mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 18:30:39 +00:00
Moved LocalWorld's members upwards to AbstractWorld and World.
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,24 +19,17 @@
package com.sk89q.worldedit;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BaseBlock;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BlockID;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BlockType;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.ItemID;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.entity.Entity;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.entity.Player;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.AbstractPlayerActor;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.Actor;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.internal.cui.CUIEvent;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.TargetBlock;
import java.io.File;
* Represents a player that uses WorldEdit. In the future, this type
* will be completely replaced by {@link Actor}.
* Represents a player that uses WorldEdit.
* @deprecated Use {@link Actor} (or {@link Player}, etc.) instead (and {@link AbstractPlayerActor} to extend)
public abstract class LocalPlayer implements Actor, Entity {
protected ServerInterface server;
public abstract class LocalPlayer extends AbstractPlayerActor {
* Construct the object.
@ -44,440 +37,7 @@ public abstract class LocalPlayer implements Actor, Entity {
* @param server A reference to the server this player is on
protected LocalPlayer(ServerInterface server) {
this.server = server;
public boolean isHoldingPickAxe() {
int item = getItemInHand();
return item == ItemID.IRON_PICK
|| item == ItemID.WOOD_PICKAXE
|| item == ItemID.STONE_PICKAXE
|| item == ItemID.GOLD_PICKAXE;
public void findFreePosition(WorldVector searchPos) {
LocalWorld world = searchPos.getWorld();
int x = searchPos.getBlockX();
int y = Math.max(0, searchPos.getBlockY());
int origY = y;
int z = searchPos.getBlockZ();
byte free = 0;
while (y <= world.getMaxY() + 2) {
if (BlockType.canPassThrough(world.getBlock(new Vector(x, y, z)))) {
} else {
free = 0;
if (free == 2) {
if (y - 1 != origY) {
final Vector pos = new Vector(x, y - 2, z);
final int id = world.getBlockType(pos);
final int data = world.getBlockData(pos);
setPosition(new Vector(x + 0.5, y - 2 + BlockType.centralTopLimit(id, data), z + 0.5));
public void setOnGround(WorldVector searchPos) {
LocalWorld world = searchPos.getWorld();
int x = searchPos.getBlockX();
int y = Math.max(0, searchPos.getBlockY());
int z = searchPos.getBlockZ();
while (y >= 0) {
final Vector pos = new Vector(x, y, z);
final int id = world.getBlockType(pos);
final int data = world.getBlockData(pos);
if (!BlockType.canPassThrough(id, data)) {
setPosition(new Vector(x + 0.5, y + BlockType.centralTopLimit(id, data), z + 0.5));
public void findFreePosition() {
public boolean ascendLevel() {
final WorldVector pos = getBlockIn();
final int x = pos.getBlockX();
int y = Math.max(0, pos.getBlockY());
final int z = pos.getBlockZ();
final LocalWorld world = pos.getWorld();
byte free = 0;
byte spots = 0;
while (y <= world.getMaxY() + 2) {
if (BlockType.canPassThrough(world.getBlock(new Vector(x, y, z)))) {
} else {
free = 0;
if (free == 2) {
if (spots == 2) {
final Vector platform = new Vector(x, y - 2, z);
final BaseBlock block = world.getBlock(platform);
final int type = block.getId();
// Don't get put in lava!
if (type == BlockID.LAVA || type == BlockID.STATIONARY_LAVA) {
return false;
setPosition(platform.add(0.5, BlockType.centralTopLimit(block), 0.5));
return true;
return false;
public boolean descendLevel() {
final WorldVector pos = getBlockIn();
final int x = pos.getBlockX();
int y = Math.max(0, pos.getBlockY() - 1);
final int z = pos.getBlockZ();
final LocalWorld world = pos.getWorld();
byte free = 0;
while (y >= 1) {
if (BlockType.canPassThrough(world.getBlock(new Vector(x, y, z)))) {
} else {
free = 0;
if (free == 2) {
// So we've found a spot, but we have to drop the player
// lightly and also check to see if there's something to
// stand upon
while (y >= 0) {
final Vector platform = new Vector(x, y, z);
final BaseBlock block = world.getBlock(platform);
final int type = block.getId();
// Don't want to end up in lava
if (type != BlockID.AIR && type != BlockID.LAVA && type != BlockID.STATIONARY_LAVA) {
// Found a block!
setPosition(platform.add(0.5, BlockType.centralTopLimit(block), 0.5));
return true;
return false;
return false;
public boolean ascendToCeiling(int clearance) {
return ascendToCeiling(clearance, true);
public boolean ascendToCeiling(int clearance, boolean alwaysGlass) {
Vector pos = getBlockIn();
int x = pos.getBlockX();
int initialY = Math.max(0, pos.getBlockY());
int y = Math.max(0, pos.getBlockY() + 2);
int z = pos.getBlockZ();
LocalWorld world = getPosition().getWorld();
// No free space above
if (world.getBlockType(new Vector(x, y, z)) != 0) {
return false;
while (y <= world.getMaxY()) {
// Found a ceiling!
