Added an optional on/off argument to the toggle pickaxe command.

This commit is contained in:
TomyLobo 2011-08-09 00:17:55 +02:00
parent cc917b424c
commit e320d34b32

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@ -35,21 +35,35 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.patterns.Pattern;
public class ToolUtilCommands {
aliases = {"/", ","},
usage = "",
usage = "[on|off]",
desc = "Toggle the super pickaxe pickaxe function",
min = 0,
max = 0
max = 1
public static void togglePickaxe(CommandContext args, WorldEdit we,
LocalSession session, LocalPlayer player, EditSession editSession)
throws WorldEditException {
if (session.toggleSuperPickAxe()) {
player.print("Super pick axe enabled.");
} else {
String newState = args.getString(0, null);
if (session.hasSuperPickAxe()) {
if ("on".equals(newState)) {
player.printError("Super pick axe already enabled.");
player.print("Super pick axe disabled.");
else {
if ("off".equals(newState)) {
player.printError("Super pick axe already disabled.");
player.print("Super pick axe enabled.");