mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 13:10:39 +00:00
Remove PE/PC remapping
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
package com.boydti.fawe.object.clipboard.remap;
import com.google.common.io.Resources;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import com.google.gson.JsonParser;
import com.sk89q.jnbt.CompoundTag;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEditException;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BaseItem;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.clipboard.Clipboard;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.block.BaseBlock;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.block.BlockStateHolder;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.item.ItemTypes;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class ClipboardRemapper {
private final RemapPlatform from;
public enum RemapPlatform {
public RemapPlatform opposite() {
return this == PE ? PC : PE;
public ClipboardRemapper() {
this.from = null;
private WikiScraper scraper;
public synchronized WikiScraper loadItemMapping() throws IOException {
WikiScraper tmp = scraper;
if (tmp == null) {
scraper = tmp = new WikiScraper();
return tmp;
public BaseItem remapItem(String name, int damage) {
// if (name.isEmpty()) return new BaseItem(0);
// if (from == RemapPlatform.PC) {
// BundledBlockData.BlockEntry state = BundledBlockData.getInstance().findById(name);
// if (state != null) {
// BaseBlock remapped = remap(new BaseBlock(state.legacyId, damage));
// return new BaseItem(remapped.getId(), (short) remapped.getData());
// } else {
// try {
// name = name.replace("minecraft:", "");
// WikiScraper scraper = loadItemMapping();
// Map<String, Integer> mapFrom = scraper.scapeOrCache(WikiScraper.Wiki.valueOf("ITEM_MAPPINGS_" + from.name()));
// Map<String, Integer> mapTo = scraper.scapeOrCache(WikiScraper.Wiki.valueOf("ITEM_MAPPINGS_" + from.opposite().name()));
// scraper.expand(mapTo);
// switch (name) {
// case "spruce_boat": return new BaseItem(333, (short) 1);
// case "birch_boat": return new BaseItem(333, (short) 2);
// case "jungle_boat": return new BaseItem(333, (short) 3);
// case "acacia_boat": return new BaseItem(333, (short) 4);
// case "dark_oak_boat": return new BaseItem(333, (short) 5);
// case "water_bucket": return new BaseItem(325, (short) 8);
// case "lava_bucket": return new BaseItem(325, (short) 10);
// case "milk_bucket": return new BaseItem(325, (short) 1);
// case "tipped_arrow":
// case "spectral_arrow":
// name = "arrow"; // Unsupported
// break;
// case "totem_of_undying":
// name = "totem";
// break;
// case "furnace_minecart":
// name = "minecart"; // Unsupported
// break;
// }
// Integer itemId = mapTo.get(name);
// if (itemId == null) itemId = mapTo.get(name.replace("_", ""));
// if (itemId == null) itemId = mapFrom.get(name);
// if (itemId != null) return new BaseItem(itemId, (short) damage);
// } catch (IOException ignore) {
// ignore.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// }
return new BaseItem(ItemTypes.AIR);
public Map.Entry<String, Integer> remapItem(int id, int data) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO");
public int remapEntityId(String id) {
try {
Map<String, Integer> mappings = loadItemMapping().scapeOrCache(WikiScraper.Wiki.ENTITY_MAPPINGS);
id = id.replace("minecraft:", "");
Integer legacyId = mappings.get(id);
if (legacyId != null) return legacyId;
} catch (IOException e) {
return -1;
public String remapBlockEntityId(String id) {
if (from == null) return id;
switch (from) {
case PE: {
switch (id) {
case "EnchantTable": return "minecraft:enchanting_table";
case "Music": return "minecraft:noteblock";
case "Chest": return "minecraft:trapped_chest";
case "ChalkboardBlock": return "minecraft:chalk_board_block";
case "FallingSand": return "minecraft:falling_block";
case "FireworksRocketEntity": return "minecraft:fireworks_rocket";
case "LavaSlime": return "minecraft:magma_cube";
case "MinecartChest": return "minecraft:chest_minecart";
case "MinecartCommandBlock": return "minecraft:commandblock_minecart";
case "MinecartFurnace": return "minecraft:furnace_minecart";
case "MinecartHopper": return "minecraft:hopper_minecart";
case "MinecartRideable": return "minecraft:minecart";
case "MinecartSpawner": return "minecraft:spawner_minecart";
case "MinecartTNT": return "minecraft:tnt_minecart";
case "MushroomCow": return "minecraft:mooshroom";
case "Ocelot": return "minecraft:ocelot";
case "PigZombie": return "minecraft:zombie_pigman";
case "PrimedTnt": return "minecraft:tnt";
case "SnowMan": return "minecraft:snowman";
case "ThrownEgg": return "minecraft:egg";
case "ThrownEnderpearl": return "minecraft:ender_pearl";
case "ThrownExpBottle": return "minecraft:xp_bottle";
case "ThrownPotion": return "minecraft:potion";
case "WitherBoss": return "minecraft:wither";
case "XPOrb": return "minecraft:xp_orb";
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("minecraft:");