if (!BlockType.canPassThrough(world.getBlock(new Vector(x, y, z)))) {
int platformY = Math.max(initialY, y - 3 - clearance);
floatAt(x, platformY + 1, z, alwaysGlass);
return true;
return false;
public boolean ascendUpwards(int distance) {
return ascendUpwards(distance, true);
public boolean ascendUpwards(int distance, boolean alwaysGlass) {
final Vector pos = getBlockIn();
final int x = pos.getBlockX();
final int initialY = Math.max(0, pos.getBlockY());
int y = Math.max(0, pos.getBlockY() + 1);
final int z = pos.getBlockZ();
final int maxY = Math.min(getWorld().getMaxY() + 1, initialY + distance);
final LocalWorld world = getPosition().getWorld();
while (y <= world.getMaxY() + 2) {
if (!BlockType.canPassThrough(world.getBlock(new Vector(x, y, z)))) {
break; // Hit something
} else if (y > maxY + 1) {
} else if (y == maxY + 1) {
floatAt(x, y - 1, z, alwaysGlass);
return true;
return false;
public void floatAt(int x, int y, int z, boolean alwaysGlass) {
getPosition().getWorld().setBlockType(new Vector(x, y - 1, z), BlockID.GLASS);
setPosition(new Vector(x + 0.5, y, z + 0.5));
public WorldVector getBlockIn() {
WorldVector pos = getPosition();
return WorldVector.toBlockPoint(pos.getWorld(), pos.getX(),
pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
public WorldVector getBlockOn() {
WorldVector pos = getPosition();
return WorldVector.toBlockPoint(pos.getWorld(), pos.getX(),
pos.getY() - 1, pos.getZ());
public WorldVector getBlockTrace(int range, boolean useLastBlock) {
TargetBlock tb = new TargetBlock(this, range, 0.2);
return (useLastBlock ? tb.getAnyTargetBlock() : tb.getTargetBlock());
public WorldVectorFace getBlockTraceFace(int range, boolean useLastBlock) {
TargetBlock tb = new TargetBlock(this, range, 0.2);
return (useLastBlock ? tb.getAnyTargetBlockFace() : tb.getTargetBlockFace());
public WorldVector getBlockTrace(int range) {
return getBlockTrace(range, false);
public WorldVector getSolidBlockTrace(int range) {
TargetBlock tb = new TargetBlock(this, range, 0.2);
return tb.getSolidTargetBlock();
public PlayerDirection getCardinalDirection() {
return getCardinalDirection(0);
public PlayerDirection getCardinalDirection(int yawOffset) {
if (getPitch() > 67.5) {
return PlayerDirection.DOWN;
if (getPitch() < -67.5) {
return PlayerDirection.UP;
// From hey0's code
double rot = (getYaw() + yawOffset) % 360; //let's use real yaw now
if (rot < 0) {
rot += 360.0;
return getDirection(rot);
* Returns direction according to rotation. May return null.
* @param rot yaw
* @return the direction
private static PlayerDirection getDirection(double rot) {
if (0 <= rot && rot < 22.5) {
return PlayerDirection.SOUTH;
} else if (22.5 <= rot && rot < 67.5) {
return PlayerDirection.SOUTH_WEST;
} else if (67.5 <= rot && rot < 112.5) {
return PlayerDirection.WEST;
} else if (112.5 <= rot && rot < 157.5) {
return PlayerDirection.NORTH_WEST;
} else if (157.5 <= rot && rot < 202.5) {
return PlayerDirection.NORTH;
} else if (202.5 <= rot && rot < 247.5) {
return PlayerDirection.NORTH_EAST;
} else if (247.5 <= rot && rot < 292.5) {
return PlayerDirection.EAST;
} else if (292.5 <= rot && rot < 337.5) {
return PlayerDirection.SOUTH_EAST;
} else if (337.5 <= rot && rot < 360.0) {
return PlayerDirection.SOUTH;
} else {
return null;
public BaseBlock getBlockInHand() throws WorldEditException {
final int typeId = getItemInHand();
if (!getWorld().isValidBlockType(typeId)) {
throw new NotABlockException(typeId);
return new BaseBlock(typeId);
* Get the player's view pitch.
* @return pitch
* Get the player's view yaw.
* @return yaw
public boolean passThroughForwardWall(int range) {
int searchDist = 0;
TargetBlock hitBlox = new TargetBlock(this, range, 0.2);
LocalWorld world = getPosition().getWorld();
BlockWorldVector block;
boolean firstBlock = true;
int freeToFind = 2;
boolean inFree = false;
while ((block = hitBlox.getNextBlock()) != null) {
boolean free = BlockType.canPassThrough(world.getBlock(block));
if (firstBlock) {
firstBlock = false;
if (!free) {
if (searchDist > 20) {
return false;
if (inFree != free) {
if (free) {
if (freeToFind == 0) {
return true;
inFree = free;
return false;
public void setPosition(Vector pos) {
setPosition(pos, (float) getPitch(), (float) getYaw());
public File openFileOpenDialog(String[] extensions) {
printError("File dialogs are not supported in your environment.");
return null;
public File openFileSaveDialog(String[] extensions) {
printError("File dialogs are not supported in your environment.");
return null;
public boolean canDestroyBedrock() {
return hasPermission("worldedit.override.bedrock");
public void dispatchCUIEvent(CUIEvent event) {
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof LocalPlayer)) {
return false;
LocalPlayer other2 = (LocalPlayer) other;
return other2.getName().equals(getName());
public int hashCode() {
return getName().hashCode();
public void checkPermission(String permission) throws WorldEditPermissionException {
if (!hasPermission(permission)) {
throw new WorldEditPermissionException();
public boolean isPlayer() {
return true;
public boolean hasCreativeMode() {
return false;
@ -20,28 +20,25 @@
package com.sk89q.worldedit;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.*;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.Extent;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.World;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.mask.BlockMask;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.mask.Mask;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.operation.Operation;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Region;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.TreeGenerator;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.AbstractWorld;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.World;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Random;
* Represents a world.
* A legacy abstract implementation of {@link World}. New implementations
* should use {@link AbstractWorld} when possible.
* @author sk89q
* @deprecated Replace with {@link World} wherever appropriate
public abstract class LocalWorld implements World, Extent {
public abstract class LocalWorld extends AbstractWorld {
* Named flags to use as parameters to {@link LocalWorld#killMobs(Vector, double, int)}
public final class KillFlags {
public static final int PETS = 1 << 0;
public static final int NPCS = 1 << 1;
@ -56,246 +53,123 @@ public abstract class LocalWorld implements World, Extent {
* Random generator.
* @deprecated Don't use this anymore. It will be removed
protected Random random = new Random();
* Get the name of the world.
* @return
public abstract String getName();
public BaseBlock getBlock(Vector pt) {
* Set block type.
* @param pt
* @param type
* @return
public abstract boolean setBlockType(Vector pt, int type);
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") int type = getBlockType(pt);
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") int data = getBlockData(pt);
* Set block type.
* @param pt
* @param type
* @return
public boolean setBlockTypeFast(Vector pt, int type) {
return setBlockType(pt, type);
switch (type) {
case BlockID.WALL_SIGN:
case BlockID.SIGN_POST: {
SignBlock block = new SignBlock(type, data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
case BlockID.CHEST: {
ChestBlock block = new ChestBlock(data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
case BlockID.FURNACE:
FurnaceBlock block = new FurnaceBlock(type, data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
case BlockID.DISPENSER: {
DispenserBlock block = new DispenserBlock(data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
case BlockID.MOB_SPAWNER: {
MobSpawnerBlock block = new MobSpawnerBlock(data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
case BlockID.NOTE_BLOCK: {
NoteBlock block = new NoteBlock(data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
case BlockID.HEAD: {
SkullBlock block = new SkullBlock(data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
return new BaseBlock(type, data);
* Get block type.
