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See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ "use strict"; $(function () { var copy = $("#page-search-copy"); var expand = $("#page-search-expand"); var searchLink = $("span#page-search-link"); var redirect = $("input#search-redirect"); function setSearchUrlTemplate() { var href = document.location.href.split(/[#?]/)[0]; href += "?q=" + "%s"; if (redirect.is(":checked")) { href += "&r=1"; } searchLink.html(href); copy[0].onmouseenter(); } function copyLink(e) { copyToClipboard(this.previousSibling.innerText); switchCopyLabel(this, this.lastElementChild); } copy.click(copyLink); copy[0].onmouseenter = function () { }; redirect.click(setSearchUrlTemplate); setSearchUrlTemplate(); copy.prop("disabled", false); redirect.prop("disabled", false); expand.click(function (e) { var searchInfo = $("div.page-search-info"); if (this.parentElement.hasAttribute("open")) { searchInfo.attr("style", "border-width: 0;"); } else { searchInfo.attr("style", "border-width: 1px;").height(searchInfo.prop("scrollHeight")); } }); }); $(window).on("load", function () { var input = $("#page-search-input"); var reset = $("#page-search-reset"); var notify = $("#page-search-notify"); var resultSection = $("div#result-section"); var resultContainer = $("div#result-container"); var searchTerm = ""; var activeTab = ""; var fixedTab = false; var visibleTabs = []; var feelingLucky = false; function renderResults(result) { if (!result.length) { notify.html(messages.noResult); } else if (result.length === 1) { notify.html(messages.oneResult); } else { notify.html(messages.manyResults.replace("{0}", result.length)); } resultContainer.empty(); var r = { "types": [], "members": [], "packages": [], "modules": [], "searchTags": [] }; for (var i in result) { var item = result[i]; var arr = r[item.category]; arr.push(item); } if (!activeTab || r[activeTab].length === 0 || !fixedTab) { Object.keys(r).reduce(function (prev, curr) { if (r[curr].length > 0 && r[curr][0].score > prev) { activeTab = curr; return r[curr][0].score; } return prev; }, 0); } if (feelingLucky && activeTab) { notify.html(messages.redirecting) var firstItem = r[activeTab][0]; window.location = getURL(firstItem.indexItem, firstItem.category); return; } if (result.length > 20) { if (searchTerm[searchTerm.length - 1] === ".") { if (activeTab === "types" && r["members"].length > r["types"].length) { activeTab = "members"; } else if (activeTab === "packages" && r["types"].length > r["packages"].length) { activeTab = "types"; } } } var categoryCount = Object.keys(r).reduce(function (prev, curr) { return prev + (r[curr].length > 0 ? 1 : 0); }, 0); visibleTabs = []; var tabContainer = $("<div class='table-tabs'></div>").appendTo(resultContainer); for (var key in r) { var id = "#result-tab-" + key.replace("searchTags", "search_tags"); if (r[key].length) { var count = r[key].length >= 1000 ? "999+" : r[key].length; if (result.length > 20 && categoryCount > 1) { var button = $("<button id='result-tab-" + key + "' class='page-search-header'><span>" + categories[key] + "</span>" + "<span style='font-weight: normal'> (" + count + ")</span></button>").appendTo(tabContainer); button.click(key, function (e) { fixedTab = true; renderResult(e.data, $(this)); }); visibleTabs.push(key); } else { $("<span class='page-search-header active-table-tab'>" + categories[key] + "<span style='font-weight: normal'> (" + count + ")</span></span>").appendTo(tabContainer); renderTable(key, r[key]).appendTo(resultContainer); tabContainer = $("<div class='table-tabs'></div>").appendTo(resultContainer); } } } if (activeTab && result.length > 20 && categoryCount > 1) { $("button#result-tab-" + activeTab).addClass("active-table-tab"); renderTable(activeTab, r[activeTab]).appendTo(resultContainer); } resultSection.show(); function renderResult(category, button) { activeTab = category; setSearchUrl(); resultContainer.find("div.summary-table").remove(); renderTable(activeTab, r[activeTab]).appendTo(resultContainer); button.siblings().removeClass("active-table-tab"); button.addClass("active-table-tab"); } } function selectTab(category) { $("button#result-tab-" + category).click(); } function renderTable(category, items) { var table = $("<div class='summary-table'>") .addClass(category === "modules" ? "one-column-search-results" : "two-column-search-results"); var col1, col2; if (category === "modules") { col1 = "Module"; } else if (category === "packages") { col1 = "Module"; col2 = "Package"; } else if (category === "types") { col1 = "Package"; col2 = "Class" } else if (category === "members") { col1 = "Class"; col2 = "Member"; } else if (category === "searchTags") { col1 = "Location"; col2 = "Name"; } $("<div class='table-header col-plain'>" + col1 + "</div>").appendTo(table); if (category !== "modules") { $("<div class='table-header col-plain'>" + col2 + "</div>").appendTo(table); } $.each(items, function (index, item) { var rowColor = index % 2 ? "odd-row-color" : "even-row-color"; renderItem(item, table, rowColor); }); return table; } function renderItem(item, table, rowColor) { var label = getHighlightedText(item.input, item.boundaries, item.prefix.length, item.input.length); var link = $("<a/>") .attr("href", getURL(item.indexItem, item.category)) .attr("tabindex", "0") .addClass("search-result-link") .html(label); var container = getHighlightedText(item.input, item.boundaries, 0, item.prefix.length - 1); if (item.category === "searchTags") { container = item.indexItem.h || ""; } if (item.category !== "modules") { $("<div/>").html(container).addClass("col-plain").addClass(rowColor).appendTo(table); } $("<div/>").html(link).addClass("col-last").addClass(rowColor).appendTo(table); } var timeout; function schedulePageSearch() { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(function () { doPageSearch() }, 100); } function doPageSearch() { setSearchUrl(); var term = searchTerm = input.val().trim(); if (term === "") { notify.html(messages.enterTerm); activeTab = ""; fixedTab = false; resultContainer.empty(); resultSection.hide(); } else { notify.html(messages.searching); doSearch({term: term, maxResults: 1200}, renderResults); } } function setSearchUrl() { var query = input.val().trim(); var url = document.location.pathname; if (query) { url += "?q=" + encodeURI(query); if (activeTab && fixedTab) { url += "&c=" + activeTab; } } history.replaceState({query: query}, "", url); } input.on("input", function (e) { feelingLucky = false; schedulePageSearch(); }); $(document).keydown(function (e) { if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && (e.key === "ArrowLeft" || e.key === "ArrowRight")) { if (activeTab && visibleTabs.length > 1) { var idx = visibleTabs.indexOf(activeTab); idx += e.key === "ArrowLeft" ? visibleTabs.length - 1 : 1; selectTab(visibleTabs[idx % visibleTabs.length]); return false; } } }); reset.click(function () { notify.html(messages.enterTerm); resultSection.hide(); activeTab = ""; fixedTab = false; resultContainer.empty(); input.val('').focus(); setSearchUrl(); }); input.prop("disabled", false); reset.prop("disabled", false); var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); if (urlParams.has("q")) { input.val(urlParams.get("q")) } if (urlParams.has("c")) { activeTab = urlParams.get("c"); fixedTab = true; } if (urlParams.get("r")) { feelingLucky = true; } if (input.val()) { doPageSearch(); } else { notify.html(messages.enterTerm); } input.select().focus(); });