for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
char c = id.charAt(i);
if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) {
c = Character.toLowerCase(c);
if (i != 0) result.append('_');
id = result.toString();
return id;
case PC: {
switch (id) {
case "minecraft:enchanting_table": return "EnchantTable";
case "minecraft:noteblock": return "Music";
case "minecraft:trapped_chest": return "Chest";
case "minecraft:chalk_board_block": return "ChalkboardBlock";
case "minecraft:falling_block": return "FallingSand";
case "minecraft:fireworks_rocket": return "FireworksRocketEntity";
case "minecraft:magma_cube": return "LavaSlime";
case "minecraft:chest_minecart": return "MinecartChest";
case "minecraft:commandblock_minecart": return "MinecartCommandBlock";
case "minecraft:furnace_minecart": return "MinecartFurnace";
case "minecraft:hopper_minecart": return "MinecartHopper";
case "minecraft:minecart": return "MinecartRideable";
case "minecraft:spawner_minecart": return "MinecartSpawner";
case "minecraft:tnt_minecart": return "MinecartTNT";
case "minecraft:mooshroom": return "MushroomCow";
case "minecraft:ocelot": return "Ocelot";
case "minecraft:zombie_pigman": return "PigZombie";
case "minecraft:tnt": return "PrimedTnt";
case "minecraft:snowman": return "SnowMan";
case "minecraft:egg": return "ThrownEgg";
case "minecraft:ender_pearl": return "ThrownEnderpearl";
case "minecraft:xp_bottle": return "ThrownExpBottle";
case "minecraft:potion": return "ThrownPotion";
case "minecraft:wither": return "WitherBoss";
case "minecraft:xp_orb": return "XPOrb";
id = id.replace("minecraft:", "");
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
boolean toUpper = false;
for (int i = 0; i < id.length(); i++) {
char c = id.charAt(i);
if (i == 0) toUpper = true;
if (c == '_') {
toUpper = true;
} else {
result.append(toUpper ? Character.toUpperCase(c) : c);
toUpper = false;
id = result.toString();
return id;
return id;
private Map<String, List<Integer>> parse(File file) throws IOException {
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonObject toParse = (JsonObject) parser.parse(Resources.toString(file.toURL(), Charset.defaultCharset()));
Map<String, List<Integer>> map = new HashMap<>();
// outer:
// for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : toParse.entrySet()) {
// String key = entry.getKey();
// JsonObject value = entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject();
// if (MathMan.isInteger(key)) {
// int id = Integer.parseInt(key);
// for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> dataEntry : value.entrySet()) {
// String dataKey = dataEntry.getKey();
// if (MathMan.isInteger(dataKey)) {
// int data = Integer.parseInt(dataEntry.getKey());
// int combined = (id << 4) + data;
// String name = dataEntry.getValue().getAsJsonObject().get("intermediateID").getAsString();
// map.putIfAbsent(name, new ArrayList<>());
// map.get(name).add(combined);
// }
// }
// } else {
// String name = entry.getKey();
// int id = value.get("id").getAsInt();
// int data = value.get("data").getAsInt();
// int combined = FaweCache.IMP.getCombined(id, data);
// map.putIfAbsent(name, new ArrayList<>());
// map.get(name).add(combined);
// }
// }
return map;
private HashMap<BaseBlock, BaseBlock> getPEtoPCMappings() {
HashMap<BaseBlock, BaseBlock> mapPEtoPC = new HashMap<>();
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(281, -1), new BaseBlock(25, -1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(95,-1), new BaseBlock(166,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(125,-1), new BaseBlock(158,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(126,-1), new BaseBlock(157,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(157,-1), new BaseBlock(125,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(158,-1), new BaseBlock(126,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(188,-1), new BaseBlock(210,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(189,-1), new BaseBlock(211,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(155,4), new BaseBlock(155,10));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(155,3), new BaseBlock(155,6));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(198,-1), new BaseBlock(208,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(207,-1), new BaseBlock(212,-1));
// beetroot
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(244, 2), new BaseBlock(207, 1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(244, 4), new BaseBlock(207, 2));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(244, 7), new BaseBlock(207, 3));
for (int data = 3; data < 16; data++) mapPEtoPC.putIfAbsent(new BaseBlock(244, data), new BaseBlock(207, data));
for (int data = 0; data < 16; data++) {
