mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 05:00:40 +00:00
1.14 blocks
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class BlockMaterial_1_14 implements BlockMaterial {
this.defaultState = defaultState;
this.material = defaultState.getMaterial();
this.craftBlockData = CraftBlockData.fromData(defaultState);
this.isTranslucent = ReflectionUtil.getField(Block.class, block, "n");
this.isTranslucent = ReflectionUtil.getField(Block.class, block, "v");
public Block getBlock() {
@ -222,8 +222,18 @@ public class AsyncBlock implements Block {
int combined = queue.getCombinedId4Data(x, y, z, 0);
BlockType type = BlockTypes.getFromStateId(combined);
switch (type.getInternalId()) {
case BlockID.SIGN:
case BlockID.WALL_SIGN:
case BlockID.BIRCH_SIGN:
case BlockID.OAK_SIGN:
return new AsyncSign(this, combined);
return new AsyncBlockState(this, combined);
@ -15,21 +15,30 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int ACACIA_PLANKS = 10;
public static final int ACACIA_PRESSURE_PLATE = 11;
public static final int ACACIA_SAPLING = 12;
public static final int ACACIA_SIGN = 501;
public static final int ACACIA_SLAB = 13;
public static final int ACACIA_STAIRS = 14;
public static final int ACACIA_TRAPDOOR = 15;
public static final int ACACIA_WALL_SIGN = 565;
public static final int ACACIA_WOOD = 16;
public static final int ACTIVATOR_RAIL = 17;
public static final int ALLIUM = 18;
public static final int ANDESITE = 19;
public static final int ANDESITE_SLAB = 599;
public static final int ANDESITE_STAIRS = 600;
public static final int ANDESITE_WALL = 601;
public static final int ANVIL = 20;
public static final int ATTACHED_MELON_STEM = 21;
public static final int ATTACHED_PUMPKIN_STEM = 22;
public static final int AZURE_BLUET = 23;
public static final int BAMBOO = 602;
public static final int BAMBOO_SAPLING = 603;
public static final int BARREL = 604;
public static final int BARRIER = 24;
public static final int BEACON = 25;
public static final int BEDROCK = 26;
public static final int BEETROOTS = 27;
public static final int BELL = 605;
public static final int BIRCH_BUTTON = 28;
public static final int BIRCH_DOOR = 29;
public static final int BIRCH_FENCE = 30;
@ -39,9 +48,11 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int BIRCH_PLANKS = 34;
public static final int BIRCH_PRESSURE_PLATE = 35;
public static final int BIRCH_SAPLING = 36;
public static final int BIRCH_SIGN = 606;
public static final int BIRCH_SLAB = 37;
public static final int BIRCH_STAIRS = 38;
public static final int BIRCH_TRAPDOOR = 39;
public static final int BIRCH_WALL_SIGN = 607;
public static final int BIRCH_WOOD = 40;
public static final int BLACK_BANNER = 41;
public static final int BLACK_BED = 42;
@ -55,6 +66,7 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int BLACK_TERRACOTTA = 50;
public static final int BLACK_WALL_BANNER = 51;
public static final int BLACK_WOOL = 52;
public static final int BLAST_FURNACE = 608;
public static final int BLUE_BANNER = 53;
public static final int BLUE_BED = 54;
public static final int BLUE_CARPET = 55;
@ -78,6 +90,7 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int BREWING_STAND = 73;
public static final int BRICK_SLAB = 74;
public static final int BRICK_STAIRS = 75;
public static final int BRICK_WALL = 609;
public static final int BRICKS = 76;
public static final int BROWN_BANNER = 77;
public static final int BROWN_BED = 78;
@ -100,7 +113,9 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int BUBBLE_CORAL_WALL_FAN = 95;
public static final int CACTUS = 96;
public static final int CAKE = 97;
public static final int CAMPFIRE = 610;
public static final int CARROTS = 98;
public static final int CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE = 611;
public static final int CARVED_PUMPKIN = 99;
public static final int CAULDRON = 100;
public static final int CHAIN_COMMAND_BLOCK = 101;
@ -124,13 +139,17 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int COCOA = 119;
public static final int COMMAND_BLOCK = 120;
public static final int COMPARATOR = 121;
public static final int COMPOSTER = 612;
public static final int CONDUIT = 122;
public static final int CORNFLOWER = 613;
public static final int CRACKED_STONE_BRICKS = 123;
public static final int CRAFTING_TABLE = 124;
public static final int CREEPER_HEAD = 125;
public static final int CREEPER_WALL_HEAD = 126;
public static final int CUT_RED_SANDSTONE = 127;
public static final int CUT_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB = 614;
public static final int CUT_SANDSTONE = 128;
public static final int CUT_SANDSTONE_SLAB = 615;
public static final int CYAN_BANNER = 129;
public static final int CYAN_BED = 130;
public static final int CYAN_CARPET = 131;
@ -154,9 +173,11 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int DARK_OAK_PLANKS = 149;
public static final int DARK_OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE = 150;
public static final int DARK_OAK_SAPLING = 151;
public static final int DARK_OAK_SIGN = 616;
public static final int DARK_OAK_SLAB = 152;
public static final int DARK_OAK_STAIRS = 153;
public static final int DARK_OAK_TRAPDOOR = 154;
public static final int DARK_OAK_WALL_SIGN = 617;
public static final int DARK_OAK_WOOD = 155;
public static final int DARK_PRISMARINE = 156;
public static final int DARK_PRISMARINE_SLAB = 157;
@ -187,6 +208,9 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int DIAMOND_BLOCK = 182;
public static final int DIAMOND_ORE = 183;
public static final int DIORITE = 184;
public static final int DIORITE_SLAB = 618;
public static final int DIORITE_STAIRS = 619;
public static final int DIORITE_WALL = 620;
public static final int DIRT = 185;
public static final int DISPENSER = 186;
public static final int DRAGON_EGG = 187;
@ -202,6 +226,9 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int END_PORTAL_FRAME = 197;
public static final int END_ROD = 198;
public static final int END_STONE = 199;
public static final int END_STONE_BRICK_SLAB = 621;
