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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


a(String) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
AbstractMenu - Class in
AbstractMenu(String) - Constructor for class
AbstractService - Class in
AbstractService(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
active - Variable in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
added - Variable in class dev.plex.config.Config
Whether new entries were added to the file automatically
addToCache(Admin) - Method in class dev.plex.admin.AdminList
Adds the admin to cache
Admin - Class in dev.plex.admin
Admin object to handle cached admins
Admin(UUID) - Constructor for class dev.plex.admin.Admin
Creates an admin with the ADMIN rank as the default rank
ADMIN - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
AdminAddEvent - Class in dev.plex.event
Event that is ran when a player is added to the admin list
AdminAddEvent() - Constructor for class dev.plex.event.AdminAddEvent
adminChat - Variable in class dev.plex.admin.Admin
Returns if the admin has admin chat toggled or not
Contains a #isAdminChat and #setAdminChat by Lombok
adminChat(CommandSender, String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.AdminChatCMD
AdminChatCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
AdminChatCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.AdminChatCMD
AdminCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
AdminCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.AdminCMD
adminList - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
AdminList - Class in dev.plex.admin
Cached storage for Admin objects
AdminList() - Constructor for class dev.plex.admin.AdminList
AdminListener - Class in dev.plex.listener.impl
AdminListener() - Constructor for class dev.plex.listener.impl.AdminListener
AdminRemoveEvent - Class in dev.plex.event
Event that is ran when a player is removed from the admin list
AdminRemoveEvent() - Constructor for class dev.plex.event.AdminRemoveEvent
admins - Variable in class dev.plex.admin.AdminList
Key/Value storage, where the key is the unique ID of the admin
AdminSetRankEvent - Class in dev.plex.event
Event that is ran when an admin's rank is set
AdminSetRankEvent() - Constructor for class dev.plex.event.AdminSetRankEvent
AdminworldCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
AdminworldCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.AdminworldCMD
AdventureCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
AdventureCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.AdventureCMD
aliases() - Element in annotation interface dev.plex.command.annotation.CommandParameters
The aliases (optional)
amplitude - Variable in class
ANY - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.command.source.RequiredCommandSource
AshconInfo - Class in dev.plex.util
AshconInfo() - Constructor for class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo
AshconInfo.SkinData - Class in dev.plex.util
AshconInfo.Textures - Class in dev.plex.util
AshconInfo.UsernameHistory - Class in dev.plex.util
asynchronous - Variable in class


BAN - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentType
BanCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
BanCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.BanCMD
BanListener - Class in dev.plex.listener.impl
BanListener() - Constructor for class dev.plex.listener.impl.BanListener
BanService - Class in
BanService() - Constructor for class
banUrl - Static variable in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
blockMap - Variable in class
BlockMapChunkGenerator - Class in
BlockMapChunkGenerator(LinkedHashMap<Material, Integer>, BlockPopulator...) - Constructor for class
broadcast(String) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
broadcast(Component) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils


cancelled - Variable in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerEvent
Whether the event was cancelled
CHAT_COLOR_NAMES - Static variable in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
CHAT_COLOR_POOL - Static variable in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
ChatListener - Class in dev.plex.listener.impl
ChatListener() - Constructor for class dev.plex.listener.impl.ChatListener
ChatListener.PlexChatRenderer - Class in dev.plex.listener.impl
check() - Method in class dev.plex.util.UpdateChecker
check(T) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
checkLevel(PlexPlayer, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.WorldListener
checkRank(CommandSender, Rank, String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Checks whether a sender has enough permissions or is high enough a rank
checkRank(Player, Rank, String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Checks whether a player has enough permissions or is high enough a rank
checkTab(CommandSender, Rank, String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Checks whether a sender has enough permissions or is high enough a rank
checkTab(Player, Rank, String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Checks whether a player has enough permissions or is high enough a rank
chunks - Variable in class
coins - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
color - Variable in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
color - Variable in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Title
colorize(String) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
CommandFailException - Exception in dev.plex.command.exception
CommandFailException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.plex.command.exception.CommandFailException
CommandHandler - Class in dev.plex.handlers
CommandHandler() - Constructor for class dev.plex.handlers.CommandHandler
CommandListener - Class in dev.plex.listener.impl
CommandListener() - Constructor for class dev.plex.listener.impl.CommandListener
CommandParameters - Annotation Interface in dev.plex.command.annotation
Storage for a command's parameters
CommandPermissions - Annotation Interface in dev.plex.command.annotation
Storage for the command's permissions
commands - Variable in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
commandSource - Variable in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Required command source fetched from the permissions
commandSpy - Variable in class dev.plex.admin.Admin
Returns if the admin has command spy or not
Contains a #isCommandSpy and #setCommandSpy by Lombok
commandSpy - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
CommandSpyCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
CommandSpyCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.CommandSpyCMD
commitGameRules(World) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
componentFromString(String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Converts a String to a legacy Kyori Component
config - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
Config - Class in dev.plex.config
Creates a custom Config object
Config(Plex, String) - Constructor for class dev.plex.config.Config
Creates a config object
ConfigurationChunkGenerator - Class in
ConfigurationChunkGenerator(String, BlockPopulator...) - Constructor for class
connection - Variable in class
CONSOLE - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.command.source.RequiredCommandSource
ConsoleMustDefinePlayerException - Exception in dev.plex.command.exception
ConsoleMustDefinePlayerException() - Constructor for exception dev.plex.command.exception.ConsoleMustDefinePlayerException
ConsoleOnlyException - Exception in dev.plex.command.exception
ConsoleOnlyException() - Constructor for exception dev.plex.command.exception.ConsoleOnlyException
convertPunishments() - Method in class dev.plex.player.PunishedPlayer
createBlockMap(String) - Static method in class
createLoopChunkData(int, int, int, ChunkGenerator.ChunkData) - Method in class
createLoopChunkData(int, int, int, ChunkGenerator.ChunkData) - Method in class
createLoopChunkData(int, int, int, ChunkGenerator.ChunkData) - Method in class
createLoopChunkData(int, int, int, ChunkGenerator.ChunkData) - Method in class
createLoopChunkData(int, int, int, ChunkGenerator.ChunkData) - Method in class
CreativeCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
CreativeCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.CreativeCMD
currentVersion - Variable in class dev.plex.util.UpdateChecker
custom - Variable in class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo.Textures
CustomChunkGenerator - Class in
CustomChunkGenerator(int, BlockPopulator...) - Constructor for class
customTime - Variable in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
CustomWorld - Class in
CustomWorld(String, CustomChunkGenerator) - Constructor for class


dataFolder - Variable in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
datastore - Variable in class dev.plex.cache.MongoPlayerData
The datastore object / database
DataUtils - Class in dev.plex.cache
Parent cache class
DataUtils() - Constructor for class dev.plex.cache.DataUtils
DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class dev.plex.command.impl.NameHistoryCMD
DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
DAY - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.util.TimeUnit
debug() - Element in annotation interface dev.plex.command.annotation.System
debug(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexLog
DebugCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
DebugCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.DebugCMD
DeopAllCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
DeopAllCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.DeopAllCMD
DeopCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
DeopCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.DeopCMD
description - Variable in class dev.plex.module.PlexModuleFile
description() - Element in annotation interface dev.plex.command.annotation.CommandParameters
The description
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class dev.plex.util.adapter.LocalDateTimeDeserializer
DEV - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Title
dev.plex - package dev.plex
dev.plex.admin - package dev.plex.admin
dev.plex.cache - package dev.plex.cache
dev.plex.command - package dev.plex.command
dev.plex.command.annotation - package dev.plex.command.annotation
dev.plex.command.exception - package dev.plex.command.exception
dev.plex.command.impl - package dev.plex.command.impl
dev.plex.command.source - package dev.plex.command.source
dev.plex.config - package dev.plex.config
dev.plex.event - package dev.plex.event
dev.plex.handlers - package dev.plex.handlers
dev.plex.listener - package dev.plex.listener
dev.plex.listener.annotation - package dev.plex.listener.annotation
dev.plex.listener.impl - package dev.plex.listener.impl - package
dev.plex.module - package dev.plex.module
dev.plex.module.exception - package dev.plex.module.exception
dev.plex.player - package dev.plex.player
dev.plex.punishment - package dev.plex.punishment
dev.plex.rank - package dev.plex.rank
dev.plex.rank.enums - package dev.plex.rank.enums - package - package - package
dev.plex.util - package dev.plex.util
dev.plex.util.adapter - package dev.plex.util.adapter - package - package
DEVELOPERS - Static variable in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
disable() - Method in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
disableModules() - Method in class dev.plex.module.ModuleManager
displayName() - Method in class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
doPunishment(PunishedPlayer, Punishment) - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager


enable() - Method in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
enabled() - Element in annotation interface dev.plex.listener.annotation.Toggled
enableModules() - Method in class dev.plex.module.ModuleManager
endDate - Variable in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
error(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexLog
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.CommandSpyCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Executes the command
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.AdminChatCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.AdminCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.AdminworldCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.AdventureCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.BanCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.CreativeCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.DebugCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.DeopAllCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.DeopCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.FlatlandsCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.FreezeCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.KickCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.ListCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.LocalSpawnCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.LockupCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.MasterbuilderworldCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.MuteCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.NameHistoryCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.OpAllCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.OpCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.PlexCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.PunishmentsCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.RankCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.RawSayCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.SpectatorCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.SurvivalCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.TagCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.TempbanCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.UnbanCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.UnfreezeCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.UnmuteCMD
execute(CommandSender, Player, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.WorldCMD
EXECUTIVE - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
exists(UUID) - Method in class dev.plex.cache.MongoPlayerData
Checks whether the player exists in mongo's database
exists(UUID) - Method in class dev.plex.cache.SQLPlayerData
Checks if a player exists in the SQL database


file - Variable in class dev.plex.config.Config
The File instance
FlatChunkGenerator - Class in
FlatChunkGenerator(int, BlockPopulator...) - Constructor for class
FlatlandsCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
FlatlandsCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.FlatlandsCMD
FREEZE - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentType
FreezeCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
FreezeCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.FreezeCMD
FreezeListener - Class in dev.plex.listener.impl
FreezeListener() - Constructor for class dev.plex.listener.impl.FreezeListener
frequency - Variable in class
fromJson(String) - Static method in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
frozen - Variable in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerFreezeEvent
New frozen state of the player
frozen - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PunishedPlayer


gameMode - Variable in class dev.plex.event.GameModeUpdateEvent
GameModeListener - Class in dev.plex.listener.impl
GameModeListener() - Constructor for class dev.plex.listener.impl.GameModeListener
GameModeUpdateEvent - Class in dev.plex.event
GameModeUpdateEvent() - Constructor for class dev.plex.event.GameModeUpdateEvent
GameRuleService - Class in
GameRuleService() - Constructor for class
generate() - Method in class
generateBanMessage(Punishment) - Static method in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
generateConfigFlatWorld(String) - Static method in class
generateDefaultRanks() - Method in class dev.plex.rank.RankManager
generateIndefBanMessage(String) - Static method in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
generateNoise(WorldInfo, Random, int, int, ChunkGenerator.ChunkData) - Method in class
generateNoise(WorldInfo, Random, int, int, ChunkGenerator.ChunkData) - Method in class
generateSurface(WorldInfo, Random, int, int, ChunkGenerator.ChunkData) - Method in class
generateWorlds() - Method in class dev.plex.Plex
generator() - Method in class
get() - Static method in class dev.plex.Plex
get() - Method in enum class dev.plex.util.TimeUnit
getActiveBans() - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
getAllAdmins() - Method in class dev.plex.admin.AdminList
Gathers every admin's username (cached and databsed)
getByUUID(UUID) - Method in class dev.plex.cache.MongoPlayerData
Gets the player from cache or from mongo's database
getByUUID(UUID) - Method in class dev.plex.cache.SQLPlayerData
Gets the player from cache or from the SQL database
getChatColorFromConfig(Config, ChatColor, String) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
getClassesBySubType(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
getClassesFrom(String) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
getColor(PlexPlayer) - Method in class dev.plex.rank.RankManager
getCommand(String) - Method in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
getCon() - Method in class
getCurrentInventoryIndex(Inventory) - Method in class
getCurrentInventoryIndex(Inventory) - Method in class
getDatastore() - Method in class
getDateFromLong(long) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
getDateNow() - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
getDefaultPopulators(World) - Method in class
getFromName(String) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
getHandlerList() - Static method in class dev.plex.event.AdminAddEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class dev.plex.event.AdminRemoveEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class dev.plex.event.AdminSetRankEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class dev.plex.event.GameModeUpdateEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerFreezeEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerLockupEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerMuteEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class dev.plex.event.AdminAddEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class dev.plex.event.AdminRemoveEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class dev.plex.event.AdminSetRankEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class dev.plex.event.GameModeUpdateEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerFreezeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerLockupEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerMuteEvent
getInfo(String) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.MojangUtils
getInventory() - Method in class
getInventory() - Method in class
getInventory() - Method in interface
getJedis() - Method in class
getLevel() - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
getLoginMessage(PlexPlayer) - Method in class dev.plex.rank.RankManager
getMap() - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
getName() - Method in class
getNonNullPlayer(String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
getNonNullWorld(String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
getOfflinePlexPlayer(UUID) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
getOnlinePlexPlayer(String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
getPlayer(String) - Static method in class dev.plex.cache.DataUtils
Gets a player from cache or from the database
getPlayer(UUID) - Static method in class dev.plex.cache.DataUtils
Gets a player from cache or from the database
getPlayerNameList() - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
getPlexPlayer(Player) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Gets a PlexPlayer from Player object
getPlexPlayer(UUID) - Static method in class dev.plex.cache.PlayerCache
getPlexPlayerMap() - Static method in class dev.plex.cache.PlayerCache
getPlugin() - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
The plugin
getPrefix() - Method in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
getPrefix() - Method in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Title
getPrefix(PlexPlayer) - Method in class dev.plex.rank.RankManager
getPunishedPlayer(UUID) - Static method in class dev.plex.cache.PlayerCache
getPunishedPlayerMap() - Static method in class dev.plex.cache.PlayerCache
getPunishments() - Method in class dev.plex.player.PunishedPlayer
getPunishmentsFile() - Method in class dev.plex.player.PunishedPlayer
getRankFromString() - Method in class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
getRankFromString(String) - Method in class dev.plex.rank.RankManager
getUUID(CommandSender) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Gets the UUID of the sender


