mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 14:03:50 +00:00
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@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
// Auto-generated: DO NOT EDIT
package net.jpountz.lz4;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Utils.Match;
import net.jpountz.util.ByteBufferUtils;
import net.jpountz.util.UnsafeUtils;
import static net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Constants.*;
import static net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Utils.copyTo;
import static net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Utils.hashHC;
* High compression compressor.
final class LZ4HCJavaUnsafeCompressor extends LZ4Compressor {
public static final LZ4Compressor INSTANCE = new LZ4HCJavaUnsafeCompressor();
private final int maxAttempts;
final int compressionLevel;
LZ4HCJavaUnsafeCompressor() {
LZ4HCJavaUnsafeCompressor(int compressionLevel) {
this.maxAttempts = 1 << (compressionLevel - 1);
this.compressionLevel = compressionLevel;
private class HashTable {
static final int MASK = MAX_DISTANCE - 1;
int nextToUpdate;
private final int base;
private final int[] hashTable;
private final short[] chainTable;
HashTable(int base) {
this.base = base;
nextToUpdate = base;
hashTable = new int[HASH_TABLE_SIZE_HC];
Arrays.fill(hashTable, -1);
chainTable = new short[MAX_DISTANCE];
private int hashPointer(byte[] bytes, int off) {
final int v = UnsafeUtils.readInt(bytes, off);
return hashPointer(v);
private int hashPointer(ByteBuffer bytes, int off) {
final int v = ByteBufferUtils.readInt(bytes, off);
return hashPointer(v);
private int hashPointer(int v) {
final int h = hashHC(v);
return hashTable[h];
private int next(int off) {
return off - (chainTable[off & MASK] & 0xFFFF);
private void addHash(byte[] bytes, int off) {
final int v = UnsafeUtils.readInt(bytes, off);
addHash(v, off);
private void addHash(ByteBuffer bytes, int off) {
final int v = ByteBufferUtils.readInt(bytes, off);
addHash(v, off);
private void addHash(int v, int off) {
final int h = hashHC(v);
int delta = off - hashTable[h];
assert delta > 0 : delta;
if (delta >= MAX_DISTANCE) {
delta = MAX_DISTANCE - 1;
chainTable[off & MASK] = (short) delta;
hashTable[h] = off;
void insert(int off, byte[] bytes) {
for (; nextToUpdate < off; ++nextToUpdate) {
addHash(bytes, nextToUpdate);
void insert(int off, ByteBuffer bytes) {
for (; nextToUpdate < off; ++nextToUpdate) {
addHash(bytes, nextToUpdate);
boolean insertAndFindBestMatch(byte[] buf, int off, int matchLimit, Match match) {
match.start = off;
match.len = 0;
int delta = 0;
int repl = 0;
insert(off, buf);
int ref = hashPointer(buf, off);
if (ref >= off - 4 && ref <= off && ref >= base) { // potential repetition
if (LZ4UnsafeUtils.readIntEquals(buf, ref, off)) { // confirmed
delta = off - ref;
repl = match.len = MIN_MATCH + LZ4UnsafeUtils.commonBytes(buf, ref + MIN_MATCH, off + MIN_MATCH, matchLimit);
match.ref = ref;
ref = next(ref);
for (int i = 0; i < maxAttempts; ++i) {
if (ref < Math.max(base, off - MAX_DISTANCE + 1) || ref > off) {
if (LZ4UnsafeUtils.readIntEquals(buf, ref, off)) {
final int matchLen = MIN_MATCH + LZ4UnsafeUtils.commonBytes(buf, ref + MIN_MATCH, off + MIN_MATCH, matchLimit);
if (matchLen > match.len) {
match.ref = ref;
match.len = matchLen;
ref = next(ref);
if (repl != 0) {
int ptr = off;
final int end = off + repl - (MIN_MATCH - 1);
while (ptr < end - delta) {
chainTable[ptr & MASK] = (short) delta; // pre load
do {
chainTable[ptr & MASK] = (short) delta;
hashTable[hashHC(UnsafeUtils.readInt(buf, ptr))] = ptr;
} while (ptr < end);
nextToUpdate = end;
return match.len != 0;
boolean insertAndFindWiderMatch(byte[] buf, int off, int startLimit, int matchLimit, int minLen, Match match) {
match.len = minLen;
insert(off, buf);
final int delta = off - startLimit;
int ref = hashPointer(buf, off);
for (int i = 0; i < maxAttempts; ++i) {
if (ref < Math.max(base, off - MAX_DISTANCE + 1) || ref > off) {
if (LZ4UnsafeUtils.readIntEquals(buf, ref, off)) {
final int matchLenForward = MIN_MATCH + LZ4UnsafeUtils.commonBytes(buf, ref + MIN_MATCH, off + MIN_MATCH, matchLimit);
final int matchLenBackward = LZ4UnsafeUtils.commonBytesBackward(buf, ref, off, base, startLimit);
final int matchLen = matchLenBackward + matchLenForward;
if (matchLen > match.len) {
match.len = matchLen;
match.ref = ref - matchLenBackward;
match.start = off - matchLenBackward;
ref = next(ref);
return match.len > minLen;
boolean insertAndFindBestMatch(ByteBuffer buf, int off, int matchLimit, Match match) {
match.start = off;
match.len = 0;
int delta = 0;
int repl = 0;
insert(off, buf);
int ref = hashPointer(buf, off);
if (ref >= off - 4 && ref <= off && ref >= base) { // potential repetition
if (LZ4ByteBufferUtils.readIntEquals(buf, ref, off)) { // confirmed
delta = off - ref;
repl = match.len = MIN_MATCH + LZ4ByteBufferUtils.commonBytes(buf, ref + MIN_MATCH, off + MIN_MATCH, matchLimit);
match.ref = ref;
ref = next(ref);
for (int i = 0; i < maxAttempts; ++i) {
if (ref < Math.max(base, off - MAX_DISTANCE + 1) || ref > off) {
if (LZ4ByteBufferUtils.readIntEquals(buf, ref, off)) {
final int matchLen = MIN_MATCH + LZ4ByteBufferUtils.commonBytes(buf, ref + MIN_MATCH, off + MIN_MATCH, matchLimit);
if (matchLen > match.len) {
match.ref = ref;
match.len = matchLen;
ref = next(ref);
if (repl != 0) {
int ptr = off;
final int end = off + repl - (MIN_MATCH - 1);
while (ptr < end - delta) {
chainTable[ptr & MASK] = (short) delta; // pre load
do {
chainTable[ptr & MASK] = (short) delta;
hashTable[hashHC(ByteBufferUtils.readInt(buf, ptr))] = ptr;
} while (ptr < end);
nextToUpdate = end;
return match.len != 0;