public static final int END_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = 622;
public static final int END_STONE_BRICK_WALL = 623;
public static final int END_STONE_BRICKS = 200;
public static final int ENDER_CHEST = 201;
public static final int FARMLAND = 202;
@ -211,6 +238,7 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int FIRE_CORAL_BLOCK = 206;
public static final int FIRE_CORAL_FAN = 207;
public static final int FIRE_CORAL_WALL_FAN = 208;
public static final int FLETCHING_TABLE = 624;
public static final int FLOWER_POT = 209;
public static final int FROSTED_ICE = 210;
public static final int FURNACE = 211;
@ -220,6 +248,9 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int GOLD_BLOCK = 215;
public static final int GOLD_ORE = 216;
public static final int GRANITE = 217;
public static final int GRANITE_SLAB = 625;
public static final int GRANITE_STAIRS = 626;
public static final int GRANITE_WALL = 627;
public static final int GRASS = 218;
public static final int GRASS_BLOCK = 219;
public static final int GRASS_PATH = 220;
@ -248,6 +279,7 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int GREEN_TERRACOTTA = 243;
public static final int GREEN_WALL_BANNER = 244;
public static final int GREEN_WOOL = 245;
public static final int GRINDSTONE = 628;
public static final int HAY_BLOCK = 246;
public static final int HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE = 247;
public static final int HOPPER = 248;
@ -268,6 +300,7 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int IRON_ORE = 263;
public static final int IRON_TRAPDOOR = 264;
public static final int JACK_O_LANTERN = 265;
public static final int JIGSAW = 629;
public static final int JUKEBOX = 266;
public static final int JUNGLE_BUTTON = 267;
public static final int JUNGLE_DOOR = 268;
@ -278,17 +311,21 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int JUNGLE_PLANKS = 273;
public static final int JUNGLE_PRESSURE_PLATE = 274;
public static final int JUNGLE_SAPLING = 275;
public static final int JUNGLE_SIGN = 630;
public static final int JUNGLE_SLAB = 276;
public static final int JUNGLE_STAIRS = 277;
public static final int JUNGLE_TRAPDOOR = 278;
public static final int JUNGLE_WALL_SIGN = 631;
public static final int JUNGLE_WOOD = 279;
public static final int KELP = 280;
public static final int KELP_PLANT = 281;
public static final int LADDER = 282;
public static final int LANTERN = 632;
public static final int LAPIS_BLOCK = 283;
public static final int LAPIS_ORE = 284;
public static final int LARGE_FERN = 285;
public static final int LAVA = 286;
public static final int LECTERN = 633;
public static final int LEVER = 287;
public static final int LIGHT_BLUE_BANNER = 288;
public static final int LIGHT_BLUE_BED = 289;
@ -316,6 +353,7 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL = 311;
public static final int LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE = 312;
public static final int LILAC = 313;
public static final int LILY_OF_THE_VALLEY = 634;
public static final int LILY_PAD = 314;
public static final int LIME_BANNER = 315;
public static final int LIME_BED = 316;
@ -329,6 +367,7 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int LIME_TERRACOTTA = 324;
public static final int LIME_WALL_BANNER = 325;
public static final int LIME_WOOL = 326;
public static final int LOOM = 635;
public static final int MAGENTA_BANNER = 327;
public static final int MAGENTA_BED = 328;
public static final int MAGENTA_CARPET = 329;
@ -345,7 +384,12 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int MELON = 340;
public static final int MELON_STEM = 341;
public static final int MOSSY_COBBLESTONE = 342;
public static final int MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_SLAB = 636;
public static final int MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_STAIRS = 637;
public static final int MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_WALL = 343;
public static final int MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_SLAB = 638;
public static final int MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = 639;
public static final int MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_WALL = 640;
public static final int MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS = 344;
public static final int MOVING_PISTON = 345;
public static final int MUSHROOM_STEM = 346;
@ -353,6 +397,7 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int NETHER_BRICK_FENCE = 348;
public static final int NETHER_BRICK_SLAB = 349;
public static final int NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS = 350;
public static final int NETHER_BRICK_WALL = 641;
public static final int NETHER_BRICKS = 351;
public static final int NETHER_PORTAL = 352;
public static final int NETHER_QUARTZ_ORE = 353;
@ -369,9 +414,11 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int OAK_PLANKS = 364;
public static final int OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE = 365;
public static final int OAK_SAPLING = 366;
public static final int OAK_SIGN = 642;
public static final int OAK_SLAB = 367;
public static final int OAK_STAIRS = 368;
public static final int OAK_TRAPDOOR = 369;
public static final int OAK_WALL_SIGN = 643;
public static final int OAK_WOOD = 370;
public static final int OBSERVER = 371;
public static final int OBSIDIAN = 372;
@ -411,22 +458,31 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int PLAYER_WALL_HEAD = 406;
public static final int PODZOL = 407;
public static final int POLISHED_ANDESITE = 408;
public static final int POLISHED_ANDESITE_SLAB = 644;
public static final int POLISHED_ANDESITE_STAIRS = 645;
public static final int POLISHED_DIORITE = 409;
public static final int POLISHED_DIORITE_SLAB = 646;
public static final int POLISHED_DIORITE_STAIRS = 647;
public static final int POLISHED_GRANITE = 410;
public static final int POLISHED_GRANITE_SLAB = 648;
public static final int POLISHED_GRANITE_STAIRS = 649;
public static final int POPPY = 411;
