
154 lines
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package mc.unraveled.reforged.command.base;
import mc.unraveled.reforged.api.ICommandBase;
import mc.unraveled.reforged.permission.TPermission;
import mc.unraveled.reforged.plugin.Traverse;
import mc.unraveled.reforged.util.BasicColors;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.TextComponent;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.NamedTextColor;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
public abstract class AbstractCommandBase extends TPermission implements ICommandBase {
private final Traverse plugin;
* @param plugin The plugin that owns this command
* @param permission The permission the user should have to run the command
* @param permissionMessage The message to send when the user does not have the permission to run the command.
* @param allowConsole Whether to allow the command to be run anywhere, or only in game.
protected AbstractCommandBase(@NotNull Traverse plugin, @NotNull String permission, String permissionMessage, boolean allowConsole) {
super(permission, permissionMessage, allowConsole);
this.plugin = plugin;
* @param plugin The plugin that owns this command
* @param permission The permission the user should have to run the command
* @param permissionMessage The message to send when the user does not have the permission to run the command.
protected AbstractCommandBase(@NotNull Traverse plugin, @NotNull String permission, String permissionMessage) {
this(plugin, permission, permissionMessage, true);
* @param plugin The plugin that owns this command
* @param permission The permission the user should have to run the command
* @param allowConsole Whether to allow the command to be run anywhere, or only in game.
protected AbstractCommandBase(@NotNull Traverse plugin, @NotNull String permission, boolean allowConsole) {
this(plugin, permission, MessageDefaults.MSG_NO_PERMS.toString(), allowConsole);
* @param plugin The plugin that owns this command
* @param permission The permission the user should have to run the command
protected AbstractCommandBase(@NotNull Traverse plugin, @NotNull String permission) {
this(plugin, permission, MessageDefaults.MSG_NO_PERMS.toString(), true);
public boolean onCommand(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull Command command, @NotNull String lbl, String[] args) {
if (lbl.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
return false;
if (!hasPermission(sender)) {
return true;
if (!(sender instanceof Player) && !allowConsole()) {
return true;
Component result = cmd(sender, args);
if (!result.equals(Component.empty())) {
return true;
public @Nullable
List<String> onTabComplete(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull Command command, @NotNull String alias, @NotNull String[] args) {
return tab(sender, args);
* Returns a text component for Kyori friendly messaging.
* @param text The text to convert to a component
* @return A {@link TextComponent} containing the message provided in {@param text}
public TextComponent msg(@NotNull String text) {
return Component.empty().content(text);
* Returns a text component for Kyori friendly messaging.
* @param text The text to convert to a Component
* @param color The color you'd like the text. These colors are basic and the majority of which are provided by Minecraft's native color system.
* @return A {@link TextComponent} containing the message provided in {@param text} with the provided {@param color}
public TextComponent msg(@NotNull String text, @NotNull BasicColors color) {
return Component.empty().content(text).color(color.getColor());
public Player getPlayer(@NotNull String name) {
return Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(name);
public Player getPlayer(@NotNull UUID uuid) {
return Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(uuid);
public List<? extends Player> getOnlinePlayers() {
return Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().stream().toList();
public void broadcast(String text) {
public void broadcast(String text, BasicColors color) {
Bukkit.getServer().broadcast(msg(text, color));
public Traverse getPlugin() {
return plugin;
protected static class MessageDefaults {
public static final Component MSG_INVALID_AMOUNT = Component.text("Amount must be greater than 0.").color(NamedTextColor.RED);
public static final Component MSG_NO_PERMS = Component.text("You do not have permission to use this command!").color(NamedTextColor.RED);
public static final Component MSG_NOT_PLAYER = Component.text("This command can only be run through the console.").color(NamedTextColor.RED);
public static final Component MSG_NOT_FOUND = Component.text("Player not found.").color(NamedTextColor.RED);
public static final Component MSG_NOT_CONSOLE = Component.text("This command can only be run by a player.").color(NamedTextColor.RED);
public static final Component MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS = Component.text("Not enough arguments.").color(NamedTextColor.RED);
public static final Component MUTED = Component.text("You are muted!").color(NamedTextColor.RED);
public static final Component BANNED = Component.text("You are banned!").color(NamedTextColor.RED);
private MessageDefaults() {
throw new AssertionError();