mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 03:03:50 +00:00
Converted variable names to CamelCase as convention
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,27 +35,27 @@ public class TFM_BlockListener implements Listener
public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event)
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Location block_pos = event.getBlock().getLocation();
Location blockLocation = event.getBlock().getLocation();
if (TFM_ConfigEntry.NUKE_MONITOR.getBoolean())
TFM_PlayerData playerdata = TFM_PlayerData.getPlayerData(player);
Location player_pos = player.getLocation();
Location playerLocation = player.getLocation();
final double nukeMonitorRange = TFM_ConfigEntry.NUKE_MONITOR_RANGE.getDouble().doubleValue();
boolean out_of_range = false;
if (!player_pos.getWorld().equals(block_pos.getWorld()))
boolean outOfRange = false;
if (!playerLocation.getWorld().equals(blockLocation.getWorld()))
out_of_range = true;
outOfRange = true;
else if (player_pos.distanceSquared(block_pos) > (nukeMonitorRange * nukeMonitorRange))
else if (playerLocation.distanceSquared(blockLocation) > (nukeMonitorRange * nukeMonitorRange))
out_of_range = true;
outOfRange = true;
if (out_of_range)
if (outOfRange)
if (playerdata.incrementAndGetFreecamDestroyCount() > TFM_ConfigEntry.FREECAM_TRIGGER_COUNT.getInteger())
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public class TFM_BlockListener implements Listener
if (!TFM_SuperadminList.isUserSuperadmin(player))
if (TFM_ProtectedArea.isInProtectedArea(block_pos))
if (TFM_ProtectedArea.isInProtectedArea(blockLocation))
@ -111,27 +111,27 @@ public class TFM_BlockListener implements Listener
public void onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent event)
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Location block_pos = event.getBlock().getLocation();
Location blockLocation = event.getBlock().getLocation();
if (TFM_ConfigEntry.NUKE_MONITOR.getBoolean())
TFM_PlayerData playerdata = TFM_PlayerData.getPlayerData(player);
Location player_pos = player.getLocation();
Location playerLocation = player.getLocation();
double nukeMonitorRange = TFM_ConfigEntry.NUKE_MONITOR_RANGE.getDouble().doubleValue();
boolean out_of_range = false;
if (!player_pos.getWorld().equals(block_pos.getWorld()))
boolean outOfRange = false;
if (!playerLocation.getWorld().equals(blockLocation.getWorld()))
out_of_range = true;
outOfRange = true;
else if (player_pos.distanceSquared(block_pos) > (nukeMonitorRange * nukeMonitorRange))
else if (playerLocation.distanceSquared(blockLocation) > (nukeMonitorRange * nukeMonitorRange))
out_of_range = true;
outOfRange = true;
if (out_of_range)
if (outOfRange)
if (playerdata.incrementAndGetFreecamPlaceCount() > TFM_ConfigEntry.FREECAM_TRIGGER_COUNT.getInteger())
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ public class TFM_BlockListener implements Listener
if (!TFM_SuperadminList.isUserSuperadmin(player))
if (TFM_ProtectedArea.isInProtectedArea(block_pos))
if (TFM_ProtectedArea.isInProtectedArea(blockLocation))
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ public class TFM_PlayerListener implements Listener
TFM_LandmineData landmine = landmines.next();
Location landmine_pos = landmine.landmine_pos;
Location landmine_pos = landmine.location;
if (landmine_pos.getBlock().getType() != Material.TNT)
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ public class TFM_PlayerListener implements Listener
if (player.getLocation().distanceSquared(landmine_pos) <= (landmine.radius * landmine.radius))
TNTPrimed tnt1 = landmine_pos.getWorld().spawn(landmine_pos, TNTPrimed.class);
@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class TFM_LandmineData
public static List<TFM_LandmineData> landmines = new ArrayList<TFM_LandmineData>();
public Location landmine_pos;
public Location location;
public Player player;
public double radius;
public TFM_LandmineData(Location landmine_pos, Player player, double radius)
this.landmine_pos = landmine_pos;
this.location = landmine_pos;
this.player = player;
this.radius = radius;
@ -22,44 +22,44 @@ public class TFM_PlayerData
public final static Map<Player, TFM_PlayerData> userinfo = new HashMap<Player, TFM_PlayerData>();
private final Player player;
private final String ip_address;
private final String player_name;
private boolean user_frozen = false;
private boolean is_muted = false;
private boolean is_halted = false;
private int msg_count = 0;
private int block_destroy_total = 0;
private int block_place_total = 0;
private int freecam_destroy_count = 0;
private int freecam_place_count = 0;
private boolean user_caged = false;
private Location user_cage_pos;
private List<TFM_BlockData> user_cage_history = new ArrayList<TFM_BlockData>();
private Material cage_material_outer = Material.GLASS;
private Material cage_material_inner = Material.AIR;
private boolean is_orbiting = false;
private double orbit_strength = 10.0;
private boolean mob_thrower_enabled = false;
private EntityType mob_thrower_creature = EntityType.PIG;
private double mob_thrower_speed = 4.0;
private List<LivingEntity> mob_thrower_queue = new ArrayList<LivingEntity>();
private BukkitTask mp44_schedule_id = null;
private boolean mp44_armed = false;
private boolean mp44_firing = false;
private BukkitTask lockup_schedule_id = null;
private String last_message = "";
private boolean in_adminchat = false;
private boolean all_commands_blocked = false;
private Boolean superadmin_id_verified = null;
private String last_command = "";
private boolean cmdspy_enabled = false;
private final String ip;
private final String username;
private boolean isFrozen = false;
private boolean isMuted = false;
private boolean isHalted = false;
private int messageCount = 0;
private int totalBlockDestroy = 0;
private int totalBlockPlace = 0;
private int freecamDestroyCount = 0;
private int freecamPlaceCount = 0;
private boolean isCaged = false;
private Location cagePosition;
private List<TFM_BlockData> cageHistory = new ArrayList<TFM_BlockData>();
private Material cageOuterMaterial = Material.GLASS;
private Material cageInnerMatterial = Material.AIR;
private boolean isOrbiting = false;
private double orbitStrength = 10.0;
private boolean mobThrowerEnabled = false;
private EntityType mobThrowerEntity = EntityType.PIG;
private double mobThrowerSpeed = 4.0;
private List<LivingEntity> mobThrowerQueue = new ArrayList<LivingEntity>();
private BukkitTask mp44ScheduleId = null;
private boolean mp44Armed = false;
private boolean mp44Firing = false;
private BukkitTask lockupScheduleId = null;
private String lastMessage = "";
private boolean inAdminchat = false;
private boolean allCommandsBlocked = false;
private Boolean verifiedSuperadminId = null;
private String lastCommand = "";
private boolean cmdspyEnabled = false;
private String tag = null;
public TFM_PlayerData(Player player)
this.player = player;
this.ip_address = player.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress();
this.player_name = player.getName();
this.ip = player.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress();
this.username = player.getName();
public static TFM_PlayerData getPlayerData(Player player)
@ -72,20 +72,20 @@ public class TFM_PlayerData
while (it.hasNext())
Entry<Player, TFM_PlayerData> pair = it.next();
TFM_PlayerData playerdata_test = pair.getValue();
TFM_PlayerData playerdataTest = pair.getValue();
if (playerdata_test.player_name.equalsIgnoreCase(player.getName()))
