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synced 2025-02-22 13:10:39 +00:00
Cleaned up WorldEditController.
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,6 +59,18 @@ public class StringUtil {
return buffer.toString();
* Join an array of strings into a string.
* @param str
* @param delimiter
* @param initialIndex
* @return
public static String joinString(String[] str, String delimiter) {
return joinString(str, delimiter, 0);
* Join an array of strings into a string.
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.io.*;
import com.sk89q.util.StringUtil;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bags.BlockBag;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.*;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.data.*;
@ -37,23 +38,17 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.*;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.patterns.*;
* Plugin base.
* This class is the main entry point for WorldEdit. All events are routed
* to an instance of this controller for processing by WorldEdit. For
* integrating WorldEdit in other platforms, an instance of this class
* should be created and events should be redirected to it.
* @author sk89q
public class WorldEditController {
* Logger.
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft.WorldEdit");
* Server interface.
private ServerInterface server;
* WorldEdit configuration.
private LocalConfiguration config;
@ -67,9 +62,8 @@ public class WorldEditController {
new HashMap<LocalPlayer,LocalSession>();
* List of commands. These are checked when onCommand() is called, so
* the list must know about every command. On plugin load, the commands
* will be loaded into help. On unload, they will be removed.
* List of commands. These are checked when the command event is called, so
* the list must know about every command.
private HashMap<String,String> commands = new HashMap<String,String>();
@ -83,42 +77,91 @@ public class WorldEditController {
this.server = server;
this.config = config;
* Builds the list of commands.
private void populateCommands() {
commands.put("//limit", "[Num] - See documentation");
commands.put("/toggleplace", "Toggle placing at pos #1");
commands.put("//undo", "Undo");
commands.put("//redo", "Redo");
commands.put("/clearhistory", "Clear history");
commands.put("//pos1", "Set editing position #1");
commands.put("//pos2", "Set editing position #2");
commands.put("//hpos1", "Trace editing position #1");
commands.put("//hpos2", "Trace editing position #2");
commands.put("//chunk", "Select the chunk that you are in");
commands.put("/toggleplace", "Toggle placing at pos #1");
commands.put("//wand", "Gives you the \"edit wand\"");
commands.put("/toggleeditwand", "Toggles edit wand selection");
commands.put("//", "Toggles super pick axe.");
commands.put("//undo", "Undo");
commands.put("//redo", "Redo");
commands.put("/clearhistory", "Clear history");
commands.put("/clearclipboard", "Clear clipboard");
commands.put("//expand", "[Num] <Dir> - Expands the selection");
commands.put("//contract", "[Num] <Dir> - Contracts the selection");
commands.put("//shift", "[Num] <Dir> - Shift the selection");
commands.put("//size", "Get size of selected region");
commands.put("//count", "[BlockIDs] - Count the number of blocks in the region");
commands.put("//distr", "Get the top block distribution");
commands.put("//set", "[ID] - Set all blocks inside region");
commands.put("//outline", "[ID] - Outline the region with blocks");
commands.put("//walls", "[ID] - Build walls");
commands.put("//replace", "<FromID> [ToID] - Replace all existing blocks inside region");
commands.put("/replacenear", "<Size> <FromID> [ToID] - Replace all existing blocks nearby");
