mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 19:53:14 +00:00
Release 2.11.2
Signed-off-by: Alexander Brandes <mc.cache@web.de>
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
public interface ChangePopulator<C extends Change> {
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractChangeSet implements ChangeSet, IBatchProcessor {
return ProcessorScope.READING_SET_BLOCKS;
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
public void addTileCreate(CompoundTag tag) {
@ -256,11 +256,11 @@ public abstract class AbstractChangeSet implements ChangeSet, IBatchProcessor {
* Creates a tile/block entity create change to this change set.
* @param tag the tile/block entity to add.
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
public abstract void addTileCreate(FaweCompoundTag tag);
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
public void addTileRemove(CompoundTag tag) {
@ -269,11 +269,11 @@ public abstract class AbstractChangeSet implements ChangeSet, IBatchProcessor {
* Creates a tile/block entity remove change to this change set.
* @param tag the tile/block entity to remove.
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
public abstract void addTileRemove(FaweCompoundTag tag);
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
public void addEntityRemove(CompoundTag tag) {
@ -282,11 +282,11 @@ public abstract class AbstractChangeSet implements ChangeSet, IBatchProcessor {
* Creates an entity remove change to this change set.
* @param tag the entity to remove.
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
public abstract void addEntityRemove(FaweCompoundTag tag);
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
public void addEntityCreate(CompoundTag tag) {
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractChangeSet implements ChangeSet, IBatchProcessor {
* Creates an entity create change to this change set.
* @param tag the entity to add.
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
public abstract void addEntityCreate(FaweCompoundTag tag);
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractChangeSet implements ChangeSet, IBatchProcessor {
* {@return a coordinator to exchange sets of changes between a producer and a consumer}
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
public abstract ChangeExchangeCoordinator getCoordinatedChanges(BlockBag blockBag, int mode, boolean dir);
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.Exchanger;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
public class ChangeExchangeCoordinator implements AutoCloseable {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import org.enginehub.linbus.tree.LinCompoundTag;
* A wrapper around compound tags, potentially lazily transformed.
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
public sealed interface FaweCompoundTag permits EagerFaweCompoundTag, LazyFaweCompoundTag {
@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ public interface IBlocks extends Trimable {
BlockState getBlock(int x, int y, int z);
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
default Map<BlockVector3, CompoundTag> getTiles() {
return AdaptedMap.immutable(tiles(), pos -> pos, IBlocks::toCompoundTag);
Map<BlockVector3, FaweCompoundTag> tiles();
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
default CompoundTag getTile(int x, int y, int z) {
final FaweCompoundTag tile = tile(x, y, z);
if (tile == null) {
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public interface IBlocks extends Trimable {
FaweCompoundTag tile(int x, int y, int z);
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
default Set<CompoundTag> getEntities() {
return entities().stream()
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public interface IChunkGet extends IBlocks, Trimable, InputExtent, ITileInput {
<T extends Future<T>> T call(IChunkSet set, Runnable finalize);
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
default CompoundTag getEntity(UUID uuid) {
final FaweCompoundTag entity = entity(uuid);
if (entity == null) {
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public interface IChunkGet extends IBlocks, Trimable, InputExtent, ITileInput {
@Nullable FaweCompoundTag entity(UUID uuid);
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
default CompoundTag getTile(int x, int y, int z) {
return IBlocks.super.getTile(x, y, z);
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public interface IChunkSet extends IBlocks, OutputExtent {
boolean isEmpty();
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
default boolean setTile(int x, int y, int z, CompoundTag tile) throws WorldEditException {
return tile(x, y, z, FaweCompoundTag.of(tile.toLinTag()));
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public interface IChunkSet extends IBlocks, OutputExtent {
void setFullBright(int layer);
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
default void setEntity(CompoundTag tag) {
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package com.fastasyncworldedit.core.queue;