if (playerdataTest.username.equalsIgnoreCase(player.getName()))
if (Bukkit.getOnlineMode())
playerdata = playerdata_test;
playerdata = playerdataTest;
if (playerdata_test.ip_address.equalsIgnoreCase(player.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress()))
if (playerdataTest.ip.equalsIgnoreCase(player.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress()))
playerdata = playerdata_test;
playerdata = playerdataTest;
@ -104,51 +104,51 @@ public class TFM_PlayerData
public String getIpAddress()
return ip_address;
return this.ip;
public String getPlayerName()
return player_name;
return this.username;
public boolean isOrbiting()
return is_orbiting;
return this.isOrbiting;
public void startOrbiting(double orbit_strength)
public void startOrbiting(double strength)
this.is_orbiting = true;
this.orbit_strength = orbit_strength;
this.isOrbiting = true;
this.orbitStrength = strength;
public void stopOrbiting()
is_orbiting = false;
this.isOrbiting = false;
public double orbitStrength()
return orbit_strength;
return this.orbitStrength;
public void setCaged(boolean state)
this.user_caged = state;
this.isCaged = state;
public void setCaged(boolean state, Location location, Material material_outer, Material material_inner)
public void setCaged(boolean state, Location location, Material outer, Material inner)
this.user_caged = state;
this.user_cage_pos = location;
this.cage_material_outer = material_outer;
this.cage_material_inner = material_inner;
this.isCaged = state;
this.cagePosition = location;
this.cageOuterMaterial = outer;
this.cageInnerMatterial = inner;
public boolean isCaged()
return user_caged;
return this.isCaged;
public enum CageLayer
@ -161,32 +161,32 @@ public class TFM_PlayerData
switch (layer)
case OUTER:
return this.cage_material_outer;
return this.cageOuterMaterial;
case INNER:
return this.cage_material_inner;
return this.cageInnerMatterial;
return this.cage_material_outer;
return this.cageOuterMaterial;
public Location getCagePos()
return user_cage_pos;
return this.cagePosition;
public void clearHistory()
public void insertHistoryBlock(Location location, Material material)
this.user_cage_history.add(new TFM_BlockData(location, material));
this.cageHistory.add(new TFM_BlockData(location, material));
public void regenerateHistory()
for (TFM_BlockData blockdata : this.user_cage_history)
for (TFM_BlockData blockdata : this.cageHistory)
@ -206,97 +206,97 @@ public class TFM_PlayerData
public boolean isFrozen()
return this.user_frozen;
return this.isFrozen;
public void setFrozen(boolean fr)
this.user_frozen = fr;
this.isFrozen = fr;
public void resetMsgCount()
this.msg_count = 0;
this.messageCount = 0;
public int incrementAndGetMsgCount()
return this.msg_count++;
return this.messageCount++;
public int incrementAndGetBlockDestroyCount()
return this.block_destroy_total++;
return this.totalBlockDestroy++;
public void resetBlockDestroyCount()
this.block_destroy_total = 0;
this.totalBlockDestroy = 0;
public int incrementAndGetBlockPlaceCount()
return this.block_place_total++;
return this.totalBlockPlace++;
public void resetBlockPlaceCount()
this.block_place_total = 0;
this.totalBlockPlace = 0;
public int incrementAndGetFreecamDestroyCount()
return this.freecam_destroy_count++;
return this.freecamDestroyCount++;
public void resetFreecamDestroyCount()
this.freecam_destroy_count = 0;
this.freecamDestroyCount = 0;
public int incrementAndGetFreecamPlaceCount()
return this.freecam_place_count++;
return this.freecamPlaceCount++;
public void resetFreecamPlaceCount()
this.freecam_place_count = 0;
this.freecamPlaceCount = 0;
public void enableMobThrower(EntityType mob_thrower_creature, double mob_thrower_speed)
public void enableMobThrower(EntityType mobThrowerCreature, double mobThrowerSpeed)
this.mob_thrower_enabled = true;
this.mob_thrower_creature = mob_thrower_creature;
this.mob_thrower_speed = mob_thrower_speed;
this.mobThrowerEnabled = true;
this.mobThrowerEntity = mobThrowerCreature;
this.mobThrowerSpeed = mobThrowerSpeed;
public void disableMobThrower()
this.mob_thrower_enabled = false;
this.mobThrowerEnabled = false;
public EntityType mobThrowerCreature()
return mob_thrower_creature;
return this.mobThrowerEntity;
public double mobThrowerSpeed()
return mob_thrower_speed;
return this.mobThrowerSpeed;
public boolean mobThrowerEnabled()
return mob_thrower_enabled;
return this.mobThrowerEnabled;
public void enqueueMob(LivingEntity mob)
if (mob_thrower_queue.size() > 4)
if (mobThrowerQueue.size() > 4)
LivingEntity oldmob = mob_thrower_queue.remove(0);
LivingEntity oldmob = mobThrowerQueue.remove(0);
if (oldmob != null)
@ -307,85 +307,85 @@ public class TFM_PlayerData
public void startArrowShooter(TotalFreedomMod plugin)
this.mp44_schedule_id = new ArrowShooter(this.player).runTaskTimer(plugin, 1L, 1L);
mp44_firing = true;
this.mp44ScheduleId = new ArrowShooter(this.player).runTaskTimer(plugin, 1L, 1L);
this.mp44Firing = true;
public void stopArrowShooter()
if (this.mp44_schedule_id != null)
if (this.mp44ScheduleId != null)
this.mp44_schedule_id = null;
this.mp44ScheduleId = null;
mp44_firing = false;
this.mp44Firing = false;
private class ArrowShooter extends BukkitRunnable
private Player _player;
private Player player;
public ArrowShooter(Player player)
this._player = player;
this.player = player;
public void run()
Arrow shot_arrow = _player.launchProjectile(Arrow.class);
Arrow shot = player.launchProjectile(Arrow.class);
public void armMP44()
mp44_armed = true;
this.mp44Armed = true;
public void disarmMP44()
mp44_armed = false;
this.mp44Armed = false;
public boolean isMP44Armed()
return mp44_armed;
return this.mp44Armed;
public boolean toggleMP44Firing()
this.mp44_firing = !this.mp44_firing;
return mp44_firing;
this.mp44Firing = !this.mp44Firing;
return mp44Firing;
public boolean isMuted()
return is_muted;
return isMuted;
public void setMuted(boolean is_muted)
public void setMuted(boolean muted)
this.is_muted = is_muted;
this.isMuted = muted;
public boolean isHalted()
return is_halted;
return this.isHalted;
public void setHalted(boolean is_halted)
public void setHalted(boolean halted)
this.is_halted = is_halted;
this.isHalted = halted;
if (is_halted)
if (halted)
@ -409,76 +409,76 @@ public class TFM_PlayerData
public BukkitTask getLockupScheduleID()
return lockup_schedule_id;
return this.lockupScheduleId;
public void setLockupScheduleID(BukkitTask lockup_schedule_id)
public void setLockupScheduleID(BukkitTask id)
this.lockup_schedule_id = lockup_schedule_id;
this.lockupScheduleId = id;
public void setLastMessage(String last_message)
public void setLastMessage(String message)
this.last_message = last_message;
this.lastMessage = message;
public String getLastMessage()
return last_message;
return lastMessage;
public void setAdminChat(boolean in_adminchat)
public void setAdminChat(boolean inAdminchat)
this.in_adminchat = in_adminchat;
this.inAdminchat = inAdminchat;
public boolean inAdminChat()
return in_adminchat;
return this.inAdminchat;
public boolean allCommandsBlocked()
return all_commands_blocked;
return this.allCommandsBlocked;
public void setCommandsBlocked(boolean commands_blocked)
public void setCommandsBlocked(boolean commandsBlocked)
this.all_commands_blocked = commands_blocked;
this.allCommandsBlocked = commandsBlocked;
//If someone logs in to telnet or minecraft, and they are an admin, make sure that they are using a username that is associated with their IP.
