see Rank
protected boolean silentCheckPermission(CommandSender sender, Rank rank, String permission)
if (!isConsole(sender))
return silentCheckPermission((Player) sender, rank, permission);
return true;
* Checks whether a player has enough permissions or is high enough a rank
* @param player The player object
* @param rank The rank to check (if the server is using ranks)
* @param permission The permission to check (if the server is using permissions)
* @return true if the sender has enough permissions
* @see Rank
protected boolean silentCheckPermission(Player player, Rank rank, String permission)
PlexPlayer plexPlayer = getPlexPlayer(player);
if (plugin.getSystem().equalsIgnoreCase("ranks"))
return rank.isAtLeast(Rank.ADMIN) ? plexPlayer.isAdminActive() && plexPlayer.getRankFromString().isAtLeast(rank) : plexPlayer.getRankFromString().isAtLeast(rank);
else if (plugin.getSystem().equalsIgnoreCase("permissions"))
return !permission.isEmpty() && player.hasPermission(permission);
return true;
* Gets the UUID of the sender
* @param sender A command sender
* @return A unique ID or null if the sender is console
* @see UUID
protected UUID getUUID(CommandSender sender)
if (!(sender instanceof Player player))
return null;
return player.getUniqueId();
* The plugin
* @return The instance of the plugin
* @see Plex
public @NotNull Plex getPlugin()
return plugin;
* Checks whether a sender is console
* @param sender A command sender
* @return true if the sender is console
protected boolean isConsole(CommandSender sender)
return !(sender instanceof Player);
* Converts a message entry from the "messages.yml" to a Component
* @param s The message entry
* @param objects Any objects to replace in order
* @return A Kyori Component
protected Component messageComponent(String s, Object... objects)
return PlexUtils.messageComponent(s, objects);
* Converts a message entry from the "messages.yml" to a Component
* @param s The message entry
* @param objects Any objects to replace in order
* @return A Kyori Component
protected Component messageComponent(String s, Component... objects)
return PlexUtils.messageComponent(s, objects);
* Converts a message entry from the "messages.yml" to a String
* @param s The message entry
* @param objects Any objects to replace in order
* @return A String
protected String messageString(String s, Object... objects)
return PlexUtils.messageString(s, objects);
* Converts usage to a Component
* @return A Kyori Component stating the usage
protected Component usage()
return Component.text("Correct Usage: ").color(NamedTextColor.YELLOW).append(componentFromString(this.getUsage()).color(NamedTextColor.GRAY));
* Converts usage to a Component
* <p>
* s The usage to convert
* @return A Kyori Component stating the usage
protected Component usage(String s)
return Component.text("Correct Usage: ").color(NamedTextColor.YELLOW).append(componentFromString(s).color(NamedTextColor.GRAY));
protected Player getNonNullPlayer(String name)
UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(name);
return Bukkit.getPlayer(uuid);
catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored)
Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(name);
if (player == null)
throw new PlayerNotFoundException();
return player;
protected PlexPlayer getOnlinePlexPlayer(String name)
Player player = getNonNullPlayer(name);
PlexPlayer plexPlayer = plugin.getPlayerCache().getPlexPlayer(player.getUniqueId());
if (plexPlayer == null)
throw new PlayerNotFoundException();
return plexPlayer;
protected PlexPlayer getOfflinePlexPlayer(UUID uuid)
PlexPlayer plexPlayer = DataUtils.getPlayer(uuid);
if (plexPlayer == null)
throw new PlayerNotFoundException();
return plexPlayer;
protected World getNonNullWorld(String name)
World world = Bukkit.getWorld(name);
if (world == null)
throw new CommandFailException(PlexUtils.messageString("worldNotFound"));
return world;
* Converts a String to a legacy Kyori Component
* @param s The String to convert
* @return A Kyori component
protected Component componentFromString(String s)
return LegacyComponentSerializer.legacyAmpersand().deserialize(s).colorIfAbsent(NamedTextColor.GRAY);
protected Component noColorComponentFromString(String s)
return LegacyComponentSerializer.legacyAmpersand().deserialize(s);
* Converts a String to a MiniMessage Component
* @param s The String to convert
* @return A Kyori Component
protected Component mmString(String s)
return PlexUtils.mmDeserialize(s);
public CommandMap getMap()
return Plex.get().getServer().getCommandMap();