handlers - Static variable in class dev.plex.event.AdminAddEvent
handlers - Static variable in class dev.plex.event.AdminRemoveEvent
handlers - Static variable in class dev.plex.event.AdminSetRankEvent
handlers - Static variable in class dev.plex.event.GameModeUpdateEvent
handlers - Static variable in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerFreezeEvent
handlers - Static variable in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerLockupEvent
handlers - Static variable in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerMuteEvent
hasPlayedBefore(UUID) - Static method in class dev.plex.cache.DataUtils
Checks if the player has been on the server before
hasPrefix - Variable in class dev.plex.listener.impl.ChatListener.PlexChatRenderer
height - Variable in class
HOUR - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.util.TimeUnit
hoursToSeconds(long) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils


id - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
IMenu - Interface in
importDefaultRanks() - Method in class dev.plex.rank.RankManager
IMPOSTOR - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
IN_GAME - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.command.source.RequiredCommandSource
indefBans - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
IndefiniteBan() - Constructor for class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager.IndefiniteBan
indefiniteBans - Variable in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
insert(PlexPlayer) - Static method in class dev.plex.cache.DataUtils
Inserts a player's information in the database
insert(PlexPlayer) - Method in class dev.plex.cache.SQLPlayerData
Inserts the player's information in the database
INSERT - Variable in class dev.plex.cache.SQLPlayerData
insertPunishment(PunishedPlayer, Punishment) - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
inventories - Variable in class
inventories - Variable in class
ips - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
ips - Variable in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager.IndefiniteBan
IPS - Variable in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
isAdmin(PlexPlayer) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Checks if a player is an admin
isAdmin(PlexPlayer) - Method in class dev.plex.rank.RankManager
isAdmin(String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Checks if a username is an admin
isAdmin(CommandSender) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Checks if a sender is an admin
isAsynchronous() - Method in class
isAtLeast(Rank) - Method in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
isBanned(PunishedPlayer) - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
isBanned(UUID) - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
isConsole(CommandSender) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Checks whether a sender is console
isEnabled() - Method in class
IService - Interface in
isIndefIPBanned(String) - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
isIndefUserBanned(String) - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
isIndefUUIDBanned(UUID) - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
isNotEmpty(File) - Method in class dev.plex.player.PunishedPlayer
isNotEmpty(File) - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
isPluginCMD(String, String) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
isRepeating() - Method in class
isSeniorAdmin(PlexPlayer) - Method in class dev.plex.rank.RankManager
isSeniorAdmin(CommandSender) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Checks if a sender is a senior admin
issuePunishment(PunishedPlayer, Punishment) - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
isValidInventory(Inventory) - Method in class
isValidInventory(Inventory) - Method in class


jedis - Variable in class


KICK - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentType
KickCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
KickCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.KickCMD


level - Variable in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Minimum required rank fetched from the permissions
level - Variable in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
level - Variable in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Title
level() - Element in annotation interface dev.plex.command.annotation.CommandPermissions
Minimum rank required
ListCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
ListCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.ListCMD
ListenerHandler - Class in dev.plex.handlers
ListenerHandler() - Constructor for class dev.plex.handlers.ListenerHandler
listeners - Variable in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
load() - Method in class dev.plex.config.Config
load() - Method in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
load(boolean) - Method in class dev.plex.config.Config
Loads the configuration file
loadAllModules() - Method in class dev.plex.module.ModuleManager
loadModules() - Method in class dev.plex.module.ModuleManager
localDateTime - Variable in class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo.UsernameHistory
LocalDateTimeDeserializer - Class in dev.plex.util.adapter
LocalDateTimeDeserializer() - Constructor for class dev.plex.util.adapter.LocalDateTimeDeserializer
LocalDateTimeSerializer - Class in dev.plex.util.adapter
LocalDateTimeSerializer() - Constructor for class dev.plex.util.adapter.LocalDateTimeSerializer
LocalSpawnCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
LocalSpawnCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.LocalSpawnCMD
lockedUp - Variable in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerLockupEvent
New lock up state of the player
lockedUp - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PunishedPlayer
LockupCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
LockupCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.LockupCMD
log(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexLog
logger - Variable in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
loginMessage - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
loginMessage - Variable in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
loginMessage - Variable in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Title