//After the check for this is done in TFM_PlayerListener, never change it elsewhere.
// If someone logs in to telnet or minecraft, and they are an admin, make sure that they are using a username that is associated with their IP.
// After the check for this is done in TFM_PlayerListener, never change it elsewhere.
public Boolean isSuperadminIdVerified()
return superadmin_id_verified;
return this.verifiedSuperadminId;
//If someone logs in to telnet or minecraft, and they are an admin, make sure that they are using a username that is associated with their IP.
//After the check for this is done in TFM_PlayerListener, never change it elsewhere.
public void setSuperadminIdVerified(Boolean superadmin_id_verified)
// If someone logs in to telnet or minecraft, and they are an admin, make sure that they are using a username that is associated with their IP.
// After the check for this is done in TFM_PlayerListener, never change it elsewhere.
public void setSuperadminIdVerified(Boolean verifiedSuperadminId)
this.superadmin_id_verified = superadmin_id_verified;
this.verifiedSuperadminId = verifiedSuperadminId;
public String getLastCommand()
return last_command;
return lastCommand;
public void setLastCommand(String last_command)
public void setLastCommand(String lastCommand)
this.last_command = last_command;
this.lastCommand = lastCommand;
public void setCommandSpy(boolean cmdspy_enabled)
public void setCommandSpy(boolean enabled)
this.cmdspy_enabled = cmdspy_enabled;
this.cmdspyEnabled = enabled;
public boolean cmdspyEnabled()
return cmdspy_enabled;
return cmdspyEnabled;
public void setTag(String tag)
@ -18,27 +18,27 @@ public class TFM_ProtectedArea implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3270338811000937254L;
public static final double MAX_RADIUS = 50.0D;
private static Map<String, TFM_ProtectedArea> protectedAreas = new HashMap<String, TFM_ProtectedArea>();
private final SerializableLocation center_location;
private final SerializableLocation center;
private final double radius;
private TFM_ProtectedArea(Location root_location, double radius)
this.center_location = new SerializableLocation(root_location);
this.center = new SerializableLocation(root_location);
this.radius = radius;
public static boolean isInProtectedArea(Location check_location)
public static boolean isInProtectedArea(Location location)
for (Map.Entry<String, TFM_ProtectedArea> protected_area : TFM_ProtectedArea.protectedAreas.entrySet())
for (Map.Entry<String, TFM_ProtectedArea> protectedArea : TFM_ProtectedArea.protectedAreas.entrySet())
Location protected_area_center = SerializableLocation.returnLocation(protected_area.getValue().center_location);
if (protected_area_center != null)
Location protectedAreaCenter = SerializableLocation.returnLocation(protectedArea.getValue().center);
if (protectedAreaCenter != null)
if (check_location.getWorld() == protected_area_center.getWorld())
if (location.getWorld() == protectedAreaCenter.getWorld())
double protected_area_radius = protected_area.getValue().radius;
double protectedAreaRadius = protectedArea.getValue().radius;
if (check_location.distanceSquared(protected_area_center) <= (protected_area_radius * protected_area_radius))
if (location.distanceSquared(protectedAreaCenter) <= (protectedAreaRadius * protectedAreaRadius))
return true;
@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ public class TFM_ProtectedArea implements Serializable
return false;
public static void addProtectedArea(String label, Location root_location, double radius)
public static void addProtectedArea(String label, Location location, double radius)
TFM_ProtectedArea.protectedAreas.put(label.toLowerCase(), new TFM_ProtectedArea(root_location, radius));
TFM_ProtectedArea.protectedAreas.put(label.toLowerCase(), new TFM_ProtectedArea(location, radius));
@ -89,15 +89,14 @@ public class TFM_ProtectedArea implements Serializable
public static void loadProtectedAreas()
File input_file = new File(TotalFreedomMod.plugin.getDataFolder(), TotalFreedomMod.PROTECTED_AREA_FILE);
if (input_file.exists())
File input = new File(TotalFreedomMod.plugin.getDataFolder(), TotalFreedomMod.PROTECTED_AREA_FILE);
if (input.exists())
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(input_file);
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(input);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
TFM_ProtectedArea.protectedAreas = (HashMap<String, TFM_ProtectedArea>) ois.readObject();
@ -106,8 +105,8 @@ public class TFM_ProtectedArea implements Serializable
catch (Exception ex)
File input_file = new File(TotalFreedomMod.plugin.getDataFolder(), TotalFreedomMod.PROTECTED_AREA_FILE);
File input = new File(TotalFreedomMod.plugin.getDataFolder(), TotalFreedomMod.PROTECTED_AREA_FILE);
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent;
public class TFM_ServerInterface
private static final SimpleDateFormat date_format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd \'at\' HH:mm:ss z");
private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd \'at\' HH:mm:ss z");
public static void setOnlineMode(boolean mode)
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public class TFM_ServerInterface
public static void banUsername(String name, String reason, String source, Date expire_date)
public static void banUsername(String name, String reason, String source, Date expireDate)
name = name.toLowerCase().trim();
@ -67,21 +67,21 @@ public class TFM_ServerInterface
BanEntry ban_entry = new BanEntry(name);
if (expire_date != null)
BanEntry entry = new BanEntry(name);
if (expireDate != null)
if (reason != null)
if (source != null)
BanList nameBans = MinecraftServer.getServer().getPlayerList().getNameBans();
public static boolean isNameBanned(String name)
@ -92,24 +92,24 @@ public class TFM_ServerInterface
return nameBans.getEntries().containsKey(name);
public static void banIP(String ip, String reason, String source, Date expire_date)
public static void banIP(String ip, String reason, String source, Date expireDate)
ip = ip.toLowerCase().trim();
BanEntry ban_entry = new BanEntry(ip);
if (expire_date != null)
BanEntry entry = new BanEntry(ip);
if (expireDate != null)
if (reason != null)
if (source != null)
BanList ipBans = MinecraftServer.getServer().getPlayerList().getIPBans();
public static void unbanIP(String ip)
@ -142,114 +142,114 @@ public class TFM_ServerInterface
final Server server = TotalFreedomMod.plugin.getServer();
final PlayerList player_list = MinecraftServer.getServer().getPlayerList();
final BanList banByIP = player_list.getIPBans();
final BanList banByName = player_list.getNameBans();
final PlayerList playerList = MinecraftServer.getServer().getPlayerList();
final BanList banByIP = playerList.getIPBans();
final BanList banByName = playerList.getNameBans();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final String player_name = player.getName();
final String player_ip = event.getAddress().getHostAddress().trim().toLowerCase();
final String username = player.getName();
final String ip = event.getAddress().getHostAddress().trim().toLowerCase();
if (player_name.trim().length() <= 2)
if (username.trim().length() <= 2)
event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_OTHER, "Your username is too short (must be at least 3 characters long).");
else if (Pattern.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.\\_]").matcher(player_name).find())
else if (Pattern.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.\\_]").matcher(username).find())
event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_OTHER, "Your username contains invalid characters.");
// not safe to use TFM_Util.isUserSuperadmin for player logging in because player.getAddress() will return a null until after player login.