boolean insertAndFindWiderMatch(ByteBuffer buf, int off, int startLimit, int matchLimit, int minLen, Match match) {
match.len = minLen;
insert(off, buf);
final int delta = off - startLimit;
int ref = hashPointer(buf, off);
for (int i = 0; i < maxAttempts; ++i) {
if (ref < Math.max(base, off - MAX_DISTANCE + 1) || ref > off) {
if (LZ4ByteBufferUtils.readIntEquals(buf, ref, off)) {
final int matchLenForward = MIN_MATCH + LZ4ByteBufferUtils.commonBytes(buf, ref + MIN_MATCH, off + MIN_MATCH, matchLimit);
final int matchLenBackward = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.commonBytesBackward(buf, ref, off, base, startLimit);
final int matchLen = matchLenBackward + matchLenForward;
if (matchLen > match.len) {
match.len = matchLen;
match.ref = ref - matchLenBackward;
match.start = off - matchLenBackward;
ref = next(ref);
return match.len > minLen;
public int compress(byte[] src, int srcOff, int srcLen, byte[] dest, int destOff, int maxDestLen) {
UnsafeUtils.checkRange(src, srcOff, srcLen);
UnsafeUtils.checkRange(dest, destOff, maxDestLen);
final int srcEnd = srcOff + srcLen;
final int destEnd = destOff + maxDestLen;
final int mfLimit = srcEnd - MF_LIMIT;
final int matchLimit = srcEnd - LAST_LITERALS;
int sOff = srcOff;
int dOff = destOff;
int anchor = sOff++;
final HashTable ht = new HashTable(srcOff);
final Match match0 = new Match();
final Match match1 = new Match();
final Match match2 = new Match();
final Match match3 = new Match();
while (sOff < mfLimit) {
if (!ht.insertAndFindBestMatch(src, sOff, matchLimit, match1)) {
// saved, in case we would skip too much
copyTo(match1, match0);
while (true) {
assert match1.start >= anchor;
if (match1.end() >= mfLimit
|| !ht.insertAndFindWiderMatch(src, match1.end() - 2, match1.start + 1, matchLimit, match1.len, match2)) {
// no better match
dOff = LZ4UnsafeUtils.encodeSequence(src, anchor, match1.start, match1.ref, match1.len, dest, dOff, destEnd);
anchor = sOff = match1.end();
continue main;
if (match0.start < match1.start) {
if (match2.start < match1.start + match0.len) { // empirical
copyTo(match0, match1);
assert match2.start > match1.start;
if (match2.start - match1.start < 3) { // First Match too small : removed
copyTo(match2, match1);
continue search2;
while (true) {
if (match2.start - match1.start < OPTIMAL_ML) {
int newMatchLen = match1.len;
if (newMatchLen > OPTIMAL_ML) {
newMatchLen = OPTIMAL_ML;
if (match1.start + newMatchLen > match2.end() - MIN_MATCH) {
newMatchLen = match2.start - match1.start + match2.len - MIN_MATCH;
final int correction = newMatchLen - (match2.start - match1.start);
if (correction > 0) {
if (match2.start + match2.len >= mfLimit
|| !ht.insertAndFindWiderMatch(src, match2.end() - 3, match2.start, matchLimit, match2.len, match3)) {
// no better match -> 2 sequences to encode
if (match2.start < match1.end()) {
match1.len = match2.start - match1.start;
// encode seq 1
dOff = LZ4UnsafeUtils.encodeSequence(src, anchor, match1.start, match1.ref, match1.len, dest, dOff, destEnd);
anchor = sOff = match1.end();
// encode seq 2
dOff = LZ4UnsafeUtils.encodeSequence(src, anchor, match2.start, match2.ref, match2.len, dest, dOff, destEnd);
anchor = sOff = match2.end();
continue main;
if (match3.start < match1.end() + 3) { // Not enough space for match 2 : remove it
if (match3.start >= match1.end()) { // // can write Seq1 immediately ==> Seq2 is removed, so Seq3 becomes Seq1
if (match2.start < match1.end()) {
final int correction = match1.end() - match2.start;
if (match2.len < MIN_MATCH) {
copyTo(match3, match2);
dOff = LZ4UnsafeUtils.encodeSequence(src, anchor, match1.start, match1.ref, match1.len, dest, dOff, destEnd);
anchor = sOff = match1.end();
copyTo(match3, match1);
copyTo(match2, match0);
continue search2;
copyTo(match3, match2);
continue search3;
// OK, now we have 3 ascending matches; let's write at least the first one
if (match2.start < match1.end()) {
if (match2.start - match1.start < ML_MASK) {
if (match1.len > OPTIMAL_ML) {
match1.len = OPTIMAL_ML;
if (match1.end() > match2.end() - MIN_MATCH) {
match1.len = match2.end() - match1.start - MIN_MATCH;
final int correction = match1.end() - match2.start;
} else {
match1.len = match2.start - match1.start;
dOff = LZ4UnsafeUtils.encodeSequence(src, anchor, match1.start, match1.ref, match1.len, dest, dOff, destEnd);
anchor = sOff = match1.end();
copyTo(match2, match1);
copyTo(match3, match2);
continue search3;
dOff = LZ4UnsafeUtils.lastLiterals(src, anchor, srcEnd - anchor, dest, dOff, destEnd);
return dOff - destOff;
public int compress(ByteBuffer src, int srcOff, int srcLen, ByteBuffer dest, int destOff, int maxDestLen) {
if (src.hasArray() && dest.hasArray()) {
return compress(src.array(), srcOff + src.arrayOffset(), srcLen, dest.array(), destOff + dest.arrayOffset(), maxDestLen);
src = ByteBufferUtils.inNativeByteOrder(src);
dest = ByteBufferUtils.inNativeByteOrder(dest);
ByteBufferUtils.checkRange(src, srcOff, srcLen);
ByteBufferUtils.checkRange(dest, destOff, maxDestLen);
final int srcEnd = srcOff + srcLen;
final int destEnd = destOff + maxDestLen;
final int mfLimit = srcEnd - MF_LIMIT;
final int matchLimit = srcEnd - LAST_LITERALS;
int sOff = srcOff;
int dOff = destOff;
int anchor = sOff++;
final HashTable ht = new HashTable(srcOff);
final Match match0 = new Match();
final Match match1 = new Match();
final Match match2 = new Match();
final Match match3 = new Match();
while (sOff < mfLimit) {
if (!ht.insertAndFindBestMatch(src, sOff, matchLimit, match1)) {
// saved, in case we would skip too much
copyTo(match1, match0);
while (true) {
assert match1.start >= anchor;
if (match1.end() >= mfLimit