public static final int POTATOES = 412;
public static final int POTTED_ACACIA_SAPLING = 413;
public static final int POTTED_ALLIUM = 414;
public static final int POTTED_AZURE_BLUET = 415;
public static final int POTTED_BAMBOO = 650;
public static final int POTTED_BIRCH_SAPLING = 416;
public static final int POTTED_BLUE_ORCHID = 417;
public static final int POTTED_BROWN_MUSHROOM = 418;
public static final int POTTED_CACTUS = 419;
public static final int POTTED_CORNFLOWER = 651;
public static final int POTTED_DANDELION = 420;
public static final int POTTED_DARK_OAK_SAPLING = 421;
public static final int POTTED_DEAD_BUSH = 422;
public static final int POTTED_FERN = 423;
public static final int POTTED_JUNGLE_SAPLING = 424;
public static final int POTTED_LILY_OF_THE_VALLEY = 652;
public static final int POTTED_OAK_SAPLING = 425;
public static final int POTTED_ORANGE_TULIP = 426;
public static final int POTTED_OXEYE_DAISY = 427;
@ -436,6 +492,7 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int POTTED_RED_TULIP = 431;
public static final int POTTED_SPRUCE_SAPLING = 432;
public static final int POTTED_WHITE_TULIP = 433;
public static final int POTTED_WITHER_ROSE = 653;
public static final int POWERED_RAIL = 434;
public static final int PRISMARINE = 435;
public static final int PRISMARINE_BRICK_SLAB = 436;
@ -443,6 +500,7 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int PRISMARINE_BRICKS = 438;
public static final int PRISMARINE_SLAB = 439;
public static final int PRISMARINE_STAIRS = 440;
public static final int PRISMARINE_WALL = 654;
public static final int PUMPKIN = 441;
public static final int PUMPKIN_STEM = 442;
public static final int PURPLE_BANNER = 443;
@ -474,11 +532,15 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int RED_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 469;
public static final int RED_MUSHROOM = 470;
public static final int RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK = 471;
public static final int RED_NETHER_BRICK_SLAB = 655;
public static final int RED_NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS = 656;
public static final int RED_NETHER_BRICK_WALL = 657;
public static final int RED_NETHER_BRICKS = 472;
public static final int RED_SAND = 473;
public static final int RED_SANDSTONE = 474;
public static final int RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB = 475;
public static final int RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS = 476;
public static final int RED_SANDSTONE_WALL = 658;
public static final int RED_SHULKER_BOX = 477;
public static final int RED_STAINED_GLASS = 478;
public static final int RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = 479;
@ -499,18 +561,28 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int SANDSTONE = 494;
public static final int SANDSTONE_SLAB = 495;
public static final int SANDSTONE_STAIRS = 496;
public static final int SANDSTONE_WALL = 659;
public static final int SCAFFOLDING = 660;
public static final int SEA_LANTERN = 497;
public static final int SEA_PICKLE = 498;
public static final int SEAGRASS = 499;
public static final int SHULKER_BOX = 500;
public static final int SIGN = 501;
public static final int SKELETON_SKULL = 502;
public static final int SKELETON_WALL_SKULL = 503;
public static final int SLIME_BLOCK = 504;
public static final int SMITHING_TABLE = 661;
public static final int SMOKER = 662;
public static final int SMOOTH_QUARTZ = 505;
public static final int SMOOTH_QUARTZ_SLAB = 663;
public static final int SMOOTH_QUARTZ_STAIRS = 664;
public static final int SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE = 506;
public static final int SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB = 665;
public static final int SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS = 666;
public static final int SMOOTH_SANDSTONE = 507;
public static final int SMOOTH_SANDSTONE_SLAB = 667;
public static final int SMOOTH_SANDSTONE_STAIRS = 668;
public static final int SMOOTH_STONE = 508;
public static final int SMOOTH_STONE_SLAB = 669;
public static final int SNOW = 509;
public static final int SNOW_BLOCK = 510;
public static final int SOUL_SAND = 511;
@ -525,18 +597,23 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int SPRUCE_PLANKS = 520;
public static final int SPRUCE_PRESSURE_PLATE = 521;
public static final int SPRUCE_SAPLING = 522;
public static final int SPRUCE_SIGN = 670;
public static final int SPRUCE_SLAB = 523;
public static final int SPRUCE_STAIRS = 524;
public static final int SPRUCE_TRAPDOOR = 525;
public static final int SPRUCE_WALL_SIGN = 671;
public static final int SPRUCE_WOOD = 526;
public static final int STICKY_PISTON = 527;
public static final int STONE = 528;
public static final int STONE_BRICK_SLAB = 529;
public static final int STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = 530;
public static final int STONE_BRICK_WALL = 672;
public static final int STONE_BRICKS = 531;
public static final int STONE_BUTTON = 532;
public static final int STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE = 533;
public static final int STONE_SLAB = 534;
public static final int STONE_STAIRS = 673;
public static final int STONECUTTER = 674;
public static final int STRIPPED_ACACIA_LOG = 535;
public static final int STRIPPED_ACACIA_WOOD = 536;
public static final int STRIPPED_BIRCH_LOG = 537;
@ -553,6 +630,7 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int STRUCTURE_VOID = 548;
public static final int SUGAR_CANE = 549;
public static final int SUNFLOWER = 550;
public static final int SWEET_BERRY_BUSH = 675;
public static final int TALL_GRASS = 551;
public static final int TALL_SEAGRASS = 552;
public static final int TERRACOTTA = 553;
@ -567,7 +645,6 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int TUBE_CORAL_WALL_FAN = 562;
public static final int TURTLE_EGG = 563;
public static final int VINE = 564;
public static final int WALL_SIGN = 565;
public static final int WALL_TORCH = 566;