boolean is_superadmin;
boolean isSuperadmin;
if (server.getOnlineMode())
is_superadmin = TFM_SuperadminList.getSuperadminNames().contains(player_name.toLowerCase());
isSuperadmin = TFM_SuperadminList.getSuperadminNames().contains(username.toLowerCase());
is_superadmin = TFM_SuperadminList.checkPartialSuperadminIP(player_ip, player_name.toLowerCase());
isSuperadmin = TFM_SuperadminList.checkPartialSuperadminIP(ip, username.toLowerCase());
if (!is_superadmin)
if (!isSuperadmin)
BanEntry ban_entry = null;
BanEntry entry = null;
if (banByName.isBanned(player_name.toLowerCase()))
if (banByName.isBanned(username.toLowerCase()))
ban_entry = (BanEntry) banByName.getEntries().get(player_name.toLowerCase());
entry = (BanEntry) banByName.getEntries().get(username.toLowerCase());
String kick_message = ChatColor.RED + "You are banned from this server.";
if (ban_entry != null)
String kickMessage = ChatColor.RED + "You are banned from this server.";
if (entry != null)
kick_message = kick_message + "\nReason: " + ban_entry.getReason();
if (ban_entry.getExpires() != null)
kickMessage = kickMessage + "\nReason: " + entry.getReason();
if (entry.getExpires() != null)
kick_message = kick_message + "\nYour ban will be removed on " + date_format.format(ban_entry.getExpires());
kickMessage = kickMessage + "\nYour ban will be removed on " + dateFormat.format(entry.getExpires());
event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_BANNED, kick_message);
event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_BANNED, kickMessage);
boolean is_ip_banned = false;
boolean isIpBanned = false;
Iterator ip_bans = banByIP.getEntries().keySet().iterator();
while (ip_bans.hasNext())
Iterator ipBans = banByIP.getEntries().keySet().iterator();
while (ipBans.hasNext())
String test_ip = (String) ip_bans.next();
String testIp = (String) ipBans.next();
if (!test_ip.matches("^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.(\\d{1,3}|\\*)\\.(\\d{1,3}|\\*)$"))
if (!testIp.matches("^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.(\\d{1,3}|\\*)\\.(\\d{1,3}|\\*)$"))
if (player_ip.equals(test_ip))
if (ip.equals(testIp))
ban_entry = (BanEntry) banByIP.getEntries().get(test_ip);
is_ip_banned = true;
entry = (BanEntry) banByIP.getEntries().get(testIp);
isIpBanned = true;
if (TFM_Util.fuzzyIpMatch(test_ip, player_ip, 4))
if (TFM_Util.fuzzyIpMatch(testIp, ip, 4))
ban_entry = (BanEntry) banByIP.getEntries().get(test_ip);
is_ip_banned = true;
entry = (BanEntry) banByIP.getEntries().get(testIp);
isIpBanned = true;
if (is_ip_banned)
if (isIpBanned)
String kick_message = ChatColor.RED + "Your IP address is banned from this server.";
if (ban_entry != null)
String kickMessage = ChatColor.RED + "Your IP address is banned from this server.";
if (entry != null)
kick_message = kick_message + "\nReason: " + ban_entry.getReason();
if (ban_entry.getExpires() != null)
kickMessage = kickMessage + "\nReason: " + entry.getReason();
if (entry.getExpires() != null)
kick_message = kick_message + "\nYour ban will be removed on " + date_format.format(ban_entry.getExpires());
kickMessage = kickMessage + "\nYour ban will be removed on " + dateFormat.format(entry.getExpires());
event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_BANNED, kick_message);
event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_BANNED, kickMessage);
for (String test_player : TotalFreedomMod.permbanned_players)
for (String testPlayer : TotalFreedomMod.permbanned_players)
if (test_player.equalsIgnoreCase(player_name))
if (testPlayer.equalsIgnoreCase(username))
event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_BANNED, ChatColor.RED + "Your username is permanently banned from this server.\nRelease procedures are available at http://bit.ly/PermBan");
for (String test_ip : TotalFreedomMod.permbanned_ips)
for (String testIp : TotalFreedomMod.permbanned_ips)
if (TFM_Util.fuzzyIpMatch(test_ip, player_ip, 4))
if (TFM_Util.fuzzyIpMatch(testIp, ip, 4))
event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_BANNED, ChatColor.RED + "Your IP address is permanently banned from this server.\nRelease procedures are available at http://bit.ly/PermBan");
@ -274,9 +274,9 @@ public class TFM_ServerInterface
if (player_list.hasWhitelist)
if (playerList.hasWhitelist)
if (!player_list.getWhitelisted().contains(player_name.toLowerCase()))
if (!playerList.getWhitelisted().contains(username.toLowerCase()))
event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_OTHER, "You are not whitelisted on this server.");
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ public class TFM_ServerInterface
for (Player test_player : server.getOnlinePlayers())
if (test_player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(player_name))
if (test_player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(username))
event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_OTHER, "Your username is already logged into this server.");
@ -294,24 +294,24 @@ public class TFM_ServerInterface
for (Player test_player : server.getOnlinePlayers())
for (Player testPlayer : server.getOnlinePlayers())
if (test_player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(player_name))
if (testPlayer.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(username))
test_player.kickPlayer("An admin just logged in with the username you are using.");
testPlayer.kickPlayer("An admin just logged in with the username you are using.");
boolean can_kick = true; // if the server is full of superadmins, however unlikely that might be, this will prevent an infinite loop.
while (server.getOnlinePlayers().length >= server.getMaxPlayers() && can_kick)
boolean canKick = true; // if the server is full of superadmins, however unlikely that might be, this will prevent an infinite loop.