* Given a block and a position, copy data from the world to the block
* based on the type of block.
* </p>
* The provided {@link BaseBlock} should match that of the one in the
* world.
* @param pt
* @return
* @param position the position
* @param block the block
* @return true if the copy operation succeeded, false otherwise
public abstract int getBlockType(Vector pt);
public abstract boolean copyFromWorld(Vector position, BaseBlock block);
* Set block data.
* @param pt
* @param data
public abstract void setBlockData(Vector pt, int data);
public BaseBlock getLazyBlock(Vector position) {
return getBlock(position);
* Set block data.
* @param pt
* @param data
public abstract void setBlockDataFast(Vector pt, int data);
public boolean setBlock(Vector pt, BaseBlock block, boolean notifyAdjacent) {
boolean successful;
* Get biome type
* @param pt The (x, z) location to check the biome at
* @return The biome type at the location
public abstract BiomeType getBiome(Vector2D pt);
// Default implementation will call the old deprecated methods
if (notifyAdjacent) {
successful = setTypeIdAndData(pt, block.getId(), block.getData());
} else {
successful = setTypeIdAndDataFast(pt, block.getId(), block.getData());
* Set the biome type
* @param pt The (x, z) location to set the biome at
* @param biome The biome type to set to
public abstract void setBiome(Vector2D pt, BiomeType biome);
copyToWorld(pt, block);
* set block type & data
* @param pt
* @param type
* @param data
* @return
public boolean setTypeIdAndData(Vector pt, int type, int data) {
boolean ret = setBlockType(pt, type);
setBlockData(pt, data);
return ret;
return successful;
* set block type & data
* @param pt
* @param type
* @param data
* @return
* Given a block and a position, copy data to the world from the block
* based on the type of block.
* </p>
* The provided {@link BaseBlock} should match that of the one in the
* world.
* @param position the position
* @param block the block
* @return true if the copy operation succeeded, false otherwise
public boolean setTypeIdAndDataFast(Vector pt, int type, int data) {
boolean ret = setBlockTypeFast(pt, type);
setBlockDataFast(pt, data);
return ret;
public abstract boolean copyToWorld(Vector position, BaseBlock block);
public boolean setBlock(Vector pt, BaseBlock block) {
return setBlock(pt, block, true);
* Get block data.
* @param pt
* @return
public abstract int getBlockData(Vector pt);
* Get block light level.
* @param pt
* @return
public abstract int getBlockLightLevel(Vector pt);
* Regenerate an area.
* @param region
* @param editSession
* @return
public abstract boolean regenerate(Region region, EditSession editSession);
* Attempts to accurately copy a BaseBlock's extra data to the world.
* @param pt
* @param block
* @return
public abstract boolean copyToWorld(Vector pt, BaseBlock block);
* Attempts to read a BaseBlock's extra data from the world.
* @param pt
* @param block
* @return
public abstract boolean copyFromWorld(Vector pt, BaseBlock block);
* Clear a chest's contents.
* @param pt
* @return
public abstract boolean clearContainerBlockContents(Vector pt);
* Generate a tree at a location.
* @param editSession
* @param pt
* @return
* @throws MaxChangedBlocksException
* @deprecated use {@link #generateTree(com.sk89q.worldedit.util.TreeGenerator.TreeType, EditSession, Vector)} instead
public boolean generateTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt)
throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return false;
* Generate a big tree at a location.
* @param editSession
* @param pt
* @return
* @throws MaxChangedBlocksException
* @deprecated use {@link #generateTree(com.sk89q.worldedit.util.TreeGenerator.TreeType, EditSession, Vector)} instead
public boolean generateBigTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt)
throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return false;
* Generate a birch tree at a location.
* @param editSession
* @param pt
* @return
* @throws MaxChangedBlocksException
* @deprecated use {@link #generateTree(com.sk89q.worldedit.util.TreeGenerator.TreeType, EditSession, Vector)} instead
public boolean generateBirchTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt)
throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return false;
* Generate a redwood tree at a location.
* @param editSession
* @param pt
* @return
* @throws MaxChangedBlocksException
* @deprecated use {@link #generateTree(com.sk89q.worldedit.util.TreeGenerator.TreeType, EditSession, Vector)} instead
public boolean generateRedwoodTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt)
throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return false;
* Generate a tall redwood tree at a location.
* @param editSession
* @param pt
* @return
* @throws MaxChangedBlocksException
* @deprecated use {@link #generateTree(com.sk89q.worldedit.util.TreeGenerator.TreeType, EditSession, Vector)} instead
public boolean generateTallRedwoodTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt)
throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return false;
* Generates a tree
* @param type The type of tree to generate
* @param editSession The EditSession to pass block changes through
* @param pt The point where the base of the tree should be located
* @return Whether the tree generation was successful
* @throws MaxChangedBlocksException if too many blocks were changed by the EditSession
public boolean generateTree(TreeGenerator.TreeType type, EditSession editSession, Vector pt)
throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
public boolean generateTree(TreeGenerator.TreeType type, EditSession editSession, Vector pt) throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
switch (type) {
case BIG_TREE:
return generateBigTree(editSession, pt);
@ -311,336 +185,29 @@ public abstract class LocalWorld implements World, Extent {
* Drop an item.
* @param pt
* @param item
* @param times
public void dropItem(Vector pt, BaseItemStack item, int times) {
for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i) {
dropItem(pt, item);
* Drop an item.
* @param pt
* @param item
public abstract void dropItem(Vector pt, BaseItemStack item);
* Simulate a block being mined.
* @param pt
public void simulateBlockMine(Vector pt) {
BaseItemStack stack = BlockType.getBlockDrop(getBlockType(pt), (short) getBlockData(pt));
if (stack == null) {
final int amount = stack.getAmount();
if (amount > 1) {
dropItem(pt, new BaseItemStack(stack.getType(), 1, stack.getData()), amount);
} else {
dropItem(pt, stack, amount);
* Kill mobs in an area, excluding pet wolves.