public static final int WATER = 567;
public static final int WET_SPONGE = 568;
@ -585,6 +662,7 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int WHITE_TULIP = 580;
public static final int WHITE_WALL_BANNER = 581;
public static final int WHITE_WOOL = 582;
public static final int WITHER_ROSE = 676;
public static final int WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL = 583;
public static final int WITHER_SKELETON_WALL_SKULL = 584;
public static final int YELLOW_BANNER = 585;
@ -601,4 +679,8 @@ public class BlockID {
public static final int YELLOW_WOOL = 596;
public static final int ZOMBIE_HEAD = 597;
public static final int ZOMBIE_WALL_HEAD = 598;
// Deprecated
public static final int SIGN = OAK_SIGN;
public static final int WALL_SIGN = OAK_WALL_SIGN;
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
@ -52,10 +53,6 @@ import java.util.stream.Stream;
public final class BlockTypes {
// Doesn't really matter what the hardcoded values are, as FAWE will update it on load
@Nullable public static final BlockType __RESERVED__ = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType AIR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CAVE_AIR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType VOID_AIR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ACACIA_BUTTON = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ACACIA_DOOR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ACACIA_FENCE = null;
@ -65,21 +62,31 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType ACACIA_PLANKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ACACIA_PRESSURE_PLATE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ACACIA_SAPLING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ACACIA_SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ACACIA_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ACACIA_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ACACIA_TRAPDOOR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ACACIA_WALL_SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ACACIA_WOOD = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ACTIVATOR_RAIL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType AIR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ALLIUM = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ANDESITE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ANDESITE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ANDESITE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ANDESITE_WALL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ANVIL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ATTACHED_MELON_STEM = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ATTACHED_PUMPKIN_STEM = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType AZURE_BLUET = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BAMBOO = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BAMBOO_SAPLING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BARREL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BARRIER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BEACON = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BEDROCK = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BEETROOTS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BELL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BIRCH_BUTTON = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BIRCH_DOOR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BIRCH_FENCE = null;
@ -89,9 +96,11 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType BIRCH_PLANKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BIRCH_PRESSURE_PLATE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BIRCH_SAPLING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BIRCH_SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BIRCH_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BIRCH_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BIRCH_TRAPDOOR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BIRCH_WALL_SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BIRCH_WOOD = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BLACK_BANNER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BLACK_BED = null;
@ -105,6 +114,7 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType BLACK_TERRACOTTA = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BLACK_WALL_BANNER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BLACK_WOOL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BLAST_FURNACE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BLUE_BANNER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BLUE_BED = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BLUE_CARPET = null;
@ -128,6 +138,7 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType BREWING_STAND = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BRICK_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BRICK_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BRICK_WALL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BRICKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BROWN_BANNER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType BROWN_BED = null;
@ -150,9 +161,12 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType BUBBLE_CORAL_WALL_FAN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CACTUS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CAKE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CAMPFIRE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CARROTS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CARVED_PUMPKIN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CAULDRON = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CAVE_AIR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CHAIN_COMMAND_BLOCK = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CHEST = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CHIPPED_ANVIL = null;