while (server.getOnlinePlayers().length >= server.getMaxPlayers() && canKick)
can_kick = false;
for (Player test_player : server.getOnlinePlayers())
canKick = false;
for (Player testPlayer : server.getOnlinePlayers())
if (!TFM_SuperadminList.isUserSuperadmin(test_player))
if (!TFM_SuperadminList.isUserSuperadmin(testPlayer))
can_kick = true;
test_player.kickPlayer("You have been kicked to free up room for an admin.");
canKick = true;
testPlayer.kickPlayer("You have been kicked to free up room for an admin.");
@ -49,21 +49,21 @@ public class TFM_ServiceChecker
URL mojang_status = new URL(serviceCheckerURL);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mojang_status.openStream()));
JSONArray status_json = (JSONArray) JSONValue.parse(in.readLine());
URL mojangStatus = new URL(serviceCheckerURL);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mojangStatus.openStream()));
JSONArray statusJson = (JSONArray) JSONValue.parse(in.readLine());
TFM_ServiceChecker serviceChecker = TFM_ServiceChecker.getInstance();
Iterator status_it = status_json.iterator();
Iterator status_it = statusJson.iterator();
while (status_it.hasNext())
JSONObject service = (JSONObject) status_it.next();
Iterator service_it = service.entrySet().iterator();
while (service_it.hasNext())
Iterator serviceIt = service.entrySet().iterator();
while (serviceIt.hasNext())
Entry<String, String> pair = (Entry<String, String>) service_it.next();
Entry<String, String> pair = (Entry<String, String>) serviceIt.next();
if ("lastcheck".equals(pair.getKey()))
@ -8,33 +8,33 @@ import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
public class TFM_Superadmin
private final String name;
private final String custom_login_message;
private final boolean is_senior_admin;
private final List<String> console_aliases;
private final String loginMessage;
private final boolean isSeniorAdmin;
private final List<String> consoleAliases;
private List<String> ips;
private Date last_login;
private boolean is_activated;
private Date lastLogin;
private boolean isActivated;
public TFM_Superadmin(String name, List<String> ips, Date last_login, String custom_login_message, boolean is_senior_admin, List<String> console_aliases, boolean is_activated)
public TFM_Superadmin(String name, List<String> ips, Date lastLogin, String loginMessage, boolean isSeniorAdmin, List<String> consoleAliases, boolean isActivated)
this.name = name.toLowerCase();
this.ips = ips;
this.last_login = last_login;
this.custom_login_message = custom_login_message;
this.is_senior_admin = is_senior_admin;
this.console_aliases = console_aliases;
this.is_activated = is_activated;
this.lastLogin = lastLogin;
this.loginMessage = loginMessage;
this.isSeniorAdmin = isSeniorAdmin;
this.consoleAliases = consoleAliases;
this.isActivated = isActivated;
public TFM_Superadmin(String name, ConfigurationSection section)
this.name = name.toLowerCase();
this.ips = section.getStringList("ips");
this.last_login = TFM_Util.stringToDate(section.getString("last_login", TFM_Util.dateToString(new Date(0L))));
this.custom_login_message = section.getString("custom_login_message", "");
this.is_senior_admin = section.getBoolean("is_senior_admin", false);
this.console_aliases = section.getStringList("console_aliases");
this.is_activated = section.getBoolean("is_activated", true);
this.lastLogin = TFM_Util.stringToDate(section.getString("last_login", TFM_Util.dateToString(new Date(0L))));
this.loginMessage = section.getString("custom_login_message", "");
this.isSeniorAdmin = section.getBoolean("is_senior_admin", false);
this.consoleAliases = section.getStringList("console_aliases");
this.isActivated = section.getBoolean("is_activated", true);
@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ public class TFM_Superadmin
output.append("Name: ").append(this.name).append("\n");
output.append("- IPs: ").append(StringUtils.join(this.ips, ", ")).append("\n");
output.append("- Last Login: ").append(TFM_Util.dateToString(this.last_login)).append("\n");
output.append("- Custom Login Message: ").append(this.custom_login_message).append("\n");
output.append("- Is Senior Admin: ").append(this.is_senior_admin).append("\n");
output.append("- Console Aliases: ").append(StringUtils.join(this.console_aliases, ", ")).append("\n");
output.append("- Is Activated: ").append(this.is_activated);
output.append("- Last Login: ").append(TFM_Util.dateToString(this.lastLogin)).append("\n");
output.append("- Custom Login Message: ").append(this.loginMessage).append("\n");
output.append("- Is Senior Admin: ").append(this.isSeniorAdmin).append("\n");
output.append("- Console Aliases: ").append(StringUtils.join(this.consoleAliases, ", ")).append("\n");
output.append("- Is Activated: ").append(this.isActivated);
catch (Exception ex)
@ -72,22 +72,22 @@ public class TFM_Superadmin
public Date getLastLogin()
return last_login;
return lastLogin;
public String getCustomLoginMessage()
return custom_login_message;
return loginMessage;
public boolean isSeniorAdmin()
return is_senior_admin;
return isSeniorAdmin;
public List<String> getConsoleAliases()
return console_aliases;
return consoleAliases;
public void setIps(List<String> ips)
@ -95,18 +95,18 @@ public class TFM_Superadmin
this.ips = ips;
public void setLastLogin(Date last_login)
public void setLastLogin(Date lastLogin)
this.last_login = last_login;
this.lastLogin = lastLogin;
public boolean isActivated()
return is_activated;
return isActivated;
public void setActivated(boolean is_activated)
public void setActivated(boolean isActivated)
this.is_activated = is_activated;
this.isActivated = isActivated;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class TFM_SuperadminList
private static List<String> superadminNames = new ArrayList<String>();
private static List<String> superadminIPs = new ArrayList<String>();
private static List<String> seniorAdminNames = new ArrayList<String>();
private static int clean_threshold_hours = 24 * 7; // 1 Week
private static int cleanThreshold = 24 * 7; // 1 Week in hours
private TFM_SuperadminList()
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public class TFM_SuperadminList
TFM_Util.createDefaultConfiguration(TotalFreedomMod.SUPERADMIN_FILE, TotalFreedomMod.plugin_file);
FileConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(TotalFreedomMod.plugin.getDataFolder(), TotalFreedomMod.SUPERADMIN_FILE));
clean_threshold_hours = config.getInt("clean_threshold_hours", clean_threshold_hours);
cleanThreshold = config.getInt("clean_threshold_hours", cleanThreshold);
if (config.isConfigurationSection("superadmins"))
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public class TFM_SuperadminList
YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration();
config.set("clean_threshold_hours", clean_threshold_hours);
config.set("clean_threshold_hours", cleanThreshold);
Iterator<Entry<String, TFM_Superadmin>> it = superadminList.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ public class TFM_SuperadminList
return isSeniorAdmin(user, false);
public static boolean isSeniorAdmin(CommandSender user, boolean verify_is_superadmin)
public static boolean isSeniorAdmin(CommandSender user, boolean verifySuperadmin)
if (verify_is_superadmin)
if (verifySuperadmin)
if (!isUserSuperadmin(user))
@ -218,17 +218,17 @@ public class TFM_SuperadminList
String user_name = user.getName().toLowerCase();
String username = user.getName().toLowerCase();
if (!(user instanceof Player))