|| !ht.insertAndFindWiderMatch(src, match1.end() - 2, match1.start + 1, matchLimit, match1.len, match2)) {
// no better match
dOff = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.encodeSequence(src, anchor, match1.start, match1.ref, match1.len, dest, dOff, destEnd);
anchor = sOff = match1.end();
continue main;
if (match0.start < match1.start) {
if (match2.start < match1.start + match0.len) { // empirical
copyTo(match0, match1);
assert match2.start > match1.start;
if (match2.start - match1.start < 3) { // First Match too small : removed
copyTo(match2, match1);
continue search2;
while (true) {
if (match2.start - match1.start < OPTIMAL_ML) {
int newMatchLen = match1.len;
if (newMatchLen > OPTIMAL_ML) {
newMatchLen = OPTIMAL_ML;
if (match1.start + newMatchLen > match2.end() - MIN_MATCH) {
newMatchLen = match2.start - match1.start + match2.len - MIN_MATCH;
final int correction = newMatchLen - (match2.start - match1.start);
if (correction > 0) {
if (match2.start + match2.len >= mfLimit
|| !ht.insertAndFindWiderMatch(src, match2.end() - 3, match2.start, matchLimit, match2.len, match3)) {
// no better match -> 2 sequences to encode
if (match2.start < match1.end()) {
match1.len = match2.start - match1.start;
// encode seq 1
dOff = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.encodeSequence(src, anchor, match1.start, match1.ref, match1.len, dest, dOff, destEnd);
anchor = sOff = match1.end();
// encode seq 2
dOff = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.encodeSequence(src, anchor, match2.start, match2.ref, match2.len, dest, dOff, destEnd);
anchor = sOff = match2.end();
continue main;
if (match3.start < match1.end() + 3) { // Not enough space for match 2 : remove it
if (match3.start >= match1.end()) { // // can write Seq1 immediately ==> Seq2 is removed, so Seq3 becomes Seq1
if (match2.start < match1.end()) {
final int correction = match1.end() - match2.start;
if (match2.len < MIN_MATCH) {
copyTo(match3, match2);
dOff = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.encodeSequence(src, anchor, match1.start, match1.ref, match1.len, dest, dOff, destEnd);
anchor = sOff = match1.end();
copyTo(match3, match1);
copyTo(match2, match0);
continue search2;
copyTo(match3, match2);
continue search3;
// OK, now we have 3 ascending matches; let's write at least the first one
if (match2.start < match1.end()) {
if (match2.start - match1.start < ML_MASK) {
if (match1.len > OPTIMAL_ML) {
match1.len = OPTIMAL_ML;
if (match1.end() > match2.end() - MIN_MATCH) {
match1.len = match2.end() - match1.start - MIN_MATCH;
final int correction = match1.end() - match2.start;
} else {
match1.len = match2.start - match1.start;
dOff = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.encodeSequence(src, anchor, match1.start, match1.ref, match1.len, dest, dOff, destEnd);
anchor = sOff = match1.end();
copyTo(match2, match1);
copyTo(match3, match2);
continue search3;
dOff = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.lastLiterals(src, anchor, srcEnd - anchor, dest, dOff, destEnd);
return dOff - destOff;
@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
// Auto-generated: DO NOT EDIT
package net.jpountz.lz4;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import net.jpountz.util.ByteBufferUtils;
import net.jpountz.util.UnsafeUtils;
import static net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Constants.*;
import static net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Utils.hash;
import static net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Utils.hash64k;
* Compressor.
final class LZ4JavaUnsafeCompressor extends LZ4Compressor {
public static final LZ4Compressor INSTANCE = new LZ4JavaUnsafeCompressor();
static int compress64k(byte[] src, int srcOff, int srcLen, byte[] dest, int destOff, int destEnd) {
final int srcEnd = srcOff + srcLen;
final int srcLimit = srcEnd - LAST_LITERALS;
final int mflimit = srcEnd - MF_LIMIT;
int sOff = srcOff, dOff = destOff;
int anchor = sOff;
if (srcLen >= MIN_LENGTH) {
final short[] hashTable = new short[HASH_TABLE_SIZE_64K];
while (true) {
// find a match
int forwardOff = sOff;
int ref;
int step = 1;
int searchMatchNb = 1 << SKIP_STRENGTH;
do {
sOff = forwardOff;
forwardOff += step;
step = searchMatchNb++ >>> SKIP_STRENGTH;
if (forwardOff > mflimit) {
break main;
final int h = hash64k(UnsafeUtils.readInt(src, sOff));
ref = srcOff + UnsafeUtils.readShort(hashTable, h);
UnsafeUtils.writeShort(hashTable, h, sOff - srcOff);
} while (!LZ4UnsafeUtils.readIntEquals(src, ref, sOff));
// catch up
final int excess = LZ4UnsafeUtils.commonBytesBackward(src, ref, sOff, srcOff, anchor);
sOff -= excess;
ref -= excess;
// sequence == refsequence
final int runLen = sOff - anchor;
// encode literal length
int tokenOff = dOff++;
if (dOff + runLen + (2 + 1 + LAST_LITERALS) + (runLen >>> 8) > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("maxDestLen is too small");
if (runLen >= RUN_MASK) {
UnsafeUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, RUN_MASK << ML_BITS);
dOff = LZ4UnsafeUtils.writeLen(runLen - RUN_MASK, dest, dOff);
} else {
UnsafeUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, runLen << ML_BITS);
// copy literals
LZ4UnsafeUtils.wildArraycopy(src, anchor, dest, dOff, runLen);
dOff += runLen;
while (true) {
// encode offset
UnsafeUtils.writeShortLE(dest, dOff, (short) (sOff - ref));
dOff += 2;
// count nb matches
sOff += MIN_MATCH;
ref += MIN_MATCH;
final int matchLen = LZ4UnsafeUtils.commonBytes(src, ref, sOff, srcLimit);
if (dOff + (1 + LAST_LITERALS) + (matchLen >>> 8) > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("maxDestLen is too small");
sOff += matchLen;
// encode match len
if (matchLen >= ML_MASK) {
UnsafeUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, UnsafeUtils.readByte(dest, tokenOff) | ML_MASK);
dOff = LZ4UnsafeUtils.writeLen(matchLen - ML_MASK, dest, dOff);
} else {
UnsafeUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, UnsafeUtils.readByte(dest, tokenOff) | matchLen);
// test end of chunk
if (sOff > mflimit) {
anchor = sOff;
break main;
// fill table
UnsafeUtils.writeShort(hashTable, hash64k(UnsafeUtils.readInt(src, sOff - 2)), sOff - 2 - srcOff);
// test next position
final int h = hash64k(UnsafeUtils.readInt(src, sOff));
ref = srcOff + UnsafeUtils.readShort(hashTable, h);
UnsafeUtils.writeShort(hashTable, h, sOff - srcOff);
if (!LZ4UnsafeUtils.readIntEquals(src, sOff, ref)) {
tokenOff = dOff++;
UnsafeUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, 0);
// prepare next loop
anchor = sOff++;
dOff = LZ4UnsafeUtils.lastLiterals(src, anchor, srcEnd - anchor, dest, dOff, destEnd);
return dOff - destOff;
public int compress(byte[] src, final int srcOff, int srcLen, byte[] dest, final int destOff, int maxDestLen) {
UnsafeUtils.checkRange(src, srcOff, srcLen);
UnsafeUtils.checkRange(dest, destOff, maxDestLen);
final int destEnd = destOff + maxDestLen;
if (srcLen < LZ4_64K_LIMIT) {
return compress64k(src, srcOff, srcLen, dest, destOff, destEnd);
final int srcEnd = srcOff + srcLen;
final int srcLimit = srcEnd - LAST_LITERALS;
final int mflimit = srcEnd - MF_LIMIT;
int sOff = srcOff, dOff = destOff;
int anchor = sOff++;
final int[] hashTable = new int[HASH_TABLE_SIZE];
Arrays.fill(hashTable, anchor);
while (true) {
// find a match
int forwardOff = sOff;
int ref;
int step = 1;
int searchMatchNb = 1 << SKIP_STRENGTH;
int back;
do {
sOff = forwardOff;
forwardOff += step;
step = searchMatchNb++ >>> SKIP_STRENGTH;
if (forwardOff > mflimit) {
break main;
final int h = hash(UnsafeUtils.readInt(src, sOff));
ref = UnsafeUtils.readInt(hashTable, h);
back = sOff - ref;
UnsafeUtils.writeInt(hashTable, h, sOff);
} while (back >= MAX_DISTANCE || !LZ4UnsafeUtils.readIntEquals(src, ref, sOff));
final int excess = LZ4UnsafeUtils.commonBytesBackward(src, ref, sOff, srcOff, anchor);
sOff -= excess;
ref -= excess;
// sequence == refsequence
final int runLen = sOff - anchor;
// encode literal length
int tokenOff = dOff++;
if (dOff + runLen + (2 + 1 + LAST_LITERALS) + (runLen >>> 8) > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("maxDestLen is too small");
if (runLen >= RUN_MASK) {
UnsafeUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, RUN_MASK << ML_BITS);
dOff = LZ4UnsafeUtils.writeLen(runLen - RUN_MASK, dest, dOff);
} else {
UnsafeUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, runLen << ML_BITS);
// copy literals
LZ4UnsafeUtils.wildArraycopy(src, anchor, dest, dOff, runLen);
dOff += runLen;
while (true) {
// encode offset
UnsafeUtils.writeShortLE(dest, dOff, back);
dOff += 2;
// count nb matches
sOff += MIN_MATCH;
final int matchLen = LZ4UnsafeUtils.commonBytes(src, ref + MIN_MATCH, sOff, srcLimit);
if (dOff + (1 + LAST_LITERALS) + (matchLen >>> 8) > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("maxDestLen is too small");
sOff += matchLen;
// encode match len
if (matchLen >= ML_MASK) {
UnsafeUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, UnsafeUtils.readByte(dest, tokenOff) | ML_MASK);
dOff = LZ4UnsafeUtils.writeLen(matchLen - ML_MASK, dest, dOff);
} else {
UnsafeUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, UnsafeUtils.readByte(dest, tokenOff) | matchLen);
// test end of chunk
if (sOff > mflimit) {
anchor = sOff;
break main;
// fill table
UnsafeUtils.writeInt(hashTable, hash(UnsafeUtils.readInt(src, sOff - 2)), sOff - 2);
// test next position
final int h = hash(UnsafeUtils.readInt(src, sOff));
ref = UnsafeUtils.readInt(hashTable, h);
UnsafeUtils.writeInt(hashTable, h, sOff);
back = sOff - ref;
if (back >= MAX_DISTANCE || !LZ4UnsafeUtils.readIntEquals(src, ref, sOff)) {
tokenOff = dOff++;
UnsafeUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, 0);
// prepare next loop
anchor = sOff++;
dOff = LZ4UnsafeUtils.lastLiterals(src, anchor, srcEnd - anchor, dest, dOff, destEnd);
return dOff - destOff;
static int compress64k(ByteBuffer src, int srcOff, int srcLen, ByteBuffer dest, int destOff, int destEnd) {
final int srcEnd = srcOff + srcLen;
final int srcLimit = srcEnd - LAST_LITERALS;
final int mflimit = srcEnd - MF_LIMIT;
int sOff = srcOff, dOff = destOff;
int anchor = sOff;
if (srcLen >= MIN_LENGTH) {
final short[] hashTable = new short[HASH_TABLE_SIZE_64K];
while (true) {
// find a match
int forwardOff = sOff;
int ref;
int step = 1;
int searchMatchNb = 1 << SKIP_STRENGTH;
do {
sOff = forwardOff;
forwardOff += step;
step = searchMatchNb++ >>> SKIP_STRENGTH;
if (forwardOff > mflimit) {
break main;
final int h = hash64k(ByteBufferUtils.readInt(src, sOff));
ref = srcOff + UnsafeUtils.readShort(hashTable, h);
UnsafeUtils.writeShort(hashTable, h, sOff - srcOff);
} while (!LZ4ByteBufferUtils.readIntEquals(src, ref, sOff));
// catch up
final int excess = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.commonBytesBackward(src, ref, sOff, srcOff, anchor);
sOff -= excess;
ref -= excess;
// sequence == refsequence
final int runLen = sOff - anchor;
// encode literal length
int tokenOff = dOff++;
if (dOff + runLen + (2 + 1 + LAST_LITERALS) + (runLen >>> 8) > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("maxDestLen is too small");
if (runLen >= RUN_MASK) {
ByteBufferUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, RUN_MASK << ML_BITS);
dOff = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.writeLen(runLen - RUN_MASK, dest, dOff);
} else {
ByteBufferUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, runLen << ML_BITS);