* @param origin The center of the area to kill mobs in
* @param radius -1 for the whole world
* @return number of mobs killed
public int killMobs(Vector origin, int radius) {
return killMobs(origin, radius, false);
* Kill mobs in an area.
* @param origin The center of the area to kill mobs in
* @param radius -1 for all mobs
* @param killPets whether to kill pets
* @return number of mobs killed
public int killMobs(Vector origin, int radius, boolean killPets) {
return killMobs(origin, radius, killPets ? KillFlags.PETS : 0);
* Kill mobs in an area.
* @param origin The center of the area to kill mobs in
* @param radius -1 for all mobs
* @param flags various flags that determine what to kill
* @return number of mobs killed
public int killMobs(Vector origin, double radius, int flags) {
return killMobs(origin, (int) radius, (flags & KillFlags.PETS) != 0);
* Remove entities in an area.
* @param type
* @param origin
* @param radius
* @return
public abstract int removeEntities(EntityType type, Vector origin, int radius);
* Returns whether a block has a valid ID.
* @param type
* @return
public boolean isValidBlockType(int type) {
return BlockType.fromID(type) != null;
* Returns whether a block uses its data value.
* @param type block ID type
* @return true if the block uses data value
public boolean usesBlockData(int type) {
// We future proof here by assuming all unknown blocks use data
return BlockType.usesData(type) || BlockType.fromID(type) == null;
* Checks if the chunk pt is in is loaded. if not, loads the chunk
* @param pt Position to check
public void checkLoadedChunk(Vector pt) {
* Compare if the other world is equal.
* @param other
* @return
public abstract boolean equals(Object other);
* Hash code.
* @return
public abstract int hashCode();
* Get the world's height
* @return
public int getMaxY() {
return 255;
* Does some post-processing. Should be called after using fast mode
* @param chunks the chunks to fix
public void fixAfterFastMode(Iterable<BlockVector2D> chunks) {
public void fixLighting(Iterable<BlockVector2D> chunks) {
* Plays the minecraft effect with the given type and data at the given position.
* @param position
* @param type
* @param data
public boolean playEffect(Vector position, int type, int data) {
public boolean generateTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt) throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return false;
private class QueuedEffect implements Comparable<QueuedEffect> {
private final Vector position;
private final int blockId;
private final double priority;
public QueuedEffect(Vector position, int blockId, double priority) {
this.position = position;
this.blockId = blockId;
this.priority = priority;
public void play() {
playEffect(position, 2001, blockId);
public int compareTo(QueuedEffect other) {
return Double.compare(priority, other.priority);
private final PriorityQueue<QueuedEffect> effectQueue = new PriorityQueue<QueuedEffect>();
private int taskId = -1;
public boolean queueBlockBreakEffect(ServerInterface server, Vector position, int blockId, double priority) {
if (taskId == -1) {
taskId = server.schedule(0, 1, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int max = Math.max(1, Math.min(30, effectQueue.size() / 3));
for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
if (effectQueue.isEmpty()) return;
if (taskId == -1) {
return false;
effectQueue.offer(new QueuedEffect(position, blockId, priority));
return true;
public LocalEntity[] getEntities(Region region) {
return new LocalEntity[0];
public int killEntities(LocalEntity... entities) {
return 0;
public boolean generateBigTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt) throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return false;
public boolean setBlock(Vector pt, BaseBlock block) {
return setBlock(pt, block, true);
public boolean setBlock(Vector pt, BaseBlock block, boolean notifyAdjacent) {
boolean successful;
// Default implementation will call the old deprecated methods
if (notifyAdjacent) {
successful = setTypeIdAndData(pt, block.getId(), block.getData());
} else {
successful = setTypeIdAndDataFast(pt, block.getId(), block.getData());
if (block instanceof BaseBlock) {
copyToWorld(pt, (BaseBlock) block);
return successful;
public boolean generateBirchTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt) throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return false;
public BaseBlock getLazyBlock(Vector position) {
return getBlock(position);
public boolean generateRedwoodTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt) throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return false;
public BaseBlock getBlock(Vector pt) {
int type = getBlockType(pt);
int data = getBlockData(pt);
switch (type) {
case BlockID.WALL_SIGN:
case BlockID.SIGN_POST: {
SignBlock block = new SignBlock(type, data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
case BlockID.CHEST: {
ChestBlock block = new ChestBlock(data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
case BlockID.FURNACE:
FurnaceBlock block = new FurnaceBlock(type, data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
case BlockID.DISPENSER: {
DispenserBlock block = new DispenserBlock(data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
case BlockID.MOB_SPAWNER: {
MobSpawnerBlock block = new MobSpawnerBlock(data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
case BlockID.NOTE_BLOCK: {
NoteBlock block = new NoteBlock(data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
case BlockID.HEAD: {
SkullBlock block = new SkullBlock(data);
copyFromWorld(pt, block);
return block;
return new BaseBlock(type, data);
public boolean generateTallRedwoodTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt) throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return false;
* Create a mask that matches all liquids.
* </p>
* Implementations should override this so that custom liquids are supported.
* @return a mask
public Mask createLiquidMask() {
return new BlockMask(this,
new BaseBlock(BlockID.STATIONARY_LAVA, -1),
new BaseBlock(BlockID.LAVA, -1),
new BaseBlock(BlockID.STATIONARY_WATER, -1),
new BaseBlock(BlockID.WATER, -1));
public Vector getMaximumPoint() {
return new Vector(30000000, 30000000, 30000000);
public Vector getMinimumPoint() {
return new Vector(-30000000, -30000000, -30000000);
public @Nullable Operation commit() {
return null;
@ -19,10 +19,7 @@
package com.sk89q.worldedit.entity;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.PlayerDirection;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldVector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldVectorFace;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.*;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.Extent;
@ -35,7 +32,7 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.Extent;
* can then be used to spawn new instances of that particular entity
* description.
public interface Entity extends Player {
public interface Entity {
* Find a position for the actor to stand that is not inside a block.
@ -215,4 +212,11 @@ public interface Entity extends Player {
void setPosition(Vector pos);
* Get the world that this entity is on.
* @return the world
LocalWorld getWorld();
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.inventory.BlockBag;
* A player.
public interface Player {
public interface Player extends Entity {
* Returns true if the entity is holding a pick axe.