commands.put("//overlay", "[ID] - Overlay the area one layer");
commands.put("/removeabove", "<Size> <Height> - Remove blocks above head");
commands.put("/removebelow", "<Size> <Height> - Remove blocks below position");
commands.put("/removenear", "<ID> <Size> - Remove blocks near you");
commands.put("//walls", "[ID] - Build walls");
commands.put("//outline", "[ID] - Outline the region with blocks");
commands.put("//move", "<Count> <Dir> <LeaveID> - Move the selection");
commands.put("//stack", "<Count> <Dir> - Stacks the selection");
commands.put("//smooth", "<Iterations> - Smooth an area's heightmap");
commands.put("//copy", "Copies the currently selected region");
commands.put("//cut", "Cuts the currently selected region");
commands.put("//paste", "<AtOrigin?> - Pastes the clipboard");
commands.put("//move", "<Count> <Dir> <LeaveID> - Move the selection");
commands.put("//stack", "<Count> <Dir> - Stacks the selection");
commands.put("//rotate", "[Angle] - Rotate the clipboard");
commands.put("//flip", "<Dir> - Flip the clipboard");
commands.put("//load", "[Filename] - Load .schematic into clipboard");
commands.put("//save", "[Filename] - Save clipboard to .schematic");
commands.put("/clearclipboard", "Clear clipboard");
commands.put("//hcyl", "[ID] [Radius] <Height> - Create a vertical hollow cylinder");
commands.put("//cyl", "[ID] [Radius] <Height> - Create a vertical cylinder");
commands.put("//sphere", "[ID] [Radius] <Raised?> - Create a sphere");
commands.put("//hsphere", "[ID] [Radius] <Raised?> - Create a hollow sphere");
commands.put("/forestgen", "<Size> <Density> - Make Notch tree forest");
commands.put("/pinegen", "<Size> <Density> - Make an ugly pine tree forest");
commands.put("/pumpkins", "<Size> - Make a pumpkin forest");
commands.put("//fill", "[ID] [Radius] <Depth> - Fill a hole");
commands.put("//fillr", "[ID] [Radius] - Fill a hole fully recursively");
commands.put("/fixwater", "[Radius] - Level nearby pools of water");
commands.put("/fixlava", "[Radius] - Level nearby pools of lava");
commands.put("//drain", "[Radius] - Drain nearby water/lava pools");
commands.put("//limit", "[Num] - See documentation");
commands.put("/removeabove", "<Size> <Height> - Remove blocks above head");
commands.put("/removebelow", "<Size> <Height> - Remove blocks below position");
commands.put("/removenear", "<ID> <Size> - Remove blocks near you");
commands.put("/replacenear", "<Size> <FromID> [ToID] - Replace all existing blocks nearby");
commands.put("/snow", "<Radius> - Simulate snow cover");
commands.put("/thaw", "<Radius> - Unthaw/remove snow");
commands.put("/butcher", "<Radius> - Kill nearby mobs");
commands.put("/ex", "[Size] - Extinguish fires");
commands.put("/chunkinfo", "Get the filename of the chunk that you are in");
commands.put("/listchunks", "Print a list of used chunks");
commands.put("/delchunks", "Generate a shell script to delete chunks");
commands.put("/unstuck", "Go up to the first free spot");
commands.put("/ascend", "Go up one level");
commands.put("/descend", "Go down one level");
commands.put("/jumpto", "Jump to the block that you are looking at");
commands.put("/thru", "Go through the wall that you are looking at");
commands.put("/ceil", "<Clearance> - Get to the ceiling");
commands.put("/up", "<Distance> - Go up some distance");
commands.put("/listsnapshots", "<Num> - List the 5 newest snapshots");
commands.put("//use", "[SnapshotID] - Use a particular snapshot");
commands.put("//restore", "<SnapshotID> - Restore a particular snapshot");
commands.put("//", "Toggles super pick axe.");
commands.put("/single", "Switch to single block super pickaxe mode");
commands.put("/area", "[Range] - Switch to area super pickaxe mode");
