- Update dependencies in pom.xml - Replace TotalFreedomMod's vanish system with SuperVanish. It's widely supported by many major plugins and does a better job vanishing players - Fixed a typo in the SQL command for creating admin tables, where the table would not be created on a clean install of TFM - Update bStats Metrics to latest version - Remove the VanishHandler - Sync the permissions.yml from whats on the server. Entries for Essentials and SuperVanish will be added soon KNOWN BUG: - Plugins override TFM commands (e.g. Essentials takes over /list instead of giving it to TFM). I noticed that there is a semicolon before every TFM command. (:/ban, :/list), which is the actual TFM command. I have no idea where / how this bug came from. Urgently needs to be fixed.

TotalFreedomMod is a CraftBukkit server plugin designed primarily to support the Official TotalFreedom Minecraft Server. However, you are more than welcome to adapt the source for your own server.
This plugin was originally coded by StevenLawson (Madgeek1450), with Jerom van der Sar (Prozza) becoming heavily involved in its development some time later. It consists of over 85 custom coded commands and a large variety of distinguishable features not included in any other plugin. The plugin has since its beginning grown immensely. Together, with the main TotalFreedom server, TotalFreedomMod has a long-standing reputation of effectiveness whilst maintaining a clear feeling of openness towards the administrators and the players themselves.
Please see CONTRIBUTING.md if you are interested in developing TotalFreedomMod.
For information on how TotalFreedomMod is licensed, please see LICENSE.md.
You need Maven to build. You'd also need to set the JDK version to Java 8 as that is the current standard as of now.