@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
* WorldEdit, a Minecraft world manipulation toolkit
* Copyright (C) sk89q <http://www.sk89q.com>
* Copyright (C) WorldEdit team and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.*;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BaseBlock;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BlockID;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BlockType;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.ItemID;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.entity.Player;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.internal.cui.CUIEvent;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.TargetBlock;
import java.io.File;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
* An abstract implementation of both a {@link Actor} and a {@link Player}
* that is intended for implementations of WorldEdit to use to wrap
* players that make use of WorldEdit.
public abstract class AbstractPlayerActor implements Actor, Player {
private final Platform platform;
* Create a new instance.
* @param platform the platform
protected AbstractPlayerActor(Platform platform) {
this.platform = platform;
* Returns direction according to rotation. May return null.
* @param rot yaw
* @return the direction
private static PlayerDirection getDirection(double rot) {
if (0 <= rot && rot < 22.5) {
return PlayerDirection.SOUTH;
} else if (22.5 <= rot && rot < 67.5) {
return PlayerDirection.SOUTH_WEST;
} else if (67.5 <= rot && rot < 112.5) {
return PlayerDirection.WEST;
} else if (112.5 <= rot && rot < 157.5) {
return PlayerDirection.NORTH_WEST;
} else if (157.5 <= rot && rot < 202.5) {
return PlayerDirection.NORTH;
} else if (202.5 <= rot && rot < 247.5) {
return PlayerDirection.NORTH_EAST;
} else if (247.5 <= rot && rot < 292.5) {
return PlayerDirection.EAST;
} else if (292.5 <= rot && rot < 337.5) {
return PlayerDirection.SOUTH_EAST;
} else if (337.5 <= rot && rot < 360.0) {
return PlayerDirection.SOUTH;
} else {
return null;
public boolean isHoldingPickAxe() {
int item = getItemInHand();
return item == ItemID.IRON_PICK
|| item == ItemID.WOOD_PICKAXE
|| item == ItemID.STONE_PICKAXE
|| item == ItemID.GOLD_PICKAXE;
public void findFreePosition(WorldVector searchPos) {
LocalWorld world = searchPos.getWorld();
int x = searchPos.getBlockX();
int y = Math.max(0, searchPos.getBlockY());
int origY = y;
int z = searchPos.getBlockZ();
byte free = 0;
while (y <= world.getMaxY() + 2) {
if (BlockType.canPassThrough(world.getBlock(new Vector(x, y, z)))) {
} else {
free = 0;
if (free == 2) {
if (y - 1 != origY) {
final Vector pos = new Vector(x, y - 2, z);
final int id = world.getBlockType(pos);
final int data = world.getBlockData(pos);
setPosition(new Vector(x + 0.5, y - 2 + BlockType.centralTopLimit(id, data), z + 0.5));
public void setOnGround(WorldVector searchPos) {
LocalWorld world = searchPos.getWorld();
int x = searchPos.getBlockX();
int y = Math.max(0, searchPos.getBlockY());
int z = searchPos.getBlockZ();
while (y >= 0) {
final Vector pos = new Vector(x, y, z);
final int id = world.getBlockType(pos);
final int data = world.getBlockData(pos);
if (!BlockType.canPassThrough(id, data)) {
setPosition(new Vector(x + 0.5, y + BlockType.centralTopLimit(id, data), z + 0.5));
public void findFreePosition() {
public boolean ascendLevel() {
final WorldVector pos = getBlockIn();
final int x = pos.getBlockX();
int y = Math.max(0, pos.getBlockY());
final int z = pos.getBlockZ();
final LocalWorld world = pos.getWorld();
byte free = 0;
byte spots = 0;
while (y <= world.getMaxY() + 2) {
if (BlockType.canPassThrough(world.getBlock(new Vector(x, y, z)))) {
} else {
free = 0;
if (free == 2) {
if (spots == 2) {
final Vector platform = new Vector(x, y - 2, z);
final BaseBlock block = world.getBlock(platform);
final int type = block.getId();
// Don't get put in lava!
if (type == BlockID.LAVA || type == BlockID.STATIONARY_LAVA) {
return false;
setPosition(platform.add(0.5, BlockType.centralTopLimit(block), 0.5));
return true;
return false;
public boolean descendLevel() {
final WorldVector pos = getBlockIn();
final int x = pos.getBlockX();
int y = Math.max(0, pos.getBlockY() - 1);
final int z = pos.getBlockZ();
final LocalWorld world = pos.getWorld();
byte free = 0;
while (y >= 1) {
if (BlockType.canPassThrough(world.getBlock(new Vector(x, y, z)))) {
} else {
free = 0;
if (free == 2) {
// So we've found a spot, but we have to drop the player
// lightly and also check to see if there's something to
// stand upon
while (y >= 0) {
final Vector platform = new Vector(x, y, z);
final BaseBlock block = world.getBlock(platform);
final int type = block.getId();
// Don't want to end up in lava
if (type != BlockID.AIR && type != BlockID.LAVA && type != BlockID.STATIONARY_LAVA) {
// Found a block!
setPosition(platform.add(0.5, BlockType.centralTopLimit(block), 0.5));
return true;
return false;
return false;
public boolean ascendToCeiling(int clearance) {
return ascendToCeiling(clearance, true);
public boolean ascendToCeiling(int clearance, boolean alwaysGlass) {
Vector pos = getBlockIn();
int x = pos.getBlockX();
int initialY = Math.max(0, pos.getBlockY());
int y = Math.max(0, pos.getBlockY() + 2);
int z = pos.getBlockZ();
LocalWorld world = getPosition().getWorld();
// No free space above
if (world.getBlockType(new Vector(x, y, z)) != 0) {
return false;
while (y <= world.getMaxY()) {
// Found a ceiling!