commands.put("/recur", "[Range] - Switch to recursive super pickaxe mode");
@ -129,38 +172,6 @@ public class WorldEditController {
commands.put("/bigtree", "Switch to the big tree tool");
commands.put("/repl", "[ID] - Switch to the block replacer tool");
commands.put("/brush", "[ID] <Radius> <NoReplace?> - Switch to the sphere brush tool");
commands.put("//expand", "[Num] <Dir> - Expands the selection");
commands.put("//contract", "[Num] <Dir> - Contracts the selection");
commands.put("//shift", "[Num] <Dir> - Shift the selection");
commands.put("//rotate", "[Angle] - Rotate the clipboard");
commands.put("//flip", "<Dir> - Flip the clipboard");
commands.put("//hcyl", "[ID] [Radius] <Height> - Create a vertical hollow cylinder");
commands.put("//cyl", "[ID] [Radius] <Height> - Create a vertical cylinder");
commands.put("//sphere", "[ID] [Radius] <Raised?> - Create a sphere");
commands.put("//hsphere", "[ID] [Radius] <Raised?> - Create a hollow sphere");
commands.put("/fixwater", "[Radius] - Level nearby pools of water");
commands.put("/fixlava", "[Radius] - Level nearby pools of lava");
commands.put("/ex", "[Size] - Extinguish fires");
commands.put("/forestgen", "<Size> <Density> - Make Notch tree forest");
commands.put("/pinegen", "<Size> <Density> - Make an ugly pine tree forest");
commands.put("/snow", "<Radius> - Simulate snow cover");
commands.put("/thaw", "<Radius> - Unthaw/remove snow");
commands.put("/pumpkins", "<Size> - Make a pumpkin forest");
commands.put("/unstuck", "Go up to the first free spot");
commands.put("/ascend", "Go up one level");
commands.put("/descend", "Go down one level");
commands.put("/jumpto", "Jump to the block that you are looking at");
commands.put("/thru", "Go through the wall that you are looking at");
commands.put("/ceil", "<Clearance> - Get to the ceiling");
commands.put("/up", "<Distance> - Go up some distance");
commands.put("/chunkinfo", "Get the filename of the chunk that you are in");
commands.put("/listchunks", "Print a list of used chunks");
commands.put("/delchunks", "Generate a shell script to delete chunks");
commands.put("/listsnapshots", "<Num> - List the 5 newest snapshots");
commands.put("/butcher", "<Radius> - Kill nearby mobs");
commands.put("//use", "[SnapshotID] - Use a particular snapshot");
commands.put("//restore", "<SnapshotID> - Restore a particular snapshot");
commands.put("//smooth", "<Iterations> - Smooth an area's heightmap");
@ -418,13 +429,13 @@ public class WorldEditController {
* @throws InsufficientArgumentsException
* @throws DisallowedItemException
public boolean performCommand(LocalPlayer player,
private boolean performCommand(LocalPlayer player,
LocalSession session, EditSession editSession, String[] split)
throws WorldEditException
if (config.logComands) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "WorldEdit: " + player.getName() + ": "
+ joinString(split, " "));
+ StringUtil.joinString(split, " "));
LocalWorld world = player.getPosition().getWorld();
@ -1781,6 +1792,82 @@ public class WorldEditController {
* Flush a block bag's changes to a player.
* @param player
* @param blockBag
* @param editSession
private static void flushBlockBag(LocalPlayer player,
EditSession editSession) {
BlockBag blockBag = editSession.getBlockBag();
if (blockBag != null) {
Set<Integer> missingBlocks = editSession.popMissingBlocks();
if (missingBlocks.size() > 0) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
str.append("Missing these blocks: ");
int size = missingBlocks.size();
int i = 0;
for (Integer id : missingBlocks) {
BlockType type = BlockType.fromID(id);
str.append(type != null
? type.getName() + " (" + id + ")"
: id.toString());
if (i != size) {
str.append(", ");
* Checks to see if the player can use a command or /worldedit.