import com.sk89q.jnbt.CompoundTag;
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
public interface ITileInput {
CompoundTag getTile(int x, int y, int z);
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ public class MainUtil {
* @deprecated use {@link NbtUtils#withPosition} instead
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
public static CompoundTag setPosition(@Nonnull CompoundTag tag, int x, int y, int z) {
Map<String, Tag<?, ?>> value = new HashMap<>(tag.getValue());
value.put("x", new IntTag(x));
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ public class MainUtil {
* @deprecated use {@link NbtUtils#withEntityInfo(LinCompoundTag, Entity)} instead
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
public static CompoundTag setEntityInfo(@Nonnull CompoundTag tag, @Nonnull Entity entity) {
Map<String, Tag<?, ?>> map = new HashMap<>(tag.getValue());
map.put("Id", new StringTag(entity.getState().getType().id()));
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public final class NbtUtils {
* @param compoundTag the compound tag to extract uuid information from
* @return the extracted UUID
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
public static UUID uuid(FaweCompoundTag compoundTag) {
final LinCompoundTag linTag = compoundTag.linTag();
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ public final class NbtUtils {
* @param y New Y coordinate
* @param z New Z coordinate
* @return New tag
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
public static @Nonnull LinCompoundTag withPosition(@Nonnull LinCompoundTag tag, int x, int y, int z) {
return tag.toBuilder()
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public final class NbtUtils {
* @param y New Y coordinate
* @param z New Z coordinate
* @return New tag
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
public static @Nonnull FaweCompoundTag withPosition(@Nonnull FaweCompoundTag tag, int x, int y, int z) {
return FaweCompoundTag.of(withPosition(tag.linTag(), x, y, z));
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public final class NbtUtils {
* @param tag the tag to copy
* @param entity the entity to use the Id and the Pos from
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
public static @Nonnull LinCompoundTag withEntityInfo(@Nonnull LinCompoundTag tag, @Nonnull Entity entity) {
final LinCompoundTag.Builder builder = tag.toBuilder()
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public final class NbtUtils {
* @param map the map to insert to
* @param uuid the uuid to insert
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
public static void addUUIDToMap(Map<String, LinTag<?>> map, UUID uuid) {
int[] uuidArray = new int[4];
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public enum CompoundInput {
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
public BaseBlock get(BlockState state, ITileInput input, int x, int y, int z) {
return state.toBaseBlock();
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ public final class NBTUtils {
* @since 2.4.0
* @deprecated use {@link com.fastasyncworldedit.core.util.NbtUtils#addUUIDToMap(Map, UUID)} instead
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
public static void addUUIDToMap(Map<String, Tag<?, ?>> map, UUID uuid) {
int[] uuidArray = new int[4];
uuidArray[0] = (int) (uuid.getMostSignificantBits() >> 32);
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public interface OutputExtent {
* @deprecated use {@link #tile(int, int, int, FaweCompoundTag)} instead
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
default boolean setTile(int x, int y, int z, CompoundTag tile) throws WorldEditException {
return tile(x, y, z, FaweCompoundTag.of(tile.toLinTag()));
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public interface OutputExtent {
* @param z the z position
* @param tile the tile/block entity to set
* @return {@code true} if the tile/block entity was placed
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
boolean tile(int x, int y, int z, FaweCompoundTag tile) throws WorldEditException;
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ public class BlockArrayClipboard implements Clipboard {
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
public boolean setTile(BlockVector3 position, CompoundTag tag) {
return tile(position.x(), position.y(), position.z(), FaweCompoundTag.of(tag.toLinTag()));
@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ public abstract class BlockVector3 {
return orDefault.getBiome(this);
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "TODO")
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2.11.2")
public CompoundTag getNbtData(Extent orDefault) {
return orDefault.getFullBlock(x(), y(), z()).getNbtData();
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public interface BlockMaterial {
* {@return the default tile associated with this material, if any}
* @since TODO
* @since 2.11.2
@Nullable FaweCompoundTag defaultTile();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user