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(218, data), new BaseBlock(219 + data, -1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(220,-1), new BaseBlock(235,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(220,-1), new BaseBlock(235,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(221,-1), new BaseBlock(236,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(222,-1), new BaseBlock(237,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(223,-1), new BaseBlock(238,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(224,-1), new BaseBlock(239,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(225,-1), new BaseBlock(240,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(226,-1), new BaseBlock(241,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(227,-1), new BaseBlock(242,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(228,-1), new BaseBlock(243,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(229,-1), new BaseBlock(244,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(231,-1), new BaseBlock(246,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(232,-1), new BaseBlock(247,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(233,-1), new BaseBlock(248,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(234,-1), new BaseBlock(249,-1));
for (int id = 220; id <= 235; id++) {
int pcId = id + 15;
int peId = id == 230 ? 219 : id;
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(peId,3), new BaseBlock(pcId,0));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(peId,4), new BaseBlock(pcId,1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(peId,2), new BaseBlock(pcId,2));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(peId,5), new BaseBlock(pcId,3));
for (int id : new int[] {29, 33, 34}) {
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,3), new BaseBlock(id,2));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,2), new BaseBlock(id,3));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,5), new BaseBlock(id,4));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,4), new BaseBlock(id,5));
// mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,11), new BaseBlock(id,10));
// mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,10), new BaseBlock(id,11));
// mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,13), new BaseBlock(id,12));
// mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,12), new BaseBlock(id,13));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(250,-1), new BaseBlock(36,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(236,-1), new BaseBlock(251,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(237,-1), new BaseBlock(252,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(240,-1), new BaseBlock(199,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(241,-1), new BaseBlock(95,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(243,0), new BaseBlock(3, 2));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(251,-1), new BaseBlock(218,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(168,2), new BaseBlock(168,1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(168,1), new BaseBlock(168,2));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(44,7), new BaseBlock(44,6));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(44,6), new BaseBlock(44,7));
// Top variant
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(44,7 + 8), new BaseBlock(44,6 + 8));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(44,6 + 8), new BaseBlock(44,7 + 8));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(43,7), new BaseBlock(43,6));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(43,6), new BaseBlock(43,7));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(36,-1), new BaseBlock(34, 1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(85, 1), new BaseBlock(188,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(85,2), new BaseBlock(189,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(85,3), new BaseBlock(190,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(85,4), new BaseBlock(192,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(85, 5), new BaseBlock(191,-1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(202,-1), new BaseBlock(203,2));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(201,2), new BaseBlock(202,0));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(201,10), new BaseBlock(202,8));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(201,6), new BaseBlock(202,4));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(181,1), new BaseBlock(204,-1));
for (int data = 0; data < 16; data++) mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(208, data), new BaseBlock(198, data));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(208,4), new BaseBlock(198,5));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(208,2), new BaseBlock(198,3));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(208,5), new BaseBlock(198,4));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(208,3), new BaseBlock(198,2));
for (int id : new int[] {77, 143}) { // button