if (!BlockType.canPassThrough(world.getBlock(new Vector(x, y, z)))) {
int platformY = Math.max(initialY, y - 3 - clearance);
floatAt(x, platformY + 1, z, alwaysGlass);
return true;
return false;
public boolean ascendUpwards(int distance) {
return ascendUpwards(distance, true);
public boolean ascendUpwards(int distance, boolean alwaysGlass) {
final Vector pos = getBlockIn();
final int x = pos.getBlockX();
final int initialY = Math.max(0, pos.getBlockY());
int y = Math.max(0, pos.getBlockY() + 1);
final int z = pos.getBlockZ();
final int maxY = Math.min(getWorld().getMaxY() + 1, initialY + distance);
final LocalWorld world = getPosition().getWorld();
while (y <= world.getMaxY() + 2) {
if (!BlockType.canPassThrough(world.getBlock(new Vector(x, y, z)))) {
break; // Hit something
} else if (y > maxY + 1) {
} else if (y == maxY + 1) {
floatAt(x, y - 1, z, alwaysGlass);
return true;
return false;
public void floatAt(int x, int y, int z, boolean alwaysGlass) {
getPosition().getWorld().setBlockType(new Vector(x, y - 1, z), BlockID.GLASS);
setPosition(new Vector(x + 0.5, y, z + 0.5));
public WorldVector getBlockIn() {
WorldVector pos = getPosition();
return WorldVector.toBlockPoint(pos.getWorld(), pos.getX(),
pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
public WorldVector getBlockOn() {
WorldVector pos = getPosition();
return WorldVector.toBlockPoint(pos.getWorld(), pos.getX(),
pos.getY() - 1, pos.getZ());
public WorldVector getBlockTrace(int range, boolean useLastBlock) {
TargetBlock tb = new TargetBlock(this, range, 0.2);
return (useLastBlock ? tb.getAnyTargetBlock() : tb.getTargetBlock());
public WorldVectorFace getBlockTraceFace(int range, boolean useLastBlock) {
TargetBlock tb = new TargetBlock(this, range, 0.2);
return (useLastBlock ? tb.getAnyTargetBlockFace() : tb.getTargetBlockFace());
public WorldVector getBlockTrace(int range) {
return getBlockTrace(range, false);
public WorldVector getSolidBlockTrace(int range) {
TargetBlock tb = new TargetBlock(this, range, 0.2);
return tb.getSolidTargetBlock();
public PlayerDirection getCardinalDirection() {
return getCardinalDirection(0);
public PlayerDirection getCardinalDirection(int yawOffset) {
if (getPitch() > 67.5) {
return PlayerDirection.DOWN;
if (getPitch() < -67.5) {
return PlayerDirection.UP;
// From hey0's code
double rot = (getYaw() + yawOffset) % 360; //let's use real yaw now
if (rot < 0) {
rot += 360.0;
return getDirection(rot);
public BaseBlock getBlockInHand() throws WorldEditException {
final int typeId = getItemInHand();
if (!getWorld().isValidBlockType(typeId)) {
throw new NotABlockException(typeId);
return new BaseBlock(typeId);
* Get the player's view yaw.
* @return yaw
public boolean passThroughForwardWall(int range) {
int searchDist = 0;
TargetBlock hitBlox = new TargetBlock(this, range, 0.2);
LocalWorld world = getPosition().getWorld();
BlockWorldVector block;
boolean firstBlock = true;
int freeToFind = 2;
boolean inFree = false;
while ((block = hitBlox.getNextBlock()) != null) {
boolean free = BlockType.canPassThrough(world.getBlock(block));
if (firstBlock) {
firstBlock = false;
if (!free) {
if (searchDist > 20) {
return false;
if (inFree != free) {
if (free) {
if (freeToFind == 0) {
return true;
inFree = free;
return false;
public void setPosition(Vector pos) {
setPosition(pos, (float) getPitch(), (float) getYaw());
public File openFileOpenDialog(String[] extensions) {
printError("File dialogs are not supported in your environment.");
return null;
public File openFileSaveDialog(String[] extensions) {
printError("File dialogs are not supported in your environment.");
return null;
public boolean canDestroyBedrock() {
return hasPermission("worldedit.override.bedrock");
public void dispatchCUIEvent(CUIEvent event) {
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof LocalPlayer)) {
return false;
LocalPlayer other2 = (LocalPlayer) other;
return other2.getName().equals(getName());
public int hashCode() {
return getName().hashCode();
public void checkPermission(String permission) throws WorldEditPermissionException {
if (!hasPermission(permission)) {
throw new WorldEditPermissionException();
public boolean isPlayer() {
return true;
public boolean hasCreativeMode() {
return false;
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldVectorFace;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BlockID;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BlockType;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.entity.Entity;
* This class uses an inefficient method to figure out what block a player
@ -58,12 +59,23 @@ public class TargetBlock {
* Constructor requiring a player, max distance and a checking distance
* @param player LocalPlayer to work with
* @param maxDistance how far it checks for blocks
* @param checkDistance how often to check for blocks, the smaller the more precise
public TargetBlock(LocalPlayer player, int maxDistance, double checkDistance) {
this((Entity) player, maxDistance, checkDistance);
* Constructor requiring a player, max distance and a checking distance
* @param player LocalPlayer to work with
* @param maxDistance how far it checks for blocks
* @param checkDistance how often to check for blocks, the smaller the more precise
public TargetBlock(Entity player, int maxDistance, double checkDistance) {
this.world = player.getWorld();
this.setValues(player.getPosition(), player.getYaw(), player.getPitch(),
maxDistance, 1.65, checkDistance);
@ -76,7 +88,7 @@ public class TargetBlock {
* @param xRotation
* @param yRotation
* @param maxDistance how far it checks for blocks
* @param viewPos where the view is positioned in y-axis
* @param viewHeight where the view is positioned in y-axis
* @param checkDistance how often to check for blocks, the smaller the more precise
private void setValues(Vector loc, double xRotation, double yRotation,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
* WorldEdit, a Minecraft world manipulation toolkit
* Copyright (C) sk89q <http://www.sk89q.com>
* Copyright (C) WorldEdit team and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.sk89q.worldedit.world;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.*;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.LocalWorld.KillFlags;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BaseBlock;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BaseItemStack;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BlockID;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BlockType;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.mask.BlockMask;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.mask.Mask;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.operation.Operation;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Region;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.TreeGenerator.TreeType;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
* An abstract implementation of {@link World}.
