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synced 2025-03-29 04:33:15 +00:00
Remove the 'natural only' smooth brush feature due to inaccuracies.
This commit is contained in:
@ -416,34 +416,19 @@ public class EditSession implements Extent {
* Returns the highest solid 'terrain' block which can occur naturally.
* @param x the X coordinate
* @param z the Z cooridnate
* @param minY minimal height
* @param maxY maximal height
* @return height of highest block found or 'minY'
public int getHighestTerrainBlock(int x, int z, int minY, int maxY) {
return getHighestTerrainBlock(x, z, minY, maxY, false);
* Returns the highest solid 'terrain' block which can occur naturally.
* Returns the highest solid 'terrain' block.
* @param x the X coordinate
* @param z the Z coordinate
* @param minY minimal height
* @param maxY maximal height
* @param naturalOnly look at natural blocks or all blocks
* @return height of highest block found or 'minY'
public int getHighestTerrainBlock(int x, int z, int minY, int maxY, boolean naturalOnly) {
public int getHighestTerrainBlock(int x, int z, int minY, int maxY) {
for (int y = maxY; y >= minY; --y) {
Vector pt = new Vector(x, y, z);
BlockState block = getBlock(pt);
int[] datas = LegacyMapper.getInstance().getLegacyFromBlock(block);
if (naturalOnly ? BlockType.isNaturalTerrainBlock(datas[0], datas[1]) : block.getBlockType().getMaterial().isMovementBlocker()) {
if (block.getBlockType().getMaterial().isMovementBlocker()) {
return y;
@ -26,19 +26,8 @@ package com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks;
public final class BlockID {
public static final int AIR = 0;
public static final int STONE = 1;
public static final int GRASS = 2;
public static final int DIRT = 3;
public static final int SAPLING = 6;
public static final int BEDROCK = 7;
public static final int SAND = 12;
public static final int GRAVEL = 13;
public static final int GOLD_ORE = 14;
public static final int IRON_ORE = 15;
public static final int COAL_ORE = 16;
public static final int LOG = 17;
public static final int LAPIS_LAZULI_ORE = 21; // LAPIS_ORE
public static final int DISPENSER = 23;
public static final int BED = 26;
public static final int POWERED_RAIL = 27; // GOLDEN_RAIL
@ -54,15 +43,11 @@ public final class BlockID {
public static final int BROWN_MUSHROOM = 39;
public static final int RED_MUSHROOM = 40;
public static final int STEP = 44; // STONE_SLAB
public static final int TNT = 46;
public static final int TORCH = 50;
public static final int FIRE = 51;
public static final int WOODEN_STAIRS = 53;
public static final int OAK_WOOD_STAIRS = 53; // OAK_STAIRS
public static final int CHEST = 54;
public static final int REDSTONE_WIRE = 55;
public static final int DIAMOND_ORE = 56;
public static final int CROPS = 59; // WHEAT
public static final int FURNACE = 61;
public static final int BURNING_FURNACE = 62; // LIT_FURNACE
@ -76,29 +61,20 @@ public final class BlockID {
public static final int STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE = 70;
public static final int IRON_DOOR = 71;
public static final int WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE = 72;
public static final int REDSTONE_ORE = 73; // LIT_REDSTONE_ORE
public static final int GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE = 74; // UNLIT_REDSTONE_ORE
public static final int REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF = 75; // UNLIT_REDSTONE_TORCH
public static final int REDSTONE_TORCH_ON = 76; // LIT_REDSTONE_TORCH
public static final int STONE_BUTTON = 77;
public static final int SNOW = 78; // SNOW_LAYER
public static final int CACTUS = 81;
public static final int CLAY = 82;
public static final int REED = 83; // REEDS
public static final int FENCE = 85;
public static final int PUMPKIN = 86;
public static final int NETHERSTONE = 87;
public static final int NETHERRACK = 87;
public static final int SLOW_SAND = 88; // SOUL_SAND
public static final int LIGHTSTONE = 89; // GLOWSTONE
public static final int PORTAL = 90;
public static final int JACKOLANTERN = 91; // LIT_PUMPKIN
public static final int CAKE_BLOCK = 92; // CAKE
public static final int REDSTONE_REPEATER_OFF = 93; // UNPOWERED_REPEATER
public static final int REDSTONE_REPEATER_ON = 94; // POWERED_REPEATER
public static final int LOCKED_CHEST = 95;
public static final int TRAP_DOOR = 96; // TRAPDOOR
public static final int BROWN_MUSHROOM_CAP = 99; // BROWN_MUSHROOM_BLOCK
public static final int RED_MUSHROOM_CAP = 100; // RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK
@ -108,7 +84,6 @@ public final class BlockID {
public static final int FENCE_GATE = 107;
public static final int BRICK_STAIRS = 108;
public static final int STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = 109;
public static final int MYCELIUM = 110;
public static final int LILY_PAD = 111; // WATERLILY
public static final int NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS = 114;
public static final int NETHER_WART = 115;
@ -119,7 +94,6 @@ public final class BlockID {
public static final int WOODEN_STEP = 126; // WOODEN_SLAB
public static final int COCOA_PLANT = 127; // COCOA
public static final int SANDSTONE_STAIRS = 128;
public static final int EMERALD_ORE = 129;
public static final int ENDER_CHEST = 130;
public static final int TRIPWIRE_HOOK = 131;
public static final int TRIPWIRE = 132;
@ -139,19 +113,16 @@ public final class BlockID {
public static final int COMPARATOR_OFF = 149; // UNPOWERED_COMPARATOR
public static final int COMPARATOR_ON = 150; // COMPARATOR
public static final int DAYLIGHT_SENSOR = 151; // DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR
public static final int QUARTZ_ORE = 153;
public static final int HOPPER = 154;
public static final int QUARTZ_STAIRS = 156;
public static final int ACTIVATOR_RAIL = 157;
public static final int DROPPER = 158;
public static final int STAINED_CLAY = 159; // STAINED_HARDENED_CLAY
public static final int LOG2 = 162;
public static final int ACACIA_STAIRS = 163;
public static final int DARK_OAK_STAIRS = 164;
public static final int IRON_TRAP_DOOR = 167;
public static final int HAY_BLOCK = 170;
public static final int CARPET = 171;
public static final int PACKED_ICE = 174;
public static final int DOUBLE_PLANT = 175;
public static final int STANDING_BANNER = 176;
public static final int WALL_BANNER = 177;
@ -232,51 +232,6 @@ public enum BlockType {
return centralTopLimit(block.getBlockType().getLegacyId(), 0);
* HashSet for isNaturalBlock.