@ -174,13 +188,17 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType COCOA = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType COMMAND_BLOCK = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType COMPARATOR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType COMPOSTER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CONDUIT = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CORNFLOWER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CRACKED_STONE_BRICKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CRAFTING_TABLE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CREEPER_HEAD = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CREEPER_WALL_HEAD = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CUT_RED_SANDSTONE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CUT_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CUT_SANDSTONE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CUT_SANDSTONE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CYAN_BANNER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CYAN_BED = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType CYAN_CARPET = null;
@ -204,9 +222,11 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType DARK_OAK_PLANKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DARK_OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DARK_OAK_SAPLING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DARK_OAK_SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DARK_OAK_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DARK_OAK_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DARK_OAK_TRAPDOOR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DARK_OAK_WALL_SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DARK_OAK_WOOD = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DARK_PRISMARINE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DARK_PRISMARINE_SLAB = null;
@ -237,6 +257,9 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType DIAMOND_BLOCK = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DIAMOND_ORE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DIORITE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DIORITE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DIORITE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DIORITE_WALL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DIRT = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DISPENSER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType DRAGON_EGG = null;
@ -252,6 +275,9 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType END_PORTAL_FRAME = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType END_ROD = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType END_STONE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType END_STONE_BRICK_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType END_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType END_STONE_BRICK_WALL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType END_STONE_BRICKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ENDER_CHEST = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType FARMLAND = null;
@ -261,6 +287,7 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType FIRE_CORAL_BLOCK = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType FIRE_CORAL_FAN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType FIRE_CORAL_WALL_FAN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType FLETCHING_TABLE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType FLOWER_POT = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType FROSTED_ICE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType FURNACE = null;
@ -270,6 +297,9 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType GOLD_BLOCK = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType GOLD_ORE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType GRANITE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType GRANITE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType GRANITE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType GRANITE_WALL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType GRASS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType GRASS_BLOCK = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType GRASS_PATH = null;
@ -298,6 +328,7 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType GREEN_TERRACOTTA = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType GREEN_WALL_BANNER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType GREEN_WOOL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType GRINDSTONE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType HAY_BLOCK = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType HOPPER = null;
@ -318,6 +349,7 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType IRON_ORE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType IRON_TRAPDOOR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType JACK_O_LANTERN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType JIGSAW = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType JUKEBOX = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType JUNGLE_BUTTON = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType JUNGLE_DOOR = null;
@ -328,17 +360,21 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType JUNGLE_PLANKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType JUNGLE_PRESSURE_PLATE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType JUNGLE_SAPLING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType JUNGLE_SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType JUNGLE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType JUNGLE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType JUNGLE_TRAPDOOR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType JUNGLE_WALL_SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType JUNGLE_WOOD = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType KELP = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType KELP_PLANT = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LADDER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LANTERN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LAPIS_BLOCK = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LAPIS_ORE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LARGE_FERN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LAVA = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LECTERN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LEVER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LIGHT_BLUE_BANNER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LIGHT_BLUE_BED = null;