public abstract class AbstractWorld implements World {
private final PriorityQueue<QueuedEffect> effectQueue = new PriorityQueue<QueuedEffect>();
private int taskId = -1;
public int getMaxY() {
return 255;
public boolean isValidBlockType(int type) {
return BlockType.fromID(type) != null;
public boolean usesBlockData(int type) {
// We future proof here by assuming all unknown blocks use data
return BlockType.usesData(type) || BlockType.fromID(type) == null;
public Mask createLiquidMask() {
return new BlockMask(this,
new BaseBlock(BlockID.STATIONARY_LAVA, -1),
new BaseBlock(BlockID.LAVA, -1),
new BaseBlock(BlockID.STATIONARY_WATER, -1),
new BaseBlock(BlockID.WATER, -1));
public boolean setBlockTypeFast(Vector pt, int type) {
return setBlockType(pt, type);
public boolean setTypeIdAndData(Vector pt, int type, int data) {
boolean ret = setBlockType(pt, type);
setBlockData(pt, data);
return ret;
public boolean setTypeIdAndDataFast(Vector pt, int type, int data) {
boolean ret = setBlockTypeFast(pt, type);
setBlockDataFast(pt, data);
return ret;
public void dropItem(Vector pt, BaseItemStack item, int times) {
for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i) {
dropItem(pt, item);
public void simulateBlockMine(Vector pt) {
BaseBlock block = getLazyBlock(pt);
BaseItemStack stack = BlockType.getBlockDrop(block.getId(), (short) block.getData());
if (stack == null) {
final int amount = stack.getAmount();
if (amount > 1) {
dropItem(pt, new BaseItemStack(stack.getType(), 1, stack.getData()), amount);
} else {
dropItem(pt, stack, amount);
public LocalEntity[] getEntities(Region region) {
return new LocalEntity[0];
public int killEntities(LocalEntity... entities) {
return 0;
public int killMobs(Vector origin, int radius) {
return killMobs(origin, radius, false);
public int killMobs(Vector origin, int radius, boolean killPets) {
return killMobs(origin, radius, killPets ? KillFlags.PETS : 0);
public int killMobs(Vector origin, double radius, int flags) {
return killMobs(origin, (int) radius, (flags & KillFlags.PETS) != 0);
public boolean generateTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt) throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return generateTree(TreeType.TREE, editSession, pt);
public boolean generateBigTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt) throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return generateTree(TreeType.BIG_TREE, editSession, pt);
public boolean generateBirchTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt) throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return generateTree(TreeType.BIRCH, editSession, pt);
public boolean generateRedwoodTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt) throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return generateTree(TreeType.REDWOOD, editSession, pt);
public boolean generateTallRedwoodTree(EditSession editSession, Vector pt) throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
return generateTree(TreeType.TALL_REDWOOD, editSession, pt);
public void checkLoadedChunk(Vector pt) {
public void fixAfterFastMode(Iterable<BlockVector2D> chunks) {
public void fixLighting(Iterable<BlockVector2D> chunks) {
public boolean playEffect(Vector position, int type, int data) {
return false;
public boolean queueBlockBreakEffect(ServerInterface server, Vector position, int blockId, double priority) {
if (taskId == -1) {
taskId = server.schedule(0, 1, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int max = Math.max(1, Math.min(30, effectQueue.size() / 3));
for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
if (effectQueue.isEmpty()) return;
if (taskId == -1) {
return false;
effectQueue.offer(new QueuedEffect(position, blockId, priority));
return true;
public Vector getMinimumPoint() {
return new Vector(-30000000, 0, -30000000);
public Vector getMaximumPoint() {
return new Vector(30000000, getMaxY(), 30000000);
public @Nullable Operation commit() {
return null;
private class QueuedEffect implements Comparable<QueuedEffect> {
private final Vector position;
private final int blockId;
private final double priority;
public QueuedEffect(Vector position, int blockId, double priority) {
this.position = position;
this.blockId = blockId;
this.priority = priority;
public void play() {
playEffect(position, 2001, blockId);
public int compareTo(@Nullable QueuedEffect other) {
return Double.compare(priority, other != null ? other.priority : 0);
@ -19,54 +19,335 @@
package com.sk89q.worldedit.world;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.LocalWorld;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.*;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BaseBlock;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.foundation.Block;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BaseItemStack;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.Extent;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.mask.Mask;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Region;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.TreeGenerator;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.TreeGenerator.TreeType;
* Represents a world instance that can be modified. The world instance could be
* loaded in-game or loaded in a stand-alone editor.
* </p>
* This class is meant to replace {@link LocalWorld} eventually, once this class has been
* fleshed out with the required methods and it has been decided that it is time to
* start breaking some API compatibility.
* Represents a world (dimension).
public interface World {
public interface World extends Extent {
* Change the block at the given location to the given block. The operation may
* not tie the given {@link BaseBlock} to the world, so future changes to the
* {@link BaseBlock} do not affect the world until this method is called again.
* </p>
* Implementations may or may not consider the value of the notifyAdjacent
* parameter, and implementations may to choose to either apply physics anyway or
* to not apply any physics (particularly in a stand-alone implementation).
* </p>
* The return value of this method indicates whether the change "went through," as
* in the block was changed in the world in any way. If the new block is no different
* than the block already at the position in the world, 'false' would be returned.
* If the position is invalid (out of bounds, for example), then nothing should
* occur and 'false' should be returned. If possible, the return value should be
* accurate as possible, but implementations may choose to not provide an accurate
* value if it is not possible to know.
* Get the name of the world.
* @param location location of the block
* @return a name for the world
String getName();
* Get the maximum Y.
* @return the maximum Y
int getMaxY();
* Checks whether the given block ID is a valid block ID.
* @param id the block ID
* @return true if the block ID is a valid one
boolean isValidBlockType(int id);
* Checks whether the given block ID uses data values for differentiating
* types of blocks.
* @param id the block ID
* @return true if the block uses data values
boolean usesBlockData(int id);
* Create a mask that matches all liquids.
* </p>
* Implementations should override this so that custom liquids are supported.
* @return a mask
Mask createLiquidMask();
* @deprecated Use {@link #getLazyBlock(Vector)}
int getBlockType(Vector pt);
* @deprecated Use {@link #getLazyBlock(Vector)}
int getBlockData(Vector pt);
* Similar to {@link Extent#setBlock(Vector, BaseBlock)} but a
* {@code notifyAndLight} parameter indicates whether adjacent blocks
* should be notified that changes have been made and lighting operations
* should be executed.