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,4), new BaseBlock(id,2));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,1), new BaseBlock(id,5));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,2), new BaseBlock(id,4));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,5), new BaseBlock(id,1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,13), new BaseBlock(id,9));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,12), new BaseBlock(id,10));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,10), new BaseBlock(id,12));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id,9), new BaseBlock(id,13));
// leaves
for (int data = 4; data < 8; data++) mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(18,data + 4), new BaseBlock(18,data));
for (int data = 4; data < 8; data++) mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(18,data + 8), new BaseBlock(161,data));
for (int id : new int[] {96, 167}) { // trapdoor
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id, 2), new BaseBlock(id, 0));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id, 3), new BaseBlock(id, 1));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id, 6), new BaseBlock(id, 8));
mapPEtoPC.put(new BaseBlock(id, 7), new BaseBlock(id, 9));
for (int data = 0; data < 4; data++) mapPEtoPC.putIfAbsent(new BaseBlock(id, data), new BaseBlock(id, 3 - data));
for (int data = 4; data < 12; data++) mapPEtoPC.putIfAbsent(new BaseBlock(id, data), new BaseBlock(id, 15 - data));
for (int data = 12; data < 16; data++) mapPEtoPC.putIfAbsent(new BaseBlock(id, data), new BaseBlock(id, 27 - data));
return mapPEtoPC;
public ClipboardRemapper(RemapPlatform fromPlatform, RemapPlatform toPlatform) {
if (fromPlatform == toPlatform) {
this.from = null;
HashMap<BaseBlock, BaseBlock> mapPEtoPC = getPEtoPCMappings();
for (Map.Entry<BaseBlock, BaseBlock> entry : mapPEtoPC.entrySet()) {
BaseBlock from = entry.getKey();
BaseBlock to = entry.getValue();
if (fromPlatform == RemapPlatform.PE) {
add(from, to);
} else {
add(to, from);
// TODO any custom ids
switch (fromPlatform) {
case PE:
for (int data = 0; data < 8; data++) add(new BaseBlock(182, 1), new BaseBlock(205, data));
for (int data = 8; data < 16; data++) add(new BaseBlock(182, 9), new BaseBlock(205, data));
for (int data = 0; data < 8; data++) add(new BaseBlock(182, 0), new BaseBlock(182, data));
for (int data = 8; data < 16; data++) add(new BaseBlock(182, 8), new BaseBlock(182, data));
case PC:
add(new BaseBlock(202, -1), new BaseBlock(201, -1));
add(new BaseBlock(204, -1), new BaseBlock(201, -1));
for (int data = 0; data < 8; data++) add(new BaseBlock(205, data), new BaseBlock(182, 1));
for (int data = 8; data < 16; data++) add(new BaseBlock(205, data), new BaseBlock(182, 9));
for (int data = 0; data < 8; data++) add(new BaseBlock(182, data), new BaseBlock(182, 0));
for (int data = 8; data < 16; data++) add(new BaseBlock(182, data), new BaseBlock(182, 8));
for (int id : new int[] {29, 33, 34}) {
for (int data = 8; data < 16; data++) {
add(new BaseBlock(id, data), remap(new BaseBlock(id, data - 8)));
this.from = fromPlatform;
public void addBoth(BaseBlock from, BaseBlock to) {
add(from, to);
add(to, from);
public void apply(Clipboard clipboard) throws WorldEditException {
// if (clipboard instanceof BlockArrayClipboard) {
// BlockArrayClipboard bac = (BlockArrayClipboard) clipboard;
// bac.IMP = new RemappedClipboard(bac.IMP, this);
// } else {
// Region region = clipboard.getRegion();
// for (BlockVector pos : region) {
// BaseBlock block = clipboard.getBlock(pos);
// BaseBlock newBlock = remap(block);
// if (block != newBlock) {
// clipboard.setBlock(pos, newBlock);
// }
// }
// }
private char[] remapCombined = new char[Character.MAX_VALUE + 1];
private boolean[] remap = new boolean[Character.MAX_VALUE + 1];
private boolean[] remapIds = new boolean[4096];
private boolean[] remapAllIds = new boolean[4096];
private boolean[] remapAnyIds = new boolean[4096];
private boolean[] remapData = new boolean[16];
public boolean hasRemapData(int data) {
return remapData[data];
public boolean hasRemapId(int id) {
return remapAnyIds[id];
public boolean hasRemap(int id) {
return remapIds[id];
public int remapId(int id) {
if (remapAllIds[id]) {
return remapCombined[id << 4] >> 4;
return id;
public void add(BlockStateHolder from, BlockStateHolder to) {
// if (from.getData() != to.getData()) {
// if (from.getData() == -1) {
// Arrays.fill(remapData, true);
// } else {
// remapData[from.getData()] = true;
// }
// }
// if (from.getData() == -1) {
// for (int data = 0; data < 16; data++) {
// int combinedFrom = (from.getId() << 4) + data;
// int combinedTo = to.getData() == -1 ? (to.getId() << 4) + data : to.getCombined();
// remap[combinedFrom] = true;
// remapCombined[combinedFrom] = (char) combinedTo;
// remapIds[combinedFrom >> 4] = true;
// if (from.getId() != to.getId()) {
// remapAnyIds[combinedFrom >> 4] = true;
// remapAllIds[from.getId()] = true;
// }
// }
// } else {
// int data = from.getData();
// int combinedFrom = (from.getId() << 4) + data;