// copy literals
LZ4ByteBufferUtils.wildArraycopy(src, anchor, dest, dOff, runLen);
dOff += runLen;
while (true) {
// encode offset
ByteBufferUtils.writeShortLE(dest, dOff, (short) (sOff - ref));
dOff += 2;
// count nb matches
sOff += MIN_MATCH;
ref += MIN_MATCH;
final int matchLen = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.commonBytes(src, ref, sOff, srcLimit);
if (dOff + (1 + LAST_LITERALS) + (matchLen >>> 8) > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("maxDestLen is too small");
sOff += matchLen;
// encode match len
if (matchLen >= ML_MASK) {
ByteBufferUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, ByteBufferUtils.readByte(dest, tokenOff) | ML_MASK);
dOff = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.writeLen(matchLen - ML_MASK, dest, dOff);
} else {
ByteBufferUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, ByteBufferUtils.readByte(dest, tokenOff) | matchLen);
// test end of chunk
if (sOff > mflimit) {
anchor = sOff;
break main;
// fill table
UnsafeUtils.writeShort(hashTable, hash64k(ByteBufferUtils.readInt(src, sOff - 2)), sOff - 2 - srcOff);
// test next position
final int h = hash64k(ByteBufferUtils.readInt(src, sOff));
ref = srcOff + UnsafeUtils.readShort(hashTable, h);
UnsafeUtils.writeShort(hashTable, h, sOff - srcOff);
if (!LZ4ByteBufferUtils.readIntEquals(src, sOff, ref)) {
tokenOff = dOff++;
ByteBufferUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, 0);
// prepare next loop
anchor = sOff++;
dOff = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.lastLiterals(src, anchor, srcEnd - anchor, dest, dOff, destEnd);
return dOff - destOff;
public int compress(ByteBuffer src, final int srcOff, int srcLen, ByteBuffer dest, final int destOff, int maxDestLen) {
if (src.hasArray() && dest.hasArray()) {
return compress(src.array(), srcOff + src.arrayOffset(), srcLen, dest.array(), destOff + dest.arrayOffset(), maxDestLen);
src = ByteBufferUtils.inNativeByteOrder(src);
dest = ByteBufferUtils.inNativeByteOrder(dest);
ByteBufferUtils.checkRange(src, srcOff, srcLen);
ByteBufferUtils.checkRange(dest, destOff, maxDestLen);
final int destEnd = destOff + maxDestLen;
if (srcLen < LZ4_64K_LIMIT) {
return compress64k(src, srcOff, srcLen, dest, destOff, destEnd);
final int srcEnd = srcOff + srcLen;
final int srcLimit = srcEnd - LAST_LITERALS;
final int mflimit = srcEnd - MF_LIMIT;
int sOff = srcOff, dOff = destOff;
int anchor = sOff++;
final int[] hashTable = new int[HASH_TABLE_SIZE];
Arrays.fill(hashTable, anchor);
while (true) {
// find a match
int forwardOff = sOff;
int ref;
int step = 1;
int searchMatchNb = 1 << SKIP_STRENGTH;
int back;
do {
sOff = forwardOff;
forwardOff += step;
step = searchMatchNb++ >>> SKIP_STRENGTH;
if (forwardOff > mflimit) {
break main;
final int h = hash(ByteBufferUtils.readInt(src, sOff));
ref = UnsafeUtils.readInt(hashTable, h);
back = sOff - ref;
UnsafeUtils.writeInt(hashTable, h, sOff);
} while (back >= MAX_DISTANCE || !LZ4ByteBufferUtils.readIntEquals(src, ref, sOff));
final int excess = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.commonBytesBackward(src, ref, sOff, srcOff, anchor);
sOff -= excess;
ref -= excess;
// sequence == refsequence
final int runLen = sOff - anchor;
// encode literal length
int tokenOff = dOff++;
if (dOff + runLen + (2 + 1 + LAST_LITERALS) + (runLen >>> 8) > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("maxDestLen is too small");
if (runLen >= RUN_MASK) {
ByteBufferUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, RUN_MASK << ML_BITS);
dOff = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.writeLen(runLen - RUN_MASK, dest, dOff);
} else {
ByteBufferUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, runLen << ML_BITS);
// copy literals
LZ4ByteBufferUtils.wildArraycopy(src, anchor, dest, dOff, runLen);
dOff += runLen;
while (true) {
// encode offset
ByteBufferUtils.writeShortLE(dest, dOff, back);
dOff += 2;
// count nb matches
sOff += MIN_MATCH;
final int matchLen = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.commonBytes(src, ref + MIN_MATCH, sOff, srcLimit);
if (dOff + (1 + LAST_LITERALS) + (matchLen >>> 8) > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("maxDestLen is too small");
sOff += matchLen;
// encode match len
if (matchLen >= ML_MASK) {
ByteBufferUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, ByteBufferUtils.readByte(dest, tokenOff) | ML_MASK);
dOff = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.writeLen(matchLen - ML_MASK, dest, dOff);
} else {
ByteBufferUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, ByteBufferUtils.readByte(dest, tokenOff) | matchLen);
// test end of chunk
if (sOff > mflimit) {
anchor = sOff;
break main;
// fill table
UnsafeUtils.writeInt(hashTable, hash(ByteBufferUtils.readInt(src, sOff - 2)), sOff - 2);
// test next position
final int h = hash(ByteBufferUtils.readInt(src, sOff));
ref = UnsafeUtils.readInt(hashTable, h);
UnsafeUtils.writeInt(hashTable, h, sOff);
back = sOff - ref;
if (back >= MAX_DISTANCE || !LZ4ByteBufferUtils.readIntEquals(src, ref, sOff)) {
tokenOff = dOff++;
ByteBufferUtils.writeByte(dest, tokenOff, 0);
// prepare next loop
anchor = sOff++;
dOff = LZ4ByteBufferUtils.lastLiterals(src, anchor, srcEnd - anchor, dest, dOff, destEnd);
return dOff - destOff;
@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
// Auto-generated: DO NOT EDIT
package net.jpountz.lz4;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import net.jpountz.util.ByteBufferUtils;
import net.jpountz.util.UnsafeUtils;
import static net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Constants.*;
* Decompressor.