* </p>
* If it's not possible to skip lighting, or if it's not possible to
* avoid notifying adjacent blocks, then attempt to meet the
* specification as best as possible.
* </p>
* On implementations where the world is not simulated, the
* {@code notifyAndLight} parameter has no effect either way.
* @param position position of the block
* @param block block to set
* @param notifyAdjacent true to to notify adjacent (perform physics)
* @param notifyAndLight true to to notify and light
* @return true if the block was successfully set (return value may not be accurate)
boolean setBlock(Vector location, BaseBlock block, boolean notifyAdjacent);
boolean setBlock(Vector position, BaseBlock block, boolean notifyAndLight);
* Get a copy of the block at the given location. May return null if the location
* given is out of bounds. The returned block must not be tied to any real block
* in the world, so changes to the returned {@link Block} have no effect until
* {@link #setBlock(Vector, BaseBlock, boolean)} is called.
* @param location location of the block
* @return the block, or null if the block does not exist
* @deprecated Use {@link #setBlock(Vector, BaseBlock)}
BaseBlock getBlock(Vector location);
boolean setBlockType(Vector position, int type);
* @deprecated Use {@link #setBlock(Vector, BaseBlock)}
boolean setBlockTypeFast(Vector position, int type);
* @deprecated Use {@link #setBlock(Vector, BaseBlock)}
void setBlockData(Vector position, int data);
* @deprecated Use {@link #setBlock(Vector, BaseBlock)}
void setBlockDataFast(Vector position, int data);
* @deprecated Use {@link #setBlock(Vector, BaseBlock)}
boolean setTypeIdAndData(Vector position, int type, int data);
* @deprecated Use {@link #setBlock(Vector, BaseBlock)}
boolean setTypeIdAndDataFast(Vector position, int type, int data);
* Get the light level at the given block.
* @param position the position
* @return the light level (0-15)
int getBlockLightLevel(Vector position);
* Clear a chest's contents.
* @param position the position
* @return true if the container was cleared
boolean clearContainerBlockContents(Vector position);
* Get the biome type.
* @param position the (x, z) location to check the biome at
* @return the biome type at the location
BiomeType getBiome(Vector2D position);
* Set the biome type.
* @param position the (x, z) location to set the biome at
* @param biome the biome type to set to
void setBiome(Vector2D position, BiomeType biome);
* Drop an item at the given position.
* @param position the position
* @param item the item to drop
* @param count the number of individual stacks to drop (number of item entities)
void dropItem(Vector position, BaseItemStack item, int count);
* Drop one stack of the item at the given position.
* @param position the position
* @param item the item to drop
* @see #dropItem(Vector, BaseItemStack, int) shortcut method to specify the number of stacks
void dropItem(Vector position, BaseItemStack item);
* Simulate a block being mined at the given position.
* @param position the position
void simulateBlockMine(Vector position);
* Get a list of entities in the given region.
* @param region the region
* @return a list of entities
LocalEntity[] getEntities(Region region);
* Kill the entities listed in the provided array.
* @param entity an array of entities
* @return the number of entities that were removed
int killEntities(LocalEntity... entity);
* @deprecated Use {@link #killMobs(Vector, double, int)}
int killMobs(Vector origin, int radius);
* @deprecated Use {@link #killMobs(Vector, double, int)}
int killMobs(Vector origin, int radius, boolean killPets);
* Kill mobs at the given location with the given radius.
* @param origin the origin
* @param radius the radius
* @param flags kill flags (see {@link LocalWorld.KillFlags})
* @return the number of mobs that were killed
int killMobs(Vector origin, double radius, int flags);
* Remove entities in an area.
* @param type the type of entity
* @param origin the origin
* @param radius the radius
* @return the number of mobs that were killed
int removeEntities(EntityType type, Vector origin, int radius);
* Regenerate an area.
* @param region the region
* @param editSession the {@link EditSession}
* @return true if re-generation was successful
boolean regenerate(Region region, EditSession editSession);
* Generate a tree at the given position.
* @param type the tree type
* @param editSession the {@link EditSession}
* @param position the position
* @return true if generation was successful
* @throws MaxChangedBlocksException thrown if too many blocks were changed
boolean generateTree(TreeGenerator.TreeType type, EditSession editSession, Vector position) throws MaxChangedBlocksException;
* @deprecated Use {@link #generateTree(TreeType, EditSession, Vector)}
boolean generateTree(EditSession editSession, Vector position) throws MaxChangedBlocksException;
* @deprecated Use {@link #generateTree(TreeType, EditSession, Vector)}
boolean generateBigTree(EditSession editSession, Vector position) throws MaxChangedBlocksException;
* @deprecated Use {@link #generateTree(TreeType, EditSession, Vector)}
boolean generateBirchTree(EditSession editSession, Vector position) throws MaxChangedBlocksException;
* @deprecated Use {@link #generateTree(TreeType, EditSession, Vector)}
boolean generateRedwoodTree(EditSession editSession, Vector position) throws MaxChangedBlocksException;
* @deprecated Use {@link #generateTree(TreeType, EditSession, Vector)}
boolean generateTallRedwoodTree(EditSession editSession, Vector position) throws MaxChangedBlocksException;
* Load the chunk at the given position if it isn't loaded.
* @param position the position
void checkLoadedChunk(Vector position);
* Fix the given chunks after fast mode was used.
* </p>
* Fast mode makes calls to {@link #setBlock(Vector, BaseBlock, boolean)}
* with {@code false} for the {@code notifyAndLight} parameter, which
* may causes lighting errors to accumulate. Use of this method, if
* it is implemented by the underlying world, corrects those lighting
* errors and may trigger block change notifications.
* @param chunks a list of chunk coordinates to fix
void fixAfterFastMode(Iterable<BlockVector2D> chunks);
* Relight the given chunks if possible.
* @param chunks a list of chunk coordinates to fix
void fixLighting(Iterable<BlockVector2D> chunks);
* Play the given effect.
* @param position the position
* @param type the effect type
* @param data the effect data
* @return true if the effect was played
boolean playEffect(Vector position, int type, int data);
* Queue a block break effect.
* @param server the server
* @param position the position
* @param blockId the block ID
* @param priority the priority
* @return true if the effect was played
boolean queueBlockBreakEffect(ServerInterface server, Vector position, int blockId, double priority);
boolean equals(Object other);
int hashCode();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user