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synced 2025-02-19 19:18:45 +00:00
remove reddit system
jraw free 🦀🦀🦀
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<description>Server modification for the TotalFreedom server</description>
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
@ -275,13 +275,6 @@
@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
package me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.config.ConfigEntry;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.player.PlayerData;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.rank.Displayable;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.rank.Rank;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.rank.Title;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.util.FLog;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.util.FUtil;
import net.dean.jraw.ApiException;
import net.dean.jraw.RedditClient;
import net.dean.jraw.http.OkHttpNetworkAdapter;
import net.dean.jraw.http.UserAgent;
import net.dean.jraw.models.CurrentFlair;
import net.dean.jraw.models.Flair;
import net.dean.jraw.oauth.Credentials;
import net.dean.jraw.oauth.OAuthHelper;
import net.dean.jraw.references.SubredditReference;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class Reddit extends FreedomService
private final String SUBREDDIT_NAME = ConfigEntry.REDDIT_SUBREDDIT_NAME.getString();
private final String USERNAME = ConfigEntry.REDDIT_USERNAME.getString();
private final String PASSWORD = ConfigEntry.REDDIT_PASSWORD.getString();
private final String CLIENT_ID = ConfigEntry.REDDIT_CLIENT_ID.getString();
private final String CLIENT_SECRET = ConfigEntry.REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET.getString();
private final UserAgent userAgent = new UserAgent("bot", "me.totalfreedom.reddit", TotalFreedomMod.build.version, USERNAME);
private final Credentials credentials = Credentials.script(USERNAME, PASSWORD, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);
private RedditClient reddit = null;
private SubredditReference subreddit = null;
private HashMap<String, PlayerData> linkCodes = new HashMap<>();
private HashMap<PlayerData, String> pending = new HashMap<>();
private Map<Displayable, String> flairList = new HashMap<>();
private Map<Displayable, String> flairNameList = new HashMap<>();
private List<Displayable> noFlairDisplays = Arrays.asList(Title.VERIFIED_ADMIN, Rank.IMPOSTOR, Rank.NON_OP, Rank.OP);
public boolean enabled = false;
public void onStart()
enabled = ConfigEntry.REDDIT_CLIENT_ID.getString() == null;
if (!enabled)
if (reddit == null)
reddit = OAuthHelper.automatic(new OkHttpNetworkAdapter(userAgent), credentials);
catch (NoClassDefFoundError e)
FLog.warning("The JRAW plugin is not installed, therefore the Reddit service cannot start.");
FLog.warning("To resolve this error, please download the latest JRAW from: https://github.com/TFPatches/Minecraft-JRAW/releases");
enabled = false;
catch (NullPointerException e)
FLog.warning("Invalid Reddit credentials specified, please double check everything in the config.");
enabled = false;
if (subreddit == null)
subreddit = reddit.subreddit(SUBREDDIT_NAME);
public void onStop()
public void setFlair(String username, String flairID)
List<Flair> flairs = subreddit.userFlairOptions();
Flair flair = null;
for (Flair f : flairs)
if (f.getId().equals(flairID))
flair = f;
if (flair == null)
subreddit.otherUserFlair(username).updateToTemplate(flair.getId(), "");
public void removeFlair(String username)
subreddit.otherUserFlair(username).updateToTemplate("", "");
public void sendModMessage(String username, String subject, String body) throws ApiException
reddit.me().inbox().compose("/r/" + SUBREDDIT_NAME, username, subject, body);
public String addLinkCode(PlayerData data, String username)
String code = FUtil.randomAlphanumericString(10);
linkCodes.put(code, data);
pending.put(data, username);
return code;
public String checkLinkCode(String code)
PlayerData data = linkCodes.get(code);
String username = pending.get(data);
if (data == null || username == null)
return null;
return username;
public boolean updateFlair(Player player)
if (!enabled)
return false;
PlayerData data = plugin.pl.getData(player);
String username = data.getRedditUsername();
Displayable display = plugin.rm.getDisplay(player);
if (username == null)
FLog.debug("No Reddit account");
return false;
CurrentFlair currentFlair = subreddit.otherUserFlair(username).current();
String currentFlairName = currentFlair.getText();
String currentFlairID = currentFlair.getId();
String neededFlairID = flairList.get(display);
String neededFlairName = flairNameList.get(display);
FLog.debug("Current ID: " + currentFlairID);
FLog.debug("Needed ID: " + neededFlairID);
FLog.debug("Current Name: " + currentFlairName);
FLog.debug("Needed Name: " + neededFlairName);
// Work around
