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synced 2025-03-27 19:53:14 +00:00
Convert part of the brush commands
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@ -19,11 +19,6 @@
package com.sk89q.worldedit.command;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.Command;
import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandContext;
import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandPermissions;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.LocalConfiguration;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.LocalSession;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit;
@ -37,6 +32,7 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.tool.brush.HollowCylinderBrush;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.tool.brush.HollowSphereBrush;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.tool.brush.SmoothBrush;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.tool.brush.SphereBrush;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.util.CommandPermissions;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.util.CreatureButcher;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.entity.Player;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.clipboard.Clipboard;
@ -48,13 +44,18 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector3;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.session.ClipboardHolder;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.session.request.RequestExtent;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.HandSide;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.command.binding.Switch;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.command.parametric.Optional;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.block.BlockTypes;
import org.enginehub.piston.annotation.Command;
import org.enginehub.piston.annotation.CommandContainer;
import org.enginehub.piston.annotation.param.Arg;
import org.enginehub.piston.annotation.param.Switch;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
* Commands to set brush shape.
public class BrushCommands {
private final WorldEdit worldEdit;
@ -70,19 +71,16 @@ public class BrushCommands {
aliases = { "sphere", "s" },
usage = "<pattern> [radius]",
flags = "h",
desc = "Choose the sphere brush",
help =
"Chooses the sphere brush.\n" +
"The -h flag creates hollow spheres instead.",
min = 1,
max = 2
name = "sphere",
aliases = { "s" },
desc = "Choose the sphere brush"
public void sphereBrush(Player player, LocalSession session, Pattern fill,
@Optional("2") double radius, @Switch('h') boolean hollow) throws WorldEditException {
@Arg(desc = "The radius of the sphere", def = "2")
double radius,
@Switch(name = 'h', desc = "Create hollow spheres instead")
boolean hollow) throws WorldEditException {
BrushTool tool = session.getBrushTool(player.getItemInHand(HandSide.MAIN_HAND).getType());
@ -99,19 +97,18 @@ public class BrushCommands {
aliases = { "cylinder", "cyl", "c" },
usage = "<block> [radius] [height]",
flags = "h",
desc = "Choose the cylinder brush",
help =
"Chooses the cylinder brush.\n" +
"The -h flag creates hollow cylinders instead.",
min = 1,
max = 3
name = "cylinder",
aliases = { "cyl", "c" },
desc = "Choose the cylinder brush"
public void cylinderBrush(Player player, LocalSession session, Pattern fill,
@Optional("2") double radius, @Optional("1") int height, @Switch('h') boolean hollow) throws WorldEditException {
@Arg(desc = "The radius of the cylinder", def = "2")
double radius,
@Arg(desc = "The height of the cylinder", def = "1")
int height,
@Switch(name = 'h', desc = "Create hollow cylinders instead")
boolean hollow) throws WorldEditException {
@ -129,19 +126,16 @@ public class BrushCommands {
aliases = { "clipboard", "copy" },
usage = "",
flags = "ap",
desc = "Choose the clipboard brush",
help =
"Chooses the clipboard brush.\n" +
"The -a flag makes it not paste air.\n" +
"Without the -p flag, the paste will appear centered at the target location. " +
"With the flag, then the paste will appear relative to where you had " +
"stood relative to the copied area when you copied it."