private static final Set<Integer> isNaturalTerrainBlock = new HashSet<>();
static {
// isNaturalBlock.add(BlockID.COBBLESTONE); // technically can occur next to water and lava
// hell
// ores
* Checks if the block type is naturally occurring
* @param id the type ID of the block
* @param data data value of the block
* @return true if the block type is naturally occurring
public static boolean isNaturalTerrainBlock(int id, int data) {
return isNaturalTerrainBlock.contains(-16*id-data) || isNaturalTerrainBlock.contains(id);
private static final Map<Integer, PlayerDirection> dataAttachments = new HashMap<>();
private static final Map<Integer, PlayerDirection> nonDataAttachments = new HashMap<>();
static {
@ -158,27 +158,23 @@ public class BrushCommands {
aliases = { "smooth" },
usage = "[size] [iterations]",
flags = "n",
desc = "Choose the terrain softener brush",
help =
"Chooses the terrain softener brush.\n" +
"The -n flag makes it only consider naturally occurring blocks.",
"Chooses the terrain softener brush.",
min = 0,
max = 2
public void smoothBrush(Player player, LocalSession session, EditSession editSession,
@Optional("2") double radius, @Optional("4") int iterations, @Switch('n')
boolean naturalBlocksOnly) throws WorldEditException {
@Optional("2") double radius, @Optional("4") int iterations) throws WorldEditException {
BrushTool tool = session.getBrushTool(player.getItemInHand(HandSide.MAIN_HAND).getType());
tool.setBrush(new SmoothBrush(iterations, naturalBlocksOnly), "worldedit.brush.smooth");
tool.setBrush(new SmoothBrush(iterations), "worldedit.brush.smooth");
player.print(String.format("Smooth brush equipped (%.0f x %dx, using " + (naturalBlocksOnly ? "natural blocks only" : "any block") + ").",
radius, iterations));
player.print(String.format("Smooth brush equipped (%.0f x %dx, using any block).", radius, iterations));
@ -234,18 +234,16 @@ public class RegionCommands {
aliases = { "/smooth" },
usage = "[iterations]",
flags = "n",
desc = "Smooth the elevation in the selection",
help =
"Smooths the elevation in the selection.\n" +
"The -n flag makes it only consider naturally occuring blocks.",
"Smooths the elevation in the selection.",
min = 0,
max = 1
public void smooth(Player player, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region region, @Optional("1") int iterations, @Switch('n') boolean affectNatural) throws WorldEditException {
HeightMap heightMap = new HeightMap(editSession, region, affectNatural);
public void smooth(Player player, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region region, @Optional("1") int iterations) throws WorldEditException {
HeightMap heightMap = new HeightMap(editSession, region);
HeightMapFilter filter = new HeightMapFilter(new GaussianKernel(5, 1.0));
int affected = heightMap.applyFilter(filter, iterations);
player.print("Terrain's height map smoothed. " + affected + " block(s) changed.");
@ -33,15 +33,9 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.Location;
public class SmoothBrush implements Brush {
private int iterations;
private boolean naturalOnly;
public SmoothBrush(int iterations) {
this(iterations, false);
public SmoothBrush(int iterations, boolean naturalOnly) {
this.iterations = iterations;
this.naturalOnly = naturalOnly;
@ -49,7 +43,7 @@ public class SmoothBrush implements Brush {
Location min = new Location(editSession.getWorld(), position.subtract(size, size, size));
Vector max = position.add(size, size + 10, size);
Region region = new CuboidRegion(editSession.getWorld(), min.toVector(), max);
HeightMap heightMap = new HeightMap(editSession, region, naturalOnly);
HeightMap heightMap = new HeightMap(editSession, region);
HeightMapFilter filter = new HeightMapFilter(new GaussianKernel(5, 1.0));
heightMap.applyFilter(filter, iterations);
@ -44,22 +44,11 @@ public class HeightMap {
* Constructs the HeightMap
* @param session an edit session
* @param region the region
public HeightMap(EditSession session, Region region) {
this(session, region, false);
* Constructs the HeightMap
* @param session an edit session
* @param region the region
* @param naturalOnly ignore non-natural blocks
public HeightMap(EditSession session, Region region, boolean naturalOnly) {
@ -78,7 +67,7 @@ public class HeightMap {
data = new int[width * height];
for (int z = 0; z < height; ++z) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
data[z * width + x] = session.getHighestTerrainBlock(x + minX, z + minZ, minY, maxY, naturalOnly);
data[z * width + x] = session.getHighestTerrainBlock(x + minX, z + minZ, minY, maxY);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user