return seniorAdminNames.contains(user_name);
return seniorAdminNames.contains(username);
TFM_Superadmin admin_entry = getAdminEntry((Player) user);
if (admin_entry != null)
TFM_Superadmin entry = getAdminEntry((Player) user);
if (entry != null)
return admin_entry.isSeniorAdmin();
return entry.isSeniorAdmin();
return false;
@ -251,10 +251,10 @@ public class TFM_SuperadminList
String user_ip = ((Player) user).getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress();
if (user_ip != null && !user_ip.isEmpty())
String ip = ((Player) user).getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress();
if (ip != null && !ip.isEmpty())
if (superadminIPs.contains(user_ip))
if (superadminIPs.contains(ip))
return true;
@ -268,39 +268,39 @@ public class TFM_SuperadminList
return false;
public static boolean checkPartialSuperadminIP(String user_ip, String user_name)
public static boolean checkPartialSuperadminIP(String ip, String name)
user_ip = user_ip.trim();
ip = ip.trim();
if (superadminIPs.contains(user_ip))
if (superadminIPs.contains(ip))
return true;
String match_ip = null;
for (String test_ip : getSuperadminIPs())
String matchIp = null;
for (String testIp : getSuperadminIPs())
if (TFM_Util.fuzzyIpMatch(user_ip, test_ip, 3))
if (TFM_Util.fuzzyIpMatch(ip, testIp, 3))
match_ip = test_ip;
matchIp = testIp;
if (match_ip != null)
if (matchIp != null)
TFM_Superadmin admin_entry = getAdminEntryByIP(match_ip);
TFM_Superadmin entry = getAdminEntryByIP(matchIp);
if (admin_entry != null)
if (entry != null)
if (admin_entry.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(user_name))
if (entry.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name))
List<String> ips = admin_entry.getIps();
List<String> ips = entry.getIps();
@ -334,28 +334,28 @@ public class TFM_SuperadminList
return false;
public static void addSuperadmin(String admin_name, List<String> ips)
public static void addSuperadmin(String username, List<String> ips)
admin_name = admin_name.toLowerCase();
username = username.toLowerCase();
if (superadminList.containsKey(admin_name))
if (superadminList.containsKey(username))
TFM_Superadmin superadmin = superadminList.get(admin_name);
TFM_Superadmin superadmin = superadminList.get(username);
superadmin.setLastLogin(new Date());
Date last_login = new Date();
String custom_login_message = "";
boolean is_senior_admin = false;
List<String> console_aliases = new ArrayList<String>();
Date lastLogin = new Date();
String loginMessage = "";
boolean isSeniorAdmin = false;
List<String> consoleAliases = new ArrayList<String>();
TFM_Superadmin superadmin = new TFM_Superadmin(admin_name, ips, last_login, custom_login_message, is_senior_admin, console_aliases, true);
superadminList.put(admin_name.toLowerCase(), superadmin);
TFM_Superadmin superadmin = new TFM_Superadmin(username, ips, lastLogin, loginMessage, isSeniorAdmin, consoleAliases, true);
superadminList.put(username.toLowerCase(), superadmin);
@ -368,26 +368,26 @@ public class TFM_SuperadminList
public static void addSuperadmin(Player player)
String admin_name = player.getName().toLowerCase();
String username = player.getName().toLowerCase();
List<String> ips = Arrays.asList(player.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress());
addSuperadmin(admin_name, ips);
addSuperadmin(username, ips);
public static void addSuperadmin(String admin_name)
public static void addSuperadmin(String adminName)
addSuperadmin(admin_name, new ArrayList<String>());
addSuperadmin(adminName, new ArrayList<String>());
public static void removeSuperadmin(String admin_name)
public static void removeSuperadmin(String username)
admin_name = admin_name.toLowerCase();
username = username.toLowerCase();
if (superadminList.containsKey(admin_name))
if (superadminList.containsKey(username))
TFM_Superadmin superadmin = superadminList.get(admin_name);
TFM_Superadmin superadmin = superadminList.get(username);
@ -415,15 +415,15 @@ public class TFM_SuperadminList
TFM_Superadmin superadmin = pair.getValue();
if (superadmin.isActivated() && !superadmin.isSeniorAdmin())
Date last_login = superadmin.getLastLogin();
Date lastLogin = superadmin.getLastLogin();
long hours_since_login = TimeUnit.HOURS.convert(new Date().getTime() - last_login.getTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
long lastLoginHours = TimeUnit.HOURS.convert(new Date().getTime() - lastLogin.getTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (hours_since_login > clean_threshold_hours)
if (lastLoginHours > cleanThreshold)
if (verbose)
TFM_Util.adminAction("TotalFreedomSystem", "Deactivating superadmin \"" + superadmin.getName() + "\", inactive for " + hours_since_login + " hours.", true);
TFM_Util.adminAction("TotalFreedomSystem", "Deactivating superadmin \"" + superadmin.getName() + "\", inactive for " + lastLoginHours + " hours.", true);
@ -439,17 +439,17 @@ public class TFM_SuperadminList
public static boolean verifyIdentity(String admin_name, String ip) throws Exception
public static boolean verifyIdentity(String username, String ip) throws Exception
if (Bukkit.getOnlineMode())
return true;
TFM_Superadmin admin_entry = getAdminEntry(admin_name);
if (admin_entry != null)
TFM_Superadmin entry = getAdminEntry(username);
if (entry != null)
return admin_entry.getIps().contains(ip);
return entry.getIps().contains(ip);
@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ public class TFM_UserList
FileConfiguration saved_userlist = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), USERLIST_FILENAME));
FileConfiguration savedUserlist = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), USERLIST_FILENAME));
for (String username : saved_userlist.getKeys(false))
for (String username : savedUserlist.getKeys(false))
TFM_UserListEntry entry = new TFM_UserListEntry(username, saved_userlist.getStringList(username));
TFM_UserListEntry entry = new TFM_UserListEntry(username, savedUserlist.getStringList(username));
userlist.put(username, entry);
@ -56,16 +56,16 @@ public class TFM_UserList
private void exportList()
FileConfiguration new_userlist = new YamlConfiguration();
FileConfiguration newUserlist = new YamlConfiguration();
for (TFM_UserListEntry entry : userlist.values())
new_userlist.set(entry.getUsername(), entry.getIpAddresses());
newUserlist.set(entry.getUsername(), entry.getIpAddresses());
new_userlist.save(new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), USERLIST_FILENAME));
newUserlist.save(new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), USERLIST_FILENAME));
catch (IOException ex)
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public class TFM_UserList
addUser(player.getName(), player.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress());
public void addUser(String username, String ip_address)
public void addUser(String username, String ip)
username = username.toLowerCase();
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public class TFM_UserList
userlist.put(username, entry);
if (entry.addIpAddress(ip_address))
if (entry.addIpAddress(ip))
@ -149,12 +149,12 @@ public class TFM_UserList
public class TFM_UserListEntry
private String username;
private List<String> ip_addresses = new ArrayList<String>();
private List<String> ipAddresses = new ArrayList<String>();
public TFM_UserListEntry(String username, List<String> ip_addresses)
public TFM_UserListEntry(String username, List<String> ipAddresses)
this.username = username;
this.ip_addresses = ip_addresses;
this.ipAddresses = ipAddresses;