@ -366,6 +402,7 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LILAC = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LILY_OF_THE_VALLEY = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LILY_PAD = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LIME_BANNER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LIME_BED = null;
@ -379,6 +416,7 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType LIME_TERRACOTTA = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LIME_WALL_BANNER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LIME_WOOL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType LOOM = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MAGENTA_BANNER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MAGENTA_BED = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MAGENTA_CARPET = null;
@ -395,7 +433,12 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType MELON = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MELON_STEM = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MOSSY_COBBLESTONE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_WALL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_WALL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MOVING_PISTON = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType MUSHROOM_STEM = null;
@ -403,6 +446,7 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType NETHER_BRICK_FENCE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType NETHER_BRICK_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType NETHER_BRICK_WALL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType NETHER_BRICKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType NETHER_PORTAL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType NETHER_QUARTZ_ORE = null;
@ -419,9 +463,11 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType OAK_PLANKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType OAK_SAPLING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType OAK_SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType OAK_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType OAK_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType OAK_TRAPDOOR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType OAK_WALL_SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType OAK_WOOD = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType OBSERVER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType OBSIDIAN = null;
@ -461,22 +507,31 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType PLAYER_WALL_HEAD = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType PODZOL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POLISHED_ANDESITE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POLISHED_ANDESITE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POLISHED_ANDESITE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POLISHED_DIORITE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POLISHED_DIORITE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POLISHED_DIORITE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POLISHED_GRANITE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POLISHED_GRANITE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POLISHED_GRANITE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POPPY = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTATOES = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_ACACIA_SAPLING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_ALLIUM = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_AZURE_BLUET = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_BAMBOO = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_BIRCH_SAPLING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_BLUE_ORCHID = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_BROWN_MUSHROOM = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_CACTUS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_CORNFLOWER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_DANDELION = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_DARK_OAK_SAPLING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_DEAD_BUSH = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_FERN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_JUNGLE_SAPLING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_LILY_OF_THE_VALLEY = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_OAK_SAPLING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_ORANGE_TULIP = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_OXEYE_DAISY = null;
@ -486,6 +541,7 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_RED_TULIP = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_SPRUCE_SAPLING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_WHITE_TULIP = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POTTED_WITHER_ROSE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType POWERED_RAIL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType PRISMARINE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType PRISMARINE_BRICK_SLAB = null;
@ -493,6 +549,7 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType PRISMARINE_BRICKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType PRISMARINE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType PRISMARINE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType PRISMARINE_WALL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType PUMPKIN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType PUMPKIN_STEM = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType PURPLE_BANNER = null;