final class LZ4JavaUnsafeFastDecompressor extends LZ4FastDecompressor {
public static final LZ4FastDecompressor INSTANCE = new LZ4JavaUnsafeFastDecompressor();
public int decompress(byte[] src, final int srcOff, byte[] dest, final int destOff, int destLen) {
UnsafeUtils.checkRange(src, srcOff);
UnsafeUtils.checkRange(dest, destOff, destLen);
if (destLen == 0) {
if (UnsafeUtils.readByte(src, srcOff) != 0) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + srcOff);
return 1;
final int destEnd = destOff + destLen;
int sOff = srcOff;
int dOff = destOff;
while (true) {
final int token = UnsafeUtils.readByte(src, sOff) & 0xFF;
// literals
int literalLen = token >>> ML_BITS;
if (literalLen == RUN_MASK) {
byte len = (byte) 0xFF;
while ((len = UnsafeUtils.readByte(src, sOff++)) == (byte) 0xFF) {
literalLen += 0xFF;
literalLen += len & 0xFF;
final int literalCopyEnd = dOff + literalLen;
if (literalCopyEnd > destEnd - COPY_LENGTH) {
if (literalCopyEnd != destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + sOff);
} else {
LZ4UnsafeUtils.safeArraycopy(src, sOff, dest, dOff, literalLen);
sOff += literalLen;
dOff = literalCopyEnd;
break; // EOF
LZ4UnsafeUtils.wildArraycopy(src, sOff, dest, dOff, literalLen);
sOff += literalLen;
dOff = literalCopyEnd;
// matchs
final int matchDec = UnsafeUtils.readShortLE(src, sOff);
sOff += 2;
int matchOff = dOff - matchDec;
if (matchOff < destOff) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + sOff);
int matchLen = token & ML_MASK;
if (matchLen == ML_MASK) {
byte len = (byte) 0xFF;
while ((len = UnsafeUtils.readByte(src, sOff++)) == (byte) 0xFF) {
matchLen += 0xFF;
matchLen += len & 0xFF;
matchLen += MIN_MATCH;
final int matchCopyEnd = dOff + matchLen;
if (matchCopyEnd > destEnd - COPY_LENGTH) {
if (matchCopyEnd > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + sOff);
LZ4UnsafeUtils.safeIncrementalCopy(dest, matchOff, dOff, matchLen);
} else {
LZ4UnsafeUtils.wildIncrementalCopy(dest, matchOff, dOff, matchCopyEnd);
dOff = matchCopyEnd;
return sOff - srcOff;
public int decompress(ByteBuffer src, final int srcOff, ByteBuffer dest, final int destOff, int destLen) {
if (src.hasArray() && dest.hasArray()) {
return decompress(src.array(), srcOff + src.arrayOffset(), dest.array(), destOff + dest.arrayOffset(), destLen);
src = ByteBufferUtils.inNativeByteOrder(src);
dest = ByteBufferUtils.inNativeByteOrder(dest);
ByteBufferUtils.checkRange(src, srcOff);
ByteBufferUtils.checkRange(dest, destOff, destLen);
if (destLen == 0) {
if (ByteBufferUtils.readByte(src, srcOff) != 0) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + srcOff);
return 1;
final int destEnd = destOff + destLen;
int sOff = srcOff;
int dOff = destOff;
while (true) {
final int token = ByteBufferUtils.readByte(src, sOff) & 0xFF;
// literals
int literalLen = token >>> ML_BITS;
if (literalLen == RUN_MASK) {
byte len = (byte) 0xFF;
while ((len = ByteBufferUtils.readByte(src, sOff++)) == (byte) 0xFF) {
literalLen += 0xFF;
literalLen += len & 0xFF;
final int literalCopyEnd = dOff + literalLen;
if (literalCopyEnd > destEnd - COPY_LENGTH) {
if (literalCopyEnd != destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + sOff);
} else {
LZ4ByteBufferUtils.safeArraycopy(src, sOff, dest, dOff, literalLen);
sOff += literalLen;
dOff = literalCopyEnd;
break; // EOF
LZ4ByteBufferUtils.wildArraycopy(src, sOff, dest, dOff, literalLen);
sOff += literalLen;
dOff = literalCopyEnd;
// matchs
final int matchDec = ByteBufferUtils.readShortLE(src, sOff);
sOff += 2;
int matchOff = dOff - matchDec;
if (matchOff < destOff) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + sOff);
int matchLen = token & ML_MASK;
if (matchLen == ML_MASK) {
byte len = (byte) 0xFF;
while ((len = ByteBufferUtils.readByte(src, sOff++)) == (byte) 0xFF) {
matchLen += 0xFF;
matchLen += len & 0xFF;
matchLen += MIN_MATCH;
final int matchCopyEnd = dOff + matchLen;
if (matchCopyEnd > destEnd - COPY_LENGTH) {
if (matchCopyEnd > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + sOff);
LZ4ByteBufferUtils.safeIncrementalCopy(dest, matchOff, dOff, matchLen);
} else {
LZ4ByteBufferUtils.wildIncrementalCopy(dest, matchOff, dOff, matchCopyEnd);
dOff = matchCopyEnd;
return sOff - srcOff;
@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
// Auto-generated: DO NOT EDIT
package net.jpountz.lz4;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import net.jpountz.util.ByteBufferUtils;
import net.jpountz.util.UnsafeUtils;
import static net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Constants.*;
* Decompressor.