main - Variable in class dev.plex.module.PlexModuleFile
MARIADB - Enum constant in enum class
MASTER_BUILDER - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Title
MasterbuilderworldCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
MasterbuilderworldCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.MasterbuilderworldCMD
matches(String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Checks if the String given is a matching command
mergeIndefiniteBans() - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
messageComponent(String, Object...) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Converts a message entry from the "messages.yml" to a Component
messageComponent(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
messages - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
messageString(String, Object...) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Converts a message entry from the "messages.yml" to a String
messageString(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
MINUTE - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.util.TimeUnit
minutesToSeconds(long) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
mmString(String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Converts a String to a MiniMessage Component
ModuleLoadException - Exception in dev.plex.module.exception
ModuleLoadException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.plex.module.exception.ModuleLoadException
moduleManager - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
ModuleManager - Class in dev.plex.module
ModuleManager() - Constructor for class dev.plex.module.ModuleManager
modules - Variable in class dev.plex.module.ModuleManager
modulesFolder - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
MojangUtils - Class in dev.plex.util
MojangUtils() - Constructor for class dev.plex.util.MojangUtils
mongoConnection - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
MongoConnection - Class in
MongoConnection() - Constructor for class
MONGODB - Enum constant in enum class
mongoPlayerData - Variable in class dev.plex.listener.impl.PlayerListener
mongoPlayerData - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
MongoPlayerData - Class in dev.plex.cache
Mongo fetching utilities for players
MongoPlayerData() - Constructor for class dev.plex.cache.MongoPlayerData
Creates an instance of the player data
MONTH - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.util.TimeUnit
MUTE - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentType
MuteCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
MuteCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.MuteCMD
muted - Variable in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerMuteEvent
New muted state of the player
muted - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PunishedPlayer


name - Variable in class dev.plex.config.Config
The file name
name - Variable in class dev.plex.module.PlexModuleFile
name - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
name - Variable in class
name() - Element in annotation interface dev.plex.command.annotation.CommandParameters
The name
NameHistoryCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
NameHistoryCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.NameHistoryCMD
newVersion - Variable in class
noColorComponentFromString(String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
NoiseChunkGenerator - Class in
NoiseChunkGenerator(int, NoiseOptions, BlockPopulator...) - Constructor for class
NoiseOptions - Class in
NoiseOptions(int, int, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class
NONOP - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
normalized - Variable in class


OctaveChunkGenerator - Class in
OctaveChunkGenerator(int, OctaveOptions, BlockPopulator...) - Constructor for class
OctaveOptions - Class in
OctaveOptions(int, int, double, double, boolean, int) - Constructor for class
octaves - Variable in class
onAdminAdd(AdminAddEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.AdminListener
onAdminAdd(AdminAddEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.TabListener
onAdminRemove(AdminRemoveEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.AdminListener
onAdminRemove(AdminRemoveEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.TabListener
onAdminSetRank(AdminSetRankEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.AdminListener
onAdminSetRank(AdminSetRankEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.TabListener
onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.WorldListener
onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.WorldListener
onChat(AsyncChatEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.ChatListener
onClick(InventoryClickEvent) - Method in class
onClick(InventoryClickEvent) - Method in class
onClick(InventoryClickEvent) - Method in interface
onDisable() - Method in class dev.plex.Plex
onEnable() - Method in class dev.plex.Plex
onEntitySpawn(EntitySpawnEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.WorldListener
onGameModeUpdate(GameModeUpdateEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.GameModeListener
onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.PlayerListener
onLoad() - Method in class dev.plex.Plex
onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.CommandListener
onPlayerInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.PlayerListener
onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.TabListener
onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.FreezeListener
onPlayerSave(PlayerQuitEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.PlayerListener
onPlayerSetup(PlayerJoinEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.PlayerListener
onPreLogin(AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.BanListener
onServerPing(PaperServerListPingEvent) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.ServerListener
OP - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
OpAllCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
OpAllCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.OpAllCMD
OpCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
OpCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.OpCMD
openInv(Player) - Method in interface
openInv(Player, int) - Method in class
openInv(Player, int) - Method in class
options - Variable in class dev.plex.rank.RankManager
options - Variable in class
options - Variable in class
OWNER - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Title