//if (currentFlairID == null && neededFlairID != null || currentFlairID != null && neededFlairID != null && !currentFlairID.equals(neededFlairID))
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(currentFlairName) && neededFlairName != null || !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(currentFlairName) && neededFlairName != null && !currentFlairName.equals(neededFlairName))
FLog.debug("Setting flair");
setFlair(username, neededFlairID);
return true;
if (noFlairDisplays.contains(display) && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(currentFlairName))
FLog.debug("Removing flair");
return true;
return false;
public void loadFlairList()
flairList.put(Title.OWNER, ConfigEntry.REDDIT_SERVER_OWNER_FLAIR_ID.getString());
flairList.put(Title.EXECUTIVE, ConfigEntry.REDDIT_EXECUTIVE_FLAIR_ID.getString());
flairList.put(Title.DEVELOPER, ConfigEntry.REDDIT_DEVELOPER_FLAIR_ID.getString());
flairList.put(Rank.SENIOR_ADMIN, ConfigEntry.REDDIT_SENIOR_ADMIN_FLAIR_ID.getString());
flairList.put(Rank.ADMIN, ConfigEntry.REDDIT_NEW_ADMIN_FLAIR_ID.getString());
flairList.put(Title.MASTER_BUILDER, ConfigEntry.REDDIT_MASTER_BUILDER_FLAIR_ID.getString());
// Work around because the current flair ID keeps returning null, either a JRAW bug or a Reddit bug
flairNameList.put(Title.OWNER, "Server Owner");
flairNameList.put(Title.EXECUTIVE, "Executive");
flairNameList.put(Title.DEVELOPER, "Developer");
flairNameList.put(Rank.SENIOR_ADMIN, "Senior Admin");
flairNameList.put(Rank.ADMIN, "Admin");
flairNameList.put(Title.MASTER_BUILDER, "Master Builder");
@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ public class TotalFreedomMod extends JavaPlugin
public BanManager bm;
public IndefiniteBanList im;
public PermissionManager pem;
public Reddit rd;
public GameRuleHandler gr;
public CommandSpy cs;
public Cager ca;
@ -225,7 +224,6 @@ public class TotalFreedomMod extends JavaPlugin
bm = new BanManager();
im = new IndefiniteBanList();
pem = new PermissionManager();
rd = new Reddit();
gr = new GameRuleHandler();
snp = new SignBlocker();
ew = new EntityWiper();
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
package me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.command;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.rank.Rank;
import net.dean.jraw.ApiException;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@CommandPermissions(level = Rank.OP, source = SourceType.ONLY_IN_GAME)
@CommandParameters(description = "Link your reddit account", usage = "/<command> <username | code <code>>")
public class Command_linkreddit extends FreedomCommand
public boolean run(final CommandSender sender, final Player playerSender, final Command cmd, final String commandLabel, final String[] args, final boolean senderIsConsole)
if (!plugin.rd.enabled)
msg("The Reddit system is currently disabled.", ChatColor.RED);
return true;
if (getData(playerSender).getRedditUsername() != null)
msg("Your Reddit account is already linked.");
return true;
if (args.length == 0)
return false;
if (args.length == 1 && !args[0].equals("code"))
String username = args[0];
String code = plugin.rd.addLinkCode(getData(playerSender), username);
plugin.rd.sendModMessage(username, "Link Code", "Please run the following in-game to link your Reddit account: /linkreddit code " + code);
catch (ApiException e)
msg("Could not find a Reddit account by the name of " + args[0], ChatColor.RED);
return true;
msg("A linking code has been sent to " + username + ". Please check your mod mail at " + ChatColor.AQUA + "https://www.reddit.com/message/moderator", ChatColor.GREEN);
return true;
String code = args[1];
String username = plugin.rd.checkLinkCode(code);
if (username == null)
msg(code + " is not a valid code", ChatColor.RED);
return true;
msg("Successfully linked the Reddit account " + username + " to your Minecraft account.", ChatColor.GREEN);
if (plugin.rd.updateFlair(playerSender))
msg("Your flair has been updated.", ChatColor.GREEN);
return true;
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
package me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.command;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.player.PlayerData;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.rank.Rank;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@CommandPermissions(level = Rank.OP, source = SourceType.ONLY_IN_GAME)
@CommandParameters(description = "Unlink your reddit account", usage = "/<command>")
public class Command_unlinkreddit extends FreedomCommand
public boolean run(CommandSender sender, Player playerSender, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args, boolean senderIsConsole)
if (!plugin.rd.enabled)
msg("The reddit system is currently disabled.", ChatColor.RED);
return true;
PlayerData data = getData(playerSender);
if (data.getRedditUsername() == null)
msg("You don't have a reddit account linked.", ChatColor.RED);
return true;