final class LZ4JavaUnsafeSafeDecompressor extends LZ4SafeDecompressor {
public static final LZ4SafeDecompressor INSTANCE = new LZ4JavaUnsafeSafeDecompressor();
public int decompress(byte[] src, final int srcOff, final int srcLen, byte[] dest, final int destOff, int destLen) {
UnsafeUtils.checkRange(src, srcOff, srcLen);
UnsafeUtils.checkRange(dest, destOff, destLen);
if (destLen == 0) {
if (srcLen != 1 || UnsafeUtils.readByte(src, srcOff) != 0) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Output buffer too small");
return 0;
final int srcEnd = srcOff + srcLen;
final int destEnd = destOff + destLen;
int sOff = srcOff;
int dOff = destOff;
while (true) {
final int token = UnsafeUtils.readByte(src, sOff) & 0xFF;
// literals
int literalLen = token >>> ML_BITS;
if (literalLen == RUN_MASK) {
byte len = (byte) 0xFF;
while (sOff < srcEnd && (len = UnsafeUtils.readByte(src, sOff++)) == (byte) 0xFF) {
literalLen += 0xFF;
literalLen += len & 0xFF;
final int literalCopyEnd = dOff + literalLen;
if (literalCopyEnd > destEnd - COPY_LENGTH || sOff + literalLen > srcEnd - COPY_LENGTH) {
if (literalCopyEnd > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception();
} else if (sOff + literalLen != srcEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + sOff);
} else {
LZ4UnsafeUtils.safeArraycopy(src, sOff, dest, dOff, literalLen);
sOff += literalLen;
dOff = literalCopyEnd;
break; // EOF
LZ4UnsafeUtils.wildArraycopy(src, sOff, dest, dOff, literalLen);
sOff += literalLen;
dOff = literalCopyEnd;
// matchs
final int matchDec = UnsafeUtils.readShortLE(src, sOff);
sOff += 2;
int matchOff = dOff - matchDec;
if (matchOff < destOff) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + sOff);
int matchLen = token & ML_MASK;
if (matchLen == ML_MASK) {
byte len = (byte) 0xFF;
while (sOff < srcEnd && (len = UnsafeUtils.readByte(src, sOff++)) == (byte) 0xFF) {
matchLen += 0xFF;
matchLen += len & 0xFF;
matchLen += MIN_MATCH;
final int matchCopyEnd = dOff + matchLen;
if (matchCopyEnd > destEnd - COPY_LENGTH) {
if (matchCopyEnd > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + sOff);
LZ4UnsafeUtils.safeIncrementalCopy(dest, matchOff, dOff, matchLen);
} else {
LZ4UnsafeUtils.wildIncrementalCopy(dest, matchOff, dOff, matchCopyEnd);
dOff = matchCopyEnd;
return dOff - destOff;
public int decompress(ByteBuffer src, final int srcOff, final int srcLen, ByteBuffer dest, final int destOff, int destLen) {
if (src.hasArray() && dest.hasArray()) {
return decompress(src.array(), srcOff + src.arrayOffset(), srcLen, dest.array(), destOff + dest.arrayOffset(), destLen);
src = ByteBufferUtils.inNativeByteOrder(src);
dest = ByteBufferUtils.inNativeByteOrder(dest);
ByteBufferUtils.checkRange(src, srcOff, srcLen);
ByteBufferUtils.checkRange(dest, destOff, destLen);
if (destLen == 0) {
if (srcLen != 1 || ByteBufferUtils.readByte(src, srcOff) != 0) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Output buffer too small");
return 0;
final int srcEnd = srcOff + srcLen;
final int destEnd = destOff + destLen;
int sOff = srcOff;
int dOff = destOff;
while (true) {
final int token = ByteBufferUtils.readByte(src, sOff) & 0xFF;
// literals
int literalLen = token >>> ML_BITS;
if (literalLen == RUN_MASK) {
byte len = (byte) 0xFF;
while (sOff < srcEnd && (len = ByteBufferUtils.readByte(src, sOff++)) == (byte) 0xFF) {
literalLen += 0xFF;
literalLen += len & 0xFF;
final int literalCopyEnd = dOff + literalLen;
if (literalCopyEnd > destEnd - COPY_LENGTH || sOff + literalLen > srcEnd - COPY_LENGTH) {
if (literalCopyEnd > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception();
} else if (sOff + literalLen != srcEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + sOff);
} else {
LZ4ByteBufferUtils.safeArraycopy(src, sOff, dest, dOff, literalLen);
sOff += literalLen;
dOff = literalCopyEnd;
break; // EOF
LZ4ByteBufferUtils.wildArraycopy(src, sOff, dest, dOff, literalLen);
sOff += literalLen;
dOff = literalCopyEnd;
// matchs
final int matchDec = ByteBufferUtils.readShortLE(src, sOff);
sOff += 2;
int matchOff = dOff - matchDec;
if (matchOff < destOff) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + sOff);
int matchLen = token & ML_MASK;
if (matchLen == ML_MASK) {
byte len = (byte) 0xFF;
while (sOff < srcEnd && (len = ByteBufferUtils.readByte(src, sOff++)) == (byte) 0xFF) {
matchLen += 0xFF;
matchLen += len & 0xFF;
matchLen += MIN_MATCH;
final int matchCopyEnd = dOff + matchLen;
if (matchCopyEnd > destEnd - COPY_LENGTH) {
if (matchCopyEnd > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("Malformed input at " + sOff);
LZ4ByteBufferUtils.safeIncrementalCopy(dest, matchOff, dOff, matchLen);
} else {
LZ4ByteBufferUtils.wildIncrementalCopy(dest, matchOff, dOff, matchCopyEnd);
dOff = matchCopyEnd;
return dOff - destOff;
@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
package net.jpountz.lz4;
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import static net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Constants.*;
import static net.jpountz.util.UnsafeUtils.*;
import static net.jpountz.util.Utils.NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER;
enum LZ4UnsafeUtils {
static void safeArraycopy(byte[] src, int srcOff, byte[] dest, int destOff, int len) {
final int fastLen = len & 0xFFFFFFF8;
wildArraycopy(src, srcOff, dest, destOff, fastLen);
for (int i = 0, slowLen = len & 0x7; i < slowLen; i += 1) {
writeByte(dest, destOff + fastLen + i, readByte(src, srcOff + fastLen + i));
static void wildArraycopy(byte[] src, int srcOff, byte[] dest, int destOff, int len) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 8) {
writeLong(dest, destOff + i, readLong(src, srcOff + i));
static void wildIncrementalCopy(byte[] dest, int matchOff, int dOff, int matchCopyEnd) {
if (dOff - matchOff < 4) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
writeByte(dest, dOff + i, readByte(dest, matchOff + i));
dOff += 4;
matchOff += 4;
int dec = 0;
assert dOff >= matchOff && dOff - matchOff < 8;
switch (dOff - matchOff) {
case 1:
matchOff -= 3;
case 2:
matchOff -= 2;
case 3:
matchOff -= 3;
dec = -1;
case 5:
dec = 1;
case 6:
dec = 2;
case 7:
dec = 3;
writeInt(dest, dOff, readInt(dest, matchOff));
dOff += 4;
matchOff -= dec;
} else if (dOff - matchOff < COPY_LENGTH) {
writeLong(dest, dOff, readLong(dest, matchOff));
dOff += dOff - matchOff;
while (dOff < matchCopyEnd) {
writeLong(dest, dOff, readLong(dest, matchOff));
dOff += 8;
matchOff += 8;
static void safeIncrementalCopy(byte[] dest, int matchOff, int dOff, int matchLen) {
for (int i = 0; i < matchLen; ++i) {
dest[dOff + i] = dest[matchOff + i];