@ -524,11 +581,15 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_MUSHROOM = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_NETHER_BRICK_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_NETHER_BRICK_WALL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_NETHER_BRICKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_SAND = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_SANDSTONE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_SANDSTONE_WALL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_SHULKER_BOX = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_STAINED_GLASS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = null;
@ -549,18 +610,28 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType SANDSTONE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SANDSTONE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SANDSTONE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SANDSTONE_WALL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SCAFFOLDING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SEA_LANTERN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SEA_PICKLE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SEAGRASS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SHULKER_BOX = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SKELETON_SKULL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SKELETON_WALL_SKULL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SLIME_BLOCK = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SMITHING_TABLE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SMOKER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SMOOTH_QUARTZ = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SMOOTH_QUARTZ_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SMOOTH_QUARTZ_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SMOOTH_SANDSTONE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SMOOTH_SANDSTONE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SMOOTH_SANDSTONE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SMOOTH_STONE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SMOOTH_STONE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SNOW = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SNOW_BLOCK = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SOUL_SAND = null;
@ -575,18 +646,23 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType SPRUCE_PLANKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SPRUCE_PRESSURE_PLATE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SPRUCE_SAPLING = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SPRUCE_SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SPRUCE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SPRUCE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SPRUCE_TRAPDOOR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SPRUCE_WALL_SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SPRUCE_WOOD = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STICKY_PISTON = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STONE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STONE_BRICK_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STONE_BRICK_WALL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STONE_BRICKS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STONE_BUTTON = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STONE_SLAB = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STONE_STAIRS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STONECUTTER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STRIPPED_ACACIA_LOG = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STRIPPED_ACACIA_WOOD = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType STRIPPED_BIRCH_LOG = null;
@ -603,6 +679,7 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType STRUCTURE_VOID = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SUGAR_CANE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SUNFLOWER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType SWEET_BERRY_BUSH = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType TALL_GRASS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType TALL_SEAGRASS = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType TERRACOTTA = null;
@ -617,7 +694,7 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType TUBE_CORAL_WALL_FAN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType TURTLE_EGG = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType VINE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType WALL_SIGN = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType VOID_AIR = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType WALL_TORCH = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType WATER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType WET_SPONGE = null;
@ -635,6 +712,7 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType WHITE_TULIP = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType WHITE_WALL_BANNER = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType WHITE_WOOL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType WITHER_ROSE = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType WITHER_SKELETON_WALL_SKULL = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType YELLOW_BANNER = null;
@ -652,6 +730,10 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
@Nullable public static final BlockType ZOMBIE_HEAD = null;
@Nullable public static final BlockType ZOMBIE_WALL_HEAD = null;
// deprecated
@Deprecated @Nullable public static BlockType SIGN;
@Deprecated @Nullable public static BlockType WALL_SIGN;
@ -849,6 +931,10 @@ public final class BlockTypes {
states = stateList.toArray(new BlockState[stateList.size()]);
// Init deprecated
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user