name = "clipboard",
aliases = { "copy" },
desc = "Choose the clipboard brush"
public void clipboardBrush(Player player, LocalSession session, @Switch('a') boolean ignoreAir, @Switch('p') boolean usingOrigin) throws WorldEditException {
public void clipboardBrush(Player player, LocalSession session,
@Switch(name = 'a', desc = "Don't paste air from the clipboard")
boolean ignoreAir,
@Switch(name = 'p', desc = "Paste using clipboard origin, instead of being centered at the target location")
boolean usingOrigin) throws WorldEditException {
ClipboardHolder holder = session.getClipboard();
Clipboard clipboard = holder.getClipboard();
@ -158,18 +152,18 @@ public class BrushCommands {
aliases = { "smooth" },
usage = "[size] [iterations] [filter]",
name = "smooth",
desc = "Choose the terrain softener brush",
help =
"Chooses the terrain softener brush. Optionally, specify a mask of blocks to be used for the heightmap.\n" +
"For example, '/brush smooth 2 4 grass_block,dirt,stone'.",
min = 0,
max = 3
descFooter = "Example: '/brush smooth 2 4 grass_block,dirt,stone'"
public void smoothBrush(Player player, LocalSession session,
@Optional("2") double radius, @Optional("4") int iterations, @Optional Mask mask) throws WorldEditException {
@Arg(desc = "The radius to sample for softening", def = "2")
double radius,
@Arg(desc = "The number of iterations to perform", def = "4")
int iterations,
@Arg(desc = "The mask of blocks to use for the heightmap", def = "")
Mask mask) throws WorldEditException {
BrushTool tool = session.getBrushTool(player.getItemInHand(HandSide.MAIN_HAND).getType());
@ -180,14 +174,14 @@ public class BrushCommands {
aliases = { "ex", "extinguish" },
usage = "[radius]",
desc = "Shortcut fire extinguisher brush",
min = 0,
max = 1
name = "extinguish",
aliases = { "ex" },
desc = "Shortcut fire extinguisher brush"
public void extinguishBrush(Player player, LocalSession session, @Optional("5") double radius) throws WorldEditException {
public void extinguishBrush(Player player, LocalSession session,
@Arg(desc = "The radius to extinguish", def = "5")
double radius) throws WorldEditException {
BrushTool tool = session.getBrushTool(player.getItemInHand(HandSide.MAIN_HAND).getType());
@ -201,19 +195,16 @@ public class BrushCommands {
aliases = { "gravity", "grav" },
usage = "[radius]",
flags = "h",
desc = "Gravity brush",
help =
"This brush simulates the affect of gravity.\n" +
"The -h flag makes it affect blocks starting at the world's max y, " +
"instead of the clicked block's y + radius.",
min = 0,
max = 1
name = "gravity",
aliases = { "grav" },
desc = "Gravity brush, simulates the effect of gravity"
public void gravityBrush(Player player, LocalSession session, @Optional("5") double radius, @Switch('h') boolean fromMaxY) throws WorldEditException {
public void gravityBrush(Player player, LocalSession session,
@Arg(desc = "The radius to apply gravity in", def = "5")
double radius,
@Switch(name = 'h', desc = "Affect blocks starting at max Y, rather than the target location Y + radius")
boolean fromMaxY) throws WorldEditException {
BrushTool tool = session.getBrushTool(player.getItemInHand(HandSide.MAIN_HAND).getType());
@ -225,29 +216,34 @@ public class BrushCommands {
aliases = { "butcher", "kill" },
usage = "[radius]",
flags = "plangbtfr",
desc = "Butcher brush",
help = "Kills nearby mobs within the specified radius.\n" +
"Flags:\n" +
" -p also kills pets.\n" +
" -n also kills NPCs.\n" +
" -g also kills Golems.\n" +
" -a also kills animals.\n" +
" -b also kills ambient mobs.\n" +
" -t also kills mobs with name tags.\n" +
" -f compounds all previous flags.\n" +
" -r also destroys armor stands.\n" +
" -l currently does nothing.",
min = 0,
max = 1
name = "butcher",
aliases = { "kill" },
desc = "Butcher brush, kills mobs within a radius"
public void butcherBrush(Player player, LocalSession session, CommandContext args) throws WorldEditException {
public void butcherBrush(Player player, LocalSession session,
@Arg(desc = "Radius to kill mobs in", def = "5")
double radius,
@Switch(name = 'p', desc = "Also kill pets")
boolean killPets,
@Switch(name = 'n', desc = "Also kill NPCs")
boolean killNpcs,
@Switch(name = 'g', desc = "Also kill golems")
boolean killGolems,
@Switch(name = 'a', desc = "Also kill animals")
boolean killAnimals,
@Switch(name = 'b', desc = "Also kill ambient mobs")
boolean killAmbient,
@Switch(name = 't', desc = "Also kill mobs with name tags")
boolean killWithName,
@Switch(name = 'f', desc = "Also kill all friendly mobs (Applies the flags `-abgnpt`)")
boolean killFriendly,
@Switch(name = 'r', desc = "Also destroy armor stands")
boolean killArmorStands,
@Switch(name = 'l', desc = "Kill via lightning. Currently non-functioning.")