* @param player
* @param command
* @return
private boolean canUseCommand(LocalPlayer player, String command) {
// Allow the /worldeditselect permission
if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("/pos1")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/pos2")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/hpos1")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/hpos2")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/chunk")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/expand")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/contract")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/shift")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("toggleeditwand")) {
return player.hasPermission(command)
|| player.hasPermission("worldeditselect")
|| player.hasPermission("worldedit");
return player.hasPermission(command)
|| player.hasPermission("worldedit");
* @return the commands
public HashMap<String, String> getCommands() {
return commands;
* @param player
@ -1843,7 +1930,6 @@ public class WorldEditController {
* @return false if you want the action to go through
public boolean handleBlockLeftClick(LocalPlayer player, WorldVector clicked) {
if (!canUseCommand(player, "/pos1")
&& !canUseCommand(player, "/")) { return false; }
@ -1941,27 +2027,27 @@ public class WorldEditController {
return false;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
player.printError("Number expected; string given.");
} catch (IncompleteRegionException e2) {
} catch (IncompleteRegionException e) {
player.printError("The edit region has not been fully defined.");
} catch (UnknownItemException e3) {
player.printError("Block name '" + e3.getID() + "' was not recognized.");
} catch (InvalidItemException e4) {
} catch (DisallowedItemException e4) {
player.printError("Block '" + e4.getID() + "' not allowed (see WorldEdit configuration).");
} catch (MaxChangedBlocksException e5) {
} catch (UnknownItemException e) {
player.printError("Block name '" + e.getID() + "' was not recognized.");
} catch (InvalidItemException e) {
} catch (DisallowedItemException e) {
player.printError("Block '" + e.getID() + "' not allowed (see WorldEdit configuration).");
} catch (MaxChangedBlocksException e) {
player.printError("Max blocks changed in an operation reached ("
+ e5.getBlockLimit() + ").");
+ e.getBlockLimit() + ").");
} catch (MaxRadiusException e) {
player.printError("Maximum radius: " + config.maxRadius);
} catch (UnknownDirectionException ue) {
player.printError("Unknown direction: " + ue.getDirection());
} catch (InsufficientArgumentsException e6) {
} catch (EmptyClipboardException ec) {
} catch (UnknownDirectionException e) {
player.printError("Unknown direction: " + e.getDirection());
} catch (InsufficientArgumentsException e) {
} catch (EmptyClipboardException e) {
player.printError("Your clipboard is empty.");
} catch (WorldEditException e7) {
} catch (WorldEditException e) {
} catch (Throwable excp) {
player.printError("Please report this error: [See console]");
player.printRaw(excp.getClass().getName() + ": " + excp.getMessage());
@ -1970,115 +2056,4 @@ public class WorldEditController {
return true;
* Flush a block bag's changes to a player.
* @param player
* @param blockBag
* @param editSession
private static void flushBlockBag(LocalPlayer player,
EditSession editSession) {
BlockBag blockBag = editSession.getBlockBag();
if (blockBag != null) {
Set<Integer> missingBlocks = editSession.popMissingBlocks();
if (missingBlocks.size() > 0) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
str.append("Missing these blocks: ");
int size = missingBlocks.size();
int i = 0;
for (Integer id : missingBlocks) {
BlockType type = BlockType.fromID(id);
str.append(type != null
? type.getName() + " (" + id + ")"
: id.toString());
if (i != size) {
str.append(", ");
* Checks to see if the player can use a command or /worldedit.
* @param player
* @param command
* @return
private boolean canUseCommand(LocalPlayer player, String command) {
// Allow the /worldeditselect permission
if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("/pos1")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/pos2")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/hpos1")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/hpos2")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/chunk")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/expand")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/contract")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("/shift")
|| command.equalsIgnoreCase("toggleeditwand")) {
return player.hasPermission(command)
|| player.hasPermission("worldeditselect")
|| player.hasPermission("worldedit");
return player.hasPermission(command)
|| player.hasPermission("worldedit");
* Joins a string from an array of strings.
* @param str
* @param delimiter
* @return
private static String joinString(String[] str, String delimiter) {
if (str.length == 0) {
return "";
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(str[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < str.length; i++) {
return buffer.toString();
* @return the commands
public HashMap<String, String> getCommands() {
return commands;
* Gets the WorldEditLibrary session for a player. Used for the bridge.
* @param player
* @return
public LocalSession getBridgeSession(LocalPlayer player) {
if (sessions.containsKey(player)) {
return sessions.get(player);
} else {
LocalSession session = new LocalSession();
sessions.put(player, session);
return session;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user