mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 21:23:15 +00:00
Use Uri instead of BufferedImage for parameter
This commit is contained in:
@ -260,6 +260,10 @@ public class WorldEditPlugin extends JavaPlugin implements TabCompleter {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to load config.yml");
// Create schematics folder
WorldEdit worldEdit = WorldEdit.getInstance();
File dir = worldEdit.getWorkingDirectoryFile(worldEdit.getConfiguration().saveDir);
private void loadAdapter() {
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import static com.boydti.fawe.util.image.ImageUtil.load;
@Command(aliases = {"/cfi"}, desc = "Create a world from images: [More Info](https://git.io/v5iDy)")
public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
@ -93,9 +94,9 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
desc = "Start CFI with a height map as a base"
public void heightmap(FawePlayer fp, BufferedImage image, @Optional("1") double yscale) {
public void heightmap(FawePlayer fp, FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional("1") double yscale) throws ParameterException {
if (yscale != 0) {
int[] raw = ((DataBufferInt) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
int[] raw = ((DataBufferInt) image.load().getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
int[] table = new int[256];
for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
table[i] = Math.min(255, (int) (i * yscale));
@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
raw[i] = (red << 16) + (green << 8) + (blue << 0);
HeightMapMCAGenerator generator = new HeightMapMCAGenerator(image, getFolder(generateName()));
HeightMapMCAGenerator generator = new HeightMapMCAGenerator(image.load(), getFolder(generateName()));
setup(generator, fp);
@ -257,9 +258,9 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
desc = "Set the floor and main block"
public void column(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
public void column(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator();
if (image != null) gen.setColumn(image, pattern, !disableWhiteOnly);
if (image != null) gen.setColumn(load(image), pattern, !disableWhiteOnly);
else if (mask != null) gen.setColumn(mask, pattern);
else gen.setColumn(pattern);
fp.sendMessage("Set column!");
@ -273,16 +274,16 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
desc = "Set the floor (default: grass)"
public void floorCmd(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
public void floorCmd(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
floor(fp, pattern, image, mask, disableWhiteOnly);
fp.sendMessage("Set floor!");
private void floor(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException {
private void floor(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException {
HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator();
if (image != null) gen.setFloor(image, pattern, !disableWhiteOnly);
if (image != null) gen.setFloor(load(image), pattern, !disableWhiteOnly);
else if (mask != null) gen.setFloor(mask, pattern);
else gen.setFloor(pattern);
@ -293,16 +294,16 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
desc = "Set the main block (default: stone)"
public void mainCmd(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
public void mainCmd(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
main(fp, pattern, image, mask, disableWhiteOnly);
fp.sendMessage("Set main!");
public void main(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
public void main(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator();
if (image != null) gen.setMain(image, pattern, !disableWhiteOnly);
if (image != null) gen.setMain(load(image), pattern, !disableWhiteOnly);
else if (mask != null) gen.setMain(mask, pattern);
else gen.setMain(pattern);
@ -315,9 +316,9 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
"e.g. Tallgrass"
public void overlay(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
public void overlay(FawePlayer fp, Pattern pattern, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator();
if (image != null) gen.setOverlay(image, pattern, !disableWhiteOnly);
if (image != null) gen.setOverlay(load(image), pattern, !disableWhiteOnly);
else if (mask != null) gen.setOverlay(mask, pattern);
else gen.setOverlay(pattern);
fp.sendMessage("Set overlay!");
@ -334,15 +335,15 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
" - A good value for radius and iterations would be 1 8."
public void smoothCmd(FawePlayer fp, int radius, int iterations, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
public void smoothCmd(FawePlayer fp, int radius, int iterations, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
smooth(fp, radius, iterations, image, mask, disableWhiteOnly);
private void smooth(FawePlayer fp, int radius, int iterations, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
private void smooth(FawePlayer fp, int radius, int iterations, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator();
if (image != null) gen.smooth(image, !disableWhiteOnly, radius, iterations);
if (image != null) gen.smooth(load(image), !disableWhiteOnly, radius, iterations);
else gen.smooth(mask, radius, iterations);
@ -352,7 +353,7 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
desc = "Create some snow"
public void snow(FawePlayer fp, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
public void snow(FawePlayer fp, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator();
floor(fp, BlockTypes.SNOW.getDefaultState().with(PropertyKey.LAYERS, 7), image, mask, disableWhiteOnly);
main(fp, BlockTypes.SNOW_BLOCK, image, mask, disableWhiteOnly);
@ -496,7 +497,7 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
" - The distance is the spacing between each schematic"
public void schem(FawePlayer fp, @Optional BufferedImage imageMask, Mask mask, String schematic, int rarity, int distance, boolean rotate) throws ParameterException, IOException, WorldEditException {
public void schem(FawePlayer fp, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri imageMask, Mask mask, String schematic, int rarity, int distance, boolean rotate) throws ParameterException, IOException, WorldEditException {
HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator();
World world = fp.getWorld();
@ -507,7 +508,7 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
if (imageMask == null) {
gen.addSchems(mask, multi.getHolders(), rarity, distance, rotate);
} else {
gen.addSchems(imageMask, mask, multi.getHolders(), rarity, distance, rotate);
gen.addSchems(load(imageMask), mask, multi.getHolders(), rarity, distance, rotate);
msg("Added schematics!").send(fp);
@ -523,9 +524,9 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
" - If a mask is used, the biome will be set anywhere the mask applies"
public void biome(FawePlayer fp, BaseBiome biome, @Optional BufferedImage image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
public void biome(FawePlayer fp, BaseBiome biome, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException{
HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = assertSettings(fp).getGenerator();
if (image != null) gen.setBiome(image, (byte) biome.getId(), !disableWhiteOnly);
if (image != null) gen.setBiome(load(image), (byte) biome.getId(), !disableWhiteOnly);
else if (mask != null) gen.setBiome(mask, (byte) biome.getId());
else gen.setBiome((byte) biome.getId());
msg("Set biome!").send(fp);
@ -690,9 +691,9 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
// ![79,174,212,5:3,5:4,18,161,20]
public void glass(FawePlayer fp, BufferedImage image, @Optional BufferedImage imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException {
public void glass(FawePlayer fp, FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException {
CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp);
msg("Set color with glass!").send(fp);
@ -707,12 +708,12 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
"The -w (disableWhiteOnly) will randomly apply depending on the pixel luminance"
public void color(FawePlayer fp, BufferedImage image, @Optional BufferedImage imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException {
public void color(FawePlayer fp, FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException {
CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp);
HeightMapMCAGenerator gen = settings.getGenerator();
if (imageMask != null) gen.setColor(image, imageMask, !disableWhiteOnly);
else if (mask != null) gen.setColor(image, mask);
else gen.setColor(image);
if (imageMask != null) gen.setColor(load(image), load(imageMask), !disableWhiteOnly);
else if (mask != null) gen.setColor(load(image), mask);
else gen.setColor(load(image));
msg("Set color with blocks!").send(fp);
@ -727,9 +728,9 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
"The -w (disableWhiteOnly) will randomly apply depending on the pixel luminance"
public void blockbiome(FawePlayer fp, BufferedImage image, @Optional BufferedImage imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException {
public void blockbiome(FawePlayer fp, FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException {
CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp);
settings.getGenerator().setBlockAndBiomeColor(image, mask, imageMask, !disableWhiteOnly);
settings.getGenerator().setBlockAndBiomeColor(load(image), mask, load(imageMask), !disableWhiteOnly);
msg("Set color with blocks and biomes!").send(fp);
@ -743,9 +744,9 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
" - If you changed the block to something other than grass you will not see anything."
public void biomecolor(FawePlayer fp, BufferedImage image, @Optional BufferedImage imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException {
public void biomecolor(FawePlayer fp, FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly) throws ParameterException, WorldEditException {
CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp);
msg("Set color with biomes!").send(fp);
@ -835,7 +836,7 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
desc = "Select a mask"
public void mask(FawePlayer fp, @Optional BufferedImage imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly, CommandContext context) throws ParameterException{
public void mask(FawePlayer fp, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri imageMask, @Optional Mask mask, @Switch('w') boolean disableWhiteOnly, CommandContext context) throws ParameterException{
CFISettings settings = assertSettings(fp);
String[] split = getArguments(context).split(" ");
int index = 2;
@ -902,7 +903,7 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
desc = "Select an image"
public void image(FawePlayer fp, @Optional BufferedImage image, CommandContext context) throws ParameterException, CommandException {
public void image(FawePlayer fp, @Optional FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, CommandContext context) throws ParameterException, CommandException {
CFISettings settings = getSettings(fp);
String[] split = getArguments(context).split(" ");
int index = 2;
@ -1043,10 +1044,10 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
private HeightMapMCAGenerator generator;
protected BufferedImage image;
protected FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image;
protected String imageArg;
protected Mask mask;
protected BufferedImage imageMask;
protected FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri imageMask;
protected boolean whiteOnly = true;
protected String maskArg;
protected String imageMaskArg;
@ -1075,11 +1076,11 @@ public class CFICommands extends MethodCommands {
this.maskArg = arg;
public void setImage(BufferedImage image, String arg) {
public void setImage(FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri image, String arg) {
this.image = image;
public void setImageMask(BufferedImage imageMask, String arg) {
public void setImageMask(FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri imageMask, String arg) {
this.imageMask = imageMask;
this.imageMaskArg = arg;
@ -77,20 +77,13 @@ public class FawePrimitiveBinding extends BindingHelper {
public class ImageUri {
public final URI uri;
private BufferedImage image;
public ImageUri(URI uri) {
this.uri = uri;
public BufferedImage load() throws ParameterException {
try {
String uriStr = uri.toString();
if (uriStr.startsWith("file:/")) {
File file = new File(uri.getPath());
return MainUtil.readImage(file);
return MainUtil.readImage(new URL(uriStr));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ParameterException(e);
if (image != null) return image;
return image = ImageUtil.load(uri);
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
package com.boydti.fawe.util.image;
import com.boydti.fawe.Fawe;
import com.boydti.fawe.command.FawePrimitiveBinding;
import com.boydti.fawe.util.MainUtil;
import com.boydti.fawe.util.MathMan;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.command.parametric.ParameterException;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Transparency;
@ -156,6 +159,23 @@ public class ImageUtil {
return (alpha << 24) + (red << 16) + (green << 8) + (blue << 0);
public static BufferedImage load(@Nullable FawePrimitiveBinding.ImageUri uri) throws ParameterException {
return uri == null ? null : uri.load();
public static BufferedImage load(URI uri) throws ParameterException {
try {
String uriStr = uri.toString();
if (uriStr.startsWith("file:/")) {
File file = new File(uri.getPath());
return MainUtil.readImage(file);
return MainUtil.readImage(new URL(uriStr));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ParameterException(e);
public static BufferedImage getImage(String arg) throws ParameterException {
try {
if (arg.startsWith("http")) {
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public abstract class LocalConfiguration {
public SnapshotRepository snapshotRepo = null;
public int maxRadius = -1;
public int maxSuperPickaxeSize = 5;
public int maxBrushRadius = 6;
public int maxBrushRadius = 100;
public boolean logCommands = false;
public String logFile = "";
public String logFormat = LogFormat.DEFAULT_FORMAT;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user