boolean killWithLightning) throws WorldEditException {
LocalConfiguration config = worldEdit.getConfiguration();
double radius = args.argsLength() > 0 ? args.getDouble(0) : 5;
double maxRadius = config.maxBrushRadius;
// hmmmm not horribly worried about this because -1 is still rather efficient,
// the problem arises when butcherMaxRadius is some really high number but not infinite
@ -261,7 +257,16 @@ public class BrushCommands {
CreatureButcher flags = new CreatureButcher(player);
flags.or(CreatureButcher.Flags.FRIENDLY , killFriendly); // No permission check here. Flags will instead be filtered by the subsequent calls.
flags.or(CreatureButcher.Flags.PETS , killPets, "worldedit.butcher.pets");
flags.or(CreatureButcher.Flags.NPCS , killNpcs, "worldedit.butcher.npcs");
flags.or(CreatureButcher.Flags.GOLEMS , killGolems, "worldedit.butcher.golems");
flags.or(CreatureButcher.Flags.ANIMALS , killAnimals, "worldedit.butcher.animals");
flags.or(CreatureButcher.Flags.AMBIENT , killAmbient, "worldedit.butcher.ambient");
flags.or(CreatureButcher.Flags.TAGGED , killWithName, "worldedit.butcher.tagged");
flags.or(CreatureButcher.Flags.ARMOR_STAND , killArmorStands, "worldedit.butcher.armorstands");
flags.or(CreatureButcher.Flags.WITH_LIGHTNING, killWithLightning, "worldedit.butcher.lightning");
BrushTool tool = session.getBrushTool(player.getItemInHand(HandSide.MAIN_HAND).getType());
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.EntityFunction;
public class CreatureButcher {
final class Flags {
public final class Flags {
public static final int PETS = 1 << 0;
public static final int NPCS = 1 << 1;
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.LocalSession;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.BiomeCommands;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.BiomeCommandsRegistration;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.BrushCommands;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.BrushCommandsRegistration;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.SchematicCommands;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.SchematicCommandsRegistration;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.command.argument.Arguments;
@ -145,7 +147,27 @@ public final class PlatformCommandMananger {
cmd.addPart(SubCommandPart.builder("action", "Sub-command to run.")
commandManager.register("brush", cmd -> {
cmd.description("Brushing commands");
CommandManager manager = DefaultCommandManagerService.getInstance()
.containerInstance(new BrushCommands(worldEdit))
cmd.addPart(SubCommandPart.builder("action", "Sub-command to run.")
@ -183,7 +205,6 @@ public final class PlatformCommandMananger {
.group("brush", "br")
.describeAs("Brushing commands")
.registerMethods(new BrushCommands(worldEdit))
.register(adapt(new ShapedBrushCommand(new DeformCommand(), "worldedit.brush.deform")), "deform")
.register(adapt(new ShapedBrushCommand(new ApplyCommand(new ReplaceParser(), "Set all blocks within region"), "worldedit.brush.set")), "set")
.register(adapt(new ShapedBrushCommand(new PaintCommand(), "worldedit.brush.paint")), "paint")
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