writeByte(dest, dOff + i, readByte(dest, matchOff + i));
static int readShortLittleEndian(byte[] src, int srcOff) {
short s = readShort(src, srcOff);
s = Short.reverseBytes(s);
return s & 0xFFFF;
static void writeShortLittleEndian(byte[] dest, int destOff, int value) {
short s = (short) value;
s = Short.reverseBytes(s);
writeShort(dest, destOff, s);
static boolean readIntEquals(byte[] src, int ref, int sOff) {
return readInt(src, ref) == readInt(src, sOff);
static int commonBytes(byte[] src, int ref, int sOff, int srcLimit) {
int matchLen = 0;
while (sOff <= srcLimit - 8) {
if (readLong(src, sOff) == readLong(src, ref)) {
matchLen += 8;
ref += 8;
sOff += 8;
} else {
final int zeroBits;
zeroBits = Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(readLong(src, sOff) ^ readLong(src, ref));
} else {
zeroBits = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(readLong(src, sOff) ^ readLong(src, ref));
return matchLen + (zeroBits >>> 3);
while (sOff < srcLimit && readByte(src, ref++) == readByte(src, sOff++)) {
return matchLen;
static int writeLen(int len, byte[] dest, int dOff) {
while (len >= 0xFF) {
writeByte(dest, dOff++, 0xFF);
len -= 0xFF;
writeByte(dest, dOff++, len);
return dOff;
static int encodeSequence(byte[] src, int anchor, int matchOff, int matchRef, int matchLen, byte[] dest, int dOff, int destEnd) {
final int runLen = matchOff - anchor;
final int tokenOff = dOff++;
int token;
if (runLen >= RUN_MASK) {
token = (byte) (RUN_MASK << ML_BITS);
dOff = writeLen(runLen - RUN_MASK, dest, dOff);
} else {
token = runLen << ML_BITS;
// copy literals
wildArraycopy(src, anchor, dest, dOff, runLen);
dOff += runLen;
// encode offset
final int matchDec = matchOff - matchRef;
dest[dOff++] = (byte) matchDec;
dest[dOff++] = (byte) (matchDec >>> 8);
// encode match len
matchLen -= 4;
if (dOff + (1 + LAST_LITERALS) + (matchLen >>> 8) > destEnd) {
throw new LZ4Exception("maxDestLen is too small");
if (matchLen >= ML_MASK) {
token |= ML_MASK;
dOff = writeLen(matchLen - RUN_MASK, dest, dOff);
} else {
token |= matchLen;
dest[tokenOff] = (byte) token;
return dOff;
static int commonBytesBackward(byte[] b, int o1, int o2, int l1, int l2) {
int count = 0;
while (o1 > l1 && o2 > l2 && readByte(b, --o1) == readByte(b, --o2)) {
return count;
static int lastLiterals(byte[] src, int sOff, int srcLen, byte[] dest, int dOff, int destEnd) {
return LZ4SafeUtils.lastLiterals(src, sOff, srcLen, dest, dOff, destEnd);
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
package net.jpountz.util;
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;
import static net.jpountz.util.Utils.NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER;
public enum UnsafeUtils {
private static final Unsafe UNSAFE;
private static final long BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET;
private static final int BYTE_ARRAY_SCALE;
private static final long INT_ARRAY_OFFSET;
private static final int INT_ARRAY_SCALE;
private static final long SHORT_ARRAY_OFFSET;
private static final int SHORT_ARRAY_SCALE;
static {
try {
Field theUnsafe = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
UNSAFE = (Unsafe) theUnsafe.get(null);
BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(byte[].class);
BYTE_ARRAY_SCALE = UNSAFE.arrayIndexScale(byte[].class);
INT_ARRAY_OFFSET = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(int[].class);
INT_ARRAY_SCALE = UNSAFE.arrayIndexScale(int[].class);
SHORT_ARRAY_OFFSET = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(short[].class);
SHORT_ARRAY_SCALE = UNSAFE.arrayIndexScale(short[].class);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError("Cannot access Unsafe");
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError("Cannot access Unsafe");
} catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError("Cannot access Unsafe");
public static void checkRange(byte[] buf, int off) {
SafeUtils.checkRange(buf, off);
public static void checkRange(byte[] buf, int off, int len) {
SafeUtils.checkRange(buf, off, len);
public static void checkLength(int len) {
public static byte readByte(byte[] src, int srcOff) {
return UNSAFE.getByte(src, BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET + BYTE_ARRAY_SCALE * srcOff);
public static void writeByte(byte[] src, int srcOff, byte value) {
UNSAFE.putByte(src, BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET + BYTE_ARRAY_SCALE * srcOff, (byte) value);
public static void writeByte(byte[] src, int srcOff, int value) {
writeByte(src, srcOff, (byte) value);
public static long readLong(byte[] src, int srcOff) {
return UNSAFE.getLong(src, BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET + srcOff);
public static long readLongLE(byte[] src, int srcOff) {
long i = readLong(src, srcOff);
i = Long.reverseBytes(i);
return i;
public static void writeLong(byte[] dest, int destOff, long value) {
UNSAFE.putLong(dest, BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET + destOff, value);
public static int readInt(byte[] src, int srcOff) {
return UNSAFE.getInt(src, BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET + srcOff);
public static int readIntLE(byte[] src, int srcOff) {
int i = readInt(src, srcOff);
i = Integer.reverseBytes(i);
return i;
public static void writeInt(byte[] dest, int destOff, int value) {
UNSAFE.putInt(dest, BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET + destOff, value);
public static short readShort(byte[] src, int srcOff) {
return UNSAFE.getShort(src, BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET + srcOff);
public static int readShortLE(byte[] src, int srcOff) {
short s = readShort(src, srcOff);
s = Short.reverseBytes(s);
return s & 0xFFFF;
public static void writeShort(byte[] dest, int destOff, short value) {
UNSAFE.putShort(dest, BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET + destOff, value);
public static void writeShortLE(byte[] buf, int off, int v) {
writeByte(buf, off, (byte) v);
writeByte(buf, off + 1, (byte) (v >>> 8));
public static int readInt(int[] src, int srcOff) {
return UNSAFE.getInt(src, INT_ARRAY_OFFSET + INT_ARRAY_SCALE * srcOff);
public static void writeInt(int[] dest, int destOff, int value) {
UNSAFE.putInt(dest, INT_ARRAY_OFFSET + INT_ARRAY_SCALE * destOff, value);
public static int readShort(short[] src, int srcOff) {
return UNSAFE.getShort(src, SHORT_ARRAY_OFFSET + SHORT_ARRAY_SCALE * srcOff) & 0xFFFF;
public static void writeShort(short[] dest, int destOff, int value) {
UNSAFE.putShort(dest, SHORT_ARRAY_OFFSET + SHORT_ARRAY_SCALE * destOff, (short) value);
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