public TFM_UserListEntry(String username)
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ public class TFM_UserList
public List<String> getIpAddresses()
return ip_addresses;
return ipAddresses;
public String getUsername()
@ -172,11 +172,11 @@ public class TFM_UserList
return username;
public boolean addIpAddress(String ip_address)
public boolean addIpAddress(String ip)
if (!ip_addresses.contains(ip_address))
if (!ipAddresses.contains(ip))
return true;
return false;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.*;
public class TFM_Util
private static final Map<String, Integer> eject_tracker = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
private static final Map<String, Integer> ejectTracker = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
public static final Map<String, EntityType> mobtypes = new HashMap<String, EntityType>();
public static final List<String> STOP_COMMANDS = Arrays.asList("stop", "off", "end", "halt", "die");
public static final List<String> REMOVE_COMMANDS = Arrays.asList("del", "delete", "rem", "remove");
@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ public class TFM_Util
for (EntityType entity_type : EntityType.values())
for (EntityType type : EntityType.values())
if (entity_type.getName() != null)
if (type.getName() != null)
if (Creature.class.isAssignableFrom(entity_type.getEntityClass()))
if (Creature.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getEntityClass()))
mobtypes.put(entity_type.getName().toLowerCase(), entity_type);
mobtypes.put(type.getName().toLowerCase(), type);
@ -84,25 +84,25 @@ public class TFM_Util
TFM_Util.bcastMsg(adminName + " - " + action, (isRed ? ChatColor.RED : ChatColor.AQUA));
public static String formatLocation(Location in_loc)
public static String formatLocation(Location location)
return String.format("%s: (%d, %d, %d)",
public static void gotoWorld(CommandSender sender, String targetworld)
if (sender instanceof Player)
Player sender_p = (Player) sender;
Player player = (Player) sender;
if (sender_p.getWorld().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(targetworld))
if (player.getWorld().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(targetworld))
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "Going to main world.");
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public class TFM_Util
if (world.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(targetworld))
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "Going to world: " + targetworld);
@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ public class TFM_Util
public static void buildHistory(Location location, int length, TFM_PlayerData playerdata)
Block center_block = location.getBlock();
for (int x_offset = -length; x_offset <= length; x_offset++)
Block center = location.getBlock();
for (int xOffset = -length; xOffset <= length; xOffset++)
for (int y_offset = -length; y_offset <= length; y_offset++)
for (int yOffset = -length; yOffset <= length; yOffset++)
for (int z_offset = -length; z_offset <= length; z_offset++)
for (int zOffset = -length; zOffset <= length; zOffset++)
Block block = center_block.getRelative(x_offset, y_offset, z_offset);
Block block = center.getRelative(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset);
playerdata.insertHistoryBlock(block.getLocation(), block.getType());
@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ public class TFM_Util
public static void generateCube(Location location, int length, Material material)
Block center_block = location.getBlock();
for (int x_offset = -length; x_offset <= length; x_offset++)
Block block = location.getBlock();
for (int xOffset = -length; xOffset <= length; xOffset++)
for (int y_offset = -length; y_offset <= length; y_offset++)
for (int yOffset = -length; yOffset <= length; yOffset++)
for (int z_offset = -length; z_offset <= length; z_offset++)
for (int zOffset = -length; zOffset <= length; zOffset++)
center_block.getRelative(x_offset, y_offset, z_offset).setType(material);
block.getRelative(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset).setType(material);
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public class TFM_Util
world.setTime(time + 24000 + ticks);
public static void createDefaultConfiguration(String name, File plugin_file)
public static void createDefaultConfiguration(String name, File pluginFile)
TotalFreedomMod tfm = TotalFreedomMod.plugin;
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public class TFM_Util
InputStream input = null;
JarFile file = new JarFile(plugin_file);
JarFile file = new JarFile(pluginFile);
ZipEntry copy = file.getEntry(name);
if (copy == null)
@ -405,31 +405,31 @@ public class TFM_Util
public static void autoEject(Player player, String kickMessage)
EjectMethod method = EjectMethod.STRIKE_ONE;
String player_ip = null;
String ip = null;
player_ip = player.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress();
ip = player.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress();
Integer num_kicks = TFM_Util.eject_tracker.get(player_ip);
if (num_kicks == null)
Integer kicks = TFM_Util.ejectTracker.get(ip);
if (kicks == null)
num_kicks = new Integer(0);
kicks = new Integer(0);
num_kicks = new Integer(num_kicks.intValue() + 1);
kicks = new Integer(kicks.intValue() + 1);
TFM_Util.eject_tracker.put(player_ip, num_kicks);
TFM_Util.ejectTracker.put(ip, kicks);
if (num_kicks.intValue() <= 1)
if (kicks.intValue() <= 1)
method = EjectMethod.STRIKE_ONE;
else if (num_kicks.intValue() == 2)
else if (kicks.intValue() == 2)
method = EjectMethod.STRIKE_TWO;
else if (num_kicks.intValue() >= 3)
else if (kicks.intValue() >= 3)
method = EjectMethod.STRIKE_THREE;
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ public class TFM_Util
TFM_Log.info("autoEject -> name: " + player.getName() + " - player_ip: " + player_ip + " - method: " + method.toString());
TFM_Log.info("autoEject -> name: " + player.getName() + " - player ip: " + ip + " - method: " + method.toString());
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ public class TFM_Util
TFM_Util.bcastMsg(ChatColor.RED + player.getName() + " has been banned for 1 minute.");
TFM_ServerInterface.banIP(player_ip, kickMessage, "AutoEject", expires);
TFM_ServerInterface.banIP(ip, kickMessage, "AutoEject", expires);
TFM_ServerInterface.banUsername(player.getName(), kickMessage, "AutoEject", expires);
@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ public class TFM_Util
TFM_Util.bcastMsg(ChatColor.RED + player.getName() + " has been banned for 3 minutes.");
TFM_ServerInterface.banIP(player_ip, kickMessage, "AutoEject", expires);
TFM_ServerInterface.banIP(ip, kickMessage, "AutoEject", expires);
TFM_ServerInterface.banUsername(player.getName(), kickMessage, "AutoEject", expires);
@ -477,10 +477,10 @@ public class TFM_Util
TFM_ServerInterface.banIP(player_ip, kickMessage, "AutoEject", null);
String[] ip_address_parts = player_ip.split("\\.");
TFM_ServerInterface.banIP(ip, kickMessage, "AutoEject", null);
String[] ipAddressParts = ip.split("\\.");
TFM_ServerInterface.banIP(ip_address_parts[0] + "." + ip_address_parts[1] + ".*.*", kickMessage, "AutoEject", null);
TFM_ServerInterface.banIP(ipAddressParts[0] + "." + ipAddressParts[1] + ".*.*", kickMessage, "AutoEject", null);
TFM_ServerInterface.banUsername(player.getName(), kickMessage, "AutoEject", null);
@ -501,23 +501,23 @@ public class TFM_Util