msg("Successfully unlinked your reddit account. If you had a flair, it was removed.", ChatColor.GREEN);
return true;
@ -84,18 +84,6 @@ public enum ConfigEntry
DISCORD_EXECUTIVE_ROLE_ID(String.class, "discord.executive_role_id"),
DISCORD_SERVER_OWNER_ROLE_ID(String.class, "discord.server_owner_role_id"),
REDDIT_SUBREDDIT_NAME(String.class, "reddit.subreddit_name"),
REDDIT_USERNAME(String.class, "reddit.username"),
REDDIT_PASSWORD(String.class, "reddit.password"),
REDDIT_CLIENT_ID(String.class, "reddit.client_id"),
REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET(String.class, "reddit.client_secret"),
REDDIT_MASTER_BUILDER_FLAIR_ID(String.class, "reddit.master_builder_flair_id"),
REDDIT_NEW_ADMIN_FLAIR_ID(String.class, "reddit.admin_flair_id"),
REDDIT_SENIOR_ADMIN_FLAIR_ID(String.class, "reddit.senior_admin_flair_id"),
REDDIT_DEVELOPER_FLAIR_ID(String.class, "reddit.developer_flair_id"),
REDDIT_EXECUTIVE_FLAIR_ID(String.class, "reddit.executive_flair_id"),
REDDIT_SERVER_OWNER_FLAIR_ID(String.class, "reddit.server_owner_flair_id"),
PTERO_URL(String.class, "ptero.url"),
PTERO_DEFAULT_EMAIL_DOMAIN(String.class, "ptero.default_email_domain"),
PTERO_SERVER_UUID(String.class, "ptero.server_uuid"),
@ -49,9 +49,6 @@ public class PlayerData
private boolean displayDiscord = true;
private String redditUsername;
private String loginMessage;
private Boolean inspect = false;
@ -77,7 +74,6 @@ public class PlayerData
totalVotes = resultSet.getInt("total_votes");
displayDiscord = resultSet.getBoolean("display_discord");
redditUsername = resultSet.getString("reddit_username");
loginMessage = resultSet.getString("login_message");
inspect = resultSet.getBoolean("inspect");
@ -115,7 +111,6 @@ public class PlayerData
.append("- Tag: ").append(FUtil.colorize(tag)).append(ChatColor.GRAY).append("\n")
.append("- Ride Mode: ").append(rideMode).append("\n")
.append("- Backup Codes: ").append(backupCodes.size()).append("/10").append("\n")
.append("- Reddit Username: ").append(redditUsername).append("\n")
.append("- Login Message: ").append(loginMessage);
return output.toString();
@ -256,7 +251,6 @@ public class PlayerData
put("items", FUtil.listToString(items));
put("total_votes", totalVotes);
put("display_discord", displayDiscord);
put("reddit_username", redditUsername);
put("login_message", loginMessage);
put("inspect", inspect);
@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ public class RankManager extends FreedomService
fPlayer.setTag(getTag(player, display.getColoredTag()));
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public class SQLite extends FreedomService
connection.createStatement().execute("CREATE TABLE `players` (`username` VARCHAR NOT NULL, `ips` VARCHAR NOT NULL, `notes` VARCHAR, `tag` VARCHAR, `discord_id` VARCHAR, `backup_codes` VARCHAR, `master_builder` BOOLEAN NOT NULL,`verification` BOOLEAN NOT NULL, `ride_mode` VARCHAR NOT NULL, `coins` INT, `items` VARCHAR, `total_votes` INT NOT NULL, `display_discord` BOOLEAN NOT NULL, `reddit_username` VARCHAR, `login_message` VARCHAR, `inspect` BOOLEAN NOT NULL);");
connection.createStatement().execute("CREATE TABLE `players` (`username` VARCHAR NOT NULL, `ips` VARCHAR NOT NULL, `notes` VARCHAR, `tag` VARCHAR, `discord_id` VARCHAR, `backup_codes` VARCHAR, `master_builder` BOOLEAN NOT NULL,`verification` BOOLEAN NOT NULL, `ride_mode` VARCHAR NOT NULL, `coins` INT, `items` VARCHAR, `total_votes` INT NOT NULL, `display_discord` BOOLEAN NOT NULL, `login_message` VARCHAR, `inspect` BOOLEAN NOT NULL);");
catch (SQLException e)
@ -284,7 +284,6 @@ public class SQLite extends FreedomService
statement.setString(11, FUtil.listToString(player.getItems()));
statement.setInt(12, player.getTotalVotes());
statement.setBoolean(13, player.doesDisplayDiscord());
statement.setString(14, player.getRedditUsername());
statement.setString(15, player.getLoginMessage());
statement.setBoolean(16, player.hasInspection());
@ -80,31 +80,6 @@ discord:
# Owner role ID
server_owner_role_id: ''
# Reddit
# Name of your subreddit (the r/NAME, excluding r/)
subreddit_name: 'TotalFreedom'
# Username of the bot account
username: ''
# Bot account password
password: ''
# Developer app id (Make one at https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps (make sure the type is script))
client_id: ''
# Developer app secret
client_secret: ''
# Master Builder flair ID
master_builder_flair_id: ''
# Admin flair ID
admin_flair_id: ''
# Senior Admin flair ID
senior_admin_flair_id: ''
# Developer flair ID
developer_flair_id: ''
# Executive Admin flair ID
executive_flair_id: ''
# Owner flair ID
server_owner_flair_id: ''
# Pterodactyl
# URL - do not leave a trailing forward slash
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ softdepend:
- WorldGuardExtraFlags
- TFGuilds
- Votifier
authors: [Madgeek1450, Prozza]
api-version: "1.16"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user