// int combinedTo = to.getData() == -1 ? (to.getId() << 4) + data : to.getCombined();
// remap[combinedFrom] = true;
// remapCombined[combinedFrom] = (char) combinedTo;
// remapIds[combinedFrom >> 4] = true;
// if (from.getId() != to.getId()) {
// remapAnyIds[combinedFrom >> 4] = true;
// remapAllIds[from.getId()] = false;
// }
// }
public <B extends BlockStateHolder<B>> B remap(B block) {
// int combined = block.getCombined();
// if (remap[combined]) {
// char value = remapCombined[combined];
// BaseBlock newBlock = FaweCache.IMP.CACHE_BLOCK[value];
// newBlock.setNbtData(block.getNbtData());
// return newBlock;
// }
return block;
public void remap(CompoundTag tag) {
@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
package com.boydti.fawe.object.clipboard.remap;
import com.boydti.fawe.util.MainUtil;
import com.google.common.io.Resources;
import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class WikiScraper {
public enum Wiki {
public final String url;
Wiki(String url) {this.url = url;}
private EnumMap<Wiki, Map<String, Integer>> cache = new EnumMap<>(WikiScraper.Wiki.class);
public Map<String, Integer> expand(Map<String, Integer> map) {
HashMap<String, Integer> newMap = new HashMap<>(map);
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
newMap.put(entry.getKey().replace("_", ""), entry.getValue());
return newMap;
protected String getName() {
return "item-mappings";
public synchronized Map<String, Integer> scapeOrCache(Wiki wiki) throws IOException {
Map<String, Integer> map;
try {
Map<String, Integer> cached = cache.get(wiki);
if (cached != null) return cached;
File file = new File("lib" + File.separator + wiki.name().toLowerCase().replace('_', '-') + ".json");
Gson gson = new Gson();
if (file.exists()) {
try {
String str = Resources.toString(file.toURL(), Charset.defaultCharset());
return gson.fromJson(str, new TypeToken<Map<String, Integer>>() {
} catch (JsonSyntaxException | IOException e) {
map = scrape(wiki);
java.io.File parent = file.getParentFile();
Files.write(file.toPath(), gson.toJson(map).getBytes(), StandardOpenOption.CREATE);
} catch (IOException e) {
map = new HashMap<>();
cache.put(wiki, map);
return map;
protected Map<String, Integer> scrape(Wiki wiki) throws IOException {
String url = wiki.url;
String text = MainUtil.getText(url);
HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
if (wiki == Wiki.ENTITY_MAPPINGS) {
String header = "{|";
String footer = "|}";
int headerIndex = text.indexOf(header);
if (headerIndex == -1) return map;
int endIndex = text.indexOf(footer, headerIndex);
String part = text.substring(headerIndex, endIndex == -1 ? text.length() : endIndex);
for (String line : part.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("| {{")) {
String[] split = line.split("\\|\\|");
if (split.length == 5) {
int id = Integer.parseInt(split[1].trim());
String name = split[3].trim();
map.put(name, id);
return map;
} else {
String header = wiki == Wiki.ITEM_MAPPINGS_PE ? "=== Item IDs ===" : "{{";
int headerIndex = text.indexOf(header);
if (headerIndex == -1) return map;
String footer = "{{-}}";
int endIndex = text.indexOf(footer, headerIndex);
String part = text.substring(headerIndex, endIndex == -1 ? text.length() : endIndex);
int id = 255;
String prefix = "{{id table|";
for (String line : part.split("\n")) {
String lower = line.toLowerCase();
if (lower.startsWith(prefix)) {
line = line.substring(prefix.length(), line.indexOf("}}"));
String[] split = line.split("\\|");
String nameId = null;
for (String entry : split) {
String[] pair = entry.split("=");
switch (pair[0].toLowerCase()) {
case "dv":
id = Integer.parseInt(pair[1]);
case "nameid":
nameId = pair[1];
if (nameId == null) nameId = split[0].toLowerCase().replace(' ', '_');
map.put(nameId, id);
return map;
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.formatting.text.TranslatableComponent;
import com.boydti.fawe.config.Settings;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.clipboard.MultiClipboardHolder;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.clipboard.URIClipboardHolder;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.clipboard.remap.ClipboardRemapper;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.schematic.MinecraftStructure;
import com.boydti.fawe.util.MainUtil;
import com.boydti.fawe.util.MathMan;
@ -189,22 +188,7 @@ public class SchematicCommands {
player.print(Caption.of("fawe.worldedit.clipboard.clipboard.uri.not.found" , fileName));
name = "remap",
desc = "Remap a clipboard between MCPE/PC values"
public void remap(Player player, LocalSession session) throws WorldEditException {
ClipboardRemapper remapper = new ClipboardRemapper(ClipboardRemapper.RemapPlatform.PE, ClipboardRemapper.RemapPlatform.PC);
for (Clipboard clip : session.getClipboard().getClipboards()) {
player.print("Remapped schematic");
name = "load",
desc = "Load a schematic into your clipboard"
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