return "an " + ChatColor.YELLOW + ChatColor.UNDERLINE + "impostor" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.AQUA + "!";
TFM_Superadmin admin_entry = TFM_SuperadminList.getAdminEntry(sender.getName());
TFM_Superadmin entry = TFM_SuperadminList.getAdminEntry(sender.getName());
if (admin_entry != null)
if (entry != null)
if (admin_entry.isActivated())
if (entry.isActivated())
String custom_login_message = admin_entry.getCustomLoginMessage();
String loginMessage = entry.getCustomLoginMessage();
if (custom_login_message != null)
if (loginMessage != null)
if (!custom_login_message.isEmpty())
if (!loginMessage.isEmpty())
return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', custom_login_message);
return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', loginMessage);
if (admin_entry.isSeniorAdmin())
if (entry.isSeniorAdmin())
return "a " + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "Senior Admin" + ChatColor.AQUA + ".";
@ -643,27 +643,27 @@ public class TFM_Util
public static String playerListToNames(Set<OfflinePlayer> players)
List<String> player_names = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
for (OfflinePlayer player : players)
return StringUtils.join(player_names, ", ");
return StringUtils.join(names, ", ");
public static Map<String, Boolean> getSavedFlags()
Map<String, Boolean> saved_flags = null;
Map<String, Boolean> flags = null;
File input_file = new File(TotalFreedomMod.plugin.getDataFolder(), TotalFreedomMod.SAVED_FLAGS_FILE);
if (input_file.exists())
File input = new File(TotalFreedomMod.plugin.getDataFolder(), TotalFreedomMod.SAVED_FLAGS_FILE);
if (input.exists())
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(input_file);
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(input);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
saved_flags = (HashMap<String, Boolean>) ois.readObject();
flags = (HashMap<String, Boolean>) ois.readObject();
@ -673,26 +673,26 @@ public class TFM_Util
return saved_flags;
return flags;
public static boolean getSavedFlag(String flag) throws Exception
Boolean flag_value = null;
Boolean flagValue = null;
Map<String, Boolean> saved_flags = TFM_Util.getSavedFlags();
Map<String, Boolean> flags = TFM_Util.getSavedFlags();
if (saved_flags != null)
if (flags != null)
if (saved_flags.containsKey(flag))
if (flags.containsKey(flag))
flag_value = saved_flags.get(flag);
flagValue = flags.get(flag);
if (flag_value != null)
if (flagValue != null)
return flag_value.booleanValue();
return flagValue.booleanValue();
@ -702,20 +702,20 @@ public class TFM_Util
public static void setSavedFlag(String flag, boolean value)
Map<String, Boolean> saved_flags = TFM_Util.getSavedFlags();
Map<String, Boolean> flags = TFM_Util.getSavedFlags();
if (saved_flags == null)
if (flags == null)
saved_flags = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
flags = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
saved_flags.put(flag, value);
flags.put(flag, value);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(TotalFreedomMod.plugin.getDataFolder(), TotalFreedomMod.SAVED_FLAGS_FILE));
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
@ -731,92 +731,92 @@ public class TFM_Util
return new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT, Locale.ENGLISH).format(date);
public static Date stringToDate(String date_str)
public static Date stringToDate(String dateString)
return new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT, Locale.ENGLISH).parse(date_str);
return new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT, Locale.ENGLISH).parse(dateString);
catch (ParseException ex)
catch (ParseException pex)
return new Date(0L);
public static boolean isFromHostConsole(String sender_name)
public static boolean isFromHostConsole(String senderName)
return ((List<String>) TFM_ConfigEntry.HOST_SENDER_NAMES.getList()).contains(sender_name.toLowerCase());
return ((List<String>) TFM_ConfigEntry.HOST_SENDER_NAMES.getList()).contains(senderName.toLowerCase());
public static List<String> removeDuplicates(List<String> old_list)
public static List<String> removeDuplicates(List<String> oldList)
List<String> new_list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String entry : old_list)
List<String> newList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String entry : oldList)
if (!new_list.contains(entry))
if (!newList.contains(entry))
return new_list;
return newList;
public static boolean fuzzyIpMatch(String a, String b, int required_octets)
public static boolean fuzzyIpMatch(String a, String b, int octets)
boolean is_match = true;
boolean match = true;
String[] a_parts = a.split("\\.");
String[] b_parts = b.split("\\.");
String[] aParts = a.split("\\.");
String[] bParts = b.split("\\.");
if (a_parts.length != 4 || b_parts.length != 4)
if (aParts.length != 4 || bParts.length != 4)
return false;
if (required_octets > 4)
if (octets > 4)
required_octets = 4;
octets = 4;
else if (required_octets < 1)
else if (octets < 1)
required_octets = 1;
octets = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < required_octets && i < 4; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < octets && i < 4; i++)
if (a_parts[i].equals("*") || b_parts[i].equals("*"))
if (aParts[i].equals("*") || bParts[i].equals("*"))
if (!a_parts[i].equals(b_parts[i]))
if (!aParts[i].equals(bParts[i]))
is_match = false;
match = false;
return is_match;
return match;
public static int replaceBlocks(Location center_location, Material from_material, Material to_material, int radius)
public static int replaceBlocks(Location center, Material fromMaterial, Material toMaterial, int radius)
int affected = 0;
Block center_block = center_location.getBlock();
for (int x_offset = -radius; x_offset <= radius; x_offset++)
Block centerBlock = center.getBlock();
for (int xOffset = -radius; xOffset <= radius; xOffset++)
for (int y_offset = -radius; y_offset <= radius; y_offset++)
for (int yOffset = -radius; yOffset <= radius; yOffset++)
for (int z_offset = -radius; z_offset <= radius; z_offset++)
for (int zOffset = -radius; zOffset <= radius; zOffset++)
Block test_block = center_block.getRelative(x_offset, y_offset, z_offset);
Block block = centerBlock.getRelative(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset);
if (test_block.getType().equals(from_material))
if (block.getType().equals(fromMaterial))
if (test_block.getLocation().distanceSquared(center_location) < (radius * radius))
if (block.getLocation().distanceSquared(center) < (radius * radius))
@ -827,22 +827,22 @@ public class TFM_Util
return affected;
public static void downloadFile(String url, File output_file) throws java.lang.Exception
public static void downloadFile(String url, File output) throws java.lang.Exception
downloadFile(url, output_file, false);
downloadFile(url, output, false);
public static void downloadFile(String url, File output_file, boolean verbose) throws java.lang.Exception
public static void downloadFile(String url, File output, boolean verbose) throws java.lang.Exception
URL website = new URL(url);
ReadableByteChannel rbc = Channels.newChannel(website.openStream());
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(output_file);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(output);
fos.getChannel().transferFrom(rbc, 0, 1 << 24);
if (verbose)
TFM_Log.info("Downloaded " + url + " to " + output_file.toString() + ".");
TFM_Log.info("Downloaded " + url + " to " + output.toString() + ".");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user