params - Variable in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
The parameters for the command
parseDateOffset(String...) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
permission() - Element in annotation interface dev.plex.command.annotation.CommandPermissions
The permission
perms - Variable in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
The permissions for the command
player - Variable in class dev.plex.event.GameModeUpdateEvent
player - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
PlayerCache - Class in dev.plex.cache
Cache storage
PlayerCache() - Constructor for class dev.plex.cache.PlayerCache
PlayerListener - Class in dev.plex.listener.impl
PlayerListener() - Constructor for class dev.plex.listener.impl.PlayerListener
PlayerNotBannedException - Exception in dev.plex.command.exception
PlayerNotBannedException() - Constructor for exception dev.plex.command.exception.PlayerNotBannedException
PlayerNotFoundException - Exception in dev.plex.command.exception
PlayerNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception dev.plex.command.exception.PlayerNotFoundException
plex - Variable in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
Plex - Class in dev.plex
Plex() - Constructor for class dev.plex.Plex
PlexBase - Class in dev.plex
PlexBase() - Constructor for class dev.plex.PlexBase
PlexChatRenderer() - Constructor for class dev.plex.listener.impl.ChatListener.PlexChatRenderer
PlexCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
PlexCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.PlexCMD
PlexCommand - Class in dev.plex.command
Superclass for all commands
PlexCommand() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Creates an instance of the command
PlexListener - Class in dev.plex.listener
PlexListener() - Constructor for class dev.plex.listener.PlexListener
PlexLog - Class in dev.plex.util
PlexLog() - Constructor for class dev.plex.util.PlexLog
PlexModule - Class in dev.plex.module
PlexModule() - Constructor for class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
plexModuleFile - Variable in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
PlexModuleFile - Class in dev.plex.module
PlexModuleFile() - Constructor for class dev.plex.module.PlexModuleFile
plexPlayer - Variable in class dev.plex.event.AdminAddEvent
The PlexPlayer that was added
plexPlayer - Variable in class dev.plex.event.AdminRemoveEvent
The PlexPlayer that was removed
plexPlayer - Variable in class dev.plex.event.AdminSetRankEvent
The PlexPlayer that was removed
PlexPlayer - Class in dev.plex.player
PlexPlayer() - Constructor for class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
PlexPlayer(UUID) - Constructor for class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
plexPlayerMap - Static variable in class dev.plex.cache.PlayerCache
A key/value pair where the key is the unique ID of the Plex Player
PlexUtils - Class in dev.plex.util
PlexUtils() - Constructor for class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
plugin - Static variable in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Returns the instance of the plugin
plugin - Variable in class dev.plex.config.Config
The plugin instance
plugin - Static variable in class dev.plex.Plex
plugin - Static variable in class dev.plex.PlexBase
plugin - Static variable in class
plugin - Static variable in class
populators - Variable in class
prefix - Variable in class dev.plex.listener.impl.ChatListener.PlexChatRenderer
prefix - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
prefix - Variable in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
prefix - Variable in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Title
punished - Variable in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
punishedPlayer - Variable in class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerEvent
The player who was punished
punishedPlayer - Variable in class
PunishedPlayer - Class in dev.plex.player
PunishedPlayer(UUID) - Constructor for class dev.plex.player.PunishedPlayer
PunishedPlayerEvent - Class in dev.plex.event
Superclass for punishment events
PunishedPlayerEvent(PunishedPlayer) - Constructor for class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerEvent
Creates an event object
PunishedPlayerFreezeEvent - Class in dev.plex.event
Event that is called when a player is frozen or unfrozen
PunishedPlayerFreezeEvent(PunishedPlayer, boolean) - Constructor for class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerFreezeEvent
Creates a new event instance
PunishedPlayerLockupEvent - Class in dev.plex.event
Event that is called when a player is frozen or unfrozen
PunishedPlayerLockupEvent(PunishedPlayer, boolean) - Constructor for class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerLockupEvent
Creates a new event instance
punishedPlayerMap - Static variable in class dev.plex.cache.PlayerCache
A key/value pair where the key is the unique ID of the Punished Player
PunishedPlayerMenu - Class in
PunishedPlayerMenu(PunishedPlayer) - Constructor for class
PunishedPlayerMuteEvent - Class in dev.plex.event
Event that is called when a player is frozen or unfrozen
PunishedPlayerMuteEvent(PunishedPlayer, boolean) - Constructor for class dev.plex.event.PunishedPlayerMuteEvent
Creates a new event instance
punishedUsername - Variable in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
punisher - Variable in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
Punishment - Class in dev.plex.punishment
Punishment(UUID, UUID) - Constructor for class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
punishmentManager - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
PunishmentManager - Class in dev.plex.punishment
PunishmentManager() - Constructor for class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
PunishmentManager.IndefiniteBan - Class in dev.plex.punishment
PunishmentMenu - Class in
PunishmentMenu() - Constructor for class
PunishmentsCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
PunishmentsCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.PunishmentsCMD
PunishmentType - Enum Class in dev.plex.punishment
PunishmentType() - Constructor for enum class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentType


RANDOM - Static variable in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
randomChatColor() - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
randomNum() - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
randomNum(int) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
randomNum(int, int) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
rank - Variable in class dev.plex.admin.Admin
Gets the rank of the admin
Contains a #setRank and #getRank by lombok
rank - Variable in class dev.plex.event.AdminSetRankEvent
The rank the player was set to
rank - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
Rank - Enum Class in dev.plex.rank.enums
Rank(int, String, String, String, NamedTextColor) - Constructor for enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
RankCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
RankCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.RankCMD
rankExists(String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.AdminCMD
rankManager - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
RankManager - Class in dev.plex.rank
RankManager() - Constructor for class dev.plex.rank.RankManager
raw - Variable in class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo.Textures
RawSayCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
RawSayCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.RawSayCMD
readable - Variable in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
readable - Variable in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Title
reason - Variable in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
redisConnection - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
RedisConnection - Class in
RedisConnection() - Constructor for class
registerCommand(PlexCommand) - Method in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
registerListener(PlexListener) - Method in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
registerService(AbstractService) - Method in class
regxList - Static variable in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
reloadPlayers() - Method in class dev.plex.Plex
removeEvents(Component) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.TagCMD
removeFromCache(UUID) - Method in class dev.plex.admin.AdminList
Removes an admin from the cache
render(Player, Component, Component, Audience) - Method in class dev.plex.listener.impl.ChatListener.PlexChatRenderer
renderer - Variable in class dev.plex.listener.impl.ChatListener
repeating - Variable in class
repeatInSeconds() - Method in class
repeatInSeconds() - Method in class
repeatInSeconds() - Method in class
repeatInSeconds() - Method in interface
RequiredCommandSource - Enum Class in dev.plex.command.source
RequiredCommandSource() - Constructor for enum class dev.plex.command.source.RequiredCommandSource
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in interface
runAsync(Consumer<Jedis>) - Method in class


save() - Method in class dev.plex.config.Config
Saves the configuration file
save(PlexPlayer) - Method in class dev.plex.cache.MongoPlayerData
Saves the player's information in the database
saveDefault() - Method in class dev.plex.config.Config
Moves the configuration file from the plugin's resources folder to the data folder (plugins/Plex/)
SECOND - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.util.TimeUnit
SELECT - Variable in class dev.plex.cache.SQLPlayerData
send(Audience, String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Sends a message to an Audience
send(Audience, Component) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Sends a message to an Audience
sender - Variable in class dev.plex.event.AdminAddEvent
The sender who added the player
sender - Variable in class dev.plex.event.AdminRemoveEvent
The sender who added the player
sender - Variable in class dev.plex.event.AdminSetRankEvent
The sender who added the player
sender - Variable in class dev.plex.event.GameModeUpdateEvent
SENIOR_ADMIN - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
serialize(LocalDateTime, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class dev.plex.util.adapter.LocalDateTimeSerializer
ServerListener - Class in dev.plex.listener.impl
ServerListener() - Constructor for class dev.plex.listener.impl.ServerListener
serviceCount() - Method in class
serviceManager - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
ServiceManager - Class in
ServiceManager() - Constructor for class
services - Variable in class
setBlocks(Location, Location, Material) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
setFrozen(boolean) - Method in class dev.plex.player.PunishedPlayer
setLockedUp(boolean) - Method in class dev.plex.player.PunishedPlayer
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class dev.plex.player.PunishedPlayer
signature - Variable in class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo.SkinData
simpleGET(String) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
SkinData() - Constructor for class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo.SkinData
slim - Variable in class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo.Textures
source() - Element in annotation interface dev.plex.command.annotation.CommandPermissions
Required command source
SpectatorCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
SpectatorCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.SpectatorCMD
sqlConnection - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
SQLConnection - Class in
SQLConnection() - Constructor for class
SQLITE - Enum constant in enum class
sqlPlayerData - Variable in class dev.plex.listener.impl.PlayerListener
sqlPlayerData - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
SQLPlayerData - Class in dev.plex.cache
SQL fetching utilities for players
SQLPlayerData() - Constructor for class dev.plex.cache.SQLPlayerData
startServices() - Method in class
storageType - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
StorageType - Enum Class in
StorageType() - Constructor for enum class
SurvivalCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
SurvivalCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.SurvivalCMD
system - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
System - Annotation Interface in dev.plex.command.annotation


tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.AdminCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.AdventureCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.BanCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.CreativeCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.DebugCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.DeopCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.FreezeCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.LockupCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.MuteCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.NameHistoryCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.OpCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.PlexCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.PunishmentsCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.SpectatorCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.SurvivalCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.TempbanCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.UnbanCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.UnfreezeCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.UnmuteCMD
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.plex.command.impl.WorldCMD
TabListener - Class in dev.plex.listener.impl
TabListener() - Constructor for class dev.plex.listener.impl.TabListener
TagCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
TagCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.TagCMD
TempbanCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
TempbanCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.TempbanCMD
testConnections() - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
textures - Variable in class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo
Textures() - Constructor for class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo.Textures
time - Variable in enum class dev.plex.util.TimeUnit
TimeUnit - Enum Class in dev.plex.util
TimeUnit(long) - Constructor for enum class dev.plex.util.TimeUnit
Title - Enum Class in dev.plex.rank.enums
Title(int, String, String, String, NamedTextColor) - Constructor for enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Title
Toggled - Annotation Interface in dev.plex.listener.annotation
toJSON() - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment
toJSON() - Method in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
toJSON() - Method in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Title
type - Variable in class dev.plex.punishment.Punishment


unban(Punishment) - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
unban(UUID) - Method in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager
UnbanCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
UnbanCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.UnbanCMD
UnfreezeCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
UnfreezeCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.UnfreezeCMD
unloadModules() - Method in class dev.plex.module.ModuleManager
UnmuteCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
UnmuteCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.UnmuteCMD
unregisterCommand(PlexCommand) - Method in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
unregisterListener(PlexListener) - Method in class dev.plex.module.PlexModule
update(PlexPlayer) - Static method in class dev.plex.cache.DataUtils
Updates a player's information in the database
update(PlexPlayer) - Method in class dev.plex.cache.MongoPlayerData
Updates a player's information in the mongo database
update(PlexPlayer) - Method in class dev.plex.cache.SQLPlayerData
Updates a player's information in the SQL database
UPDATE - Variable in class dev.plex.cache.SQLPlayerData
updateChecker - Variable in class dev.plex.Plex
UpdateChecker - Class in dev.plex.util
UpdateChecker() - Constructor for class dev.plex.util.UpdateChecker
UpdateCheckerService - Class in
UpdateCheckerService() - Constructor for class
usage() - Element in annotation interface dev.plex.command.annotation.CommandParameters
The usage (optional)
usage() - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Converts usage to a Component
usage(String) - Method in class dev.plex.command.PlexCommand
Converts usage to a Component
username - Variable in class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo
username - Variable in class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo.UsernameHistory
usernameHistories - Variable in class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo
UsernameHistory() - Constructor for class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo.UsernameHistory
usernames - Variable in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager.IndefiniteBan
uuid - Variable in class dev.plex.admin.Admin
Gets the unique ID of an admin (immutable)
uuid - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
uuid - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PunishedPlayer
uuid - Variable in class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo
uuids - Variable in class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentManager.IndefiniteBan


value - Variable in class dev.plex.util.AshconInfo.SkinData
value() - Element in annotation interface dev.plex.command.annotation.System
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.plex.command.source.RequiredCommandSource
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Title
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.plex.util.TimeUnit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.plex.command.source.RequiredCommandSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.plex.punishment.PunishmentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Rank
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.plex.rank.enums.Title
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.plex.util.TimeUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
vanished - Variable in class dev.plex.player.PlexPlayer
verify(String) - Static method in class dev.plex.util.PlexUtils
version - Variable in class dev.plex.module.PlexModuleFile


WEEK - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.util.TimeUnit
WorldCMD - Class in dev.plex.command.impl
WorldCMD() - Constructor for class dev.plex.command.impl.WorldCMD
WorldListener - Class in dev.plex.listener.impl
WorldListener() - Constructor for class dev.plex.listener.impl.WorldListener


x - Variable in class


y - Variable in class
YEAR - Enum constant in enum class dev.plex.util.TimeUnit
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y 
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